Good job Mountaineer. Sounds like despite the conditions, you made the best of it.
I am just over the moon with how Kyra has been working. She is still not getting a ton of work but the last week has been more consistent.
One day she was a total wet muddy mess when I arrived thanks to a sudden rain shower. I just did some liberty work with her. She didn't want to stick with me (not a big surprise as she still, after all these years will take the upper hand if allowed
). So, rather than truss her up since liberty was the point, I simply built a loop in the lunge line and dropped it over her head and around her neck. She felt the weight of the line on her neck but was lovely in her work and there was seldom any tension on the line. She eventually decided sticking with me was an OK pursuit and I was able to do some SI and HI au naturale (at the walk).
While I have been trying to work through MY butt issues, I have been doing a lot of walk and a lot of lateral work in the walk. It is pretty amazing what benefit you can reap never getting out of walk.
That said, I have been able to tolerate w/t and c much better. Still not totally comfortable but not so much that it will stop me
. She has been working so good. Much improved self carriage. Fair softness in the contact (mare has a long history of contact issues due to pinching) and just has been a total pleasure to ride. I even got some smoking mediums today. Well cadenced and she was actually raising her shoulders. Canter work is good IF I get straightness (duh
). Right lead today was so rhythmic and loose. This horse used to do what I call Flamenco dressage--so much tension and quickness. My previous instructor called it stamping ants
. Left lead was a little inconsistent but overall much improved. I have started asking her for changes within the gait and that is going well. Did a great exercise today that really got her butt engaged. 20m circle at walk...canter from walk--one 20m circle. Walk and do a turn on the haunches then canter the new direction 1 circle, walk rinse and repeat. The canter transition is much more from behind and not lifted by her neck.
I still need a ton of fitness work. Not sure when to work that in but I keep trying. I can actually trot 2-3 laps of our large arena now...pathetic but an improvement
Happy riding all.