September - October goals and progress

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:36 pm

Sue B , that is traumatic. I had a mare gifted to me who eventually "committed suicide" the same way. reared, flipped, seizures et al. how horrible it is. it is a helpless feeling.

I think therevus a reason for good geometry but there are also geometry jerks. just saying lol

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:59 pm

Sue B, so sorry for your friend. And you, that must have been awful.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Oct 04, 2021 8:32 pm

SueB, that sounds like a terrible experience with your friend's mare. Very sorry.

I would have made an effort to come over Saturday morning if I'd known you were going to be at the clinic. I got on a roll getting stuff done at home though, and now my former greenhouse is 70% converted to a tack room, so... Interesting observation about the horses being overbent in the neck (laterally). Something I've definitely observed at shows, where I think the fancy movers can overcome the handicap so to speak, but it should be corrected and not rewarded by the judges.

Blob, I hope all goes well with regionals. That is enough stress without the weather being uncooperative and a horse coming back into work. I'm sure you will make the best of it though!

I am counting down until next Wednesday when Annabelle goes in for a recheck. I thought her leg looked good today after having some rebound swelling yesterday since I left the wrap off to give her skin a break. Today I put her in SMBs and put her out with her buddies for the last two hours of turnout. Hopefully things will still look good when I go out tonight. Fingers crossed she is cleared to go back to work!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Oct 04, 2021 8:47 pm

good luck blob!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Oct 04, 2021 8:49 pm

Getting my motivation back :) Trying to enjoy the rest of the fall before winter hits.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:03 pm

Ryeissa wrote:Getting my motivation back :) Trying to enjoy the rest of the fall before winter hits.

nice to hear

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Tue Oct 05, 2021 1:35 pm

Blob, Good luck with your show.

I have to run to work but here are two pictures that my daughter took on Saturday that demonstrate my two frustrating habits I've developed.


The puppy paws are always worse or most evident when posting the trot.


My right hand I carry higher and pull back with my left hand stronger and lower pulling his head left - all at the same time, worse at the canter.


Like I've expressed, I'm going to go use the resistance wrist bands again to see if I can help get back to carrying my hands level. I will also dig out my wrist braces and compression gloves to see if those help too. Finally I'm thinking that perhaps lunging in a surcingle, lunging cavesson and sliding side reins with the right rein one notch shorter (than the left in both directions) and then using my verbal cues and lunge whip for back up so that I can drive him into the right rein without allowing him to back off might help him accept the pressure on the right rein and step through - thoughts? I realize that this might be a bit controversial but other than paying a trainer to 'ride him through' I'm losing faith in being able to do this. My coordination with long lining him doesn't really make such a feasible option either (only at the canter). I am very reluctant to use a trainer for multiple reasons. Mostly he is so stinking smart that he knows when I'm riding him so I think I'll just be poorer with a more educated horse but not in a way that helps me in the end.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Srhorselady » Tue Oct 05, 2021 2:28 pm

Exvet…yes these photos show the position faults you need to work on BUT may I point out…Junior is working beautifully in both of them! There is always something to work on and it Is nice when it is so clear. You have trained this horse beautifully. Now you have your direction to go forward. It’s all good!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby demi » Tue Oct 05, 2021 2:37 pm

Good comment, Sr.Horselady. I totally agree. I love the pics and hope to see some of the vid too!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:17 pm

I echo what everybody else says. I see what you are concerned about but my first impression is what a lovely photo. I don't want to dismiss your concerns because I do understand. But I do not think you're not capable of continuing on. I do understand the frustration but I think you will be fine. I think you are being a little tough on yourself, Exvet!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:19 pm

Well, damn, exvet... you mean you aren't perfect?

:D :D :D

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:25 pm

I will sheepishly share this low quality photo after Exvet's gorgeous photos lol, But despite my funky collapsing of my body, I'm so happy with this photo from the clinic. I have some video but my camera person wasn't the best as far as the angle. But it's clear that there was some definite improved moments during the clinic. This was not an easy horse as you all know for me to pick for the clinic. But in some ways I'm almost glad I took him because we were able to focus on some things that really hit a light bulb moment for me. She's coming back in December and I really hope to bring Lynx.

The horses tendency is not to be supple. He kind of just likes to dive down in the contact and almost evade. And then resents any use of the leg from there. But we definitely got moments... Things that I'm not even sure we're totally possible for this horse. Jessica was a great clinician.

On another note, jingles for Lynx please. He has been a bit stocked up in his hind legs the last two days. And also have a notice soon some loose manure. He's not the only one that I've noticed a bit of loose manure on so I thought maybe it was a new cutting of hay or something. He is sound and seems fine overall but the vet is coming out tomorrow anyways for a fall vaccines. So we will be looking at him a bit closer.
IMG_20211003_212058_331_copy_144x159.jpg (17.87 KiB) Viewed 19427 times

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Sue B » Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:06 pm

Exvet, I have a crazy idea for puppy paws and not being able to feel them. What about duct taping a little stake (marking) flag to the back of your hands/gloves. That way you can see with your peripheral vision if the flag(s) is(are) standing up or tipped in some direction. They are otherwise unobtrusive, light-weight and they'll harmlessly collapse if you were to come off unexpectedly. They're also dirt cheap, available everywhere. If you don't want to tape, you could even leave the wire long and fold it up across the pinky side of your hand so that it lays across your palm with the reins.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:08 pm

Exvet- I see what you are saying, but it's not that bad :) Junior is moving great. I agree we should strive to improve but you have some medical reasons that it's harder.

LSP- what a pretty horse! you look great. I love your arm position too. The horse is tracking up nicely.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:09 pm

Jingles for Lynx too!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby blob » Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:13 pm

I agree with the others about the pics, Exvet.

re: the lunging: I am a fan of side reins. I think they are a useful tool for lunging and frankly don't/wouldn't lunge without them unless to stretch legs/check soundness....but back to your question: I often lunge with just the outside side rein. This way I can work on them getting bend to the inside without any reliance on inside rein and while truly moving out into the outside rein. So, I think your plan with Junior makes sense and would be quite effective in helping to get him into that right rein.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:49 pm

yeah- on horses that have short necks like junior, MM and my horse side reins can cause more of a low/closed posture so use with care- I had to use the sliding side reins on my horse to get a more dynamic contact. Maybe I was doing something wrong, but JMHO

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Tue Oct 05, 2021 5:45 pm

exvet--I'm with everyone else. Your tiny little flaws make me look like a mess! All of us who don't have help all of time to correct these things have it harder, because it really takes constant feedback to correct them. I thought I had made lot of progress with the mirrors, but after the some of the comments from the show, maybe not. I still need to look through the videos and tests, but one of the judges (the hard but fair one who saw me the most) said I didn't have my left leg on! Eek!

I 100% get not getting them through on one rein. I have that problem, too. Just a thought that might help. I think it is because I don't weigh my right leg enough, so they don't get through on that rein. I don't seem to have a problem with the left. So I consciously think of weighting my right side a little more (heel down, longer right side, left shoulder back a tad) so they have to move into that side and rein more. Worth a try.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby blob » Tue Oct 05, 2021 5:59 pm

Ryeissa wrote:yeah- on horses that have short necks like junior, MM and my horse side reins can cause more of a low/closed posture so use with care- I had to use the sliding side reins on my horse to get a more dynamic contact. Maybe I was doing something wrong, but JMHO

I don't want to make this a thread bout SRs. But I think there is a right and wrong way to us MOST types of equipment. I've always had good success with side reins and havne't had issues with the posture getting low or closed. But my side reins don't stay on the same length or ring of the surcingle the whole session. Just like any session, I start longer and lower and then move to shorter, but also move higher up when I do. There is no set way I use SRs--sometimes i only use the outside, sometimes i do the inside one a hole shorter, sometimes I always keep them longer and lower and sometimes I purposely don't go that low. It depends on what that specific horse needs on that specific day.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Tue Oct 05, 2021 9:13 pm

Thank you very much for the feedback and kind words. I will definitely give the suggestions a try. This very basic concept will be THE key to accurate consistent correct flying changes in the future so of course I'm crazy determined to resolve the issue(s). I have to wait until I'm off of work to post videos.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Oct 07, 2021 11:45 am

the cooler autumn weather has the horses motivated to high jinx. rustling leaves could hide any number of horse killing devices!! lol

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:05 pm

Over the next few days I'll try to post links from the Lilo Clinic. Here is the first link. It's actually the end of the lesson on Saturday where we were working on canter and getting to the crux of my issues with Junior. My daughter asked that I turn the sound off because she's muttering her displeasure at the ONLY rider in the clinic who made sure all new it was 'her time' by entering the arena before Lilo was done with the previous rider, LOL. Unfortunately I am not sophisticated enough to separate sound bites and I don't think the clip would be of value if the sound were turned off. So, if you hear anything other than Lilo please ignore it ;) . To those I currently ride with, yes, this is nothing new to Junior or myself in terms of how to address the issue; but, there's something to be said of having a German 'demand' while riding in front of 40 or so. Still lots of work cut out for us.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Oct 07, 2021 4:11 pm

She surely helped you to get a nice, straight canter depart, exvet... thats a most useful exercise.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Sue B » Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:18 pm

Great video exvet!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Thu Oct 07, 2021 6:03 pm

Thank you both Mountaineer & Sue B. Here is another clip from the Saturday of the Lilo Fore clinic where we worked on the same (straightness and moving into the reins), earlier in the lesson though, and at the trot.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Thu Oct 07, 2021 6:13 pm

Here is another clip from the clinic with Lilo Fore on Saturday showing traver in trot down the centerline and then medium and collected trot on the long side....all the while trying to ride Junior straight into the reins. Since this clinic was for continuing education for judges, L grads and L candidates I learned that there was great debate in whether (A) my horse should even be there (you have to realize there was some VERY nice and expensive horse flesh there) and (B) whether or not my horse had enough scope of gait to warrant anything above a 5. This 'intro' I'm giving before posting Sunday's video which I hope to have loaded in a few days will make more sense once those interested have an opportunity to view it. Let's just say, I would never accuse Lilo Fore of breed bias.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:52 pm

Exvet, thank you for sharing all those. I think there is a lot of really good moments in each video. And I think Lilo seems like she likes you. I've never ridden with her but I've watched her teach and she's very tough! And she was tough with you as well but there's just a softness in her voice sometimes that I get the feeling she liked you guys :)

It's frustrating to hear there is some debate about you guys belonging in there. I totally understand the gait debate. But frustrating to me. It should be about so much more than just fancy horse flesh!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Fri Oct 08, 2021 12:16 am

exvet, I was going to comment earlier what a quality pony/horse you have--solid CORRECT gaits. Junior uses his hind end so well and comes under behind and separates his hind legs, and his trot is really good. If anyone was "debating" whether he deserves me than a 5, that's BS. They have no clue.

I see so much "fancy" horse flesh with incorrect gaits doing well it's really annoying. A lot of these horses don't come under, don't track up, and are dropped in front and pulled up in the neck.

As a judge, I would put Junior on the higher end of gaits, which is what I thought the first time I saw the videos of him. Small, but correct.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:21 am

Thank you for sharing the videos, exvet. You and Junior both look great, and Lilo definitely makes you work! Now I know where my instructor gets the canter LY exercise from :D
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby mari » Fri Oct 08, 2021 6:35 am

Thanks for sharing, exvet. I loved seeing your videos, beautiful training moments. Lilo seems pretty amazing, next time you see her ask if she wants to visit Africa :D
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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby mari » Fri Oct 08, 2021 6:51 am

Our summer rains have started, so riding has been a bit sporadic. I was supposed to have a jumping lesson this morning, but it was pouring last night and the arena was too wet. On the plus side, I got to snooze in ;)

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:53 am

Exvet, Imho. Junior will improve the cadence of his gaits, he has the room especially in the trot. as to if he should ever score better than 5, that is a bullshit discussion. and if I sound peevish, I am. the fact that L judges would even raise the question irritates me.

now as to his canter, I think it would be improved with a better response to your leg. I would try to teach him to place his haunches and step under better when leg is applied. ( in other words worry less about your hands ) you are a fine rider and horsewoman. he doesn't have to put more weight in your rein, he simply needs to sit behind in response to the leg.

as usual, just my.opinion. and I am certainly no Lilo Fore.

Straightforward, does Tesla canter easily on the double lunge? if so, lunge her with a rider until the canter is nbd. as usual advice only offered as a suggestion that might help.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Fri Oct 08, 2021 12:21 pm

Thank you again everyone. I really appreciate the input.

Mari, I will definitely ask Lilo. We're hoping to bring her in for a couple of clinics at the barn where I take lessons, sometime in January and February. She sounded like she is more than up for it.

Chisamba - I actually was working on exactly what you suggest yesterday. I have a lesson with my regular instructor today. I'm going to see if we can continue our work in that vein.

On another note but similar subject, I rode Brandon yesterday with much of the same idea of improving the issues with my hands AND getting him to bend and move over with my legs as well as moving his right hind leg under him when asked - he's the opposite of Junior. I think the focus helped improve our ride [on Brandon] or Brandon is just finally starting to accept the bit. Either way the ride yesterday was really good. I hope to get some video of him in a couple of weeks and will post.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby khall » Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:31 pm

Exvet thanks for sharing! Fun to watch you ride Junior in a demanding atmosphere. I agree with chisamba but would add not only have the response to the leg but the upper body needs to hold almost resist keep that strength core wise. Last Cedar clinic was working on Joplin with this for better balance and more engagement. Cedar also had me do this with a softened rein so I was not giving her a place to brace or compress. I would actually put a bit of loop in the rein that check of self carriage then take the loop out.

Another bit that helped one of the Andalusians I rode in Spain who carried his haunches right pretty significantly was to counter bend counter SI on the circle (at the canter) to stretch that right side and put that left shoulder in better alignment. That really helped him be so much straighter in the right canter.

Blob I hope your show goes well! Weather is certainly challenging here in Georgia this week! It was raining so hard last night when I was at the barn I could not hear myself think. Hoped it will make our hay grow for one last cutting

Because of the rain getting no riding done at all. Just dealing with mom who was having a melt down over having to get her last wisdom tooth out. Smh she’s needed it out for several years and now it has to come out. The dementia means she just cannot understand it and is making up stories as to why it can’t come out.
Last edited by khall on Fri Oct 08, 2021 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby demi » Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:53 pm

Really nice work to watch, exvet. Thanks so much for making the effort to share. I loved the way Lilo worked with you and Jr. Her tone was firm and very exact, but rewarding and encouraging in just the right places. I love her timing. I think that must be a natural talent as well as honed skill. Of course, with someone of her caliber, the student/horse combination has to also be of high caliber in order for the lesson to go as well as yours did. I got the feeling that she was “riding the horse through you” as she was able to give the instruction at just the right time, in just the right way, and you were able to carry it out….
Thanks again for sharing. I’ve already gotten a lot out of these clips and will watch them each several more times.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby demi » Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:04 pm

Oh, and as I sit here thinking about getting ready to ride my own horse, I am aware of how clear and simple Lilo’s directions were. Straightforward and uncomplicated. Basic stuff, done correctly. That’s the mindset I want to ride with….

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:52 pm

Chisamba wrote:Straightforward, does Tesla canter easily on the double lunge? if so, lunge her with a rider until the canter is nbd. as usual advice only offered as a suggestion that might help.

How would you set this up and run the lines? I double-lunge her in a surcingle with standing rings. I've been trying to think of a way to run the lines off of the saddle so I don't have as much gear to deal with when I DL before riding, but haven't come up with a good solution. Saddle is monoflap and has large-ish external thigh blocks.

I have been thinking of putting someone up on her and lunging as a passenger, but T stepped up and cantered for me 7-8 times yesterday, so I think we are going in the right direction.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:47 pm

Well I just got back from my lesson and it was awesome! Junior was all work. He was easy to get to work over the back today. We continued the theme of leg yields in the canter and if he stuttered or flipped leads, down transition to the walk and finish in the walk, rinse, repeat. It didn't take anywhere near as long to get him to go to the right rein and not flip the lead as well as move over. It did take a mindset of me keeping his barrel straight with my seat and legs and asking that left hind (in both directions) to step up and under. My instructor yelled at me a few times about my hands but that too was a little better in that I caught myself before she did some of the time. Junior's lateral work in the trot was really soft and nice and his mediums were just friend who bought Monty was riding at the same time and she said I was grinning ear to ear just like I used to on the Monster when he would just roll with the mediums :) I was smiling the whole drive home. Now to go trail riding on Brandon.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:57 pm

I have a breast collar like this. ... late-black

I snap rings to the point rings and run the long line through. I give the rider reins in case a quick stop is needed and let the out side rein over the riders leg and the croup.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sat Oct 09, 2021 2:53 pm

demi wrote:Oh, and as I sit here thinking about getting ready to ride my own horse, I am aware of how clear and simple Lilo’s directions were. Straightforward and uncomplicated. Basic stuff, done correctly. That’s the mindset I want to ride with….

This was the best part of having her as a clinician, at least for me. I do agree that she was able to ride through me but many instructors/clinicians have said that. She began the very first lesson of the clinic with a very green and nervous horse and rider combo. Poor mare was only 4 and felt the pressure. She was very specific about how riding and every communication with the horse should be simple. It's we riders that make it far more complicated than it needs to be. She truly had every horse looking better by the end of the lesson and definitely by the end of the clinic.

I've always been an advocate of the KISS principle and her type of instruction is what's best for me. For example something as simple as make sure you have the horse straight between the legs. FEEL that the horse's barrel is straight between your legs really resonated with me. Simple and in some ways so stupidly obvious but once I focused on that (because I have far more control over my lower body) and forgot about my hands I had less trouble getting Junior to understand what I wanted. Now that isn't to say I don't need to really concentrate on my hands because I do.....but not so much in trying to get the horse to do something as in how I carry my own posture so that I stay out of the horse's way. Hopefully that makes sense.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sat Oct 09, 2021 9:07 pm

We've been plugging away. Highs of getting our first few steps of true travers in the trot and then not being able to turn right. All well within ourselves.

Very exciting development is my boots arrived and they fit! Thank goodness and even time to break them in prior to the Janet Foy clinic at the end of the month. I rode with them today and while they are good it's been quite some time since I've ridden in proper tall boots so ahem an adjustment.

Boots.jpg (96.21 KiB) Viewed 19051 times

Cheers to all enjoying the transitional season.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sat Oct 09, 2021 9:13 pm

Congratulations Blob, on your superb show!!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sun Oct 10, 2021 12:35 am

Looking forward to reading about your show Blob.

This segment is a bit long but it's all the canter work after turn on the haunches. Junior's trot work was much better on Sunday. Unfortunately I do not have any video to show/prove it. The clip is boring, paint drying type of stuff but I think Lilo's methodical insistence, rinse and repeat approach is working if my lesson yesterday was any indication. Junior got to go trail riding today; so, back to the issue of straightness tomorrow (I was riding Brandon).

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:37 pm

we have the same horse LOL. This speaks to me. Thanks for sharing.I struggle with TOH too.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Oct 10, 2021 8:11 pm

I have had one of the best weeks riding wise that I've had in a long time. I feel like with the multiple lessons on the Lynx, lesson on a schoolmaster, and the J.W. clinic, that lots of things really clicked. It's one of those things that I know how to do it, understand the theory but really needed one little piece to really connect with my own body.

Today me and Lynx had the best ride yet. He was actually going into the bridle very well, bending and it was the first time we've asked for any roundness at the canter. Only moments at a time but gosh he feels good. He's a smart cookie.

Shooting to do a schooling show in November and December. Pile of poles and Intro for Dressage. Trainers think that will all be very easy for us, maybe too easy. But for myself, starting low sounds great.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Oct 10, 2021 10:41 pm

awesome LSP! so glad you are having so much fun and progress

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Oct 11, 2021 2:34 am

Glad you are having a good time, LSP! An intro schooling show sounds like fun. :)

Here is a little clip of Tesla today. I'm sure we'll encounter another problem later, but I feel like we've turned a corner, and had some good rides the past week. This was the best canter depart I think she's ever done. Realized after I got on that she has a bit of a cold, so I just had my dad shoot this short clip and quit. She'll have a couple days off, and go to the vet with Annabelle on Wednesday if she's not better by then.

The BO is making real progress on mounting the old floodlights for the outdoor arena, and I volunteered for any ladder climbing or extra hands that might be needed to finish the process. If we don't have too harsh of a winter, we should be able to ride out there, which will help the squeeze on our little indoor (which Tesla deems TOO SMALL anyway).
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Oct 11, 2021 2:44 am

Straightforward lovely depart from Tesla! If she's sick, gosh she sure looks great otherwise. Fingers crossed it's nothing.

I'm really envious of your position too. Everyone here is a gorgeous rider. I hope with consistency I will look similar!

I'm sharing a little clip from my lesson today with the event trainer. The quality of the video is not great but hopefully you can see something. I'm really proud of Lynx. He's been a really good boy and I think overall he looks pretty decent given everything that happened this summer with the stifle and feet. I just had the vet out. We actually wondered if there was a little virus going around. We really aren't sure but he's stocked up and had some diarrhea for a few days. That seems better now. My vet wasn't happy with the new farrier I'm using. I'm going to see if he can make the changes and if not I guess I'll be shopping around.

In the video, I'm happy with Lynx but dissatisfied with my position. I have video from the clinic too ... I thought I looked better there. I seem to change from ride to ride and it depends on the saddle and the horse and the situation. I also see a big difference between what I think I'm doing and what is happening. There's something that happens on different horses that makes me have different positions. I just need more clarity of myself.

Obviously I need to have been my elbows more but like I said that really depends on the horse / saddle. Lol The good news is I know that I can do it I just need to figure out how to be consistent! I'm riding in a bit of a shorter stirrup and a little bit in a light seat. I do feel like it look a bit tight which is because I felt tight. Not from nerves but with my joint issues sometimes I feel like my muscles and ligaments are very physically tight. I'm hoping this gets better as I get more ride time.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Oct 11, 2021 1:02 pm

duplicate, sorry
Last edited by Chisamba on Mon Oct 11, 2021 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Mon Oct 11, 2021 1:50 pm

Chisamba wrote:exvet, obviously Lilo Fore is a superior clinician. I have a metaphor I would like to add. I think of horses as fluid filled vessels and the energy pour out wherever the vessel bulges ( so we try to be straight.) but the hardest way to straighten a bulge is at the bulge. you either need to push the base under or pull the spour. or both together. I would straighten Junior ( or try) by riding his hind end. getting it really supple. responsive and adjustable. stop worrying about your hands and worry about his bum.

just a perspective.

Thank you Chisamba. You know that is exactly what I do when I'm trail riding him. I find it very easy to feel where everything is at and concentrate on keeping him straight especially when I do not really have to worry about forward. I just need to translate that to the arena.

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