Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

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Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Fri Jan 01, 2021 11:03 pm

Well it's officially a new calendar year. Here's to health and growth for all. I figured I'd start the topic as my session goals are simplistic this time.

Kora to kick the Lyme disease, retest post antibiotic treatment first week of February.
Get back to riding once Kora feels well
Rebuild her melting topline

I do have some pretty darn exciting news that I will be starting a new position as a consultant for a firm and will be 100% working from home. I'm ecstatic for several reasons including more money (ahem vet bills) and the career growth opportunities going forward. I had a staggering 7 interviews and everyone was just lovely so I'm super excited to start with this team.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Jan 01, 2021 11:15 pm

Well, I should chime in since I am in a parallel universe! And congratulations on the new position, Aleuronx. Sounds like lots of positives! (and I've had a few of those interview marathons, too)

Follow/monitor/observe tack walking prescriptions and graduate to small turnout for the mare (suspensory injury healing)
Enjoy that I get to work on my position while doing re-hab on my beloved mare!
Keep up with very steady working out (walking, barre, stationary bike interval work) so that I can be ready for real riding with someone, sometime.

I have 3 new people starting work with me next week. I'm excited to have their talents on the team and am determined to be a good coach/leader for them.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 02, 2021 1:39 am

So, Laddie, confounding beast that he is, was sound on the longe today. I will get on him tomorrow and see how he feels under saddle.

I'm not setting any goals except continued soundness at this point. I am starting to wonder whether the old man needs to step down a bit. He needs a job, but maybe he would be better off packing around someone less demanding. I need to process that over the next few weeks.

Glad the job came through for you, Aleuronx! Very exciting!

Piedmont, continuing jingles for Emi. She may yet suprise you.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Sat Jan 02, 2021 3:24 am

Me/general (carried over from last time):
Ride tests! Any tests! Just practice riding some sequence of something
Remember to exercise when I can't ride
Remember to ride even when it's cold and dark
poles, poles, poles

Work on developing a smoother canter half pass
ground/in hand/lunging work at least once a week
Work on a very collected canter
work on half steps (on the ground/in the saddle)

Go to a show in Feb
Get more balanced c-t-c transitions
Continue working on SI in the trot and introduce bits of HI at the trot
continue to develop more strength and uphill balance in trot lengthenings

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sat Jan 02, 2021 3:45 am

So, I am fired up to start the new year ambitiously.

1. Continue my themed pole work once a week. this week i invented a key since the century turned 21 and became an adult .
trotting the key
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2. like Blob I want to ride tests.

3. get Saiph out in preparation for showing this year

4. Kimba's changes b show ready

5 Confirm Caliburn at second level, especially canter work.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Jan 02, 2021 4:11 am

Many of my goals are the same!

1. Get lunge lessons and hopefully Dressage lessons with consistency.

2. Continue dabbling in jumping lessons, I think it might be a good fit for my daughter this summer too (she wants to jump eventually.)

3. Find a horse. This simply has to happen in 2021!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:39 am

As usual, I don't have any concrete goals besides enjoying my pony as often as I can :mrgreen: . I lost my pen cleaner so have added that chore to my to do list. I love doing it in the winter...NOT. Oh well, it should be good for me if I don't kill my left foot on the sloppy or frozen (our 2 choices in winter) ground. It is supposed to rain for the next few days. Oh joy.

Our indoor hasn't been worked in a couple weeks :( and with the freeze/thaw, it is so chopped up and isn't worth the chance of injury with working her. Hopefully with the holidays over, it will get done soon. So today, I did a little 2 minute Spanish walk session. Set my phone on a jump standard and here we are...

I really need to work on my fitness as usual. With Mom living with me, I tend to vegetate in my chair to keep her company. Not good. I am going to work on my rowing machine. It is all of a 20 step distance out in the garage. Once I get in some semblance of shape, I am going to start doing HIIT. I read an article on Firefox that intervals of as few as 4 seconds of high intensity and doing 15 reps of 4 seconds (with rest in between) very beneficial for middle age and older people. I can do that.

Once the weather gets better in February or March (hopefully), I will rethink and make some riding goals. Kyra will need some fitness work too so something to work toward.

HAPPY NEW YEAR. I hope it is better than last year and people can get back to some semblance of normalcy.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:14 am

Congrats on the job Aleuronx!
Hoping Emi comes good and that Laddie stays sound. Ding's a bit off at the moment too. He has a funny crack in his toe that he had an abscess in so I wonder if it's that.
Got some good SW happening there Kyra's mum :)

My goals, be able to ride through an Inter1 test and start some Inter2 with Ding.
Norsey, just keep battling on with piaffe and piris with him. The piri stuff is baaaaaaad!!!
Me - lose 10kg! I'm 3kg in.. no turning back. Want a total of 20 off. Lets see if I can do 10 in 2 months.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Jan 02, 2021 3:02 pm

Yes, Aleuronx congrats on the new job, very exciting!

So, I am jumping on the band wagon of being ambitious,

1. We have a recognized show the weekend of the 23rd. I'll be riding Second level test 3 all three days of the show. The exciting part for me is that I'll be coached by my favorite (but very tough) instructor who's a USEF S judge so it'll really be like getting a clinic for me (and a huge reason why I decided to go). If I can keep the counter canter and pull of the test with scores in the mid 60s it'll be a huge win and a sign to me that we can go back to the FC.
2. I have a show coming up in February as well which I haven't decided yet what classes to show, likely 2nd 3 with a goal of really getting forward and power coming over the back....
3. Using my new Pivo to improve my riding.

1. I took Brandon out on the roads yesterday and he did extremely well but tired easily due to his age and being so green so I plan to just gradually build up his stamina a strength with trail riding.
2. I also hope to have his canter under saddle at least reasonably forward and 'balanced for an intro level horse) by the end of Feb.
3. Continue to get him exposed to lots of stuff including getting him back on a trailer since I haven't loaded or hauled him since I brought him home.

This one is easy, just enjoy having a pleasant, fun, sane horse to trail ride. My goal will be to keep him in shape for that purpose.

Happy riding everyone!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Sat Jan 02, 2021 3:15 pm

Odin rang in the new year with a very exciting high fever of 41.2C :( Today is going better though, after the second in a series of penicillin injections. He started eating again this morning and is looking perkier. I am away on holiday, just super grateful he is in such professional, capable hands.

I am not sure of goals for the year yet. Continue paying all money for horse care seems as much as I can come up with right now :lol:
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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:52 pm

First off, jingles for Odin and Laddie
Chisamba, your poles look like a great deal of fun.

I actually managed to at least ride Rudy on New Year's day; my plan to ride Tio was way-layed by the "sudden" appearance of my deceased friend's mare in my pasture. A friend of mine called me while I was down the road with Rudy and asked if she could pick up said mare from my clinic and deliver her to the house. What a wonderful offer! Couldn't say no, so Rabbit is now at home on 12 acres instead of in a pen at the clinic. So far she is getting along fine with the boys over the fence, fingers crossed it all goes okay when I open the gate!

Both horses are sound right now, which is amazing given the weather and Tio's affinity for foot abscesses. I mainly worked Rudy out in the field and on the farm road instead of in the arena, primarily to keep us both warm in the bitter east wind. My struggle yesterday was trying to stretch down over my knees and to keep my hands forward but not too high. I still definitely want to fall into a chair sit when riding Rudy, especially when he is not wanting to lift his back. Intellectually, I know what to do to make it all better but sometimes it's physically challenging. With persistence, I did manage to get us both on the same page, however, in the rising and sitting trot so I count that as a win. One thing I noticed was that when I asked for walk toh to the left, Rudy was throwing me to the right, and when doing left si I was wanting to "pull" on the left rein and cross the right rein over his withers. My fix was to go back to toh and make sure I stayed in the middle of the saddle and that I was stepping more on the left stirrup. Once I got my body organized, I was able to insist he use his body correctly too and, presto!, a nice tight toh. Then I revisted si in walk, then trot, using the same principles and, again, nice forward si with soft inside rein. Time and time again, I find my troubles with reins and hands goes back to making sure my seat is correct. When that's right, the hands take care of themselves :D

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:05 am

Double post
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Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:05 am

I think this 2 months will be fairly low key for me, riding-wise. This month I'm doing Jillian Kreinbring's biomechanics workshop online one night a week, and have also signed up for the 30 day FeldenFit challenge with the Feldenkrais practitioners the Ritters work with.

Tesla is making good progress with the lunging, and I probably won't ride her much until she is cantering better on the lunge in both directions. It seems to at least partially be a matter of convincing her that she has a left front leg that is perfectly capable of supporting her weight.

The clouds literally parted today so I was able to get some video as baseline to compare Annabelle's progress this year. I'm planning to have her on a lighter riding schedule for the next few weeks, but the focus going forward is improving control of the body parts and better use of the hind legs. Doing LY left in pony trot today she totally stalled out, I think because the pony trot didn't let her cheat on carrying with her left hind. Some working getting that leg more carrying will go a long way. And someday I'll learn to turn my torso to the right and stop collapsing left. Hoping the Feldenkrais challenge will help with that. https://youtu.be/nSOSbAPicCI
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:10 pm

:cry: Mountaineer is Laddie hinting at retirement :?:

I am really enjoying the themed pole because the number of ways to ride through them is almost unlimited .

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:21 pm

Jingles for Laddie mountaineer!
Jingles for Kora too!

Flight lovely pick of piaffe with Norsey

I have some firm goals this time

Joplin keep going with the trail riding. Take her to a show just for outing not necessarily to show. Expose her to WE. Hosting a clinic this month to do so
Work on her canter and transitions in and out. More lateral work both at trot and walk.
So enjoying riding my worker bee!!

Gaila similar goals as to Joplin. Get her off the farm. Work on her canter and her piaffe work. Do some WE

Rip see how he is going to handle the changes in his airway. I think he’s going to be ok now I need to get on him and press him to see
Work with long lining more. Helps with the collected canter and piaffe. Watching the SRS long rein demo helps to encourage that

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:10 am

Chisamba wrote::cry: Mountaineer is Laddie hinting at retirement :?:

I think he is. Unsound again today. Time to get the vet back in.

I'm not even sure how (or whether) one retires a very large, hard keeper warmblood with a painful foot.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:37 am

Moutaineer wrote:
Chisamba wrote::cry: Mountaineer is Laddie hinting at retirement :?:

I think he is. Unsound again today. Time to get the vet back in.

I'm not even sure how (or whether) one retires a very large, hard keeper warmblood with a painful foot.

I had Beccot, she retired with me even though she had her most productive years with Dresser. Sadly, when the foot just became too sore, even though she was otherwise healthy, I had to help her over the bridge. It was sad, but not as sad as seeing her really struggle to walk.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Jan 04, 2021 2:09 am

I feel for you, Mountaineer. Also thinking about Piedmontfields and Emi.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:05 pm

Wishing all who need them healing vibes. My guys are all sore but that's because I vaccinated them yesterday.

I gave Brandon and Ace the day off; but, prior to vaccinating I had a lesson on Junior. Poor guy got his blanket clip (body clipped, legs hairy), hauled one hour each way for a lesson, worked well and hard in his lesson and then vaccinated. We worked a bit first and then rode Second level test 3 for my instructor. She's an L grad. She scored the test which we've never ridden before yesterday (though obviously I've ridden previous renditions of second level test 3 on Junior's predecessors). We received a conservative 63. My instructor is well known for not giving feel good points so I think it was a very fair assessment of the ride. Honestly, though nothing to brag about, I feel stoked knowing that what we need to improve for a better score is doable even in 3 weeks. I also got an extra boost because her/our instructor who is a USEF S judge is going to coach me the day before the show and all 3 days of the show which is more than worth the money of paying her and paying to show. It is she who coached me for the majority of my prix st george rides where I scored in the 60s. Also not a 'liberal scoring' judge so it's often that if we satisfy her in the warm up, I'm able to pull it out of the bag in the test ;)

Any how the majority of what I have to work on revolves around the basics and quality of the gait (no big surprise, right?) and with my new pivo, I think I can honestly say we'll be giving it our best shot riding a "6" mover. Oh and flame suit fully zipped up for all to read and for those at the show......I'm pulling out the amateur card again. I decided when I saw the option to show vintage, which I'm not, that there is no reason why I must relegate myself to ride open any more. In the end it's still the score itself and myself that I'm riding for and against; but, I'm tired of bending over backwards to satisfy the peanut gallery when legitimately I am a card carrying amateur.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:34 pm

Best wishes for all those in some form of equine rehabbing mode. Hope everyone pulls through stronger and sounder than ever.

I've discovered a new canter gear with Queso over the last 2ish weeks thanks to cavaletti work, mainly, and it's the basis of our newfound flying change abilities. It's quite a bit quicker tempo than his normal (and if I'm honest, very comfortable) canter, but that's what's necessary to give him some suspension.

In the next 2 months, here's what I'll be working on with Queso:
- New canter gear: work on "squares" in the canter (quarter-turns with medium canter on the straight lines)
- Trot: half-steps 2x/week. Medium trot out of it.
- Ride 4x/week at minimum; really school 3x/week

Goals for me:
- Walking at least 1 mile 5x/week; stretch goal for 3 mi/day during the work week
- Tracking calories again; would love to lose 10lb over these 2 months
- Journal 1x/week
- Take Queso to a clinic

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:08 pm

So Rabbit, my friend's horse that I inherited, was welcomed by the boys with open hooves and now "belongs" to Rudy. I tied her in line with the other two while I rode and she was a bit fussy at first, but soon realized all things come to those who wait. It was dry enough Saturday that I could ride both boys in the arena all 3 gaits etc.
During my warm-up, I rode Rudy on a super long rein (think "free walk on a long rein" long) in the rising trot, doing circles, serpentines and rubber band exercises just to see what he'd do. At first he went with his head way up and out, then he tried dropping way low, then into "neutral" where he could have a soft forward contact. In the trot, he tried being strung out, rushing, on the forehand, in various combinations and then settled into a balanced working trot that i could vary from pony trot to medium trot with just my seat and legs. It was a fun experiment lasting only 5 minutes or so which, ultimately, Rudy found very relaxing. What I gleaned from it is that he's fundamentally a well-trained dressage horse and that I probably don't suck as much as I think I do. :P At any rate, for the actual work of the day, I'm working on trying to get a schooling canter in self-carriage ala Kyra Kyrklund in order to finally get consistent fc's.

Tio, was super on Saturday for him. I didn't lunge but just hopped on even though he hadn't been ridden in like 2 weeks and he was attentive, forward, eager to strut his stuff while Rabbit watched. :lol: No jumping though and very short canters because I still worry about him tripping or slipping and me dying. The arena is very good but there are one or two slicker spots. Anyway, what I liked best was his quietness in the bit; it seems he is getting stronger and more able to carry himself without getting fussy. Unfortunately, the sun went down while I was riding Tio and so Rabbit never made it into the arena, but she did groomed and her share of the treats.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:12 pm

I’ve been getting 4-5 rides a week since the heat broke in September, so that’s 4 months. So my first goal for this time is:

1.) keep riding 4-5 times a week through the winter. Texas winters are relatively mild.

Last time for my goals, I sent a T-3 test in to a USDF judge. As a result I’m re-adjusting myself and Rocky to the shorter rein length that I was using in the test. Two things my trainer has been nagging me about were to shorten my reins, and lower my hands. I overdid both :oops: :lol:. So I’m also working on finding the right height for my hands. I’ve been working on those two things for 2-3 weeks and I think I am close to where I want to be. I’ve been analyzing video and screen shots of the work almost obsessively. I’m learning a lot about my riding by actually measuring rein length in screen shots. I have a clear, flexible metric ruler. I pick screen shots that are directly from the side and pinch them out to the size where my forearm measures 2 cm from my little finger knuckle to the point of my elbow, then I can compare rein length wrt my 2cm forearm. There is, of course, some error involved in the measurements but it’s close enough to give me a much more accurate idea of how long or short my reins really are. So my second goal is:

2.) Get to a place with rein length and hand height that lets me do a T-3 test with NO CURLING and NO HEAD TILT. Then video the test and send it in to the same judge.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:13 pm

What a nice little herd, SueB! I would have guessed Rudy would be the new “owner”!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:39 pm

Exvet, you shouldn’t let it bother you in the least if anyone has a problem with you showing as an amateur. You have a demanding full time “real” job that has nothing to do with dressage. Anyone who would complain about your amateur status is just being petty, or jealous, or both!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:29 pm

What a cute trio of blazes there, Sue!

Double-lunged Tesla W/T/C in both directions yesterday after some IH work pushing her out onto her LF as it landed. Grounding that leg seems to be going a long way towards convincing her she can balance, and she is starting to work out how to coordinate her hind legs on the right lead.

Yesterday I trimmed Annabelle's feet, and decided to put her hinds on the medium SureFoot pads. It was interesting in that she started a gentle sway with her hind legs and I could see the muscles around her stifles popping out as she swayed. I don't know if I'll get this result every time, but I'm thinking of putting her on these a couple times a week while she's on her semi-break for the next few weeks and see if she feels a little stronger on her LH as a result.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby quinta » Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:42 am

We are settling in for the real start of winter - up to now, we haven't had much snow and temps have been unseasonably warm.

Autumn - keep working at getting that left hind to engage, do poles / caveletti once a week, and now that we have snow instead of ice, get back out on the trails (winter blanket hacking is the best)

Nia - work the little nugget three times a week, at least once one the trail. Start to add canter to our arena rides. Increase the moments of nice elastic contact between the llama impressions.

WB youngster (my coach's horse) - need to build up some back muscle, so lots of longing with side reins with short bits of saddle time at the end.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:18 pm

Well good news/no news/puzzlement, I guess, update from our vet visit.

The (many) x rays were all clean as a whistle--as my vet said "really remarkably good for a 19 year old horse." Good coffin joint spacing, smooth navicular surfaces, no hooks or spurs or anything. There is still the NPA thing going on, for which he has been wearing wedge pads for a while now, and which actually looks better than it did.

My farrier had been out on Tuesday and pulled his shoes, so he was a little short-strided on the longe, but not flat tire lame as he was on Sunday.

An odd thing I noticed yesterday when I was picking his feet is that the foot in question smelt dreadful--I board with a couple of small-animal vets who came and sniffed it, recoiled and said it smelt like infection to them. (The other foot, which has also been under a pad, smelt as fresh as a daisy.) So my vet had a scrape and trim and poke around and hoof-tested the crap out of that foot and found nothing reactive at all.

So, he gets to be barefoot for a couple of weeks to see if the increased movement in the hoof capsule brings anything to the surface, and I treat with Coppertox daily to kill any potential lingering bacteria (I think this is just to keep me busy.) Then back into shoes and wedge pads, but without the frog support, in case it's just too hard for him and putting pressure where it shouldn't. He really does need that NPA addressing or I would try keeping him barefoot, but vet did not recommend that.

(He did mention the possibility of a collateral ligament injury, but felt it extremely unlikely as he is just not lame enough and there's no heat or swelling where he would expect there to be.)

Then a very conservative return to work and we'll see where we are from there.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:51 pm

Sounds like good news to me, Mountaineer. I wonder if Laddie is just having occasional “older body” moments in addition to his NPA. At 67, this happens to me quite often. I did a teeny tiny bit deeper lunges last week and the next day my knees hurt. I woke up with painful knees and couldn’t imagine why until two days later when I did lunges again. Knees are fine now. And this week my right thumb hurt. I have no idea why. I couldn’t grip anything with it. Two days later it was fine again....

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby MsM » Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:40 am

Modest goals for winter months! My main goal is to ride enough to maintain some training, confirm what he knows, and benefit from practice. I am past the stage of dealing with really arctic temperatures, so I ride when it is not totally frigid.

We need to build up strength in canter and consistently convince him that when I ask for counter canter, it is not a mistake for him to fix! Our walk-canter is pretty good but our canter walk can vary from canter-halt, to canter-walk, to canter trot so working on all the variations to convince him that it is my choice, not his. Also building on shoulder in (keep the line of travel!) and developing haunches in.

He was pretty good today but a bit tense and fired up. So after some good work I got off, stripped the tack and let him loose on the nice new footing in the indoor. Yippee! Showed off some really athletic bucks that I was very glad not to have to ride!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:09 am

Mountaineer, I know frustrating things can be when you have no clear answer! I hope it either resolves with your plan regarding the feet or at least presents itself more clearly! Fingers crossed for your boy.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:14 am

Progress is obviously slow for me, but I had another jumping lesson today and had a good time. It's so good for me to try different things. I probably will only do this regularly for a little, when I have a horse again dressage will be the focus with some jumping and trail riding sprinkled in for fun and variety.

I am supposed to see a horse again for the second time on Saturday. It will be frigid but I'm really wanting to see if he might be the one so I'll bundle up!

And I FINALLY have a Dressage lesson with a new to me trainer (and school horse) on Tuesday. I cannot wait.

The instructor I have been trying to work with is going to give me some pointers through a youtube critique.

Oh! And an old horse friend said she might know of a semi retired GP horse that will be available for some lessons, with a Judge I've ridden with before. That would be so cool!

Fingers crossed that this stuff stays on course.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:23 pm

Thinking of you and your Coppertox duty, Mountaineer. Fingers crossed for Laddie. I don't know if field imaging options are easily available for some further piece of mind. I do think changes in the older horse can come on rather "suddenly" sometimes.

We are walking and walking and walking! Now up to 30 minutes of tack walk a day, plus Emi gets a little small pen turnout. She has been incredibly civilized going through this process. The barn staff note that as long as she is waited upon regularly, she seems quite content. Smart mare.

I also need to catch up on my Team Tate Academy videos. The best thing I've taken in from consistent watching/learning is improved position accountability and improved consistency in my aids/expectations. I find myself really paying attention to this in tack walking, too.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:30 pm

Ugh, Mountineer, keep us updated. Not knowing can be so frustrating.

I can't remember if i updated here, but did baseline xrays on MM hocks and stifles and she got an A++. Vet was very impressed and said she had the joints of a much younger horse and we are still many years away from needing any kind of joint intervention barring some kind of injury. So good news there. Bodyworker came out to work on MM yesterday. New bodyworker for us and I found her quite insightful.

She didn't find anything alarming. She felt that MM had a lot of range of motion and ability, but wasn't actually use it. She said that there are small imbalances that are likely creating a ripple effect. In particular she observed that MM is a bit stuck in the ribcage. And she thinks that what my trainer and I have thought of as tightness/weakness in the lumbar is actually stickiness in the ribcage. When asking for bend, instead of moving the spine or giving in the ribcage, she is tilting her back so that once side lifts hire and the other side tilts. So she focused on that and gave me some ground exercises and stretches to do help with that. She also suggested that we do a lot of targeted work to re-train muscle memory and habits for 90 days. Anyway, found it it interesting, let's see how it goes.

RP has not gotten much work lately because of weather and work. But we have a lesson this weekend again and I'm excited to talk to my trainer about what we should show in Feb and making sure he thinks we're ready to go out and not be a disaster! i also need to get some video of his trot lengthenings. They're starting to feel quite nice, but will be good to see how much stride length we're actually getting.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:27 pm

That's an interesting assessment, Blob. I would be interested in a follow up report after you've been doing the exercises.

I meant to add earlier that I love Chisamba's pole inspirations and also Sue's beautiful blazed herd!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:50 pm

Good news/bad news over here. I chatted with my primary care vet (is that what you call them? Home vet?) earlier this week on how Kora is progressing on the Minocycline. While she is improved on the lunge she is still super reactive and angry to being touched on her tum-tum and a little bit flanks like the previous video I shared which is atypical for her. So we agreed at this point it was worth trucking out to the horspital for a gastric scope which is what we did this morning.

Managed to get the trailer out of the ice and snow fine, thank goodness for 4WD on the truck. Not being allowed in the clinic stinks but I managed to get through what's been going on and our current status with the clinic vet in the parking lot before handing Kora off. Well, vet comes back out to chat and says Kora has one of the most beautifully clean stomachs I've seen in a while. So good news/bad news on that for sure but another box checked.

I'm starting to feel like a drug store, sent home with a bag of pills. Plan C is 14 day course of Robaxin to fully clear out any muscle tension stuff possibly lingering from the Lyme infection, and giving Sucralfate prior to rides to see if coating her stomach helps even if she's clean as a whistle. I'll try to find some quiet barn time to get on her, maybe this weekend and see where we are at.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:20 am

Goodness Aleuronx jingles you can get Kora back on track soon
Mountaineer jingles that Laddie is happier in his feet and stays happy.

Not too much here. Still working with Joplin consistently. Rip is doing well in hand. Our weather sucks though. Wet and cold.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:12 am

Hopefully the sucralfate will help. That's also what's used for hindgut ulcers/colonic, which you can't scope but could be creating the discomfort.

Has there been any change since you started back on the regumate?

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby heddylamar » Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:37 am

I realized — thanks to the Pivo — that I'm blocking poor Maia. We've had about two month's worth of lackluster trot work, which coincides with my shoulder injury acting up (-‸ლ) Even with my PT routine, it can still get really bad without regular body work/acupuncture/massage ... none of which are happening ATM.

Rode purposefully today, moving my shoulder every quarter circle so it didn't lock up, and she was soft, lofty, and lifting her back. The difference was clear ... and I am so mad at myself for missing her discomfort.

Hopefully it will be drier tomorrow, and I can use the Pivo again to confirm.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sat Jan 09, 2021 12:53 pm

Blob- yes the sucralfate is the 'test' to see if she may have some hindgut stuff going on. Although the clinic vet said typically they see *something* in the stomach as well with horses having a hindgut issue and she doesn't have any of the other typical symptom markers. But stranger things have been known to happen so we'll give it a go and see.

There has been incremental improvement since she's settled back on the Regumate and on the antibiotics. I've only been lightly giving her a go on the lunge but she's gone from explosive to mostly ho-hum which is good but I'm in it for the long haul with her and want to clear up this 100% before we move forward.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:17 pm

So I'm having one of my trainers get on my horse to work on the harder canter stuff. I don't have the feel or timing to guide my horse to the right work at this point. I think this will really help get the harder counter canter work to make more sense.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:06 am

Gosh, I hope everyone gets the vet answers they need and can get their critters on the mend. Jingles.

I haven't done much with Kyra. My pen cleaner quit and of course since she can't do it anymore, we have had rain for a week. Ah, poop scooping in the winter :P . Actually, so far, it hasn't been bad but damned, I have a hard time keeping my strength up in my old age and by the time I slog through the mud and clean 2 days worth of poop, I am pooped. I haven't cleaned her pen in probably 3 years. Hopefully, I will get used to this activity again and my stamina will be better. There is a new stall cleaner starting across the road for the B.O. this week but I am going to try and continue doing it myself...1--I am cheap and can save that money and 2--it gives me more exercise and some strength work. Kyra is on the low rent side of the road where it is mainly self care (except for feeding which the BO does). I prefer her to be out in the much larger pen where she can move 24/7 as opposed to a stall and 12 x 24 run so my choice. It always makes winter a bit challenging to get much riding done.

I do take her in the indoor and move her around at liberty (footing allowing) for 5-10 minutes at trot and canter so she gets some meaningful movement. She has been way too muddy for me to tackle grooming until today when I finally gave her a good go with the grooming gloves. We have continued working on her Spanish walk and it is coming nicely in hand. She can get 4-6 steps alternating legs. I am still having to cue her with the whip and I am not sure how I will transfer the work under saddle but I will figure it out. One person was riding in the outdoor today and said the rail wasn't bad. It is supposed to be mostly dry for the next week so I am hoping that by Wednesday, we can at least do some walk work outdoors. No specific goals at this time except to try and keep a minimal base of fitness on her. We have actually had quite nice winter temps. Highs have been in the 40's and lows in the low 30's. Certainly can't complain for January. It looks to continue that way for at least another week.

Today, I took her for a nice in-hand walk and threw in a few requests for Spanish walk here and there. She is starting to be much more co-ordinated with it although over by the BO's house, she was fixated on something in the distance (surprise..NOT). It got her out of the mud and the sun was glorious after a week of mostly dreary skies and rain.

I do try to get her on the Surefoot pads at least 2-3x per week. I don't know what they are doing, if anything for her body but they sure have improved her little 'tight' heels. Before we started with the pads, her outside heel was starting to getting this strange curl in it. She has a small hard foot and she does toe out a bit hence the difference in her heels but it was only this fall that I noticed this extreme curl to that outside heel. Her front feet frogs have never been very robust despite very regular trims. Just chalked it up to that's how she is. She has been very sound and so I have operated on the premise of it it isn't broke....
Since I started her on the pads, the weird curl has gone bye-bye and her heels and subsequently her frogs have probably expanded 1/4 inch. It might not seem like much but I am very happy with any progress. Her central sulcus, which particularly in the wet, muddy footing gets to be deep and I have a terrible time actually keeping it open as the frog wants to just fold over. Luckily, she is not prone to thrush so I have never had to deal with that. Well, there is a lot of improvement in the appearance of the central sulcus and it is actually open and there is good base in it and I don't lose the hoof pick in it :lol: .
My trimmer actually was very impressed as this was only the second trim she has done since I started her on the pads and she noticed the improvement. So that is also part of our winter regimen thus far. I am lucky if I can get her on them for 2 or 3 minutes but even at that, we seem to be getting some benefits.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Jan 10, 2021 4:02 pm

Kyra's Mom wrote:Since I started her on the pads, the weird curl has gone bye-bye and her heels and subsequently her frogs have probably expanded 1/4 inch. It might not seem like much but I am very happy with any progress.

Annabelle's more upright foot has widened out and she has nice heels on both front feet as well since using the pads. Her fronts are getting a lot closer to being a matched set, and I think the pads are also helping to readjust her body to the new balance in her feet. When it warms up maybe we can play with mounted SureFoot sessions. :D

Annabelle has been lame over the past week, but I'm pretty sure it is just a stone bruise as I was able to make some new changes to her feet, and with the wet and all, it's not too surprising. Was planning on giving her some time off anyway, and she was looking better last night. Tomorrow I'm taking her to get adjustment and laser, then we're going over to the saddler's to check out the fit on my saddle and possibly take a Lovatt & Rickett's Ellipse on trial. Tesla seems to really like my Black Country Vinici, and since it's forward flaps and external blocks, I'm thinking it might turn into her saddle at least for the next year or two. If this used L&R doesn't work out, I'll have to save up for a bit to order a new one for A, or see if I can find a used BC that might work for us, my ridiculous femurs being the limiting factor on finding used saddles.

In terms of baby steps, Tesla surprised me by self-loading nicely yesterday after a couple practice sessions where she was loading, but not very willingly. She'll will get to come along for the ride with A tomorrow (and maybe come out at the saddler's if we're both feeling brave). She also cantered both ways nicely on the lunge in the indoor. There was still a big argument at the beginning, and I'm still having to double lunge for control, but that is huge progress. Even last week she couldn't seem to work out what to do with her hind legs cantering to the right. I'll probably start riding her again in a couple weeks and see if she starts being more forward-thinking after improving her proficiency on the lunge.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:01 am

Oh moutaineer, jingles for laddie and you. And for all those with critters who need mending.

SF-wow, good for Tesla. I want to teach Mikey to self-load. He loads well and unloads himself, it would really help if I we could self-load.

Goals for this year-ride a test off property like I ride at home, or somewhat close to it. Start by trailering out and taking a few lessons with my coach at a different indoor, we have access to one. And basically do a ride a test so I can start being a bit more independent in figuring out how to get him how to go like she has us go. Get over our canter issues.

The past 2 weeks have been amazing, I've felt improvement in straightness, transitions and responsiveness to me. Our canter is finally coming along. He's lighter and more forward and just so willing.

And for fun, pics from our poles/jumping clinic last Saturday. He's finally learning where his feet are and he's so much straighter, forward and lighter in the contact.
Over the oxer.JPG
Over the oxer.JPG (232.19 KiB) Viewed 13301 times
Good boy!.JPG
Good boy!.JPG (215.87 KiB) Viewed 13301 times
Off to work.JPG
Off to work.JPG (222.83 KiB) Viewed 13301 times

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:04 am

Two more pics, I love the one, but my position is better in the second one. Working hard on that.
I love him.JPG
I love him.JPG (217.8 KiB) Viewed 13301 times
Better position.JPG
Better position.JPG (218.91 KiB) Viewed 13301 times

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:18 pm

Chantal, your horse always has the most pleasant and eager expressions. Just love the photos - keep them coming!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:32 pm

exvet wrote:Chantal, your horse always has the most pleasant and eager expressions. Just love the photos - keep them coming!

Thank you! He is such a happy camper, we are trying to keep him that way. He does love to play :D

I have a dressage instructor who doesn't overface us as well. She keeps him relaxed and happy while demanding a lot from me. I would like some more dressage photos but since my lessons are in the evening now, those are harder to take pictures of. And my husband actually works too, sigh. :lol:

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:04 am

Well Annabelle has officially grown into a Chonk with dining table back. I took her to the bodyworker who does PEMF and more skeletal adjustment and she found a lot of soreness through her back. After that, we went by the saddler to check fit, and found that she was almost 1 cm bigger in all her measurements than she was in September. Current saddle might be passible for a bit with a thin pad, but we're looking at going to an extra-wide hoop tree. If someone had told me 3 years ago that she would outgrow my wide hoop tree, I never would have believed it. We'll hopefully go back and see both the bodyworker and the saddle fitter in a couple weeks when there are more demo saddles available, and I need to start living on ramen for a bit.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Tue Jan 12, 2021 6:01 pm

Congratulations, SF...Annabelle has finally caught up to Tio! :D :lol:

Tio, btw, was da bomb on Sunday. Temp was very low 30's (mid-20's by the time I was done with the horses) and, of course, there was a lovely stiff breeze of about 15mph on average. Then, just when I started working Rudy, 3 vehicles roared by with young couples. I knew right away that they were headed to my desert play area to shoot various firearms. So now there were nice loud gun shots echoing in the distance, with the occasional really loud boom (I have no idea what that was), a frigid wind and one of the neighbor's big dogs barking at us in my pasture. Not ideal for hopping on my little bronc when I haven't ridden in a week, but I decided it was better to ride than to have him go nuts on the lunge and ruin my arena footing. While he did shake his head a few times and squealed softly once, he actually complied and I successfully walked and trotted all over the arena and down the road a bit! So pleased with him :mrgreen:

Rudy was, of course, a good boy even though he hates winter breezes. And I was able to continue working on still, forward hands and making sure he responds to BOTH legs appropriately. I am pleased to say my hands no longer ever come back past the pad in front of the pommel, so no more crotch riding for this old gal!

Rabbit got lunged on Sunday. I need to put together an appropriate bridle for her and figure out what kind of bit she prefers. It also appears she's long over due for dental care, so I'll need to arrange that as well. I wanted to hop on her but I forgot to grab some stirrups for my old KN. Might be wiser to do that first ride in my western saddle though. At any rate, she was very well behaved on the lunge using just her halter, so that's good news.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:06 am

So, Laddie is looking so much better today, I gave him a twirl on the line and he's pretty even, though the barefoot thing is obviously not his bag.

I think I've probably decided to step him down a notch when he's back in work--find someone who needs a lower level schoolmaster to lease him. He's still got a lot to offer, he's had a ton of excellent training but I think he's reached his limit and it's not fair to push him to do more than he's physically capable of. There... I've put it in writing...

So I shall start noodling around looking for something for myself. The big guy is a hard act to follow, though, even with a fairly healthy budget to play with.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Jan 13, 2021 1:03 am

Mountaineer, good for you for putting Laddie's needs as the priority. I'm sorry that you think he needs to be stepped down, but you are clearly a great owner. Best wishes for the future!

I had a Dressage lesson today with a new to me Dressage trainer. Being in a Dressage saddle (instead of jumping) was heaven. The trainer is a very laid-back sort so I think personality-wise we will get along. I got to ride my first Fresian (cross actually.) He was like sitting on a couch. Stretched my hips for sure. Smooth gaits though. Pretty much as opposite as you can get from the OTTB prospect ha ha!

The trainer was very complementary to my position and seat. It shows what being in a decent saddle can do. I will continue taking lessons with her on schoolies while I get "legged back up."

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