Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:00 pm

Nice, Chisamba. Which horse is that? It's really nice, too!

Laddie and I continue to chip away at strengthening the right hind and increasing our fitness. No major breakthroughs, but happy work.

We have had an entire winter's worth of snow in two weeks here. Inconvenient in many ways, dangerous in others with severe avalanche danger everywhere, but desperately needed water content, so we will take it!

Demi and the rest of you Texas folk, I hope you don't have too many long term consequences from your deep freeze.

Flight, I shall be very interested in what you think of your new saddle. My barn manager is a saddle fitter and rep and has just taken them on. Their strap work is very nice and beautifully made, too.

I saw the message this morning about the virtual show in Idaho, SF. Not in show mode at the moment, or I would come join you!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:41 pm

Moutaineer wrote:I saw the message this morning about the virtual show in Idaho, SF. Not in show mode at the moment, or I would come join you!

I saw that too, haven't looked at details, but being able to get judged on our home turf at first level would be good for Annabelle since she gets spazzy away from home. Heck, I might even try 2-1 not having to worry about the mediums turning into an excuse to bolt. :lol: I might talk to the BO about making it a bit of an event at the barn for whoever wants to participate.

ETA: April 21 is a Wednesday. :(
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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Feb 21, 2021 4:14 pm

I am much relieved to say we had an informative and positive vet visit on Thursday. All major issues ruled out, no kissing spine/neck malformations etc, but lord she was so stuck out of alignment everywhere but her poll it seemed. Vet commented as I brought her out that she's grown not only in height but also in bulk, he last saw her in the fall in the midst of the wonkiest growth spurt.

It was the most dramatic adjustments I had seen, she about sat down on her arse after a couple of neck/shoulder adjustments. The most incredible part was afterwards her demeanor was so, so soft, an immediate improvement. Since then she's not had one cross moment or objection to being groomed/touched all over her body.

I asked him about next steps and he said buy the damn saddle. :lol: I am happy with our plan going forward and highly relieved that Kora is feeling better in her body.

Ryeissa- So sorry about your lil girl, our dog partners never live long enough but we are so lucky to be a part of their lives. The photo of her in your thread is darling.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:33 pm

Aleuronx, best update ever! I hope she continues to feel good!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:45 pm

Oh, phew, Aleuronx!

I can't remember, how old is she?

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Feb 21, 2021 7:17 pm

that is a great update Aleuronix. I hope the calmness continues past that initial euphoria of relief. Jingles that all goes positively going forward. ( yes that was a bit of an intended pun) lol.

Flight, I applaud your 15 changes. huge kudos.

I have a clinic scheduled on Saturday so really hoping for slightly reasonable weather. It's our first since the pandemic and I feel both excited and a wee bit anxious.

I'm riding twice and I haven't decided yet which two.

lipsmacker and Moutaineer, good luck horse shopping, it's both the most exciting and most frustrating endeavor ever. moutaineer the horse is Saiph who seems to be all the way healthy after laminitis.

Texans, here's a toast to warmer weather. ( yes, stupid puns again)

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:34 pm

I rode! Yes! I rode! Horray. I am still mopey about my dog dying two days ago, but I was able to ride my pony for the first time since he hurt his shoulder crashing on the ice. He did GREAT, no issues :)

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Feb 21, 2021 10:21 pm

Moutaineer - Kora will be 6 in June this year.

Just back in from barn visit and she's still feeling good, knock on wood. I should hear from the saddle fitter tomorrow about order status as UK hopefully gets back to work starting tomorrow. I worried a bit with how long it will take to make and then get over here through customs but it'll be what it'll be I guess.

We will be sitting chilly still until then. I suppose I need to teach her more tricks? I will be living through you all until then, so keep up the updates y'all!!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:04 am

Ax, that is an encouraging update and I hope for more to come!

I love the Caliburn transformation via Chisamba. It is clear you do consistently great work with all of your horses!

It's neat that some of you are considering a joint virtual show. I think that could be very supportive! Honestly, if my horse were up to it and I was in a dressage barn (instead of eventing), I would easily be roped into showing these days (although I'd drive separately for public health). It is fun to support people besides us and to root for all!

Meanwhile, on the home front, there is nothing like rehab to hone one's feel. It's all about enough work without overdoing. Today, we did less trot but more hills (walking). I'm thinking about the long term goal (w-t-c with comfort on good footing) and being calm about progress. Clearly, Em is stronger each week---plus Emi is getting over being an arena flower! lol

Bad news is that I have an elder pointer how dealing with cancer. We'll help him when the time comes...which is probably not that far off.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:06 am

oh no. sorry. Its very sad.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:32 am

Aleuronx wrote:I worried a bit with how long it will take to make and then get over here through customs but it'll be what it'll be I guess.

Customs is weird right now. I ordered a bridle from Australia at the beginning of January, was notified that it landed in the US, and like 2 days later DHL delivered it. Last year I bought a used saddle from the UK (pre-covid) and it sat in customs for 2 weeks, then suddenly appeared on my doorstep, skipping the whole required signature thing. :shock:

Had a nice lesson yesterday. Only so much we can do in the 18m wide indoor arena, but it was productive, and my instructor could see an improvement in my position from the Feldenkrais works, since she last saw me right before I started it. Our outdoor still has standing water up at the top end, which is always first to drain, so I'm not so optimistic about being able to use it again soon.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:02 pm

Piedmontfields, I'm sorry about your dog. That's a hard diagnosis.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Feb 22, 2021 7:36 pm

Thanks for the kind words. This fellow has had quite a full life, but it's always sad. I'm glad I've found a vet who will come to our property to assist us with his final exit.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:25 am

Rye & PF so sorry both of you have lost important family members recently. Such a hard thing.
Aleuronx--great update, glad to hear you are getting some answers and some relief!
Chisamba--thanks for sharing caliburn's progress. So great to see that kind of change in a horse

I've been busy getting ready for a show this weekend. RP has been a bit of a mess just in time for this show, so hopefully we can get ourselves together for the show. I do think part of it is that he's getting a bit gassy from the spring grass starting to come in. So, we'll see. We're going to have a wet soggy friday for getting to the show and schooling, which isn't ideal. BUT we're going to have a dry sat and sunday with highs in the mid 70s, so that should be lovely. Our show group went from 6 down to 2. But I think we'll have a great time. The friend that is going with me is relatively new to dressage, but she and her 21 year old TB have been working hard over the past year and I'm excited for them to get into the show ring.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:06 pm

Blob, hope you have a great time! Let us know how it goes.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:46 pm

good luck blob!

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:59 pm

Well I am not sad that this period is ready to close out and the next one should be less challenging, weather and daylight-wise.

I completed Feldenfit 1, and am about halfway through FF2. I'm happy to say that I am dropping my left shoulder less, and turning right is getting better. Overall I notice that I just feel like I don't get as stiff sitting in front of my work computer all day, and my posture is overall better without conscious effort.

Last night was ride #4 in the Patrick Leggero saddle I got on trial, and it sealed the deal on keeping it. Annabelle is already a happier girl in her XW saddle, so I'm excited to see how she progresses from here. Riding has been pretty light the last several weeks while figuring out the saddle situation, so we've just been trying to maintain status quo and get a little improvement on clicking through the gears.

Tesla is also cantering better on the lunge, but still falls in badly to the right, so I am alternating lunging and riding, since I can better keep her from falling in from the saddle.

StraightForward wrote:This month I'm doing Jillian Kreinbring's biomechanics workshop online one night a week, and have also signed up for the 30 day FeldenFit challenge with the Feldenkrais practitioners the Ritters work with.

Tesla is making good progress with the lunging, and I probably won't ride her much until she is cantering better on the lunge in both directions. It seems to at least partially be a matter of convincing her that she has a left front leg that is perfectly capable of supporting her weight.

The clouds literally parted today so I was able to get some video as baseline to compare Annabelle's progress this year. I'm planning to have her on a lighter riding schedule for the next few weeks, but the focus going forward is improving control of the body parts and better use of the hind legs. Doing LY left in pony trot today she totally stalled out, I think because the pony trot didn't let her cheat on carrying with her left hind. Some working getting that leg more carrying will go a long way. And someday I'll learn to turn my torso to the right and stop collapsing left. Hoping the Feldenkrais challenge will help with that. https://youtu.be/nSOSbAPicCI
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Feb 27, 2021 4:59 pm

Straightforward, yay on the saddle victory!!

I did get fairly regular dressage lessons and jumping lessons. Still was only riding about two or three times a week. not ideal but better than nothing and I did feel like my fitness improved a bit.

I'm sad to say I haven't gotten a lunge lesson yet. Hopefully in March!!

And no horse yet but excited about two prospects on my radar. Seeing one today.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sun Feb 28, 2021 4:13 am

As we close out this segment, I am hoping that next one brings some much needed relief from weather and hard times that those here have been having to endure. We had our ups and "almost there" misses; but, all in all everyone seems okay.

1. Junior and I got the feedback sought for our ability to perform second level. The Pivo is a huge help and riding with the two instructors/coaches I am currently with has definitely sorted some things out for me. I can't stop saying it, "Ride what you love and love what you ride." Junior puts a smile on my face, each and every day. I'm looking forward to the adventures ahead.

2. Brandon - We have been out on the trail at least 3-4 times a week. I ride in the arena only occasionally. He is so butt high that he seems 'off' at times but between his extreme dislike for the bit (any bit) and his awkward build I think it's just 'a phase'. I see him too often running and playing, staying perfectly sound that I choose not to pay too much attention to what he does under saddle. We're not cantering under saddle yet. Until I get him a bit better with his balance there's simply no point going there. We'll continue to add the mileage through trail riding.

3. Ace - This one was and still is easy. He's a gem and allows us to just enjoy having a pleasant, fun, sane horse to trail ride.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:12 pm

I closed out February by hosting a clinic with Andrea Velas ( highly recommended by Dresseur) . She appealed to me for a few reasons, firstly of course, a btdt green to Grand Prix trainer. secondly, since most of my horses are not " bred for purpose " dressage horses, she is very familiar with other breeds, and her willingness to work with multiple levels of rider.

We enjoyed the clinic very much and everyone benefitted from her teaching.

I rode Kimba and Saiph and she was helpful with both. I think she liked them despite my skeptical friend saying trainers lie about liking your horse because it's their benefit to keep you on the line.

Anyway, I feel that I have a steadier direction for the next two month goals.
Screenshot_20210228-112121_Video Player_240x261.jpg
Saiph in clinic
Screenshot_20210228-112121_Video Player_240x261.jpg (58.49 KiB) Viewed 5716 times

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:23 pm

I rode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the horse was SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a normal walk trot ride has never felt so good.

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Re: Ring in 2021 in the dressage ring: January-February Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:10 pm

Chisamba, glad you had a good clinic!! What a gorgeous photo.

Ryeissa, yay!! Glad you are back in the saddle and your horse is doing be well again! Best feeling ever

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