Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:45 am

We had a lovely lesson this morning. Mostly focussed on walk and trot work, the arena was very wet. The nicest trot work to date, I think. Good consistent posture from both of us, and I was very focussed on a light reaction to my hands, no hanging or tipping forward tolerated. I can feel the weight in my hands creeping in while my attention shifts to something else, as always, but today was a very quiet and deliberate day, so I would just shift attention back to what I was feeling, do some quick transitions until it felt right, then retry whatever I was doing before.

We played with one or two changes, the videos of which will go in the video thread so they're all together. Still not as clean as they were a few weeks ago, but felt so much better for me to ride.
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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:34 am

I put on the bareback pad today intending to just walk Kimba out while teaching a lesson, but she was super when I asked her to demonstrate a point. This particular student likes it when I teach her on horse back because she is a visual learner and it helps if I can show her something rather than tell her.

I worked on school canter and I feel like her rhythm is improving. I need to charge the pivo to tell for sure.

Taking someone's advice from the spooky thread, I pulled all magnesium supplements from Kimba and Saiph. I feel like there is a marked relaxation. Who knew!!!

It was a sNOw day, as in oh no, more snow, yesterday was nearly seventy degrees and today it showed and is freezing, tomorrow " they" say back up to fifty. Blanket switching 18 horses is an added time burden.

On a different note, any of you boarders being warned of boarding fee raises. My expenses are up about 40 percent despite not hiring stall help and doing it all myself. And to be honest, sinking a bit on shavings to reduce both shaving and disposal expenses. Now with fuel prices up. My hay and my feed is up again and I cannot even blame anyone. Except maybe that arse Putin.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:15 pm

I feel you on that Chisamba. Our board increased on March 1st and that was notified well before this whole war kicked off. The gas/fuel things are highly concerning for all costs going forward. I've pre-purchased grain/mineral/flax ahead of time because of it.

I actually had a couple of good rides at least good for Kora in our indoor. Just easy going around type deal, I'll take it until we can get back outside. A good visit to a new indoor this past weekend. Even seeing emus!! She settled within 10 minutes at the trailer to tack up etc so I'm pleased with the idea of taking her to shows this season.

Speaking of, I bit the bullet and ordered a Flying Changes coat to be made. We had a good year end bonus so deserved to spent a bit on something fun. I felt like if I had a nice coat that was perfect fit it would push me to get out there more confidently. And no, it's not crazy colors or too busy ala the new rules. :lol:

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:25 pm

I might pick a nice color shirt to go under my boring brown. I will go for darker pants. How fun to get a coat that fits perfectly.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:37 pm

Aleuronx wrote:
Speaking of, I bit the bullet and ordered a Flying Changes coat to be made. We had a good year end bonus so deserved to spent a bit on something fun. I felt like if I had a nice coat that was perfect fit it would push me to get out there more confidently. And no, it's not crazy colors or too busy ala the new rules. :lol:

Oh please do show us the coat you designed! I would love to one day get one from there that is black with emerald green touches. But right now all my extra pennies have gone/are going to this overpriced trailer i put a deposit on and will inevitably be more than I originally bargained to ship over :shock:

When it comes to horses I'm feeling pretty stressed about about MM's asthma/coughing situation. It seems to be getting worse, not better and I am starting to worry this is a long term thing I have to manage. I am trying not to get too far down into a despair cycle, but really starting to consider the possibility that this condition may be here to last and she may no longer be a real riding horse.

RP is doing well right now, still working on hind end strength--we need a lot more sit behind in all our trot work. It's very easy to get the sit in the canter, but in the trot it is much harder for him. I think part of it is related to his trot mechanics. He swings his hind legs under nicely, but he does not have a ton of natural hock articulation at the trot, which means it's not as natural for him to bend the hocks and bring his booty under. At the canter, he really does use his hind end well, so it's easier to just naturally rock the canter back. But I'm hoping lots of lateral work, poles, and hills at the trot will keep building that tush and make him sit more.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:11 pm

blob wrote:
Aleuronx wrote:When it comes to horses I'm feeling pretty stressed about about MM's asthma/coughing situation. It seems to be getting worse, not better and I am starting to worry this is a long term thing I have to manage. I am trying not to get too far down into a despair cycle, but really starting to consider the possibility that this condition may be here to last and she may no longer be a real riding horse.


In sorry to hear that. I manage two horses with nasty heaves / asthma and are able to compete. It's discovering what combination of cats works best. I had to take one completely off baled hay and put him on soaked hay pellets.

The other needed to have reduced dust. So everything damp. Dampened shavings, wet hay, no riding in dusty arenas.

If you want to pm me I'd be happy to tell you how we went about it

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:23 pm

I'm one that need is a very visual learner. I do well seeing something done, but most of the trainers don't ride during a lesson. Although I do wish it was done occasionally! Sometimes they will jump on Lynx if I'm really not understanding lol.

Aleuronx- I too would love a photo of the new coat! Exciting!

I'm hoping board won't go up or go up much. Lynx doesn't have shavings since he lives outside. And all barn staff lives on property. I think they grow their own hay as well.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:41 am

I'm sorry to hear about MM's continued challenges. In our area (E TN) we are just starting to enter one (yes one) of the peak allergy seasons. I'm guessing it is similar for you? Do you think she might do better in another climate? I know that is hard to contemplate, but she is a lovely, trained horse and sometimes beings end up in a challenging location.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:44 am

Blob, jingles that you can find a solution for MM and that she can continue on with her level of work!

Aleuronx, I'd love to see what you picked out for your show coat as well. I just got a blingy version of my TraumaVoid schooling helmet; I think that will be the extent of my show ring fashion upgrades for this year. Really just hoping coats will be waived and I can show in a sun shirt and dark breeches this summer.

The place my retired guy has lived for almost 13 years finally raised board six months ago after several years of no increases. The BO sent a group text today that insinuated that another increase might be necessary depending on where hay and diesel prices go in the near future.

A & T's barn just had to increase board for the first time in the four years I've been there. The BO said their hay will be almost twice the cost this year. No one is getting rich boarding horses, but I'll have to think carefully about what I can spend on shows and lessons. I actually feel a bit guilty because my horses both eat literally twice as much as many of the horses in both barns (little air fern Arabians and older metabolic stock horses).

Speaking of lessons, I really could use a couple right now. I got some video on A last night and can definitely see substantial improvement from last fall, but also see that she is not quite sitting in the way that she will need to to continue advancing. And we really need some work on the medium trot before we go out at second level. It is probably just that extra push that's given in lessons that I'm not reproducing in my own training sessions.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:48 am

Thanks, Chisamba, I have sent you a PM.

Piedmontfields--i have been thinking about that the last few days. I doubt the southeast is the most welcoming environment for allergies--so much blooming plus hot and humid summer. But also, what if it isn't really better somewhere else? I would hate to sell her only to find out it wasn't really improved. She is the horse I have promised a good home till the end. I always assumed that would be with me, but of course it is something I have to consider.

I am holding out a small silver lining that the new barn will make a difference. Not because the new barn is in a different part of town or because they do something better for heaves. But only because it is different and therefore whatever is triggering her here may not be there.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Mar 11, 2022 3:46 am

Blob have you had MM tested for allergies? If you have posted about it and I don't remember, I apologize. In terms of where she would do best. I think I've mentioned before that the stinker pony came to me because he would be euthanized (all due to his behavior) otherwise; since, he came from a history and environment where he never had any evidence of allergies, I sucked it up and answered the plea of his breeder to take him. After being with me for one year he started to show signs of allergies. When I tested him it was showing that cats (so barn cat become indoor cat) and Palo verde trees (indigenous here) were his achilles heel. Unfortunately I could not eliminate exposure to palo verde trees though over the years I came close. Long story short, allergy tests confirmed that Morgan, the stinker pony needed to live somewhere that did NOT exemplify the Sonoran desert. I don't think you'll know for sure how best to manage MM's allergies without testing. That being said you may find out that there's nothing reasonable you can do. It's a tough conundrum and you have all my sympathy and empathy having gone through this with some pretty nice horseflesh.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Mar 11, 2022 3:54 am

So I worked Junior today with the idea, that Chisamba inspired, that I was not going to let him be heavy in front and I wanted the walk-canter transitions to not only be prompt but be executed without him having to use his head/neck to lift him. I guess I should have thought my plan out a little better though :) I was informed this morning before I mounted that I had to help move 22 tons of quarter minus. Talk about feeling like my shoulders were exploding and then I was going to ride the sherman tank. I guess the one good thing I can say is that after a very long ride of a significant amount of forward and back in the collected canter and counter canter, I got some good clean flying changes. I then went and helped my mother like I do most Thursdays and had glorious ideas that I was going to come back home and work out.................well I lunged Brandon (who did very well) and then sat down to one or two (well who's counting) glasses of wine. After a few tylenol the work out still ain't going to happen. Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Mar 11, 2022 6:23 am

Exvet did you find that be removing the head neck lift, he had to use his shoulders better opening the doorway for the bond legs to move without restriction? It's almost like opening a gate to let the hind legs through. Suddenly I felt like I hadn't realized how much head/ neck ' bobbing' is like riding into a wall. The hind end has to hop up because as the neck goes up, the shoulders go down and the butt hops up to change. Or that's what it feels like. The main problem is it might take three or four or five months to really develop the strength in collection to comfortably lift the shoulders with a neck not tense in the base

Though from the video thread Andrea is very different in teaching style from your instructor. She leaves me to ride 20, 30 or even 40 meters before commenting or suggesting. Sometimes she will say whatever you did there worked, or take a smaller stride laterally, she doesn't give me constant input. Maybe it takes me longer to get it, but I still see a super consistent trend I on the correct direction

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:11 am

Jumping lesson today. It went pretty well, I think the simulator lessons are helping, but not yet to the degree that I want. Nerves make me regress :lol:


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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:16 am

exvet wrote:So I worked Junior today with the idea, that Chisamba inspired, that I was not going to let him be heavy in front and I wanted the walk-canter transitions to not only be prompt but be executed without him having to use his head/neck to lift him.

Exvet how are you going about this? Are you just focussing on promptness from behind and then that filters through to him not using the front as a lever?
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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Fri Mar 11, 2022 11:57 am

Okay, sharing the mock up and fabric picks. I am kicking in for stock as well. Not quite out there but I think the navy will really pop in the sunlight.

Also, quick plug that the Challenge of the America's is live streaming tonight for anyone to catch at 6:30 pm ET. My trainer rides in it so I'm pumped to see what their group has come up with for this year!!

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Mar 11, 2022 3:21 pm

I really like it Aleuronx. It should look sharp!

Chisamba, I wish my instructor was not so rapid fire with her instructions/directives. This is what I spoke to her about prior to my last 2 lessons with her and she has toned it down a bit. This has helped allow more productive lessons, at least for imo. I am finding I need not just more time to think but I need to be able to feel what I'm feeling without so much distraction.

To answer both you and Mari on how I'm working on the collected canter to benefit the fc, I found that if I focus on the simple changes, making them truly perfect - no use of the base of the neck or head to get the lift off/up the fore hand that Junior must lift his shoulders and thus his wither to take the energy forward. It still feels like the proverbial plane taking off but there is absolutely no head bob. I do think just as you say, Chisamba, that this gives his hind legs a place to go. I get less of a stutter step with the front leg changing and the hind and fore are better coordinated to make the change at the same time. As for the collected canter itself, it does require building strength of the hind end but I'm also finding that while I'm not 'holding his head in or down' with my hands I must make it very clear to him that he has to be soft and not grabbing on either side of his mouth and I give lots of releases to see if he's holding his own or bracing on me. Still, Mari, to your specific question, yes. I am making him be very prompt off my seat and leg. He doesn't get to go if there is any pause, trot, half-trot, lift with his head first, etc. I am also making darn sure he's straight with both hind legs. For Junior that means I am constantly guarding his left hind. While I agree with making sure the hind end is what I ride, Junior's build already makes it very easy for him to carry behind it really is necessary to convince him that he can free up just in front of the withers and life would be so much better LOL.........his build makes it more difficult to convince him that this is possible. I hesitate to post this because I don't want it taken out of context; but, I've been riding more forward, long and low in the canter in between the simple changes just so he realizes that the base of the neck isn't where his center of balance has to be........... I feel like we've done 100s of miles of counter canter, collected canter and simple changes in just our last two rides. I have a lesson this afternoon. I'll find out if we're really accomplishing what I think is happening.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:29 am

I do not remember what trainer it was but I do remember reading one trainer did not train changes until the horses had piaffe and passage on them. I’ll ask Cedar when they train changes. She’s put all the way to
ones now. Good quality changes. I know in Spain they used HI in canter before the changes to increase the engagement of the outside hind leg. Used HI at canter for CP prep as well. I also have read to use renvere in the CC on the circle. Such a difficult movement the horse is ready for FC!

Anyway it’s an interesting conversation and especially good video from
Flight with her difficult big Norsey his changes training journey.

This week in my riding or lack there of. Had awesome incredible ride Monday on Joplin. Wind was howling and she just went out to work. All the lateral work I asked for was just there first time I asked. Medium trot on the diagonal there. So nice to trust her and be able to push the envelope in challenging weather. We also worked TCT transitions. Very very nice. Such an incredible mare to ride.

My two mares then had body work Tuesday so had a couple of days off and Rip had his quarterly scope yesterday. This cicatrix is the weirdest thing. Two scopes ago it was encroaching on his airway significantly enough for me to quit riding. Yesterday was the best he’s looked in I don’t know when. Vet said I can ride him again. I’m just not feeling it though! I will get him out and play with him on the ground though. In fact worked him quickly in hand today in the barn aisle. All still very much there and I got some diagonalization of the walk pretty easy.

Our weather is about to be turned on it’s head overnight. From t storms and threat of tornadoes to freezing cold and howling winds tomorrow. Pray the horses can handle the drastic changes.

Stay safe any who are in the path of this storm! Jingles for us all. Happy riding and jingle for spring!!

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:04 pm

It appears that my instructor thinks we're heading down the right path with Junior. Yesterday we worked on simple changes and getting him to soften and stay light through the entire change and basically throughout the collected canter and medium canter. It wasn't always pretty; and though I didn't intentionally ask for any flying changes there were times given the exercise pattern that he anticipated and threw them in - they were very nice per my instructor (they felt pretty good too). I don't think he's thoroughly convinced that he doesn't need to use the base of his neck so this is a consistency thing that we'll continue to work on - transitions will only be executed and accepted when done with suppleness and being completely through otherwise we won't go through with the execution <period>. He is so balanced in the counter canter now but it is still a mental and physical challenge for me to keep control of that right shoulder - be it him or me or both as it were - when I'm successful all is good, really, really good and when I'm not well as they say, it's horrid. On the positive side, it's all really black and white ;)

As for Brandon, I've ordered a myler baucher bit. I noticed that Brandon actually seeks the bit, has that nice light white lipstick at the end of our lunging sessions when I use my lunging cavesson and myler (the same that I use on Junior). Riding-wise he's not so great in the very same bit which I attributed to my hands, the saddle or 'something'. Some things I've discovered about the 'princess' over time is that his saddle must be placed and girthed in an area that does NOT in any way impinge on his shoulders. Given his shape shifter ways which are still ongoing this has been challenging though not always impossible - right girth, right saddle and attention to detail every single day (not always the same saddle/girth depending on where we are on the shape shifting saga). His canines have still NOT erupted. So given some of our recent setbacks I decided to long line and lunge him a bit more so I could observe what's going on both in the body and brain. Once I felt that my observations of his 'comfort' in the lunging cavesson/myler bit were real and repeated, I decided to ride him in his 'favorite for the moment' saddle, girth and the lunging cavesson. It looks a little weird with the rings on the noseband but he puts up with it well......and I've had some of our best rides. With this 'get up' he allowed me to put my leg on and get bend without the middle hoof coming up, trotting and maintaining a more steady connection with reasonable tempo, and transitions that were prompt and easy. The way the bit is attached to my lunging cavesson is clearly putting different pressure (or relieving it is probably a better way to put it) on the Princess's bars; so, I'm hoping that the same bit in a baucher version will achieve very close to the same effect. I hate adding to my bit collection but what else does one do? I doubt I could get away with riding in my lunging cavesson heading down the centerline LOL......

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:16 pm

Exvet you may need the mickelman bridle which does the same how the bit is attached. It’s what I ride Joplin my mouth princess in. She can still be somewhat mouthy but much less bracey. I’ve also figured out with the help of my friend that her yielding to my inside leg is huge to combat that brace.

Anyway just my experience with my similar horse.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:27 pm

ExVet, have you ever tried Brandon in a Micklem style bridle? Just wondering if having the bit rings attached to the noseband might have a similar effect? Haha, went to post and see Khall had the same though!

Annabelle darn near tossed me with half the barn watching last night. It was my first time jumping her since probably August, and we were just doing some itty bitty cross rails that were already set up in the arena. One was a combo set for three strides between. The first time she trotted to the first, then cantered to the second just fine. The second time I pointed her at it, she said "Hold my beer" and picked up the canter about 3 strides out, took about two gallop strides between, grabbed a long spot, and then basically bolted when she landed. That would have been all fine, but when I tried to pull her up, she got her head down and started crowhopping, which totally took me by surprise. Luckily for my dignity I got back in the tack and got her head up. We did one more over that combo with a nice strong HH between the jumps and called quits on jumping for the day. It really got her forward and on the muscle though. I took advantage of her excess energy to do some canter in 2-point and some CC loops and nice energetic transitions.

Tesla is being pretty good and now offering canter on the right lead. I think I'll start a new thread about that.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:19 pm

I've thought about it but no I haven't had an opportunity to try one. Figures I would try this first because I know I can unload the bit pretty easily if it doesn't work. I will need to buy a new bridle for Brandon so I have been looking into the Micklem. This may be my next purchase.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:27 am

Aleuronx... that is one sharp jacket. Very nice.

Well, Ms. Jekyll and Hyde continues her schizo work. Last Wednesday, we had a lovely ride. Even had some decent canter with good self carriage in the bitless bridle. Yesterday...I wanted to verify that she did indeed seem to have an issue with the bit. So I bridled her with the PeeWee (my go-to). She started out OK but within about 5 minutes into the ride, she was gnashing the bit and already had lots of foam, was totally disctracted and I couldn't even get a flat footed walk. Check on that count. I could have changed her bridle but I unsaddled her and put her on the lunge line. She was quite nice on the lunge. Obedient and I was successful in getting her into some nice self carriage. I had some lack of sleep and thought lunging was better. I can go to angry when she gets distracted and hyper. Of course, I know that does not help anything so her behavior paired with my lack of sleep...lunging it is. The weather isn't helping either. Lots of wind...not good for Kyra (yeah for March in Idaho). The vet is coming on Tuesday and I can hope we can alleviate whatever is bugging her mouth. Otherwise, it might be back to the drawing board and the great bit search. I don't know that my credit card is up to that.

Today, we did another lunge session and we worked on transitions. Also we worked on backing. I have noticed this inclination during ground work for her to throw her inside hind out to the side (when she is on the rail) as she backs = crooked. I keep insisting she keep her butt over but today, a little light bulb went off when I noticed that yes, the hind was going out but the root of the problem appears that when she is on the rail, she leans her shoulder out toward the rail and since the hind end is wider than the front, the inside hind has no where else to go. So we worked on not leaning and she backed much straighter. I hope that by Friday I can get back to riding. At my age, with my infirmities and being an elder's caretaker...I just don't chance hitting the dirt anymore. However, I did encounter one danger at the barn the other day that I didn't foresee. I went to the porta-potty and opened what I thought was the lid but had gotten both the lid and seat. I about fell in :o . You just never know :lol: .


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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:54 am

exvet wrote:Still, Mari, to your specific question, yes. I am making him be very prompt off my seat and leg. He doesn't get to go if there is any pause, trot, half-trot, lift with his head first, etc. I am also making darn sure he's straight with both hind legs. For Junior that means I am constantly guarding his left hind. While I agree with making sure the hind end is what I ride, Junior's build already makes it very easy for him to carry behind it really is necessary to convince him that he can free up just in front of the withers and life would be so much better LOL.........his build makes it more difficult to convince him that this is possible. I hesitate to post this because I don't want it taken out of context; but, I've been riding more forward, long and low in the canter in between the simple changes just so he realizes that the base of the neck isn't where his center of balance has to be........... I feel like we've done 100s of miles of counter canter, collected canter and simple changes in just our last two rides. I have a lesson this afternoon. I'll find out if we're really accomplishing what I think is happening.

Thanks very much for your answer. I definitely get the head lift for canter transitions a lot. It's been difficult, because for a horse that wants to curl and lean it has felt like progress that he wants to lighten in the transition and use his front end in a different way. Now it's probably time to find a happier medium :lol:
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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Mar 14, 2022 11:03 am

mari wrote:
Thanks very much for your answer. I definitely get the head lift for canter transitions a lot. It's been difficult, because for a horse that wants to curl and lean it has felt like progress that he wants to lighten in the transition and use his front end in a different way. Now it's probably time to find a happier medium :lol:

For me, the key is the change in head and neck position in transitions. If the horse changes its head and neck, it is not using its shoulders correctly.

If I think your horse needs to be up for a transition, I bring them up several strides before and require the same posture through. If it's time to practice down, then down before cob a ustent through, down after.

I especially like to test it on a long rein stretch . I remember a video some years ago where a trainer was having the rider wRm up in a low stretch. It gendered discussion so I demonstrated a long low with Kimba for comparison.

Anyway. I believe excessive up and down head movements are because the horse is firstly, dropping the shoulder each stride, and secondly because the horse is not coming to the bridle. They might either be behind the bridle or pushing through the bridle.

That's the main clue. Might have to experiment for the repair.

But once the repair has worked, you can ride up, down, or level consistently through the transition

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:22 pm

I need to get video evidence but what I feel when Joplin does WC transitions she elevates but from the hind up through the shoulders stays soft in the bridle but can get too deep behind and kind of stall. Almost canter on the spot. So I have to think canter and go.

Gaila though does use her neck in the WC transitions. They’ve gotten better with work and strength.

The not other horse that I’ve ridden that does as Joplin was an Andalusian in Spain who had that very animated canter. They had me do a good bit of forward and back in the canter to keep him from getting climby.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:35 pm

Had a great ride on the mighty Q yesterday. True to my goals, have been touching on the half-steps with intent this time around (rather than picking at them sporadically and then giving up if there's any resistance). Things got dramatic, QH-style. Which means mostly staying on the spot and getting stabby with one or more legs, not blowing up and lashing out a la horses of my past.

And they really help his medium trots and canter departs.

Yesterday was very heavy on the collection, as we also toyed with some pirouette steps in the canter. This resulted in some of the easiest and least dramatic flying changes we've ever had (that were also on the aids and clean, if you can even believe it). After that wonder-of-wonders, had to call it a day and go for a trail ride. No sense flying too close to the sun.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:08 pm

great to hear everyone's progress and to live vicariously through you.

MM is still in bad shape -- she's on dex, which is helping some, but symptoms are still there. We've made several environmental changes, but none of have made the difference. Exvet--you'd asked if I'd allergy tested. I have done a blood allergy test in the past and it didn't show her to be especially allergic to anything--mild for flies and gnats. That was 2 years ago, so obviously something has changed. I've requested another allergy testing, though my vet does not think it will show anything different. But I guess it is my money to waste. Appointments are hard to get right now, so I'm a couple weeks out.

All of this has been in enough stress, worry, and despair that I am not really riding RP eitherr. I'm just not in a good head space and am preoccupied/distracted. He's sensitive enough that it's just not good for him for me to get on him when I"m stressed.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:17 pm

Chisamba, agreed (though I believe your response was directed to Mari), I'm trying for being able to have that head/neck wherever I need/want them throughout the entire transition. We worked more on perfecting the walk to canter transitions yesterday. Junior is very capable but it's me who allowed too much wiggle room even if the scores were usually 7s, still too much use of the base of the neck (and thus not coming all the way through). Yesterday I got some very nice transitions but those that weren't perfect were going through the bridle (definitely dealing with the pendulum swinging to extremes). I had already (within the last 2 weeks) been working on riding him a bit long and low in the canter just to see if he would carry himself more (and steadier). It does seem to be working though he's still a bit reticent to catching on to the idea that his body needs to be a bit more like gumby (playdough). I can tell he's getting stronger which is good all the way around. Canter half-passes which were once labored are now becoming second nature so I think I'm succeeding in getting him suppled laterally and will keep on the longitudinal from tip of tail to tip of nose ;)

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:20 pm

blob wrote:great to hear everyone's progress and to live vicariously through you.

MM is still in bad shape -- she's on dex, which is helping some, but symptoms are still there. We've made several environmental changes, but none of have made the difference. Exvet--you'd asked if I'd allergy tested. I have done a blood allergy test in the past and it didn't show her to be especially allergic to anything--mild for flies and gnats. That was 2 years ago, so obviously something has changed. I've requested another allergy testing, though my vet does not think it will show anything different. But I guess it is my money to waste. Appointments are hard to get right now, so I'm a couple weeks out.

All of this has been in enough stress, worry, and despair that I am not really riding RP eitherr. I'm just not in a good head space and am preoccupied/distracted. He's sensitive enough that it's just not good for him for me to get on him when I"m stressed.

I do hope MM gets some relief and soon. There is more than one provider/lab that conducts the blood tests and I have seen some variation between the two main providers. Perhaps you can check with your vet and see which one was performed the last time and try the other one. I have had some success in doing this but will agree that at times the results aren't as useful as hoped.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:55 pm

I read and feel like I'm so far behind, trying to glean what I can and not make comparisons. And literally move forward. Forward, but not rushing. :lol:

Figured out his new trot evasion, leg and forward and no pulling my hands back at all. I think I need to do the same thing in the canter. I keep reading your stuff SF as we have right lead issues too. They are so much better, but still there. And we need to get him up in front and more adjustable in his stride. But strength first as we are just coming back into work. The left lead feels wonderful, big comfy, steady strides. A great starting point. The right lead is 200% percent better than it was 2 weeks ago when we started cantering again (dropping the inside shoulder and wanting to hollow to the left, argggggh, back to 3 years ago). If I mess with the reins going to the right, he starts throwing his head straight up and down. I'm wondering if he's getting tired or if he's trying to get out of working. As I'm writing I'm thinking I should work the right lead first so that he's not tired when we have to figure out his complicated side. And trying to figure out if my body language is making it the complicated side. (I have a friend with a Pivo so hoping to have video in the next few weeks)

I lunged in large circles yesterday as he was stuck in his stall the day before and ice was sliding off the roof and the combo was just too much. I was very pleased with the trot, big relaxed, forward strides, no side reins. He was very balanced and I loved his head position. It was the most relaxed I've seen his head and neck on the lunge with an active reaching trot. The canter was a different story, 2 nasty episodes - very happy I listened to that inner voice and then civilized. I hopped on, trotted a bit, cantered both ways and we were done.

I did pick up my new boots, yay!

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:11 pm

I've been enjoying reading about what everyone was doing the last few days. Lots of things to think about, always.

We had a few really cold days and then Lynx got his teeth done so he had like 4 days off. I missed the beautiful 60 degree weather yesterday because my daughter got sick, but was able to sneak out for an evening ride. I lunged him a few minutes before but then we had a very enjoyable ride. He was much more responsive to my leg and not so spooky. And no cough. We are tapering off the Zyrtec.

Unfortunately I will miss another nice day but hopefully can go out this evening.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:43 pm

chantal wrote: I keep reading your stuff SF as we have right lead issues too.

LOL, my 1 Year Ago FaceBook memory from today was a video of cantering Tesla all the way around the arena on her right lead, me thinking we had it all figured out. :lol: Hopefully this time is different and I won't be in nearly the same spot next March. We need a face:palm emoji!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:48 pm

exvet wrote:Chisamba, agreed (though I believe your response was directed to Mari), I'm trying for being able to have that head/neck wherever I need/want them throughout the entire transition. We worked more on perfecting the walk to canter transitions yesterday. Junior is very capable but it's me who allowed too much wiggle room even if the scores were usually 7s, still too much use of the base of the neck (and thus not coming all the way through). Yesterday I got some very nice transitions but those that weren't perfect were going through the bridle (definitely dealing with the pendulum swinging to extremes). I had already (within the last 2 weeks) been working on riding him a bit long and low in the canter just to see if he would carry himself more (and steadier). It does seem to be working though he's still a bit reticent to catching on to the idea that his body needs to be a bit more like gumby (playdough). I can tell he's getting stronger which is good all the way around. Canter half-passes which were once labored are now becoming second nature so I think I'm succeeding in getting him suppled laterally and will keep on the longitudinal from tip of tail to tip of nose ;)

This is helpful! I thought A and I were looking pretty good on Saturday, and I was disappointed to review the video and see the reality of the head bobbing and pulling up through the lower neck. With her the challenge seems to be getting the hind legs under and flexing enough that she doesn't need to heave herself up. She definitely goes against the bridle; we probably need to revisit starting out a little deeper, not just long and low, to get that better stretch over the back and softness in the jaw.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:36 pm

Well poop...the vet I have been using up and moved to Montana...which she had already done when I made my appointment 2 weeks ago and she didn't say a thing :evil: . Appt was supposed to be tomorrow but could we change to April 6th when she is back in the area...um no. Now she is on the list for Idaho Equine when they do their vaccination/dental day at the barn on March 29th.
So, I guess we will make do with the bitless bridle for a couple more weeks.

SF, have you worked on reinback? I don't know how much canter you have done from walk but cantering from a proper reinback really gets them folding the hind legs. That is why I am getting so particular with Kyra that she is straight in reinback (or backing up from the ground). If it is crooked, no way they are going to fold the crooked leg. It might be something to work toward. I know, Kyra is back to using her neck too. Time off this winter and the current bridling issues and voila, back to the basics. I do not take really crappy transitions...I bring her back and repackage and ask again. Someday she will have the strength and "get it" (I hope).


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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:24 pm

It was just a lovely day today. The sun shone, the snow melted, my horses tried to put me into early retirement. Lol

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:38 pm

Back from vacation. It was nice to be warmer for a week. So much work to do here I can't actually see my desk, but it beats twiddling my thumbs and it pays for the ponies, I guess.

Potters appears to be sound and recovered from his nasty abscess. Farrier will be out Thursday, trainer is out this week, so we will get back to it in earnest next week.

And we will also be working on the right lead canter...

Chantal, it's that decision between "do I warm him up on his good side and then go to work on the problematic one, risking him being tired and over it by the time I get there, or do we go cold into addressing the issue, knowing that he won't then be tired, but maybe isn't ready?" I face it every ride!

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby goldhorse » Tue Mar 15, 2022 12:23 am

Sacrificial trainer up for first ride after 30 days of stall rest and a tiny bit of handwalking (for laminitis). Still a little short and landing on the toe on the LF but I am happy.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Mar 15, 2022 12:06 pm

goldhorse wrote:Sacrificial trainer up for first ride after 30 days of stall rest and a tiny bit of handwalking (for laminitis). Still a little short and landing on the toe on the LF but I am happy.

How long is your rehab plan. Good luck, it does help when they are well enough to move. Hope it all goes very well

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Mar 15, 2022 12:10 pm

Moutaineer wrote:Back from vacation. It was nice to be warmer for a week. So much work to do here I can't actually see my desk, but it beats twiddling my thumbs and it pays for the ponies, I guess.

Potters appears to be sound and recovered from his nasty abscess. Farrier will be out Thursday, trainer is out this week, so we will get back to it in earnest next week.

And we will also be working on the right lead canter...

Chantal, it's that decision between "do I warm him up on his good side and then go to work on the problematic one, risking him being tired and over it by the time I get there, or do we go cold into addressing the issue, knowing that he won't then be tired, but maybe isn't ready?" I face it every ride!

Sometimes I do a 3 loop trot serpentine, canter circle at C, trot across the diagonal, 3 loop serpentine, canter in the other direction. As a warm up it tends to cover all the needs, change of flexion, transitions, gaits, longitudinal and lateral supplying, and focus

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby goldhorse » Tue Mar 15, 2022 2:21 pm

Chisamba wrote:
goldhorse wrote:Sacrificial trainer up for first ride after 30 days of stall rest and a tiny bit of handwalking (for laminitis). Still a little short and landing on the toe on the LF but I am happy.

How long is your rehab plan. Good luck, it does help when they are well enough to move. Hope it all goes very well

No real rehab plan. Probably walk only for the next 2 weeks until he gets his shoes back on. Then ease him back to work. He's good at telling us when his feet hurt so I'll just be listening intently.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:05 pm

Glad he's on the mend, Goldhorse.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:59 pm

Two nice days in a row. NJ thinks it's spring I guess. I rode everyone outside today even though the footing wasn't nice enough for real work, a nice hacking day is good for the brain cells

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby goldhorse » Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:41 am

I got on Piggy and after a long walk, we trotted one whole long side. He felt pretty good and was desperate to stretch which was odd since he's notoriously difficult to get to stretch under normal conditions. I hope I didn't break him.
Also, spring is here. All the almond and fruit trees are in full bloom. It rained last night and Piggy lived up to his name. I found him this morning covered in mud and looking very smug about it.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:54 pm

Lovely day number three. Outdoor footing was great, horses were super. We actually sweated it was warm enough.

Still working on clarity in Kimba at canter.

Saiph, tried for 3 changes on the long diagonal, lots of room for improvement

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:33 pm

Glad you're getting some warmth and sun after a rough winter, Chisamba--must feel great!
Mountaineer--glad to hear Potters' abscess has cleared up, they can be so pesky and painful!
Goldhorse--great news! You must be thrilled to be back into recovery and rehab work!

MM has finally had 2 good days in a row and I am relieved. We are not out of the water as she's still on daily dex and not doing any work, but at least she is not breathing hard at rest and her respiratory system is getting a break from being in over drive. I'm not sure if it's the daily doses of dex finally making a dent, having had more time away from possible allergens (like the roundbales), the smart-breathe supplements she started earlier this week, the cloudy/cooler weather, or a combination of some of those. Tomorrow will be warm (74 and sunny), so that will tell me how much of this is weather related. But whatever it is, I am grateful she is getting some relief. If all is well tomorrow too, I will probably take us to a full 7 days of daily dex and then see if i can go to every other day and then every 4th day. I would love to get her entirely off the dex, but will give her what she needs right now to make sure she's not in distress. She's unfortunately lost a lot of weight--surprising amount in a short time. So, I have been giving her soaked beet pulp this week to help give her some extra calories. It seemed like the safest choice given she's on steroids.

RP is continuing to get an unplanned mini-vacation. I have been pulling him up to curry curry curry his fluff off, so there is is at least that. And I'm hoping on Friday to try to get back on him from work.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:20 pm

Goldhorse glad Piggy is back to riding again. Amazing how quickly he came out of his episode. Laminitis is so scary. I lost my old mare last September to it and I’m afraid with Joplin’s breed and typical metabolic look I will face it with her at some point.

Chisamba yeah for riding out!! Much better than freezing cold snow and ice.

Blob jingles that mm continues to improve and you can figure out what to do for management so you can continue to ride her.

Extremely interesting ride on Joplin yesterday. So historically I had issues with the saddle sliding forward though with the dynamic saddle I have now thanks to blob’s recommendation I have not had that problem since riding in this saddle. Yesterday though for a first it slid back some. Now this saddle does require one to tighten after riding a bit in it and I’ve found I have to revisit the girth situation before cantering as well. Which we did yesterday after cantering a couple of rounds but with Joplin’s elevated canter and lift of the shoulders it actually slid back before we realized it. I had the same issue with Rip as he activated his sling. We went from saddle sliding forward to saddle sliding back. Joplin’s canter feels just amazing and I’m excited to continue to develop her. My friend was there helping me (so nice to have eyes on ground!) and she was saying her medium trot is big. I don’t really feel that yet but I’m excited to get some video of our work now.

Clinic coming up in just over a week if I can keep my girls worked. So much other things pulling at my attention right now. Hopefully will have the guardianship thing resolved Friday but then the work involved in establishing that with mom’s financial situation

Definitely looking forward to the clinic though! Excited for the in hand lecture demo especially

Yeah for spring coming!! Jingles you all are feeling it and happy riding

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:19 pm

Blob, I hope MM continues to improve. Crossing my fingers so hard for her. I know how hard it is to watch your horse struggle.

Lynx hasn't coughed so I'm cautiously taking him off the Zyrtec. I haven't been able to ride all week though- my daughter has the flu I think. I thought she was getting better but her fever came back yesterday. So we will be home for probably another two days.

I hope I can get out to ride this weekend. It will be in the upper 50's and low 60's I think. It is snowing right now but not too cold- 35 degrees. So hopefully we don't get a lot of snow cover and that the outdoor arenas are rideable this weekend. :!:

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Thu Mar 17, 2022 5:53 pm

I roached Junior's mane this morning and was thrilled to find that his muscling is even, smooth and appears to be correct. He has his mother's mane which means enough for 3 ponies/5 horses. I have a clinic tomorrow with the individual who comes up from Tucson. I'll be anxiously waiting to hear her assessment of where we are. I feel better about his canter departs being more correct and coming through this morning. He even seemed generally lighter in the bridle and carrying himself better. I entered the April recognized show with the goal of riding 3-1 and 3-2. The flying changes will be what they will be but I have to say that 3-2 is written for a horse like Junior. The lateral work sets us up for our best chances.

I have to brag about Brandon. The temperature today is lovely but we're having pretty significant wind gusts. Having lived for 8 years in KC,MO I don't shy away from riding in the wind; but, this morning I had the added pleasure of a search and rescue helicopter making passes back and forth over our property and the landscapers with 3 blowers running at the next door neighbor's. As if that wasn't enough, the reining place on the other side of me, set up 3 huge hitching posts to tie horses to and leave tied while they work other horses. It was right as I was getting ready to mount Brandon that they decided to tie what I'm guessing is a 2 year old stallion to the post right next to my arena. The young horse was having a fit. I thought, well, we can work on walk, just walk, nothing more than walk, oh and surviving. Well we walked, worked on leg-yielding from the wall, trotted (including serpentines) and cantered both directions. He was so good. Can't decide if my reining neighbors respect me or think I'm a nutty old bat; but, they were waving and holding thumbs up when they were switching out the young stallions on their hitching posts (had a total of 3 tied and whirling around) when I finished with Brandon. I'm still waiting on the baucher I ordered but I have to say if I am forced to keep riding him in the lunging caveson........well at least I'll get him trained even if I can't take him down the center line LOL.

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Re: Looking forward to looking forward - March/April Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Mar 17, 2022 6:23 pm

I may end up in prison for Farriercide. Though I think my defense will be strong.

Of course, he may yet turn up.

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