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Crate training labrador

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 2:13 am
by keirajohnston
I have and 8 week 5 day old choc Labrador who we are trying to crate train.
she eats her 3 meals in the crate plus also takes her self in and out during the day but never has naps in there always at your feet.
plus at night time she doesn’t voluntarily go into her crate to sleep and cries for 10 minutes before she settles and goes to sleep.
she starting to slowly follow our bed commands and takes her self in but almost automatically walks straight back out if we don’t shut the door

Re: Crate training labrador

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:13 am
by Srhorselady
When crate training our dogs we always give a treat when putting them in the crate. It got so they would run into the crate any time we got out a treat. Also young puppies miss their litter mates when put to bed. Soft towels and cuddly toys can help plus we always had the crate in our bedroom so they could hear us breathing at night. Good luck with your new pup! Labs are such nice dogs.