Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

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Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Chisamba » Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:53 am

I did not do the Jan Feb one because I brought my horses home for a month off.

I started Kimba back in work on Feb first and I think the break did her good.

Goals, ride four times a week, once out of the sandbox, get fitter myself.

Ready Kimba to show this year.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Josette » Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:33 pm

I'm looking forward to spring as we just got some frigid temperatures here in NJ. My hands go numb doing barn chores even when I try to move quick. Grounds are frozen solid so no riding until weather gets warmer.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby lorilu » Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:35 am

Two goals:
1. Continue to learn how to warm Bravo up so that he gives me his back.... we are getting closer, but he is still easier to sit after my trainer warms him up.
2 Continue working on timing the aids for the change so that he does not become tense and anticipatory.

both works in progress!

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Flight » Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:42 am

I've got 2 dressage comps lined up in the next few weeks and after my one yesterday, I'm hoping to get better marks!! That will be my goal.

Had a bit of a shocker yesterday, kinda funny now so I'll tell the story (possible language warning). I got 54% !! I don't think I've ever scored that low! Maybe back when I started dressage??

So, they had to move the original date due to weather, so the comp ended up before my nightshift. My draw time meant I had the morning to plait up and drive in, but not much time after my test to get home, get ready for work and head back in. I don't tend to do comps during my shifts.

All good, horse warmed up really well despite 32 degrees heat, but a wind picked up and when I went to present to the judge, I couldn't hear her because the wind was right in my earhole. I could see her mouth moving so I just said "I"m so and so".
She said (cranky voice) "I KNOW, go down the end and I'll ring the bell when I"m READY".

Oh shit I thought, great start I've already pissed the judge off.

The bell went and the wind promptly blew over the big A marker in the next arena. My horse saw it and just slammed on the brakes, wouldn't budge, did a big steamer all over his hocks and tail and wouldn't bloody move. I thought f#$king great I"m eliminated before I get in the arena!! So I give him a kick and manage to get him to go and he is snorting and passaging around and I finally get him in.
I ride like a crazy bitch to stop him trying to jam on the anchors to stare at the fallen marker and we were going well considering, I thought, hoooning up the longside for our medium canter like the fallen marker was chasing us and the judge hoots her horn.

What! EOC! I do them without realising fairly often and so I just yelled out "oh I do the simple change" and she seemed to agree with that, so I go do that and BEEEP I get stopped again. And I haven't a clue what I was meant to do then. So I went up and she said "you didn't do the 10m circle"
I said "yes I did"
She said "no you did not"
I said "I did, because when I did it I realised it was too big"
She (cranky voice) said "well there's me, the penciller and observer in the car and NONE of us saw you circle".

My brain is like "yes I did" but no use arguing and she tells me to do the circle and then I couldn't remember the rest of the test from that point on.
My brain had nicked off for a beer or something. So she had to repeat it like 3 times before I understood. I was quite rattled. Meanwhile my horse had gone to sleep, rested a hind leg and everything, so I give him a wake up kick and finish the test. It was a bit messy from then on.

LUCKILY, a friend had come and she videoed it, so I had PROOF I did the friggen circle. So, had to wait until all the judging was finished and show her. Was getting late and I was stressing because I had to go to work, but she watched the vid, do you know what she said??

"Oh he looks much better on video than he does in real life" Hahahaha WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, got the 2 EOCs removed thankfully otherwise my score would have been even worse, and it's an official test.

So, that's just horses and I've been lucky so far that my comps have been fairly smooth, so it's good practice to try and stay focused when it doesn't go right.

I watched the test, and it was a bit tense and hurried so probably worthy of the 54. However, lots of good stuff at the point of where we are training. He has lots of ENERGY!! Yay and his trot is coming on sooo nicely.
Even knowing these little upsets and my hurrying my horse along caused the low mark, it has dented my confidence a bit for the next comps. But I'll suck it up and hopefully ride better.

Pics from vid - I do think he's starting to look more like a proper dressage horse :D

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Brydie » Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:35 am

Really want to build strength so goals are
1. Hills once a week
2. Raised poles once a week

Flight - that's a bummer! It worries me that an official judge can miss something like a 10m circle!!! And makes me think were they even watching the test? Also how are you wearing a coat in that heat??? I died at my comp in Dec and it was only 26!

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby klark_kent07 » Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:15 am

Oh Flight, what a bummer! So glad you still managed to find some positives in all of that and you had proof of the 10m circle. How THREE people could miss a 10m circle is beyond me though... :/ ETA- Definitely looking like a big dressage horse now!

I've got an in house competition this Saturday. My coach usually runs them twice a year to let her students that don't own their own horse, experience a 'competition' environment. I agist my horse at my coach's property and always get roped into either doing a test in full comp gear or riding a freestyle for the kids to see. All fine except that it's likely to be about 35 degrees and I'll be wearing a jacket! :( Looking forward to riding through an Elementary in a stress free setting, before we head out for our first official test at this level in a few months.

Over the next month I would really like to improve on some of the little things- better corners, better preparation before the simple changes and a clearer start and finish to our medium paces. My horse is more than capable of doing a very respectable test at this level and I feel like it's time I stepped up and rode a more polished test from movement to movement!

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:15 pm

Flight, I think we've all been there. I had a season where all my movement scores were 8s or 4s-- with final averages ranging from 54-71%. Go figure huh?

klark_kent07 wrote:My horse is more than capable of doing a very respectable test at this level and I feel like it's time I stepped up and rode a more polished test from movement to movement!

I've been showing now for the better part of 15 years, and I'm still working on the above. Good luck!

And finally on to me and Kiwi. Over the next ~6 weeks, we'll be working on:
- More weight loss for me. Aiming for 5 lb per goal session
- Changes with unrelated distances (i.e. not yet 4s or 3s, but multiple changes on a line)
- Improved half-steps. Over the last 6 weeks, I played with reinback to half steps to extended trot, and it was remarkable how much more connected through her topline she felt. So we'll be schooling that again.
- Cantering for days. Recently realized that the trotwork is now probably 3rd/4th quality, but the canter (aside from the changes) is lagging.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:47 pm

It has been terrible weather (for us) but we are still working. That is something I suppose! Yesterday we were out in blowing sleet and snow. Not what my Florida girl prefers.

Thanks to the encouragement of this board, I did work very directly on changes with Emi last week (as opposed to just doing a few in schooling, but without a lot of attention). I kind of needed to get through my own hesitation about our tough side. I am encouraged by her willingness and not too crazy antics when struggling to change to the weaker side. I am also getting a better understanding of how quiet I can be in the change and how ready the new hind needs to be.

I think our work will suddenly "improve" when the temperatures are above 60 F!

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby MaryC » Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:33 pm

Way to carry on, Flight! Scores will be better next time without the horse-eating marker.

Until last week our weather has been great, and it's warming up today, so no excuses there! Our first show is at the end of April, planning on 3-3. It's ready to go, just need to refine the art of straightening after a half pass! We're looking forward to 4-1, so my focus over the next few months (in addition to the usual "straighter, rounder, better connection" mantra) will be the three changes across the diagonal. The first and last are to our more challenging direction, and my plan is to make it just as easy as the other way. ;)

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Kelo » Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:36 pm

Flight wrote: LUCKILY, a friend had come and she videoed it, so I had PROOF I did the friggen circle. So, had to wait until all the judging was finished and show her. Was getting late and I was stressing because I had to go to work, but she watched the vid, do you know what she said??

Wait, you are allowed to protest with video evidence???

A few years ago, I was at a reining show where the judge DQ'd me because I "didn't do" one of the required maneuvers. I had video of my ride proving I DID do the required maneuvers and protested immediately, but they refused to review it. Said the judge's word was final. So I lost about $500 in prize money :shock: :evil:

Anyway, your experience sort of sounds like the test from hell, but I sure wouldn't take it personally. Sometimes those things happen! Your horse looks great in those pics.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Feb 15, 2016 6:33 pm

Flight, I meant to say what Kelo stated: Your horse looks GREAT! Love the energy. Crazy test experience, but I suppose that is part of the showing adventure.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby demi » Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:13 pm

Well, Flight, sorry about your show experience but you have a good sense of humor about it. You and your horse look beautiful together and I am just going to blot that score out from my mind! I'm thinking that the pictures look like a 70% pair!!

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Flight » Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:38 am

Hey thanks everyone! Got another comp next weekend so will try for better!! Gotta laugh at this stuff, because I'm not playing for sheep stations after all.

Brydie, my jacket is one of those kerrits ones, so really lightweight. But yes, it was hot! My arse is too big to do the tucked in shirt thing so I try hide it in a jacket :)

Ponichiwa - I'm thinking at least doing really bad or really good might be better than just always doing really bad or really average?! :D I dunno LOL.
Kelo- I've never protested before, and I asked one of the other judges who'd finished, what should I do. She said first thing is to talk to the judge first and see if it can be sorted then. So I did and it worked :) That's really crap what happened to you. It's a bad feeling when you know you're in the right but they are telling you you're not.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Mareless » Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:04 pm

Flight- Loved reading your story. Sorry it was such a frustrating experience, but it did make a good story. ;) And your boy looks awesome.

My goals for the rest of Feb: to ride more! I was hoping to be at 3 rides/week and occasionally 4 at this point, but it's been twice a week all year. Going to try for #3 for this week tomorrow, and maybe I can squeeze in a fourth this weekend.

I've been wanting to work on energy level with my guy, but am not seeing much improvement yet. No wonder with only 2 rides a week. :( Every now and then he gives me a great ride, through his back and everything, but mostly it's kind of a "I don't feel like working that hard today, if you won't let me run on the forehand, how about I give you my cruise control version of a trot?"

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Brydie » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:18 pm

Rode hills on Monday and did raised poles yesterday so goals hit for this week! The amount of increased energy is quite remarkable (going from the feeling of always needing more to thinking whoa! But is probably the amount that's needed - not used to it!)

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:32 pm

Sweet, sweet success: I did multiple changes on a line two rides in a row. And they were only marginally explosive. Victory! I can only fit 2 in the indoor because it's basically a short court, but I can still fit in 2. Calling it a success.

Things that also weren't explosive even though I expected them to be:
- I did multiple c/w/c transitions, alternating the lead I asked for somewhat randomly to prevent anticipation, and things were smooth. And awesome.

- I asked for gigantic half-pirouettes (really, more like several short bursts of pirouette steps in a row) and they were a) successful, and b) SO COOL.

Super proud of my pony. So, naturally, I've got to travel for work this week. Drat.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby demi » Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:21 pm

Ponichiwa wrote:Sweet, sweet success:

Nice to read about your success. I like how much you, and most of us on this board, enjoy our horses!

So sorry that work is getting in the way!! Gotta pay for that hobby somehow. You seem to do so well with Kiwi in spite of work. Personally, I enjoy being retired, but I don't really care for the old body that goes along with it. I have lots of time to ride now, but no where near the energy that I use to have. Enjoy your youth while you have it, and don't forget some pictures now and then!

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Flight » Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:55 am

Ponichiwa, can you ever video your rides? I would love to see what you are doing. It's so hard to find stuff of people/horses learning things in the earlier stages (eg early pirouette work, changes etc)

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:30 pm

Very nice update, Ponichiwa! Go pony mare :-) And yes, we want photos so we can admire Kiwi.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:00 pm

Flight wrote:Ponichiwa, can you ever video your rides? I would love to see what you are doing. It's so hard to find stuff of people/horses learning things in the earlier stages (eg early pirouette work, changes etc)

I ride by myself 90% of the time, unfortunately. Let me know if you want some of the exercises I've been using + my thought process on them (because exercises themselves don't always do the trick).

Pictures are going to have to wait because I'm not happy with the weight I am. I'm the vainest.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby PNG_Pony » Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:51 pm

Well, I keep failing on the making goals route, after so many months of doing well. I shall chant to myself "my goal is to make goals, my goal is to make goals..."

We've had incredible monsoon rains here for February (record rainfall...and it's already a hugely rainy month...go figure after our 8-month record drought), so riding has been kept to lots of walking and short trots, as the mud suctions Rowena's legs to the ground... But, there's a lot we can do at the walk with honest connection and suppleness and not leaning on that left leg!! I'm also thrilled that I've finally found an instructor in the States who is able to give me video lessons and we communicate easily (there are so many awesome instructors out there...but it is an extra challenge to do it all by video), so that's been really helpful and our leg yields have been improving by leaps and bounds. We've had sun the last few days and things are drying out, so we're going to finally get to tackle the canter! Rowena has finally got the strength and balance to be able to stretch at the canter and do multiple transitions on a circle, and recently, she's just felt like moldable and gooey. Ooh fun.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby kande50 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:04 pm

PNG_Pony wrote:Well, I keep failing on the making goals route, after so many months of doing well. I shall chant to myself "my goal is to make goals, my goal is to make goals..."

Yup, I think up lots of goals while I'm sitting here in the chair, and even write them down on my blackboard down in the indoor--and then forget all about them as soon as my butt hits the saddle. But then, I usually motivate myself to put a saddle on my horse by telling myself that I don't have to ride, but can just go out and walk for half an hour and that will be enough. But then of course, as soon as I walk around a few times I want to trot, and then I usually work on lateral work because it's what interests me right now.

My goal for tomorrow is to work on halts, as I work on upward transitions all the time but very seldom remember to work on downward ones.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby kande50 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:08 pm

Ponichiwa wrote:
Pictures are going to have to wait because I'm not happy with the weight I am. I'm the vainest.

Just put a big flowing cape on and no one will be able to see you. :-)

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Niki » Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:16 am

Well my goal now is just to get saddle time - anything else is a bonus i think. Last thread i was aiming for 3-4 times a week, so far i'm anywhere between 0-4. The hot weather and work hasn't helped either. Works about to send me up north to fill in for a few weeks so most of march is pretty much a write off already.

Having said all that i think i'm crazy, i'm going to look at a 4yo ottb this afternoon. Very nice type and right price (free). I wasn't really looking yet for a second horse but just kept an eye out for anything that caught my eye. Being a 4 yo another very light year of work should suit him and will give me time to develop the relationship (and brush up big time on my groundwork skills).

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Anne » Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:21 pm

I'm totally enjoying reading everyone's updates, and love your photos, Flight.

PNG_Pony - I'm really interested to find out how your video lessons work, I've been thinking of pursuing something similar as where I am in nz we have few options for instruction. Could you perhaps PM me with a few more details? - TIA.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby klark_kent07 » Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:50 pm

I'm really trying to work on tidying up a few bits and pieces in my test riding. I am definitely on the right track as I know I'm preparing much better before movements but still need to ride better corners! Really enjoyed riding my Elementary (second level) test last weekend and was super happy with 65.45%.

I'm aiming for my bronze rider medal this year, which in Australia is 6 scores above 64% at Novice (first) and Elementary with a minimum of 3 having to be at Elementary level.
I'm also hoping to qualify for State Dressage Championships again this year, which isn't that hard normally, but I have 3 weddings and 3 hens parties to go to all in the next 3 months and they all fall on the weekends of competitions! They are family and best friends weddings too, so can't really not show... First world problems and all I know, but it's so hard to juggle this work, ride, compete, social, relationship thing and it seems it's only getting harder the older I get!

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Kathy Johnson » Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:06 am

I'm in a saddle and on a horse! Goals are being met. I know I'm supposed to be walking, but Orra felt so good. I know I'm supposed to be in boots, but I'm still wearing a major brace on my ankle and can't fit in a boot. Orra is the horse I trust the most. She's a kind horse and we really like each other.

The word from the neurologist is that I do NOT have CRPS (thank God), but he thinks a plantar nerve was stretched or cut during surgery. Stretched will heal, eventually, cut will not. Nerve pain is super weird and I don't have great proprioception in the right foot. I can NOT tiptoe. I won't miss that much anyway.

It's beautiful sunshine in Colorado. Don't worry, we'll get snow again.


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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Flight » Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:03 am

Ponichiwa wrote: Let me know if you want some of the exercises I've been using + my thought process on them (because exercises themselves don't always do the trick).
Pictures are going to have to wait because I'm not happy with the weight I am. I'm the vainest.

Yes, for sure! I'd love to hear some of the exercises you are doing.
I'm sure you look fine and you are your harshest critic when it comes to photos, but ok I won't nag you for photos then :)

I had a weekend dressage comp. On the saturday was elementary with my older horse. Our first test was pretty bad, 61%. He just wouldn't go and I was trying to be nice, tap tap c'mon horsey bit more effort, and then we were doing renvers and he basically walked. I cracked it and a bad word came out of my mouth and a big pony club kick, so then I had a tense horse still behind my leg, so that'll teach me. The judge gave me a 3 and "today, horse is behind the aids". It's been so hot for going on 2 weeks straight now, that he just doesn't have the energy in him. I jazzed him up for the second test and we got 65% but he still felt flat. He had 2 days off and today riding him in the morning when it's cooler, he felt really good. Might have to wait until summer goes before I worry too much with him.

On Sunday I took my young horse (4yo) for his second ever comp. It was hot again, but he is naturally much much more forward. Generally have to keep half halting him to stay balanced. So, with the heat I just had to sit there and go with him :)
So, just prelim tests and a 70% (came second) and 67% (6th) but he was very well behaved, and that was the main thing.
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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Brydie » Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:28 am

Flight - the heat is terrible atm! 30+ for days and days and the same this weekend! I'm lucky I ride early this weekend in my show (second test at 9.30am yay). You must be stoked with how hour young one went, he looks really good!

Had a really good lesson on Sunday even in the heat. We started a shoulder-fore to haunches in exercise (but was more like a head to wall leg yield). Never ridden it before so will be a big work in progress! Our walk to canter and canter to walk are definitely improving as he gets stronger :)

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby demi » Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:04 pm

I'm jumping threads here, but I want to continue from the Jan/Feb thread:

February Summary:
I went back and read my posts (which I am doing now on Word and then copying to UDDB. This journaling is not something that comes easily for me, but it is proving very helpful in keeping me on track with Emma.

Her hoof angles are steadily improving with trims. The last was Feb 26. Still room for improvement and we are going to go from a 6 week schedule to a 5 week.

I got in 15 rides in Feb which makes me happy. Last week was 5 rides, and this week zero because of lots of rain. I am still working toward 5 rides a week, one of those rides being a good 45 minute workout. Early in Dec/Jan we were doing 40 or so minute rides but that was in the getting to know each other phase and much of that riding was at a walk. Since mid Jan., we are going right to work at the beginning of each ride but only getting mostly 30 minute rides. I am still not getting one 45 minute workout per week consistently, but that is my new goal.

New goals for March (maybe April, too)
1.) one 45 minute workout ride per week
2.) for the 45 minute work outs: concentrate on straightness and add more canter. The canter work will be mostly full arena, using the corners to improve my own position/effectiveness. Lots of t-c-t transitions. Lots of change of direction across diagonal, and short diagonal.
The trot work will be also lots of full arena. But also lots of change of direction across diag. and through serpentines, with transitions to walk as we cross the centerline.
3.) get either a Micklem bridle, or a Tota Comfort noseband . Emma has done some noseflipping and so I experimented with more and less firmness in my hands. I haven’t had enough time to come to a conclusion on whether firmer hands were better, but since she also 1.)wants to rub her face on her legs during walk breaks, and 2.) is a somewhat fussy, prissy mare, I think it’s worth trying a special bridle.
There may be a bit issue to work out, too. I’ll work on the bridle first…

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Brydie » Sun Mar 13, 2016 5:14 am

Had our show today. Definite improvement over our last one. Had a few issues... didn't quite get enough warm up for our first test... I was overwhelmed by all the higher level horses in the warm up arena with me and just trying to stay out of their way! On Thursday we didn't have the greatest ride (gaping mouth) and didn't get to ride again due to the heat on Saturday/a bit of a lump on his back. The opening mouth continued today... not sure why he's started (maybe the lump on his back? It's a little tender to the touch, wasn't sure if I should have ridden or not, but it didn't seem to bother him when I put the saddle on him). Watched the video of the first ride and was not happy with my riding so I really tried to ride him better for the second test (I think it went a lot better!).

Videos - comments/critiques welcome.
Prelim 1:2 (4th)
Prelim 1:3 (6th)

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Flight » Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:29 pm

I was aiming to do well at a horse trials competition (eventing) but I've struggled for ages to convince my horse to jump so it can be a bit hit and miss and he said absolutely no way so we were eliminated.
It was disappointing but an easy decision to 'retire' (SACK!!) him from eventing and just do straight dressage. He did get an 82.6% for the dressage test (a training level one) so it's pretty obvious what he prefers doing :)
Going to miss the eventing weekends and friends that do it, of course I'll go and watch the local events but a lot of them were a few hours drive away and camping weekends.
I LOVED the atmosphere at eventing, I was very unimpressed with our 'championship' dressage weekend where I live, very unfriendly and cliquey but I'll just have to suck it up and try and kick their arses !!

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby demi » Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:36 pm

Flight, following your progress is fun and educational. Nice horse, nice rider! and you seem to be on top of things.

Brydie, I am having open mouth issues with Emma, too, so am watching your progress with Red. I watched your show vids and saw lots of really nice aspects of your riding.You look athletic and focused. He really looks like he is trying for you. I think, as you mentioned just a little over two weeks ago (on a different thread?...maybe the locking jaw thread), that he just needs to build more strength. I think Emma's issue is the same thing and it is hard, so hard, to not jump ahead and do more with her than she is able to give me. I have knee jerk reactions thoughts like "change the bit", "change the bridle", but I am going to go with just keeping things the same and give her time to build muscle.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:51 pm

Lovely progress, all. I love the pictures.

Yesterday, the lovely Kiwi turned 9 yrs old. She was unimpressed:

We're still reaffirming straightness. I'm taking a break from the demands of higher collection this week and am reestablishing consistent elastic contact and suppleness. I'll maybe add some on-the-spot steps in trot and/or canter if the connection feels right. Otherwise, lots of spiraling, changes of bend, and stretching in our future-- hopefully while also maintaining the same stride length and tempo. That's the challenge for the Kiwister.

I've got a lot of work travel (as per usual) and a big move in the next 3 months. That might table my showing plans til late summer/fall.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby demi » Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:55 pm

Just an update on Emma. I had been experimenting with adding a flash noseband and also with the firmness of my contact with the reins.The weather was working for us the last couple of rides and I was able to see her shadow from the sun quite clearly. I could see when she was opening her mouth and was able to associate it with what I was feeling and doing.

CONCLUSION: She still needs more time to build muscle, strength. Stay with the program we're on, trails not a good option yet. I will have to wait to take some lessons with a trainer because I dont want to change the current program yet.

Keeping the same amount of contact in the reins is not so simple. When I keep my own contact on the reins consistent, and keep the rein length the same, all that is necessary to keep her mouth closed is to move my hands forward a little when I feel resistance. The over all feeling is then "nice" and I can drive with my legs without causing resistance.

No flash necessary. I ordered a Tota Comfort noseband. It doesnt have a flash. It will be here tomorrow.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby demi » Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:24 pm

Also want to add Emma's hoof angle progress photos as I think it has a direct influence on her training progress. Sorry about the dirty hooves, but I am doing well just to get the pics taken and posted!
FullSizeRender (9).jpg
FullSizeRender (9).jpg (121.85 KiB) Viewed 27361 times
Em hind 31016.JPG
Em hind 31016.JPG (109.97 KiB) Viewed 27361 times

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Brydie » Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:46 pm

demi wrote:Just an update on Emma. I had been experimenting with adding a flash noseband and also with the firmness of my contact with the reins.The weather was working for us the last couple of rides and I was able to see her shadow from the sun quite clearly. I could see when she was opening her mouth and was able to associate it with what I was feeling and doing.

CONCLUSION: She still needs more time to build muscle, strength. Stay with the program we're on, trails not a good option yet. I will have to wait to take some lessons with a trainer because I dont want to change the current program yet.

Keeping the same amount of contact in the reins is not so simple. When I keep my own contact on the reins consistent, and keep the rein length the same, all that is necessary to keep her mouth closed is to move my hands forward a little when I feel resistance. The over all feeling is then "nice" and I can drive with my legs without causing resistance.

No flash necessary. I ordered a Tota Comfort noseband. It doesnt have a flash. It will be here tomorrow.

Yes I think this is what would happen with Red as well. The problems we have is as soon as I give he wants to fall on the forehand. So definitely a strength issue. Will continue to work hills and poles to help build that muscle. All so my trainer suggested amino acids after rides to help in muscle recovery.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Flight » Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:52 pm

Demi, feet are looking much better! My young horses hinds tend to want to grow long and slopy so I have to keep onto them. Trouble is, his feet are as hard as concrete! The sweat that pours off my head is incredible LOL!

I liked your vids Brydie, especially with the marks added in. Very helpful. It just takes time to get them strong and supple but looks like you're on the right track. Do you do much lateral work? The instructor I'm with now is very much of the older classical style training, and a lot of lateral work and small circles and bending etc, mostly at a walk and I'm finding it helping us heaps. When they use their back end more, with more suppleness, the front end seems to just sort itself out.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Niki » Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:22 am

So not much riding time for me as i'm up north still (40 degrees and high humidty = not fun outside). A friend who is tryign to get riding fit for her own mare is ticking Bess over for me.

I did manage to get a lesson in before i left which Bess was awesome for. Seems no major schooling except at lessons works for her lol. Instructor was very happy with how we were going and even had a sit at the end and had a very short play with half steps :) looks like i have more in hand practice there :)

A friend took a heap of pics for me again though i only have one on this computer.

I didn't end up taking the 4yo i spoke about - wasn't tall enough for me (and very short backed - would think would need a saddle to stay under 17" to fit). Having said that i happened to talk to a friend down south a few days later and shes offered me the last foal (now 6) out of my favorite mare of hers :) he's too tall for her and more sport horse type than cow pony. Hes a real cutie - about 16hh and well built (tb x qh). Well handled but not started so i'll i'll have fun doign that again (with no facilities lol) and best bit he's my fav colour - buckskin :) So being shes just had a new baby too i figure i have no excuse to not visit her now and will take the float just in case.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby kande50 » Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:34 am

demi wrote:Sorry about the dirty hooves, but I am doing well just to get the pics taken and posted!

I think I can see what you've got on the hinds, although the pic taken from above probably makes them look like they're at an even lower angle than they actually are. The front pix are much better.

I used to try to change the angle of my mule's hinds because his toes were so long and the heels so low, but finally decided that was the way they needed to be so pretty much just leave them alone now. He's quite sickle hocked so steps way under himself with his hinds, which I'm sure is why his hinds are shaped the way they are. I trail ride him enough that he self trims, so even though I look at his hinds and want to get under there and back up the toe, I've pretty much stopped doing that because 1) it's just cosmetic because his walls are already down to the sole so trimming just removes wall thickness, and 2) he apparently, needs all the wall he can grow because if I start backing up his toes he'll start getting ouchy on the stones, and 3) his walls are straight (no flares) so that may very well be the shape of his coffin bone.

Time will tell with Emma, but the shape of her hooves may just be a reflection of how she uses them?

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Brydie » Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:48 pm

Flight - I don't do nearly enough lateral work. Mainly just a bit of shoulder-fore and leg yield here and there.

Last night my ride focused on flexions (he was SO stiff in the poll - at first he didn't even respond to my indirect rein aid so I think we will be doing a lot more from now on.)

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby demi » Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:56 am

kande50 wrote:I think I can see what you've got on the hinds, although the pic taken from above probably makes them look like they're at an even lower angle than they actually are. The front pix are much better.
BOTH pics are of the hind. The first one was taken when I got her in November, the second pic taken this month after her third trim.

Time will tell with Emma, but the shape of her hooves may just be a reflection of how she uses them?

i wish I knew for sure. I'm just hoping the broken back angles that she came with are the reason she was having problems with the canter, and why she was being sold so cheap. Both my vet and farrier agreed that she needed correction. I haven't tried flying changes with her yet but the canter is solid now.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby demi » Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:03 am

Ponichiwa wrote:
Yesterday, the lovely Kiwi turned 9 yrs old. She was unimpressed:

What a mare face! Didn't she get carrot cake for her birthday?

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby kande50 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:08 pm

demi wrote:BOTH pics are of the hind. The first one was taken when I got her in November, the second pic taken this month after her third trim.

In that case, much better! They look like they're pretty close to a good angle so will now be able to reshape into a good, solid hoof.

i wish I knew for sure. I'm just hoping the broken back angles that she came with are the reason she was having problems with the canter, and why she was being sold so cheap. Both my vet and farrier agreed that she needed correction. I haven't tried flying changes with her yet but the canter is solid now.

Great news! She may have just been priced to sell, as I've seen that happen before. First the owners put a big price on the horse, get no takers, so then drop the price ridiculously low. Maybe that's what happened with her?

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:51 pm

Kiwi looks like she is modelling for Norman Thelwell.

Demi, Emma's feet look so much better! You must be thrilled at her progress!

Love following all the Australian adventures :)

Well, I brushed a fed carrots last night. And that felt like progress.

However, today I feel much more like a human being. I won't ride until Saturday to give all my flu wobblies a chance to wear off--don't need to be climbing on an enthusiastic warmblood who has been locked in the barn because of the weather for the last few days until I am on my game!

I can't wait to move to my new barn at the end of the month. New BM seems a bit more robust about flinging them out in the weather than current BO, who fusses about the grass getting cut up. And then there's the heated indoor arena, and the full size outdoor arena, and the trail access, and the on-site trainer... and the fact that it's 5 minutes from home...

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Sue B » Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:45 pm

Glad you are recovering moutaineer, I had severe laryngitis for a full 7 days and now, 12 days in still a scratchy voice but I feel human again. Lol. Hope your disease is shorter. :P

between my illness and our dog's troubles, i think i have brushed the horses once in like 2 weeks, and obviously, no riding. Just as well, since funds for showing and clinics have all gone to the dog anyways. My new goal is to put flying changes on Rudy by the end of April and to add small jumps to Tio's training/breaking.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Mareless » Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:42 pm

Sorry to those of you who have been sick. But then again, it's kind of nice to read that others haven't been riding as much as they'd like. For the past almost three weeks my schedule has been off, just when things were going good.

At first, I thought maybe my guy was slightly lame at trot. He was a bit off, but only under saddle. On the longe he looked fine. And since we'd just been making some progress on some new harder stuff (more contact, more impulsion, more through the back!) I worried maybe we'd overdone it. And that having my weight on his back was just enough to make him ouchy. So I gave him a week off. But even then something wasn't quite right at trot. Had his feet done, nothing there. Doesn't seem tender to the touch anywhere on his back, but he definitely didn't feel right when riding at the trot (unless we were outside trail riding, lol). So I did mostly walk work and a few trail rides. We're back in the (indoor) arena this week, and the 'off' is vaguely still there but just in one direction. I can't quite nail it down; is he sore or is he resisting/blocking on that side? In the other direction he's good, and at the walk he's great even when doing increased bend.

I've run through all sorts of possible causes in my head--footing in the indoor has completely thawed out and is now rather deep so maybe not so comfortable for him when working in trot with a rider (too much strain on legs?); he lost rather a lot of weight over the winter(feeding instructions not being followed by barn staff :x ) and the saddle doesn't fit the same; he's 17 and out of condition since he didn't get ridden hardly at all last year; he's stiff/blocking in one shoulder. . .

Today I had a knowledgeable friend come out and watch me ride him, and without me saying anything other than "he's been a little off, could you watch me trot him and then tell me what you think" she confirmed most of the ideas I had on what might be going on. Mostly that she doesn't think it's an injury (phew!) but more of an issue with weight/muscling/saddle fit combined with the harder work I am asking from him. So now I have a clearer idea of how to deal with it and where to go from here.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:42 am

Last edited by Ryeissa on Sat Sep 07, 2019 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Sue B » Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:59 pm

Riot looks amazing, so muscled up! I like how you sit in that saddle, it looks like it fits you and places you in a better position so that you can relax into your horse. Great job Rye!

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Re: Training goals, mid Feb to end March.

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:16 pm

Last edited by Ryeissa on Sat Sep 07, 2019 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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