Cost of recognized shows across the US

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Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby khall » Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:15 am

Having the scoring thread going got me interested in what it costs everyone who shows recognized now. It was so much cheaper back in the day!

Last time I showed recognized was 13 years ago. It was a sport horse show but still comparable to dressage show. For one weekend I was dropping over $1000. I don’t have LQ trailer so I always had hotel on top of fees. They do split the weekend so there are two shows which doubles the fees for office etc just like dressage shows do.

I do have one show grounds about 1 1/2 hours away that it would be feasible to haul in and show off the trailer but most are 2 1/2 or more hour hauls. I’ve always preferred to haul in the day before if I can and it’s always easier to have a stall

In comparison it costs me $200 or so to show schooling which is much more fun for me anyway. I hate white breeches! And dressage coats!

So just curious what it cost in other parts of the country. I’m
in Georgia. Middle Georgia to be exact

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby Flight » Mon Feb 08, 2021 2:14 am

I'm not quite sure what a recognised show is, I think it's equivalent to our 'official' competitions? So you have to do all the proper things, wear the right stuff etc, scores can be found online with our state dressage body, judges are qualified appropriately etc.
I went to one on the weekend, so drove 90mins and rode 2 tests at $40 each entry. Would have taken nearly 1/2 tank of diesel, say $40. Horse stayed tied up at the float.
So, $120?

I'm lucky that I have a 4 dressage clubs within that 90min driving time.

Eta- sorry you did say US! But I find it interesting in different parts of the world too.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby blob » Mon Feb 08, 2021 2:52 am

I usually don't do hotels and just opt to get up early and drive from home. There are three show grounds within an hour for me, so that makes this possible. But I don't have my own trailer, so I do have to pay for hauling often. The whole weekend usually costs me about $600 for a recognized, riding two tests a day.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby Flight » Mon Feb 08, 2021 2:59 am

Blob - $600! For my curiosity can you break down the costs for me?

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby Kelo1 » Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:41 am

About $300 for a recognized show (two classes).

In comparison, I can show at an equivalent reined cow horse show for $250 (two classes).....but if I do well, I will earn prize money back, which depending on the placing and class size is $75-300 per placing.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby khall » Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:05 am

Flight thanks for chiming in. Yes I agree it is interesting to compare the costs in other countries. Here is a typical fee schedule for a show. ... sage-1.pdf

With shows now offering two separate shows for the weekend those office fees etc are doubled. Some of these fees are new to me. I just could not see continuing to pour money into these recognized shows. I would rather put the money into learning and I have by traveling to Spain and Portugal to learn and ride Iberians.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby StraightForward » Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:23 am

Off the top of my head, Khall, that looks pretty similar to here. I've been thinking about whether or not I want to show this year. On one hand, I would love to start getting some scores towards my bronze. OTOH, Annabelle is bonkers at shows, so I would probably need to haul her to lots of show before we could really deal with the pressure of recognized competition, and that makes me want to stay home. I might just take her to schooling shows this year, or show in opportunity classes until either A) Tesla is ready for competition or B) Annabelle starts handling the show situation better. No real interest in competing against others or qualifying for championships, but maybe I'll be bitten with the bug someday.
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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:44 am

And then there's USDF, USEF. GMO memberships for you and your horse to add on top...

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby Tanga » Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:51 am

I can't afford to do overnight shows. I do it every two years at championships. Stalls are about $200, plus lodging, gas, and such. Last one I think it ended up costing about $3000-$3500 for two horses showing two levels. I won a fair amount of money, which paid about $600 and covered the stalls.

I show within 30 minutes. I show two horses two classes each, even FEI, because it's insanely expensive. It costs me about $140 for ONE class, and about $200 for two classes. So if I show the two horses in two classes each, it's about $400 and the gas costs about $30.

The fees have gotten insane. A class is about $60, so the fees end up being about $75, thus if I do two classes, it cuts that up.

Luckily I got smart about 10 years back and did lifetime memberships for CDS, USDF and SWANA, so that saves a lot yearly. USEF was too much, so I think it's $200 for three years?

Bay area, CA.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:48 am

Once upon a time, we had several recognized shows close at hand. Not so much any more. We will have 4 recognized shows in our state this year, at two venues--one of which is a place I frankly prefer not to frequent. The other is about an hour and a half drive, and while it is a nice facility, it's waaay out there and the closest accommodations for humans are about 30 minutes away, which is on the cusp of "I might as well just go home," but is a long way to trailer back and forth for a two day show, so it's not really a fun weekend of camaraderie with your buddies.

So our alternatives end up being Colorado or Idaho. Colorado seems to be struggling a bit with venues, but Idaho appears to have a few nice places to show and seems like the best bet, but it's still a long drive and a of money so you've got to go with a serious competitive goal in mind rather than going to give it a bash and see how you do.

Regionals for us are officially in Santa Fe this year, which is a stupidly long drive. but I've seen that facility is now in danger, so who knows.

Schooling shows, same venues, lesser judges, weird atmosphere, so I've tended to give up on them completely. I used to support them to support our GMO, but got the feeling I wasn't welcome, somehow, because I wasn't part of the clique, so I'd really rather stay home and work in my garden.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby exvet » Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:03 pm

For one horse, two classes, no stall (haul in) level 1 recognized one day show - $260. For one horse no stall (haul in) level 3, one class each of three days - $620. Stalls depending on the venue are anywhere from $130 to $250 a weekend. That doesn't include fuel to haul both directions, lodgings if I choose to stay, coaching fees if I choose to have someone coach me, etc. Those who've 'known' me over the years know I usually can find the 'least expensive' way to go.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby blob » Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:30 pm

Flight wrote:Blob - $600! For my curiosity can you break down the costs for me?

Signing up for a show now, so was easy to give a very accurate breakdown!

Stabling for weekend: $150
extra shavings: $24
Classes (55-60 each): $240
Tack stall: $95 (for some show grounds it's the same as regular stabling, this ground has it as less and this i will split with those coming with me, but I will get it even if i go alone)

sub-total: $509

EMT Fee: $5
Night Watch: $7
Office fee: $40
Pandemic PPE fee (new as of COVID): $10
USEF drug fee: $23

Subtotal: $85

total = $594

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby Flight » Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:53 pm

Thanks Khall for that link and blob for the breakdown in costs.
Expensive!! I'd probably never show if I was over there.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby zevida » Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:45 am

I have my own truck and trailer so don’t have to pay for hauling. Trailing in to a show and doing two classes is about $250 I think. A multi-day show with the trainer and barn which involves a stall and hotel room and tack stall and grooming fees could be $1000-1500.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby exvet » Tue Feb 16, 2021 12:48 pm

I just entered a two day show which is officially two separate shows (the games we play to earn enough eligible points for USDF awards and regionals) for March. I'm hauling in Friday and out on Sunday $75 for diesel (venue is 2 hours away one direction). It's $100 for a stall for the weekend. This is one of the far more affordable venues. I'm showing 2 second level tests on Saturday so that show is going to cost me $342.30. On Sunday I'm only showing in the one second level test and that is costing me $123.90. Once I add in coaching fees and meals, the whole show is going to cost me $871.20. I am fortunate because I have a friend that lives relatively close to the show grounds and is letting me stay there for the two night; so, at least I will be able to save on lodgings. When I showed one test each of three days and hauled in and out each of those days my total out of pocket expense what pretty much the same due to the diesel I blew. I don't pay for braiding or's an expensive hobby for sure.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby lorilu » Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:11 am

Moutaineer wrote:And then there's USDF, USEF. GMO memberships for you and your horse to add on top...

you can always pay the non member fees.....
And a GMO membership by itself is enough for USDF, you can even earn scores towards rider medals. Stiill have to pay the USEF non member fee tho.

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Re: Cost of recognized shows across the US

Postby lorilu » Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:13 am

Blob, that's about what I pay here in Ocala area - unless you are talking the World Eq Center. Just entered a show there.... gulp.

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