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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:29 pm
by demi
Ryeissa wrote:My horse feels terrible after a break, he does better with more work. to each their own!

With my horse, Rocky, it was several years before she did well after a long break. When she was 3-4 years old, I was mostly just ponying her on trails or a little lunging in the arena and she was fine to be worked only a few days a week. But from 5-8, when I started riding her, I needed to keep her in work 5 days a week. She wanted to be the boss and if I gave her too much time off, she seemed unwilling to go back to work.

Now, at 10 years old, she is fairly content with our program and if I saddle her up after a month or two off, she seems almost happy that I am paying the extra attention to her again.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:36 pm
by demi
So after three days back in the dressage arena, I took Rocky on a trail ride yesterday. I know that I have a tendency to over school her in the arena so I need to take her on the trails frequently. She reminded me of this quite clearly yesterday because during the trail ride I rode past the arena and she turned her head the opposite direction and made herself a little difficult to steer. She wanted to be sure I wasn't going to make her go in the arena for a little schooling! I'll give her the day off today.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:19 pm
by Chisamba
I'm off riding for a bit

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:29 pm
by demi
Sorry Chisamba! I hope you heal up fast.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 3:47 pm
by demi
I worked Emma this morning. The first time in a couple of months. I want to post about it because we had an interesting event.

I did our usual ground thing. Full tack with longish reins attached to the saddle. Lunge line attached to the halter over the bridle. Her job is to walk and trot beside me, shoulder to shoulder on about 12 feet of line, keeping the contact on the line steady. The arena is in the corner of a pasture with two sides against the fence. Rocky was turned out grazing right next to the arena. A huge military plane went over us and it was very low and very loud. Right over the top of us. I continued walking Em completely ignoring the plane but Rocky jerked up her head, froze in a wild eyed, terrified pose for a moment and then wheeled around and galloped right past us out into the pasture. Rocky's demeanor seemed to say "Quick! Flee with me to safety!" Emma never lost the contact. Never even tensed. She focused on me the whole time. She walked in perfect rhythm and self carriage. I am smiling happily as I write this:)

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:16 pm
by Chisamba
That is excellent

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:35 pm
by kande50
demi wrote:Emma never lost the contact. Never even tensed. She focused on me the whole time. She walked in perfect rhythm and self carriage. I am smiling happily as I write this:)

She probably feels like you're the all powerful one who can open gates and get into the feed room, so she's going to put her faith in you.

Sting's the same way, as long as I'm on the ground and he can see that I'm between the scary thing and him then he's safe. But if I'm in the saddle he must feel like I'm pushing him to "go first" because I'm too scared to do it. :-)

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:30 am
by StraightForward
Chisamba, I hope you mend quickly and are back in the saddle soon!

Demi - that is great; she clearly trusts your leadership.

I had a really nice ride on Annabelle last night. I didn't lunge, just tacked her up and walked around the arena once each way, then backed her a couple times and got one. First trot set I didn't really ask for connection, just some light contact. Circled and changed across the diagonal both directions. Then I remembered the exercise from my last lesson of doing some TOF then trotting off. She has a little trouble processing the two requests in quick succession, but got it by the third try. I also do some TOH right most rides, since she wants to bulge/fall out on her left shoulder something fierce. We then managed a canter both directions, and finished up with some more connected, round trot, and even a bit of trot LY. If we can manage a several more rides as good as this before then, I think we'll have some major improvement to show at our next lesson on September 10.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:25 pm
by Imperini
Sounds like Emma is really developing trust in you demi which I'm sure is a wonderful feeling!

Glad Annabelle is feeling better and back to work too StraightForward.

I think I'm making more progress but I need to get some video or pictures .. sometimes things don't look the way they feel. It seems like I have more control of my lower leg and so I'm able to be more consistent and have better timing which is of course resulting in better responses. Just hoping that my leg isn't ending up too far back when I use it because that's also something I've struggled with.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:07 am
by cb06
The last couple months for the Saddlebred unicorn and his hapless rider (me) have been mostly perspiration and finally a smidge of progress.
The good: I got my second 3rd level score towards my bronze. (61.28%, yay!) :D
The bad: This is my first year showing licensed shows, and I don't have any 1st or 2nd level scores. :?
Dressage is HARD! :shock:
This middle-aged lady (Almost 51) needs to keep working on getting in better shape!~ :oops:
My horrible show nerves are still horrible, but perhaps ever so slightly less so... :roll:
Pictures and video don't lie...and lest anyone think the pics below tell the whole story, I can assure you they don't. 199 pictures and the 1 or 2 below where I don't look like a complete awkward sack of potatoes...good grief my horse is a Saint.
Getting something to work at home and 'think' you are riding pretty decent is light years away from getting it at the show, on cue and on time, etc..and looking at the pictures/videos never lies.
The hill to get this level into the ring for a middle-aged AA, on a non-traditional horse, was steep (for me!). Though I've only dabble in dressage/a smattering of schooling shows for a few years, so I should cut myself a little slack maybe.
I need to take lessons more regularly, they DO help tremendously (its just time and money I lack...spin off from the lesson thread).

BUT we did it. :P
AND...I have SO many things to work on with my riding...I need to continue to work on basics, fitness (mine), and focus. OY!




Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:55 am
by piedmontfields
cb06, that is a great post. I love your photos and story of your journey! Yes, it is a process and it is freaking hard for us amateurs without a lot of support. Your horse is absolutely lovely and your focus is fantastic. Well done, and keep going :-D It is quite a lot harder to deliver on the letter at a show than in the vicinity at home!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:58 am
by Rosie B
Cb06 - congratulations on getting your score! That is a big achievement. :)

Your boy is gorgeous. He reminds me of someone... ;)

Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:28 pm
by demi
Nice cb06! Your hard work is paying off because your boy is looking wonderful. I want to ride that horse!! I love the pictures.

I love all the pics on this thread! I just went back a couple of pages to look at pics again and was re-impressed about how nice Bliss is looking. Imperini's mare is improving, too, and I just love "mares doing dressage"!

We are expecting lots of rain and high winds from the hurricane this weekend. Ponichiwa, have you battened down the hatches!?

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:49 pm
by Ponichiwa
We're going to get so much rain. Fingers crossed, everyone. Stay safe, Demi!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:57 pm
by piedmontfields
Yes, TX people, please stay safe. When they forecast *feet* of rain, it is serious (not to mention the storm surge).

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:38 pm
by demi
Ponichiwa wrote:We're going to get so much rain. Fingers crossed, everyone. Stay safe, Demi!

We are are on top of a hill north of Austin and have had no real problems in the 20 years we've been here. I am not sure of your situation but if you have to evacuate, we have an extra stall and you are more than welcome to bring Kiwi up here. DH went to the State Operations center in Austin at 4:30 this morning. People head this way from Houston when they evacuate and there is a lot of preparation and organization necessary to deal with shelters and traffic, etc.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:37 pm
by cb06
Thanks guys. I have enjoyed following everyone's journeys as well.
Will is a very fun, lovable and funny horse and I aspire to be a better rider for him.

Everybody in Texas stay safe. Yikes! Epic flooding does not sound good. :(

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:02 pm
by StraightForward
Aaaaarrrgh!! Annabelle hung her left hind on the fence this morning. She is sore and all scraped up on that leg as well as small cuts on her RF knee and pastern, face and hair scraped off her back. Probably lucky it wasn't worse, but another accident prone horse is the last thing I need.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:55 pm
by demi
What a bummer, Straightforward!! So sorry.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:54 pm
by Chisamba
Good luck Texans.

Sorry about the scrape straight forward.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:45 pm
by Ryeissa
cb06- congrats!!!!

SF- ugh! that is a total bummer!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:02 pm
by Moutaineer
Damn, SF.

Laddie got himself in a wreck last night, too. I was leading him back down the barn aisle from the indoor after his handwalk and Walker lunged at him over his stall door. He spooked, slipped and fell on the concrete, landing on his good hip, scraping the skin of his hock and treading all over himself.

Miraculously, though a little banged up, he is sound. My heart was in my boots, though. I'm taking this as a sign that if the stifle is healed enough to cope with this, it's time for me to get back on him.

Walker now has his window closed. Jealous of someone else getting my attention, I think.

I had a super lesson on Walker today with our visiting trainer. She hasn't seen him for a month and was very pleased with our progress. We've been diligently doing our homework and he's now really quite through and connected at the walk and trot, and the trot has a bit of suspension back in it. We even managed to canter several circles in each direction--not pretty, but mostly correct sequence of footfalls and some semblance of rhythm.

We did quite a bit of lateral work today which was useful for him, and I learned how much better he goes if I relax my wrists.

Poor guy looks like a giant baby mouse at the moment. I think I moved him to the barn and different temperature range at just the crucially wrong stage in his coat change. He is blowing his summer coat like nobody's business, but his winter coat isn't quite coming in yet, so his white areas are patchy pink and downy. I'm having to be very careful about sun exposure for him, too.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:39 pm
by demi
Mountaineer, Walker sounds just like Rocky! I am sure it's a jealousy issue! I have a feeling he has some of Rocky's other personality traits. Very pretty and she KNOWS it. VERY opinionated. Dominant in turnout with other horses. Gotta love'em ;)

So sorry about Laddie. When I read about the stuff we all go thru in training it makes me realize that there is a lot of luck involve in progressing up the levels. Not to say in any way that those who are "successful" haven't put in hard work and paid their dues!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 2:07 pm
by StraightForward
Oh geeze, Moutaineer. I'm glad it wasn't worse with Laddie after all you're already going through with him. I can't imagine what you were thinking when he went down.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:13 am
by Ponichiwa
9 pony refugees from south of us pulled into our barn today. Cutest refugees ever.

Water levels are still rising. My house has already gotten nearly 24" of rain but is due for another 24 over the course of the next 2 days. The creek that is normally empty and 1000' from my house is over its banks and 1300' wide now-- my house is another 6' above the current water line but it's not very reassuring given that the water has already risen 10'.

Kiwi is high and dry, as are the additional pony refugees. We sure as hell could use a break in the rain though.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:55 am
by Moutaineer
Glad to hear you are still dry and hoping it stays that way!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:20 am
by demi
So glad to hear you are ok. I hope your house stays high and dry. Hang in there!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:18 pm
by piedmontfields
Ponichiwa, that water level is scary. Are you and the ponies approaching an island situation?

It looks like it is going to be a very tough week.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:18 pm
by Chisamba
I heard a lot more rain is expected over the already flooded areas. Things are bad for the humans but I also feel for the animals. Not just pets, livestock, wildlife. It's a lot of flood.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 3:25 pm
by Kyra's Mom
Major drying jingles headed your way Ponichiwa. Stay safe.

I have no progress or perspiration to report on...of the equine variety anyway.

My uncle passed away early this month and he had no kids or surviving spouse so guess who is executor? Of course, he lived in a town 20 miles away so between work, elder care for my parents and and shuttling to Nampa to inventory and getting the uncle's house contents into storage until probate is done and notifying all the pertinent people, well horse time is next to zero. I do get out a couple times a weeks to do chores and give my friend a break from the chores but work the horse...nope.

I have enjoyed the hangout time with no perceived must do's and think the horse does too. I did work her in the round pen a couple weeks ago and she worked quite well. Less episodes of giving me the horsey finger in our liberty work.

Finger's crossed in a week or two I will have a little more time and can at least get back to ground work. I had a little backslide with the butt pain post surgery...I am sure the stress has nothing to do with that...but it seems to be getting better and may try doing some walk work again. I am still waiting for the weather to cool off. We had about 5 days that were cooler then back to the upper 90's :P . It is supposed to be 100 today. I am really over that :roll: .


Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:39 pm
by StraightForward
Hope you are still doing OK over there, Ponichiwa, as well as anyone else in the path of Harvey!

Annabelle was swollen in the hock and rather sore in her back when I got home last night. I'd scheduled a bodywork session for her, but the bodyworker and her horse took a spill while trail riding last weekend and she had to cancel to give herself time to mend. I'll probably give her the rest of the week off at a minimum.

The more exciting news is that Pickle's trainer posted a video this morning of her apprentice riding Ms. P loose in their large arena (she's been working off of a pony horse up until now). I never thought I'd be so excited to see a horse simply walking around calmly; patience is paying off!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:33 am
by Moutaineer
Susan, it will be snowing before we know it.

I have some weird low-level gastro-intestinal ick (as opposed to the incredibly awful high level gastro-intestinal stuff that has run rampant through our town in the last couple of weeks. Everyone I know is staggering around an unpleasant shade of light green.) Handwalked Laddie this evening and feel like I ran a marathon in lead boots, so I am going to bed with a cup of herb tea and hoping to feel better enough tomorrow to actually get on him for the first time in six months.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:59 pm
by Ponichiwa
We are incredibly lucky. I got 40ish inches (rain gauge errored out at 30" on Saturday night, and we had a ton of rain on Sunday) but we got a 12+ hour break in the rain and now it looks like nothing ever happened. My garage has some damage due to high water, including massive erosion around the sidewalk/driveway because of fast water movement, and my fences are toast. But compared to the people who lost their homes, pets, or lives in this catastrophe I'm incredibly unscathed.

Here's Kiwi and friends in their first turnout day since Friday:

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:39 pm
by piedmontfields
So glad you are okay Ponichiwa! Very very lucky. That is an incredible amount of rain.

Kiwi looks quite pleased with the pony contingent.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:15 am
by Moutaineer
I guess I don't need to tell you why I'm smiling in this picture...

small laddie.jpg
small laddie.jpg (255.56 KiB) Viewed 25209 times

Looking a little weedy, but that's what 6 months of doing nothing more than 15 minutes a day handwalking will do for a horse.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:50 am
by Anne
Ponichiwa, so glad to hear you & Kiwi are OK - many reports here in NZ of the awful flooding in TX, that's a s**tload of rain!!

Mountaineer - yiippeee!! I'm smiling for you two too.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:53 am
by Chisamba
Congratulations Mountaineer.

I had to look at the pic a few times before I realized the line from his jaw to his chest was from the wall behind him. Phones!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:09 pm
by Rosie B
Yay!!! Mountaineer that is so wonderful. :) Onward and upward.

Ponichiwa I can't even imagine that amount of rain. So glad you guys are ok.

Bliss and I are making progress. Yesterday he was not as forward as I would like but I think he was tired so he will have a nice long break while we go camping over the long weekend. Here are some pics from yesterday. Sorry they are blurry. My step daughter (who is 13) was kind enough to video for me (and afterward she had a riding lesson), but she has a limited attention span and the video is extremely shaky and blurry. :D

I am happy they show improvements in my hands, but my chest is somewhat collapsed again... so back to work on that... again...

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:25 pm
by piedmontfields
Great updates! Love seeing Laddie back under saddle. Rosie, I really like your work and I keep using your/Dresseur's reminder to "touch knuckles" to keep my hands close and orderly.

I'll go back to my original goals for the summer and update:

-Try riding Emi with spurs. I think I need them for the specificity of the aid for the FC from right to left. (No, I don't normally ride with spurs.)
I tried this and it is somewhat useful. But if I actually use the spurs much, Emi will get a rub! She is my hairless wonder. So I mostly ride without them, but occasionally put them on if I think I might need a ! in the ride. Maybe I'll try a roller spur instead.

-Be absolutely vigilant about Emi's right hind (and alignment in general), which is always ready to escape weight loading.
This simple act has a huge effect on her gait quality and throughness.

-Using the above tools, get back to the regular flying changes work (try to solve the right to left challenge).
At this point, I'm only doing changes work 1-2x a week (depending on footing/ring action). I find I need a big "energy spike" and to get her kind of "bucky" in feel to solve the right to left challenge. Left to right can be calm and on the aids. I do use counter canter on a 20 m circle to get her energy higher and prep her for change work. I am also slowly learning to do less when asking for the change and to be calm about the process. I think anyone else would have this well sorted out months or years ago on this horse! In the process of working on this so slowly, the HP work is also improving.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:56 pm
by calvin
Congratulations to all - so much GOOD news, despite the hurricane which has ravaged Texas and other areas. Moutaineer, you must be so pleased with Laddie. I saw Exvet's post as to "Junior" - wow, I remember when he was born. He was promising then, and is gorgeous now. Rosie B - love the progress with Bliss. We shall meet up one of these days.

Reading about you people who ride, despite truly hot and humid conditions, makes me appreciate our ocean breezes. Cool winters are a small price to pay.

This senior rider / horse combo did a third level test in June. We were not brilliant. We have lots of homework ideas arising from our debut. We continue on our journey!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:14 pm
by Sue B
Moutaineer... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Congratulations on finally sitting on Lad!

Rosie...keep up the good work and hope you have a lovely weekend with family. and your horse look wonderful. Congratulations on your 3rd level debut!

I utterly failed on all my goals this summer but I did manage to squeak in one more ride before the end of the month. I rode mostly without stirrups on Rudy in order to get myself properly aligned. When he's not in regular work, he tends to cause me to drift to the right (feels like there's a hole under my right seat bone) when I ask him to bring his right hind up under my seat. For some reason, dropping the stirrups helps me to feel the drift immediately so that I can correct it and not get all twisted up. Except for an overly strong hh that caused him to slip behind (again on the right hind) just as I asked for canter, my ride on Rudy was not only productive but fun as well. He did let me know right away that he did not appreciate my causing him to lose his balance for a moment, but it only took a few strides of walk on a long rein to garner his forgiveness. :oops: The work afterward was just plain old wonderful. I really must recharge my video camera.

Tio, amazingly enough, is continuing to progress in spite of my inconsistent riding this summer. He gave me a really nice left lead canter, and he is beginning to learn how to slow the tempo in the trot without losing impulsion. Unfortunately, the neighbor came charging up the hill north of my arena riding bareback on her old posse horse causing Tio to lose his mind for a few minutes. Fortunately, he was still on the lunge--I don't know what would have happened had I been on his back. Otoh, he looks quite impressive when he powers up. :lol: Maybe he'll make a nice dressage horse after all!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:49 pm
by StraightForward
StraightForward wrote:I don't know where June went, but it's July 1 suddenly; time for a new thread.

I've had Anna Banana for 2.5 months now, and our work is starting to shift into gear after dealing with weather, muscle imbalance issues and an abscessed jaw. She is four and still pretty weak and green, so my goal for July is ride 3x a week getting her steadier in the bridle and working on rhythm and bend, do ground work 1x, get her off the property at least twice, and get my legs re-accustomed to riding in a jumping saddle :shock: Will reassess at the beginning of August.

Well carp. Annabelle was on the injured list for most of August, so we didn't get as far as I would have liked. Just when we were getting some nice work, she goes off and hurts herself. :( We did get off property once in July and well, twice in August if you count the vet. Riding 3x a week did happen so long as she was sound and I was in town. Hopefully the next eight weeks will run more smoothly.

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:00 pm
by Chisamba
Shh, dont tell anyone but i rode today, I did take it easy, posting is pulling on the abdomen area, and I did not canter. I was able to do lateral work, though and work on lengthening and collecting in the walk. :)

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 4:23 am
by Moutaineer
Chisamba wrote:Congratulations Mountaineer.

I had to look at the pic a few times before I realized the line from his jaw to his chest was from the wall behind him. Phones!

Chisamba, it's an awful picture, but it's the best I have at the moment!

(And, (I may regret typing this out loud) he's been a really good boy so far...)

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 1:00 pm
by Chisamba
Moutaineer wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Congratulations Mountaineer.

I had to look at the pic a few times before I realized the line from his jaw to his chest was from the wall behind him. Phones!

Chisamba, it's an awful picture, but it's the best I have at the moment!

(And, (I may regret typing this out loud) he's been a really good boy so far...)

Its a great pic because you are on his back not hand walking him

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:19 am
by Flight
Chisamba wrote:Shh, dont tell anyone but i rode today, I did take it easy, posting is pulling on the abdomen area, and I did not canter. I was able to do lateral work, though and work on lengthening and collecting in the walk. :)

I've started riding too, we're not good patients are we :)

Cb06 congrats and nice pics!! And while I think you might be a bit hard on yourself, it's all the stuff that I think when I compete too. I watch others and they look like there's no struggles, but it's good to hear that might not always be the case :)

RosieB - I seriously don't think you could ever look bad on a horse in any way :) Yes it looks like you've got your hands sorted now, I need to seriously work on mine.

Calvin - congrats too on your 3rd level debut!

Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:54 pm
by Imperini
Wow this summer went too fast. Pretty soon we're going to have to move inside for my after work rides :( It sometimes feels like there was progress and other times not so much. I know most of our problems are my fault, even her laziness which really is our biggest hurdle, so that makes it more frustrating. I tried out the "pony trot" idea from the other thread but it didn't seem to work well for us. She does more of a plodding trot than a slow trot if I don't ask for more and then it's more difficult later to convince her that anything more than a plod is required. Lunging before our rides seems to be the best thing I've found so far but I really dislike lunging :lol:

Love the pics everyone!

Mountaineer so good to see you back on Laddie!