Goals and progress:. June and July.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:21 pm

Chisamba wrote:Mountaineer, I've often wished there was a bit library, whether you could try a number of likely bits for a couple of weeks before buying.

It could work if everyone was conscientious about disinfecting and returning.

there already is
http://www.dressageextensions.com/bit-t ... er/c/2030/

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:15 pm

I've seen that Rye, however they never have QUITE what I'm looking for :)

The Myler was a bust. Fiddled and drooled and rubbed his face, and then discovered he could just run through it... Back to the thin sensogan KK, which seems to be the most acceptable so far.

God Help Us When we try fitting a double...

However, apart from the bitting issues, we had a nice ride this morning :) and I'm just digesting my lunch before I go take my beloved spotty guy out for a trail ride on this hot and windy afternoon.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby leheath8 » Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:58 pm

Bummer on the Myler Mountaineer. My horse with similar mouth conformation really likes her basic egg butt Myler (not sure if its the barrel kind though - I think it is the standard one where the middle bit isn't so wide). She definitely prefers thinner vs thicker bits (she can barely close her mouth around some of the thicker ones) and I don't think she really likes loose rings bits (too much movement?). The Micklem bridle also made a big difference for her. Something else to consider (if you haven't already) , is that some horses with a thick tongue prefer a small amount of tongue relief. There is a dressage-legal Myler with a very mild port/tongue relief and I know several people who have had a lot of success with it. Unfortunately, it is bizarrely not legal in eventing dressage so not something I can use! :(

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Jul 10, 2016 12:43 am

Tried the Micklem, not a noticeable difference unfortunately. It was the dressage legal Myler.

Next step would be to try the Tota comfort noseband. Start saving my pennies (or selling some of my bit collection?)

However, trainer says it's probably just the way he is, and to stop obsessing over it. He does go pretty nicely in the 14mm KK, I'd just rather not see his teeth, so I keep searching for the unicorn!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby leheath8 » Sun Jul 10, 2016 2:54 am

My reward for when we make it to the double bridle stage will be the Tota comfort noseband! I think you should continue your search - I thought my last bit was "ok" but tried my current bit on a whim and both my coach and I noticed an immediate difference. It wasn't a huge, enormous change, but it was obviously she was happier - really it was less "clanking"/quieter mouth, which we didn't really notice as a obvious problem, until it disappeared. Good luck on your unicorn search!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jul 10, 2016 4:07 am

Ryeissa wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Mountaineer, I've often wished there was a bit library, whether you could try a number of likely bits for a couple of weeks before buying.

It could work if everyone was conscientious about disinfecting and returning.

there already is
http://www.dressageextensions.com/bit-t ... er/c/2030/

Libraries do not charge for the privilege of reading the book so it's not quite my vision. Shipping yes, and maybe late fees. ;)

But I did not know they did this thanks

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Jul 10, 2016 6:00 pm

Chisamba wrote:
Ryeissa wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Mountaineer, I've often wished there was a bit library, whether you could try a number of likely bits for a couple of weeks before buying.

It could work if everyone was conscientious about disinfecting and returning.

there already is
http://www.dressageextensions.com/bit-t ... er/c/2030/

Libraries do not charge for the privilege of reading the book so it's not quite my vision. Shipping yes, and maybe late fees. ;)

But I did not know they did this thanks

So who would pay for this library? they are not free, someone has to foot the bill for the services. Taxpayers fund most local libraries.

I'd be happy to pay $15 vs $200 and have a bit I can't use.

(that's not true. I buy $25 dollar bits so I wouldn't really need this service at this point)

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jul 10, 2016 6:23 pm

Ryeissa wrote:
I'd be happy to pay $15 vs $200 and have a bit I can't use.

(that's not true. I buy $25 dollar bits so I wouldn't really need this service at this point)

Exactly .

My " library" would have a nominal membership fee, and have donated bits from the stockpile of bits everyone has in a drawer or bag or box in their barn. It's not a profit related venture, just a service. It would not work, which is why it's just a dream. I did say DREAM. I have already used mini libraries from my nework of friends. I'll ask if anyone has a suggestion,. I've loaned out bits and borrowed bits. I bet you just between five or six local friends who have been around horses for a couple of decades I might have access to nearly two hundred bits. I bet most of us have a small stockpile of bits.

I suppose in a way friendship with others has already given me accessed to a bit library. My dream is true. :)

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:10 pm

Ok so you said it was free to use but had a membership. Now I understand.
My eventer friends swap bits a lot!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby demi » Sun Jul 10, 2016 8:14 pm

Good idea Chisamba. My sisters and I had a "lending library" in our garage one summer when we were kids. A bit lending library is interesting....

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Brydie » Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:32 am

End of financial year overtime is over yay! Rode both days in the weekend and did some schooling. Gosh I've lost fitness!! Could barely canter a few circles without breathing hard wow. Saturday morning we were challenged to 30 days no stirrups so after our warm ups I took them off. Abs and legs so sore now! Red was awesome though. Worked on softening his poll, which is quite stiff. Might get in one schooling session during the week, don't want to push him too much coming back into work.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Tuddy » Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:37 pm

I got my daughter to ride her quarter horse, Stetson, and I climbed aboard the #bigblackfreighttrain and we headed out for our first official trail ride. It was only around our yard, but it was something. With Lucas' back hock the way it is, he is only good for about 20 minutes at a crack. But it was better than nothing and we both had a great time. We are in for three days of rain or else we would do it again today, then I am gone for the weekend. Maybe on Monday we will go for another jaunt around the yard.

Picture is off a screenshot of video that my husband took of us, not the greatest, but it works. :D

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby galopp » Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:18 pm

(Khall, I do come east (west/north/south/and even canada..and out of the country---Greece/S.A./Asia/etc)

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby khall » Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:24 pm

gallop I am in middle Georgia, if you come anywhere near here I'll come ride with you.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Flight » Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:28 am

Still struggling with rainy weather here this winter, and now my horse is lame with a fat leg. No doubt done by behaving like a banana in the paddock!
My young horse is going well. My 14yo niece rode him really nicely the other day, and i was able to start getting her to do all the lateral moves, and he was really well behaved for her. So pleased with both.
I twisted the BF arm to take some photos, and I'm disappointed in my riding! I'm still leaning forward on him, and letting my lower leg slip back. It feels like I'm slipping back on him, so I seem to lean forward to compensate. However, watching my niece ride, SHE could stay very upright! So, I have to work harder and fix it!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Dresseur » Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:38 am

Flight, shoulders back and press the hips up. Do the posting/standing exercise making sure that you are really standing. Basically, right now, you are leading the motion with your shoulders and leaving your hips out behind. There is a great exercise with a balance ball, I'll see if I can find it.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:41 am

Flight, I am happy to forgive the positional imperfections, because such a lovely picture of your young horse working forward with ba lovely long neck reaching into contact.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby leheath8 » Tue Jul 12, 2016 4:15 am

Nice photos Flight! There are always things we could improve in our positions and our riding in general, but that is just part of riding...perfection is never achieved! ;) LOL Hope your lame horse recovers quickly and the weather improves. Regarding your position, you look like you are sucking back in your core rather than pressing it forward. I used to do the same thing (still do sometimes!) but the image that worked for me was imagining a wall in front of the saddle and wanting to not have my chest/head meet it first, but rather my core.

Teddy - congrats on the first successful trail ride! I totally understand how exciting it is when you make that first step towards your goals and a nice trail ride is definitely on my list of goals. :)

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:00 pm

Now that the drill team exhibition is over,. It is back to steady work .

Kimba:. We added Travers, and traversal on the diagonal today. I introduced the exercise at the walk toward the end of the walk warm up. Then Iv did my trot warm up including tuning in the ten m circles, some shoulder in and transitions within the gait. We did stretches for rewarding good effort, and a few one handed half halts from the seat to encourage sit.
Walk canter walk transitions with spiraling in and out circles. Satisfied with her efforts in these areas I approached Travers on the radio, using the mirror to help positioning, the taking it across on a diagonal to the center line in trot. One direction was definite easier than the other so I made it as easy as possible while still asking for effort.

Iv think it was good with fit her, focusing our attention as it did on what was going on behind the saddle.

Deneb had a fairly easy day, working on baby shoulder fore and transitions within the gait without racking.

There rest of the day was used up working my training horses so I did not get to Acacia. My Energy seemed to be a bit challenged, perhaps from all the immunoglobulin shots.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:57 pm

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby orono » Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:31 pm

Flight, don't be hard on yourself! Your horse is going beautifully under you, it will be really fun to watch him develop. Riding is more than drawing lines from riders 'body points' and comparing angles. There has to be balance, fluidity, relaxation, trust, rhythm, suppleness etc etc...His happy and relaxed expression speaks volumes!

Rye, I hope your boy feels better soon. Had that leg troubled him in the past?

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Flight » Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:50 am

Thanks everyone, I know I probably sound like a bit of a whinger and yes my young horse is doing really well. Thanks for all the nice comments! I just watch all the top riders and get frustrated that after all these years of riding, I should be like that!!
Dresseur - thanks, the hips up thought should help. I rode the next day just thinking shoulders back and I felt pretty unco. But thinking shoulders back with the hips up, feels more secure.
Leheath8 - that's a helpful image to think of, thankyou! I will definitely use that.
Chisamba - I'm trying hard not to ride this one from front to back, not to scrunch him up. Orono, yes it's easy to look at all the negatives isn't it. He is a nice horse and tries so hard.

Ryeissa, hope your horse is ok!

edited to add:
Thanks Dresseur and Leheath8 for position advice, videoed tonight and it's looking better :)
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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby leheath8 » Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:04 am

Ryeissa, I hope your horse comes right soon. My horse also just came up a bit sore. Bodyworker came today and was really happy with improvement in topline, hindquarters, and belly thanks to a ton of hill work this past month. Nothing specific or obvious causing the slightly not quite right movement to the right. Will see how she feels tomorrow after bodywork.

Prior to the NQR issue, she was rocking her jumping (and demonstrating a very strong preference for cross country!) and also finally figuring out renvers, travers, and half pass at walk. Canter/walk transitions are just becoming a reality and the canter itself was getting ever so slightly more balanced and adjustable. Hopefully this doesn't develop into anything serious.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:44 am

Rye and LeHeath, I hope your steeds feel better in short order.

Good Lord, we had a sudden cold snap. It was 36 degrees at my house this morning. Laddie had a "who moved my cheese" moment... The "B" cone had blown down next to the arena and you would have thought it was a dead whale. So naughty! I eventually had to get off (not an easy feat on a suddenly 20 ft tall horse, running backwards with his eyes on stalks and his heart hammering,) walk him round to "B", persuade him to let me get close enough to "B" to pick up the cone and stand it upright, then check out and sniff "B" to make sure it was (mostly) OK. Then we proceeded to give it the hairy eyeball every time we went past it...

We are obviously going to have to randomly turn over cones around the arena until we get over it.

Horses, already...

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby demi » Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:07 am

I haven't ridden in 9 days. We had a fence replaced that was falling down right next to the arena and the workers had their truck, trailer and stuff all over the place. It was a good time to take off because the heat index has been well over 100 every day. I'll start riding again tomorrow morning or maybe even this evening...

Everyone is looking so good! I am loving the "talk" on these threads lately because we seem to be paying so much attention to our own riding which, of course, has a good effect on our horses.

Your hard work is paying off, Flight. Your latest pictures are really nice and I can see the improvement.

Chisamba, your horses are really looking good, too. I am really enjoying following your progress, and the pics are so helpful.

I'm thinking it must be close to the release of the Soloshot 3...I am so looking forward to that (I think :shock:!!) Really, I know it will be so helpful, as I got so much out of just the few pics that my DH took of me and Emma.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:15 pm

I'm back in the saddle again! Although not on Kiwi, who is still on handwalking duty. The only place I can reliably handwalk without her sneaking snacks (yes, yes, I know I probably should have better groundmanners installed, but this is a pony we're talking about. It's basically torture to walk her on grass and not let her graze) is the arena, which... honestly, guys, it's really boring. But Kiwi's being a trooper about it all.

I borrowed my sister's pony who, coincidentally, is a half-sister to Kiwi, and made both of us work more than either of us really wanted. It feels good to ride again... and also that I can still zip my tall boots. These are wins, people.

Mountaineer, I'd die for a cold snap. Today's the third week of 100+F heat indices. I'm basically hibernating between 11a and 6p.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:05 pm

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby khall » Wed Jul 13, 2016 6:16 pm

So glad everyone is keeping up with updates! Flight I love your young guy and I find it interesting he is WB/Iberian X. My 2 yr old filly is half Lusitano, half Han/TB, my first foray into the Iberian breed. She has been very different to raise up than my WBs have been. She has the best brain and is a very thinking youngster. Very curious and is extremely people oriented. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =3&theater

Rye, glad Riot seems to be ok, sucks when they are NQR and we don't know what is going on with them.

Leheath hope your mare who BTW is very pretty, gets right soon.

Ponichiwa yeah for getting back in the saddle!! Ha on Kiwi grabbing grass, I have one of those too. She is convinced she is dying of starvation all of the time, yet is fat as a tick.

Mountaineer whee 36 is chilly! That is our winter weather here. I'm with Ponichiwa, would not mine having a bit of a "cold" heck "cooler" snap here soon! According to the local news channel this July is the hottest start for a July since they began recording the temps. Oh yeah, what a record to break. It is horrid here.

I am riding and or working my guys as much as I can between farrier Monday, horse stepping on shoe Monday night, had to pull the rear shoe then saddle fitter today, not getting as much done as I had hoped but what can I do. We leave to go to Yosemite for a week late tomorrow, so I have one more day to work these guys then off to enjoy some vacation with the family.

I want to start another thread on medium trot for those of us in the trenches. I've been fiddling with my guy trying to see what works. I've had in the past horses with more natural talent for mediums, even his dam is good about them, not spectacular but good. Big guy struggles some to open up the shoulders like I want to feel. I finally got a bit of it the other day that felt the best so far and it required me to encourage him up and out with the reins and then add a push with my seat and tap with the whip on the down beat, but I felt a better effort from him. Need video now to confirm my feel (or prove it wrong!).

Mare is going well, had my friend try and work with her at first just in hand and Gaila dragged my friend all around! Got to love horses, they keep you humble. My friend has trouble with hanging on the inside rein, her mare just hangs back but does not do anything, my mare took it as an invite to take her dirt skiing, sigh. Those WBs are not the kindest horses sometimes! She had a bit of good in hand work but I had to really referee, then got her on to work the mare in hand with friend on, that was very successful. Ah well, it did show me that my friends mare really is not terrible match for her or at least could be a whole lot worse!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Dresseur » Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:09 pm

Well, I'm about to be thrown back into boot camp after about 2 weeks off. My husband had surgery and there were some fairly major, unforeseen complications in recovery. Surgery went great, recovery, not so much. He's home and doing well, and I'm a couple hours out from shipping Miro over to my coach. Before all this happened, I had moved him to a new barn and he was doing great there, but I wasn't in love with the feel - most likely due to some tension. But, he's been starting to give me great moments in shoulder in and I was pretty close to reclaiming the feel that I had in our last "boot camp". In trail riding, he has been meeting lots and lots of puddles - much to his chagrin. So, that's been interesting :lol:

I've also been working hard on my position, (until the surgery obviously), and I feel like I have definitely made improvements there. However, I feel like I'm going to be an absolute lump today :(

In any case, I'll report back. Either we are holding steady or have taken a few steps back. I can't imagine that I've improved much since the move.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:26 pm

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby leheath8 » Fri Jul 15, 2016 4:56 am

Ryeissa - happy to hear it is nothing too serious with your pony. Mine appears to have a minor stone or heel bruise. It seems to be improving each day and doesn't get worse with work, so I think it will be OK with some lighter work, and no jumping, for a few more days.

Dresseur - I hope your husband's recovery goes well from this point with no more complications. Good luck with the boot camp! ;)

Khall - thanks for the compliments on my girl. Your half Iberian filly is gorgeous - I bet she will be a lot of fun to ride when the time comes. I love the description "thinking youngster!" That is how I would describe my girl - it can be a blessing and a curse (they learn good and bad things pretty quickly, and I always need to be think faster than her!) but overall I much prefer the ones that think things through.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby StraightForward » Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:18 pm

Glad to see this thread is so active!

Khall, where have you been hiding that filly? She's gorgeous!

Rye - hope Riot is back to 100% soon and you can figure out how to prevent any recurring soreness.

Dresseur, hope you're back in the saddle soon and your husband recovers; it's hard to imagine you being anything near a lump in the saddle. Your horse is young, and you'll make up the time very soon.

Pickle has made a lot of progress since the beginning of this thread. She's much more accepting of my leadership, and I'm feeling like getting on might be in the cards for the next 8-week challenge. I'm leaving this morning for a one-week vacation, but after that, I don't think I'll have to travel much at all until fall, so it will be nice to have several uninterrupted weeks to focus. We've been working on ground driving in the HSH gear, so she is well used to wearing a saddle. Last week she had her teeth done, so I'm introducing the bit more again. It's funny; she holds it very quietly for the entire schooling session, and then starts mouthing it and trying to spit it out the moment she thinks I'm ready to take it off. Regardless, I'll probably ride her in my serrata-type lunging caveson for the first 30 days or so, so I haven't been too concerned about introducing the bit. The last few days, we've been working on introducing LY/SI down the wall of the arena. She's picked it up really nicely to the left, but it's taking longer to the right, which is her stiffer side. I'm skeptical that she'll get to the point of half-pass in the long reins, but we'll see. She's also been kind of bargy with her shoulders and not wanting to halt very well, so that needs to be addressed when I get back.

She's now clipping, accepting fly spray, loading/hauling/unloading, and standing in the wash rack reasonably well for baths, so the stable manners thing has improved immensely and she hasn't had a conniption fit for a few weeks.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:37 pm

Straightforward, you said you would start Pickle in the serrata, does that mean you do not intend to port a rider on and long line her in the HSH system?

Khall, why do you think that your mare took your friend for a walk?

Rye, I went to a marvelous lecture linking sore backs to feet, stance and teeth in av way n that I had not understood before.

Dresser, I hope your DH is recovering and healthy!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:57 pm

Chisamba wrote:Rye, I went to a marvelous lecture linking sore backs to feet, stance and teeth in av way n that I had not understood before.

interesting, I've heard there is no such thing as primary back soreness -that it always comes from somewhere else but I don't believe that.

My horses' feet are fine and it's his topline that is generally sore. but Good thing I'm certified in horse massage! :) so glad i can help him out. He stands differently now that he is schooling collection- he was always fine but he's very much "a leg at each corner" and more prideful in his stance.

Hope to be riding soon

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Dresseur » Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:22 pm

Thanks for the well wishes. My DH is home and recovering well now. The only hitch is that he's in the stage where he wants to do all of the things that he can't do. It's infuriating!!

Yesterday did not go well for me or Miro- in that I just couldn't with the heat- so my coach rode him. He looked great and I had a positive report on progress and how he felt. I'm not great in the heat, but I was especially weak- you would have thought that I had the surgery!! I guess that's what a week of not taking care of yourself does.

Today was better, we got some good work in, and while I felt like I was all over the place, pics don't match what I felt, so that's good.

We're still doing the in hand work, it really helps to knit him together. We're being a little more demanding in the shoulder ins, we don't care if it wavers, but he must follow the inside rein and bring the shoulders off the wall. He listens well in the body, but he's so flexible that he can just kink himself up. The rest of the trot work is trucking along, serpentines, circles... The name of the game is that when I touch the inside rein, he has to follow it without stiffening or holding, and he can't boomerang back when I give on the inside.

Canter work is also progressing. The big thing to note is that on the right lead, he's been bulging the shoulder, my fix was to bring him back in with the outside leg. Well, that was causing him to go haunches in, and not stand up on the outside rein. Duh. My coach said that his hind legs are scribing the circle, but the shoulders are not, no I have to get his shoulders back in line. When I made that adjustment, it was so much better. So, that's one for me to keep in my head! There was something else that I'm forgetting about making sure that he's taking equal weight in the reins, but I can't remember what we were doing when she had me correct that. I'm blaming the heat on that brain fart :/

And pics!
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Hands are wonky because I was just starting to give my inside hand forward to test what I had.
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Canter work is coming along, my position is slowly making progress too
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We ended on some lengthenings. He keeps saying that he has more in the tank, but we are NOT pushing these out yet. I think when he has the strength, this will be a highlight for him.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Dresseur » Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:30 pm

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Three more pics, since it only lets me do 3 at a time :)

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Brydie » Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:50 pm

Dresseur you both look AMAZING!

This is Red last weekend after 2-3 months of minimal work/last 2 weeks completely off.



We have a lot of work to do!!! (I've also put on a couple of kilos :()

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:30 pm

Brydie, when is his due date?? ;).


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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby musical comedy » Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:36 pm

Dresseur, he looks like a mature advanced horse. Unbelievable he is only 3. You both look awesome.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Dresseur » Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:04 pm

Thanks MC. Most of that is just him. We're keeping everything simple and short. He hacks out a lot, and we keep things fun :)

here are some quick snippets:

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby musical comedy » Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:09 am

Dresseur wrote:Thanks MC. Most of that is just him. We're keeping everything simple and short. He hacks out a lot, and we keep things fun :)
here are some quick snippets:
Gosh, he is just so round, over the back, and through looking. Are you going to try for a little schooling show in the Fall? Actually, you'll be ready for a Recognized show, but it's best just to get him out and about a bit first.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby StraightForward » Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:23 am

Chisamba wrote:Straightforward, you said you would start Pickle in the serrata, does that mean you do not intend to port a rider on and long line her in the HSH system?

Khall, why do you think that your mare took your friend for a walk?

Rye, I went to a marvelous lecture linking sore backs to feet, stance and teeth in av way n that I had not understood before.

Dresser, I hope your DH is recovering and healthy!

I need to review the DVDs again, but I don't think he long lines the horse with a rider using the side reins, etc. IIRC, they transition to working the horse in double bridle from the ground, then the rider mounts, and perhaps there is a ground person with a lunge line for the first ride or two. I definitely won't be putting myself or anyone else on a horse that is in side reins on long lines!

I started my Appaloosa mare in the serrated and it worked nicely as a bit less bridle, and has the center ring to attach a lunge for ground control for the first couple rides if needed. I just prefer not to take the chance of bumping the mouth at that stage of training when little baby bobbles are bound to happen.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Dresseur » Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:33 am

I'm going to hold on showing until next year. No reason to blow his pea brain quite yet. Believe it or not, steering is still sometimes optional on him :lol:

I'd love to bring him out at 1st level next spring. Maybe try for second towards the end of the year- but I'm in no hurry. When they time comes, I'll go straight to recognized. He's already been out and about quite a bit, he showed at breed expos as well as did very well in hand at Devon with his breeder, so I'm not concerned about the atmosphere fazing him. Interestingly, he is odd about footing- it makes things exciting. Which I don't get, because his breeder gave him a great start!
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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby musical comedy » Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:06 am

Aw he is precious! That water pic is so darn cute. I'm envious.

Interesting about the footing, Dresseur. I had one mare I bought as a weanling. She was really funny about footing as well. It wasn't that she wouldn't work in all footings, but she was concerned about what was on the ground. Like if dirt was piled funny; stuff like that. She was also really weird about her hooves, which may tie in the footing thing.

Hey, maybe someone should start a thread about baby horse pics.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:34 am

StraightForward wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Straightforward, you said you would start Pickle in the serrata, does that mean you do not intend to port a rider on and long line her in the HSH system?

Khall, why do you think that your mare took your friend for a walk?

Rye, I went to a marvelous lecture linking sore backs to feet, stance and teeth in av way n that I had not understood before.

Dresser, I hope your DH is recovering and healthy!

I need to review the DVDs again, but I don't think he long lines the horse with a rider using the side reins, etc. IIRC, they transition to working the horse in double bridle from the ground, then the rider mounts, and perhaps there is a ground person with a lunge line for the first ride or two. I definitely won't be putting myself or anyone else on a horse that is in side reins on long lines!

I started my Appaloosa mare in the serrated and it worked nicely as a bit less bridle, and has the center ring to attach a lunge for ground control for the first couple rides if needed. I just prefer not to take the chance of bumping the mouth at that stage of training when little baby bobbles are bound to happen.

I definitely remember in the video him starting the horse in the long lines with the rider on his back, doing all the stuff he did in the lines, with the rider, ( lateral work, transitions to canter etc)

i did not try it myself, i did a lot of the ground work he did, but then stopped and rode the way i was comfortable with , my bridle that i start the horses in has a noseband attached to the bit so that the pressure is spread over nose and bars but the horse is less likely to put the tongue over the bit.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:42 am

I am reluctant to post this with Dresseur looking so polished on her boy, but here is a snippet of Deneb, not being crazy. I am quite happy with her progress, and remind myself to compare her to who she was before, not to others.


i realize the video is only in one direction, I do ride her both ways ;)

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jul 16, 2016 5:53 am

I'm taking a few days off riding, in San Fransisco for a conference and eating fabulous food and freezing our behinds off... Laddie is in the tender hands of my trainer until my return...

Probably a poor idea the weekend before a show, but that's life.

Anyone ever had strawberry and douglas fir confit? Like eating a fruit flavored Christmas tree.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Flight » Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:48 am

Khall, your filly is gorgeous! And looks lusitano - so beautiful. My guy still looks like a "miscellanous- other" :D They are smart though, mine is a bit disturbing how quickly he figures things out, I am a bit nervous of teaching him bad stuff.

Dresseur - wow, great pics and vids. Would never guess he is 3! But he's so well put together and you ride him so well, that it looks like it's easy for him. You certainly don't look "all over the place" :D
Love the baby pics!! ADORABLE!

Brydie, he looks good for over winter, even a bit of a tum :) Wont take long to muscle back up and once the winter coats shift on all of our horses, they look will all look great (mine are like teddys). Can you ride more now?

Chisamba - Deneb looks great too! Like, balanced and steady, really good improvement, you should be really proud!!!

My 2 are about to get 4 or 5 days off - going skiing!!!

(Mountaineer, not sure what a confit is, but fruit flav chrissy tree sounds yum).

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby musical comedy » Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:37 am

Chisamba wrote:I am reluctant to post this with Dresseur looking so polished on her boy, but here is a snippet of Deneb, not being crazy. I am quite happy with her progress, and remind myself to compare her to who she was before, not to others.
Deneb is a really pretty mover! You have reason to be proud, not reluctant to show her off.

You all have nice horses. Comparing to others (which I admit I do) is not good. Everything is beautiful in its' own way (remember that tune).

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Dresseur » Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Chisamba, I agree, she's a lovely mover and you are developing her well. Lots to be proud of in her, yourself, and the work that you're doing.

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