Changing seat

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Changing seat

Postby EmilyRyan » Thu Aug 26, 2021 4:18 pm

Hello! New here.

I'm currently starting to take dressage lessons after a long time of showing hunters and I am struggling with a few things. I ride very forward, light, short irons, etc. I need to deepen my seat, open my knee more, lengthen my leg, and gain strength as I've taken a LONG break from riding. Do you think riding in my hunt seat saddle with no irons is a good place to start, or will that push me into old habits? I don't have a dressage saddle at the moment.

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Re: Changing seat

Postby Chisamba » Thu Aug 26, 2021 11:00 pm

if you can lengthen your leg when you ride with no irons and sit more vertically it will help. even riding with stirrups but lengthening them a few holes will help.

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Re: Changing seat

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Aug 30, 2021 3:20 pm

I agree with Chisamba. Also I find with dressage thinking about your pelvis/hips is a big help. Also think about letting your leg be long and wrapping it around the horse without being tense.
Lunge lessons are the best too.

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