March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

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March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Feb 27, 2021 4:18 pm

I am so ready for spring, I am starting this one early. :D

We've had windy days and little bursts of snow the last 24 hours, but as February slides into the rear view, the weather is supposed to moderate. I am looking forward to being able to ride outside, as our indoor is only 60'x120', and the footing takes a beating with riders about 10 hours every day.

Annabelle is starting out with a new to us extra wide saddle. My wide saddle looked to my eye like it fit her nicely, but apparently it was squishing her new muscles, because 4 rides in, she is a much happier girl, and I think it will translate into more throughness, and getting that pesky left hind a little stronger. So Annabelle March-April goals:
  1. Get that left hind carrying and improve the lateral work as a result
  2. Some type of pole or grid work each week that footing allows
  3. Focus on throughness in the canter
  4. Maintain bend and connection in all the transitions

Tesla, well, girl, you turn 5 at the end of this period, and it's time to start growing up. :lol:
  1. Keep working on the lunging; someday it would be nice if each lunging session didn't start like an MMA cage match.
  2. Ride at least 4x a week.
  3. Obedience in trot, iron out those stalling moments and start getting an honestly forward trot sooner in the ride.
  4. Start rolling in and out of canter both directions

  1. Finish Feldenfit 2, continue on to FF3 if it's offered, or go back and work through FF1 again.
  2. Run 2x a week
  3. Kettlebells 2x a week
Last edited by StraightForward on Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Sat Feb 27, 2021 5:59 pm

Ugh. I just need to get through the next few days. I'm glad I did that Feb show and won't show again until April 2. (No one responded, but those same rides I got the low scores in Jan? I got 62.8 % in the GP and 64% in the I-2, not even close to be perfect rides!) Unexpected hullabaloo at the barn and I'm losing my pasture very quickly. I thought I would be able to, last resort, move them into stalls, which I hate. Found out Tuesday no stalls. A combination of bad timing on everything, the barn is full, and with all of the shuffling, nowhere to put three horses. I have been desperately looking at situations all week. Thursday I went down the street to a very expensive, nice barn, though the pasture is actually cheaper. She has space for three, was wonderful to me, showed me everything, and said I could move in Sunday. I may be able to come back to where I am by the end of the year if the situation sorts out (I and my sponsors/leasors have friends there) but maybe we won't want to. I am on very good terms with the BO, but he just doesn't have any choices.

I have been packing and moving everything from my little private shed I finally got after years of sacrifice back into my garage. I am anxious because I left a message yesterday to thank her so much and say we wanted to move in on Sunday and what do I need to do before that. She hasn't gotten back to me yet and no one is picking up the phone (It's 10 am) so of course I'm freaking out a bit. I'm sure it will be OK, but I'm trying not to have a heart attack.

I can't have my dream of having everything in my only little private space, but the pasture is bigger, amazing, with actual grass, plenty of food for all (horses were still nibbling on breakfast at 2) the property is stunning with rolling hills, actual groomed trails, serious world class footing (versus ride around the holes) and a full covered. We have access to everything in the barn including the tack room, where I can keep a trunk (need to go buy a rolling tool trunk!), wash racks, washing machines for blankets (!), eurosizer (which I won't use), etc. Must stay neat and clean and not leave stuff out, but that's fine. Her barn, her rules, and I can live with being overly neat and tidy versus overly casual and messy.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:50 pm

I'm keeping it simple and yes, counting each day until new saddle arrives sometime after Easter. It'll all be good though as it will notch another Lyme titer test and see if we're on the right track with that or need another go around with antibiotics. Wonder Vet will be scheduled to come out to do chiro adjustment just prior to saddle arrival if everything works out so we'll be extra good to go with getting back on.

I did purchase a fake 'surefoot' pad to play with, just a firm physio pad off of Amazon. I couldn't stomach the cost of the real things while also chunking down for custom made saddle. She's been good to stand on them, but more in a circus trick 'I do this because the human wants me to' way than a 'this is improving my body' way so far. Happier with front feet moreso than hinds.

signal-2021-02-27-134024.jpg (137.48 KiB) Viewed 12835 times

Past Goals:
Kora to kick the Lyme disease, retest post antibiotic treatment first week of February. Solid maybe, at least on the right track with acute infection numbers but was too early to test really. (I'm a data nerd)
Get back to riding once Kora feels well Not there yet but I feel like we've gotten to the crutch of (every)thing that's been causing her discomfort.
Rebuild her melting topline LOL, I've had to lengthen the belly straps on all her blankets. Does that count?! :lol:

Section Goals:
Long line for more influence over the work that we can do while we wait for saddle.
Play with fake 'surefoot' pad
Wait for saddle :D

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby chantal » Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:27 pm

Phew, after a rough couple of months (other than riding), I'm hoping to get back on track with posting. I had to adjust my RA meds in Jan and am finally feeling more like myself again with a nagging issue in my elbows and forearms. I had to cut back to every other day, and February was a little rough weather-wise even with the indoor, either too slippery to walk up or too cold for me with my RA to ride. But the change in med is helping and the cold isn't as much of an issue now, though I'm not saying anything as we've had March snow in MD before.

Goals-to have a friend down to work with us on position, which I've been doing. Relaxation in my seat and legs which seems to be helping immensely in the canter, go figure. Contact, contact, contact and proper connection on the outside rein. Elbows at my hips, body alignment, I don't know, the list of what I'm not working on would probably be shorter. We took a step back in the lateral work as he wasn't coming over his back as well and just worked on forward and stepping under and through and that seems to have helped in addition to everything else.

I would really love to get some dressage videos but photographing/videoing poles/jumping is just so much more fun for DH.

Saddle fit is a constant challenge as he is always changing, that went with the not coming up and over. He dropped muscle in his withers so we had to add a half pad. He is a princess and lets me know as soon as something isn't right, which is also a good thing in the long run.

And he is really fit right now so we have toddler-like behavior where he is just looking for excuses to spook or be distracted. So silly, but that much more important to keep him straight and going properly. Then he can't pay attention to anything else. Looking to get him out to a few different indoors to work on all these things while keeping his attention and working on my skills to do so.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:36 pm

well. I am picking this back up after a very very difficult Feb in which my horse got hurt/recovered, my beloved baby girl (dog) passed away and my work situation is not going well.
We shall carry on.
My horse is sound HORRAY and after getting things back in action march might be where we can resume the "real training".

My goal is to video 2:1 again and submit for an online show. I think that would be a nice goal and show me where I need to improve. I scored well last fall when I did this in a show so I am hoping things have at a min maintained at that level.
I might have to cut out some extra lessons at least for now, but it's a small price to pay for a better situation/less stress.
My horse seems to be doing excellent and is very happy. I added some Triple Crown Senior grain and it's really helped his topline. He is also on SuperSport (purina) and is really benefitting from more support as he does harder stuff.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby chantal » Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:19 am

Rye, I am so sorry to hear about your pup. Hugs to you!! They steal our hearts.

And life in general is a little out of sorts for many of us, winter is always a little dark this time of year. 2021 is harder for many reasons. So hugs to you and sending you strength, peace and hope.

Happy to hear your horse is sound, upward and onward!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sun Feb 28, 2021 4:23 am

I really don't have any changes to the goals I had in Jan/Feb. With Junior we're still hitting the shows to try to improve at second 3. We have a show coming up in two weeks. With Brandon it's simply working on getting him exposed to everything and hoping he starts to grow and level out so that he can become a bit more balanced. He's such a gangly wiry string bean. We're going to hold off on cantering under saddle for a while longer. Ace will continue to be used as the steady eddie trail horse. We have my niece and her friend coming for a visit in March and my SO's daughter and boyfriend. All ride so we'll have loads of opportunities to get everyone out in the desert.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Feb 28, 2021 4:47 am

I shall be very happy to see the back of this winter.

I'm not really goal setting for this period yet. Still don't know where I am with Laddie--I rode him today for the first time this week and he feels like a horse with sore hocks... again, poor guy. But, it was cold and damp and he'd had the week off, so, we'll see how he is tomorrow.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby heddylamar » Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:33 pm

This has been such a wet winter. I am really hoping that the arena or fields or trails or anything will dry out enough we can ride regularly again. Everything is mud ... and Maia is not a happy camper with all the vacation time. She's taking her extra energy out on all the oldsters, and my barn owner is about ready to evict her. The only places I can do in-hand work are the barn aisle and the gravel parking lot ... neither are great. But I'm doing a bit to keep her from climbing the walls.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sun Feb 28, 2021 11:26 pm

I'm sheepishly posting to say that I had a great lesson today. Pieces are starting to come together. I must continue to work on Junior's wind and stamina; but, I've added one more day of work (in hand and lunging) to the week as well as increasing my 'canter sets'. Hopefully these changes will help make a difference and result in being able to take what we get in the warm-up to the show arena. It was far too windy today to go out on the trail so Brandon and Ace got the day off but wind doesn't bother Junior. He's such a solid dude.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 11:38 pm

My goals aren't changing much... Not sure how to feel about that but I am slowly chipping away anyways.

I'm determined for a Lunge lesson! I just love lunge lessons and I just really think they can help in a lot of different ways. I did set up a no stirrup lesson But the trainer is injured and can't lunge so I'll just have eyes on me and no stirrups. It's a start. I also really love riding without stirrups.

Going for a second ride on a QH tomorrow. he wasn't at all what I was envisioning I would end up with but you know I enjoyed him and I think he could be a fun little dressage mount. Fingers crossed.

I want to start doing some test riding when I can. I'm pretty weak at it and need the miles.
Last edited by Lipsmackerpony88 on Mon Mar 01, 2021 3:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Sun Feb 28, 2021 11:59 pm

Well I’m ready for warmer drier weather. We’ve had it this past week and it’s been glorious but this up coming week is supposed to be wet and colder again. Sigh

Rip I want to work on flying changes sitting trot all gears
Joplin SI at the trot counter SI at the trot maybe some LY and canter
Gaila just ease her back into work a bit.

They are all shedding wven my old girl Gallie

Set up hay fields for this years crop. Killing rye grass this weekend need to put out prowl for crab grass and fox tail control

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:45 am

Goals for this bimester:

*work out off the horse 3x a week
*keep practicing tests

*lunge/ground work once a week
*jump/poles once a week
*continue working on honest connection through the back
*half passes, half passes, half passes

*continue to introduce SI & HI at trot
*Canter and trot lengthenings
*work on my own position on him, making sure i'm not tipping forward or poking my elbows out

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:49 am

So, Blob, how did it go?

Laddie was sound as a dollar today... go figure. But I think he's at that stage in his life where he's going to do this from time to time.

I've put him back on daily previcox and there he will stay for the rest of his riding career, now. I need to talk to the lady who wants to half lease him and get her signed up and going.

Lipsmacker, I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you and the QH! If you'd told me two months ago I'd be seriously considering an Arab cross, I'd have asked what you were smoking, so I guess we have both learned that one must be open minded about these things!

And both of us need to remember this:- "Life is short. Buy the damn horse!" (As she pours herself another glass of wine...)

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby mari » Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:34 am

I have a badly sprained ankle (rolled my foot over in the stirrup, jumping a tiny upright. I mean, who even does that???) with what appears to be some frayed ligaments, and as a result I'm now riding without stirrups until end of March sometime. Very annoyed.
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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:51 pm

Oh, no, Mari! Hope your foot heals quickly!

RP and I went to show this past weekend. We signed up to ride t-3 twice each day with the plan to try qualify for regionals. I felt good about the work going into the show in general, but of course the week leading up to the show everything seemed to be falling apart, so went in a bit apprehensive.

RP is such an interesting one, when he's nervous (which he was) rather than getting traditionally hot he just gets EXTRA sensitive. It feels a bit like first learning to drive when you have lots of fast starts and immediate stops. Any leg and he's ready to gallop off and if i sat back a little, ready to stop on the breaks. So, a lot of friday's schooling and warm-ups on sat and sunday were around me trying to find the right balance to calibrate him and reassure him. Having said that, overall he was really, really good and the judges seemed to really like him. Our scores ranged from 70.5 -- 72.4.

One observation, related to the scoring discussions we've been having. RP was given good gait scores and clearly made an overall good impression on the judges. Compared to riding MM, it did not feel like I had to EARN every point--it's hard to totally compare because TL and second/third level are of course very different. But it did feel like i could get away with small mistakes and still get a very good score. Having said that, I am also showing RP at TL when we're schooling a lot of the first level work at home (the way you're supposed to do it). In comparison, I have always been over eager with MM and knowing she's is unfazed by shows, i've done a lot of taking her out at the level she's exactly at.

ETA: I bit the bullet and asked the show photographer to grab some of us, so hopefully will have some pictures to share at some point.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Mar 01, 2021 4:31 pm

awesome job! :)

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Mar 01, 2021 4:57 pm

Mari - Oww! I hope your ankle heals up soon.

Blob - wow, great scores, well done!

Rode Tesla last night and while we did the cage match thing on the lunge first, she was Very Good for riding and didn't stall out on me at all. We even got a few canter strides, but she was still swinging her hips so far to the left that I had to abort mission before she got her legs all tangled up. Being able to ride in the big outdoor makes all the difference for her. There are still some chopped up/squishy spots in the outdoor, but once those dry up I need think we are in a spot to try for some more canter; she is certainly more balanced cantering left on the lunge than she was a couple months ago.

Annabelle was also nicely forward riding outside last night. I could feel myself slipping into some of my newly corrected bad habits, maybe from adjusting to the new saddle, or because I've been blowing off the Feldenfit exercises for the past week, but that's something to nip in the bud.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:47 pm

How is it for someone to come on with no real goals? Maybe some goals will appear get once I can get her back to regular work. I just enjoy spending time with her and figure any day with my pretty pony is a good day :mrgreen: .

We had a spell of yucky weather. Nothing like the mid-section of the country but enough to kick my butt. About 2 weeks ago, we got 10 inches of very wet HEAVY snow. I have a small snowblower but if I used it for the entire driveway, I would be plastering either my house or my neighbors with snow (the SB was actually able to clear it). Therefore about 1/3 of the driveway (driveway would fit 4 cars) is left to hand shoveling. Even though I did it in intervals, back has not been happy. Then about 4 days out from the snow, I go out to the barn to clean and it is standing water and boot sucking mud. I kind of did a half-assed job for a few days but Saturday, things had dried sufficiently to get the whole pen clean :D . I have continued our meager schedule of in-hand or lunging or doing her Surefoot pads but honestly, it seems like life gets in the way so easily :roll: . looks better for awhile. The arena should be dried out in a couple days between the wind and warmer temps and I plan to start riding again.
If nothing else, a good walking program for Kyra for a couple weeks. That will usually loosen up my back. I am ordering a new type of hoof boots to try so that will be exciting. It should cut down on application time if they work for her. They claim to be very adjustable for lots of types of feet so we will see.
The dry season (and therefore rocks) is right around the corner so we need to be prepared.

Happy riding all (and Mari...take care of that ankle. Chronic ankle/foot problems are not good).

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby MsM » Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:22 am

My goal for the winter was to ride enough that he didnt backslide in training and I didnt lose all my riding muscles. I think we have managed that.

For March I hope to solidify his leg yields, and shoulder-ins and to work on his haunches in. Continue to work on self-carriage and listening to the seat and back. He can be super responsive when he listens, but some days... We have been working on walk-canter-walk but, of course now we have to reinforce that we can walk and not anticipate.

For April I hope to get to trailer out to another local stable that has a regulation large dressage arena. I have never ridden him off property yet so I want to see how he handles it.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:06 am

Good job, Blob! I do hope we get to see the pics!

I don’t feel very motivated lately. My energy level is unusually low. I am going to make one of my goals for this round to improve my diet and lose some fat. I am 15-18 lbs heavier than my ideal weight, and 10 pounds heavier I than I have ever been in my life. My knees and hips hurt all the time and I am pretty sure that even a 10 lb loss would relieve the strain. Soooo, I weighed myself yesterday and started intermittent fasting. The goal is to weigh myself daily and stay with the program until I’ve lost 10 lbs. That will probably take more than 2 months.

I had 12 days of no riding because of the weather but managed 3 rides last week and plan for 4 this week. It is taking a big effort to make myself saddle up and ride, but once we get started I am energized. Rocky seems to have appreciated the time off because she has been carrying herself nicely uphill and without much effort on my part (good thing!!).

So my second goal will be to video the T3 again for scoring. I felt almost ready to do the test again right before the storm hit. Rocky still feels ready but I need more energy. Maybe another 2 or 3 weeks.

So that’s the plan.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Flight » Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:49 am

I'm doing some comps this month. I have a working eq one and it's a 3hr drive away with a different club and under a slightly different rulebook to what the club I belong to has. So, I'm very likely to get myself disqualified and that will be the main goal - don't get disqualified. It's really easy to get yourself DQ'd in working eq, lots of little rules. Due to stabling/camping and a heap of admin fees, the cost of this is up as high as what you guys pay for your competitions!! So, even more reason I will be annoyed at myself if I stuff up.
No real goals this time round. I'm going to wait for Norsey's new saddle before I keep trying with sitting trot. There really is no point with the current one. I will keep working on his piris. I think they are gradually starting to happen, but it's very slow.

The weather is nice for us now, we had a fairly soft summer and compared to last year (fires and drought) it's been magic. The first half of Autumn is really nice, with cooler nights and warm days.
Hard to imagine snow like that Kyra's mum. That does sound backbreaking.

Demi - I've lost 10kg and want to lose another 10. I can do the intermittent fasting but only if I follow a keto diet. I don't feel great on keto, but I dont get so hungry and can easily skip meals. Losing weight is a lot harder as I get older, I've discovered.

Mari, sorry about your ankle!! Owww and how annoying. Hope you heal up fast.

Blob, awesome scores, congrats!! Yes hope you share pics!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:58 pm

Hope you heal quickly Mari.

Blob, those are fantastic scores. Like the others I'm looking forward to pictures.

I've managed to work Junior two Mondays in a row after work which is an accomplishment in itself. Hoping if I can keep it going we'll demonstrate better conditioning (not get so winded) at the show in a couple of weeks. Blob, I know exactly what you mean about the differences between your two horses and the judge's reception/scores. I expect to see a similar difference between Brandon and Junior once I get Brandon showing. My daughter rode Brandon on Saturday which is the first time he's had anyone other than me on him. They did great. It gave me an opportunity to watch him go while riding Junior. Just his walk is going to put him into the '7' mover category though his downhill conformation at the moment is a bit problematic. It will be a long while before I can test my theory.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:53 pm

Blob, good job!! That sounds like a very successful show!

Healing and good vibes for everyone dealing with injuries and winter funk.

I'm vetting a horse on Friday. I'm feeling pretty excited. I don't think he's the most fabulous dressage prospect but I've enjoyed him a lot. I figure worst case scenario is train him up and ride him and see where we go. And if he can't meet my goals and I can try again later :) But I think the next few years will be fun either way.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:02 pm

Best of luck LSP! You might be surprised at how far a willing horse that you enjoy is able to go. Also so much to learn when the basics can't be glossed over with fancy gaits. :)

It's going to be mid 50's today, 62 by the end of the week. So hard to sit here and focus on work when I just want to go out and ride! But without work there would be no money for horses so...

Demi and Flight - I also tend to eat low carb, but don't try to get into ketosis, so I still eat some squash or a bit of fruit, etc. Started to type out more, but maybe I'll start a thread in the fitness section later today instead of clogging up this thread.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:31 pm

SF, That's really all I'm after just becoming the best rider that I can become and enjoy it. And there is a lot for me to work on and learn and polish up for the next few years. :)

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Tue Mar 02, 2021 6:59 pm

Good job, Blob! I know what you mean about the scores. Maybe it was obvious seeing them, but it sure seems like some horses get them and some horses earn them. (I try to base that only on what I see, especially from a scribe POV.)

I am exhausted. I went from last Tuesday thinking I would bite the bullet and move the horses into stalls as I was losing my pasture, to finding out there were no stalls and not a square inch to put them to being in a new barn Sunday. Yes, I frantically looked everywhere and talked to everyone and every option closed off but this one, but it was the best! I was always leery about this place because of the rumors, but it's got an AMAZING pasture, facility and trails, and is actually cheaper for me, just 5 minutes further down the road. The BO has been so wonderful to me and understanding as I was frantic and worried, and her husband seems like a great guy. I was worried she was going to be super picky about everything, as the rumors, but she just wants a few basic rules followed and clean up after yourself always in the barn, as it should be.

Put the mares in the pasture Sunday with the 10 other horses. Some running around. By the end of the day my older mare had peed her way into stealing the studly gelding from another mare who was desperately chasing him, and had him screaming for her when I took her out. Yesterday they were still eating breakfast at 4 pm--my biggest worry and the reason I've left every barn is not getting enough hay. The girls are adjusting great for a brand new place. I've explore the almost fairyland groomed trails with green hills (and a cross country course, though I don't do that) on these 60/70 degree days. Now we just need a LOT of rain this month, or we're heading to a scary summer, again. They have a dressage court set up in one arena, so I can put together my GP freestyle and have the dimensions right!

I am glad I don't have a show this month. We can all relax into the new situation.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:26 pm

Tanga, that sounds so stressful but it sounds like it also is working out! I hope your horses continue to settle in well and we look forward to seeing your freestyle later :)

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:53 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:Tanga, that sounds so stressful but it sounds like it also is working out! I hope your horses continue to settle in well and we look forward to seeing your freestyle later :)

Yes. I worry about EVERYTHING and I think it's going to take a week for the tension (of me) to fade away, but the way it's worked out has given me 0 reasons to stress. I am VERY excited about the freestyle. Now if I can just get Pivo to record the WHOLE ride instead of getting distracted, it will make putting it together much easier. Usually I put the ride to the music for the most part. The is the first time I am going to choreograph a ride that I think is ideal, and try putting the music to it. Walk in, halt, canter down CL, pirouette, 9 or 11 one tempis, pirouette, HP from F to B, 2 tempis in a half circle, HP the other way, ext canter to double pirouette into col walk, ext walk, canter other lead ext to double pirouette, joker line on shallow diagonal of one or two tempis, trot, zig zag half passes, piaffe at F, extended trot, piaffe at H, passage, half circle passage, piaffe half pirouette, half circle, piaffe half pirouette other way, half circle passage, CL, piaffe, halt. ('Cuz I know you wanted ALL of the detail! :D ) I've got to get it together because I need to show it May 2.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby quinta » Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:17 am

Crossing fingers for finding the right unicorns for LSP and Mountaineer, looking forward to pics from Blob, and happy to hear that Tanga's herd has a good new home.

We are still solidly in winter here, but hints of spring are in the air - getting a few daytime highs above freezings, although it was -18 C / 0 F overnight. By the end of April, we should hopefully be back in the outdoor. Plans for the next two months:

* start back into a weekly jumping routine
* hacking to increase fitness and address her winter round bale bod
* keep addressing the left hind - it's getting stronger, and the lateral work is really improving

Nia - the new baby pony:
* strength building and straightness!
* most of our rides will be hacking, solo and with friends (so far, she has been a superstar, mostly going solo)
* once per week in the arena, with consistent correction of left banana tendencies and finding a steady tempo. Mostly walk trot with a little bit of canter.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:09 am

Lunged Laddie today. All looking lovely until something spooked him, he slipped, and hyper extended that precious, stem-celled right stifle.

He hopped around a bit going "OW." But walked it off mostly, got 2 grams of bute, and was standing on it by the time I left the barn. We will see tomorrow.

He just cannot catch a break at the moment.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby heddylamar » Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:55 am

Oh Laddie. I'm so sorry Mountaineer. That just sucks.

If anyone wants to catch ride a normally sensible, occasionally completely hair-brained redheaded mare, well, I'm on the IR for a bit. Maia spooked, I was stupidly riding on the buckle ... we eventually separated ways with her planting feet on both my inner thigh, and shin. Somehow I walked away with just stitches, and a hematoma the size of a basketball. CT and xrays were clean, so I just need to follow RICE.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:20 pm

Geez, you guys! If it wasn’t 6:15 am I’d get a glass of wine and contemplate giving up these stupid horses for good!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:17 pm

So, I think this is my reflect and assess bimester. I think of winter as the bare branches pushing down roots period of development for me and mine. so the back to basics is over and it's time to throw out a few buds and blooms to see if my roots are ready to support new growth.

Caliburn: are we ready for solid first level and early second level work.

Kimba: will we have show ready third level changes.

Saiph. Have we developed enough of a partnership to go out and show.

those are the things I would like to assess this bimester and then decide who to show and when and what as the season progresses.

My other goal is to schedule another clinic with Andrea.

and finally, gird up to face the advent of mud season as the snow begins to melt and the spring rains deluge upon us.

finally, remind myself daily what a rich blessed life I have sharing my horsemanship passion with friends (huma and animals alike.)

damn, I almost forgot. lose 10 lbs.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby mari » Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:28 am

I'm dressaging away with my stupid ankle in a brace and a sock. I've taken the stirrups off the saddle completely, because the thought of anything banging against my ankle makes my teeth hurt. And it's actually going really well. I can't wear spurs currently, so Odin is not super motivated, but my instructor is helping in the lessons by starting off with some from-the-ground work. Really working on lateral work in walk, and some baby piaffe steps.

And then he is sharp and ready to work and I can get some good trot/canter work in too. I'm not enjoying sitting trot without stirrups. I'm so used to having my ankles to absorb some of the movement that not having them is really hard work. The only thing I'm nervous to try are the changes, because if he kicks out I will go flying... A shame, because they were coming on so well before my injury.
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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Rosie B » Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:32 am

Bliss continues to do well. During my ride yesterday everything felt easy and like all I had to do was push the buttons. Very fun. :) I looked through fourth level tests 1 and 2 last night and although I think we could probably do both respectably, the canter halfpasses in test 2 would be a bit of a stretch for him at this point. So my focus over the next two months is on canter half passes - would like these as pushbutton as the rest of his work is at this point. I don't think we'll have any shows this year, but our provincial dressage body is planning to hold some events, so hopefully I can do at least one of those. If there were shows, I'd be aiming for 4th level. :)

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby chantal » Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:46 pm

Demi-I'm with you on the wine!

Heddylamar-how are you feeling? Jingles for healing for you, gosh, that sounds painful.

Moutaineer-update on Laddie? Hoping he's okay...

And jingles for anyone I've missed. I love reading these updates!

We are doing better this week, got the inside leg to outside rein connection so much better, and working on keeping the ribcage/torso off my leg. I have a habit of letting him fall into the right going to the right, but he's listening and working hard. We did walk canter transitions in our lesson yesterday and they were not bad. Better to the left as always and okay to the right when I didn't overthink them. I've been slipping them in in our poles lessons because I can and because I have to do not think and it's paying off. I'm just pleased with him right now. Now to get my core where I want it-yoga yoga yoga and more yoga. And going to do poles/jumping every weekend for the next month or so as it really seems to be helping everything right now.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:27 pm

Laddie was sound but very cautious yesterday. I think he scared himself, but seems so far to have done no lasting damage. Some undemanding, confidence building rides ahead for him, I think.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:51 pm

Good to hear the updates and goals!

We are continuing with rehab (mostly under saddle). We're going to do at least another month with arena walking + trotting and some hacking over decent footing/gentle hills before thinking of adding more. I think the slow road is the right road for us. Emi is happy to work, happy to get out of the arena a bit, and generally acting like a silly mare in spring. I'm very grateful.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:01 pm

Glad to hear that Emi's rehab is continuing to go well Piedmont! I agree that you won't regret taking the slow road. The main vet I was working with on Annabelle's DDFT gave me a pretty fast schedule and I decided to get a followup ultrasound and second opinion from the vet who did Tesla's OCD surgery, and he gave me a slower schedule that matched better with my gut feeling of what to do. So far so good as we've hit the one year mark of finishing the rehab. I kind of felt that the first vet gave me an aggressive timeline because she wanted to demonstrate that the $$$ ProStride treatment she had administered was buying us a faster rehab schedule.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:34 pm

I'm hosting another show, so that will be fun!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:24 am

I am just so happy tonight! I went for a run this afternoon and realized that my right scapula was suddenly laying nicely against my back and sliding easily. Pretty sure it's a result of a Feldenkrais exercise of laying on the back with arms out the the sides and hands in fists, and rolling the fists back and forth to sort of squeeze the restrictions out of the shoulders. That translated into keeping my right side in much better position riding Annabelle tonight, and we gained another notch of straightness as a result. I'm also getting used to the new saddle and feeling more able to sit IN the saddle instead of on it. Super excited for our next lesson.

AND, I rode Tesla and had zero stall-outs, and she even cantered up the long side on her right lead, which is her tough side. I do believe that was her first true canter on the right lead. I immediately praised her and called it a day. Hopefully by her 5th birthday we will be able canter all the way around in both directions. There is a good horse in there, but she makes me work for it!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:07 pm

Glad to hear that Laddie and Emi are doing better!

Finally got pictures back from the show, here are a few!
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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:30 pm

Beautiful, Blob! No wonder you scored so well. My first impression was that you have a professional look!!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:02 pm

Blob those photos made me smile this morning! You both look lovely, and some crackin' scores to boot. Well done!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:28 pm

Gorgeous photos Blob!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:50 pm

Just lovely blob! Exceptional scores too!

Glad laddie is feeling ok after this whoops and Emi is doing so well with her rehab.

Not the best ride with Rip last night and I’m not sure why. The breathing was pretty harsh. Especially cantering. I did get a couple of changes again. He’s starting to understand the aids. But if cantering is bothering him not sure how much I can do

Joplin was shod Tuesday so I was a bit apprehensive that she would be off. My farrier was very cared with her though and she is sound.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:12 pm

I agree, gorgeous pictures Blob. They do reflect your scores. Looks like your hard work is paying off.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:19 pm

Nice, Blob! Poised, professional and focused. You deserved your great scores.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby heddylamar » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:37 pm

Lovely photos, Blob! :D

Just got back from the ortho. If all goes well, I'm looking at a minimum of 8 weeks out of the saddle. We'll have a better idea after I get an MRI next week. The soft tissue injury is major, and extensive :|

I can't even lunge, since I'm supposed to stay off my feet entirely.

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