The video thread

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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Thu Mar 03, 2022 12:45 pm

Flight, your ding has plenty of sit. He may not look like his hips are lower than his shoulder but the sit is evident in how his head does not bob up and down with each stride. The consistent carriage of head and neck happens when the hind end is balanced and the horse is no longer jumping and plunging in front to initiate the canter. Also possibly the thing I admire most about your riding, the horses neck is not constricted in the half halt.
It's easy to say looking at a video what is lacking. But what you have is lovely.

Mari. Does Odin take off bucking if you ride him up and out in the canter? Why was your instructor insisting on the round tight neck? Possibly you already explained e this and I missed it
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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:04 pm

OK. Do any of you just do something different when the video is on to see what it looks like. For example. Ride off the bit in flying change. Make it ugly as it were. Practice half halt without moving your hands. Change neck position every 3 strides in the shoulder in, or half pass to visually explore how the horse uses itself differently in different postures?

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Re: The video thread

Postby exvet » Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:12 pm

Honestly, I have. I don't consider them share worthy but since I do not have mirrors and because I needed to see what I was feeling. This is one of the values I see in my Pivo. Of course, I've had my daughter also be 'my spotter' in such experiments as well (but also had her video it so I could agree or agree to disagree ;) LOL.

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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:02 pm

exvet wrote:Honestly, I have. I don't consider them share worthy but since I do not have mirrors and because I needed to see what I was feeling. This is one of the values I see in my Pivo. Of course, I've had my daughter also be 'my spotter' in such experiments as well (but also had her video it so I could agree or agree to disagree ;) LOL.

I do as well, and I find it very useful, and yes, I do not share because people can do easily take I out of context and use it negatively

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Re: The video thread

Postby Flight » Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:13 pm

Thanks Chisamba.Interesting point about the steadiness of Ding's head/neck. In piris he still levers his head and neck so I know he hasn't quite got the sit strength in those yet :)

Do I do ugly stuff? YES! When Ding went through his handstand phase for flying changes, I rode his head up! Very up! When fixing Norsey's late changes, I rode him very crooked.

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Re: The video thread

Postby demi » Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:05 pm

I liked the video, Flight. It’s impressive that he can look like a really nice dressage horse and also look like a really nice working Eq horse! I remember some of your vids from his early flying change days. Yes, he did handstands!

I’m enjoying this thread. Video is great.

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Re: The video thread

Postby Anne » Fri Mar 04, 2022 4:29 am

Flight, your canter->halt at ~1:05 was spectacular! Lightness and balance (as evidenced by the square halt), just beautiful.

Chisamba, as always I appreciate your insights. Stuff to think about!

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Re: The video thread

Postby mari » Fri Mar 04, 2022 5:40 am

Chisamba wrote:Why was your instructor insisting on the round tight neck?

She wasn't.
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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Fri Mar 04, 2022 6:26 am

mari wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Why was your instructor insisting on the round tight neck?

She wasn't.

I misunderstood the intent of her comments which is easy to do in seeing/ hearing only partial snippets. I apologize. I should know better than to make assumptions.

I noticed his tendency to pop his butt up at the aid and assumed there was a defensive posture.

And assumptions make an ass out of me lol

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Re: The video thread

Postby mari » Fri Mar 04, 2022 7:20 am

Flight wrote:I'm uploading some video from a lesson I managed to have a few weeks ago. Working on transitions etc. Ding doesn't really sit behind, is built really straight and tries to pull up through his poll. So, trying to change this without being too forceful. It's far from perfect!

I have canter envy, and I loved the exercise with half-steps into canter. The way you drop your whip hand for the half-steps is really subtle but very effective.
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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:16 am

At my lunch hour I spent a bit of time looking at many of my flying changes on videos and I really have nothing to be proud of. It's a lot easier to have an opinion than to be good at something.

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Re: The video thread

Postby demi » Fri Mar 04, 2022 4:40 pm

mari wrote:
Flight wrote:I'm uploading some video from a lesson I managed to have a few weeks ago. Working on transitions etc. Ding doesn't really sit behind, is built really straight and tries to pull up through his poll. So, trying to change this without being too forceful. It's far from perfect!

I have canter envy, and I loved the exercise with half-steps into canter. The way you drop your whip hand for the half-steps is really subtle but very effective.

I liked that, too. I think that kind of subtlety is really good dressage.

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Re: The video thread

Postby demi » Fri Mar 04, 2022 4:46 pm

Chisamba wrote:OK. Do any of you just do something different when the video is on to see what it looks like. For example. Ride off the bit in flying change. Make it ugly as it were. Practice half halt without moving your hands. Change neck position every 3 strides in the shoulder in, or half pass to visually explore how the horse uses itself differently in different postures?

I do things just to see what they look like. In fact, I am going to video the Second Level tests on Rocky. We are not ready for these tests, but I think it will be very helpful anyway. It will be a reality check. And not a complete joke, because it will give me a better idea of where I am. And, I think there will be a couple of movements that we can do fairly well, and that will be encouraging.

And I won’t be posting the vids :lol:

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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:06 pm

Flight wrote:Thanks Chisamba.Interesting point about the steadiness of Ding's head/neck. In piris he still levers his head and neck so I know he hasn't quite got the sit strength in those yet :)

Do I do ugly stuff? YES! When Ding went through his handstand phase for flying changes, I rode his head up! Very up! When fixing Norsey's late changes, I rode him very crooked.

Kimba wants to run through the changes into the bridle and I have discovered riding her up, way up, just seems to show her how to change behind first.

OTOH with Saiph it's about really slowing her to an almost pirouette canter to get her to sit and change behind.

With Caliburn. He is so naturally a giraffe riding him a bit lower seems to help him find his hind end

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Re: The video thread

Postby blob » Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:23 pm

Chisamba wrote:At my lunch hour I spent a bit of time looking at many of my flying changes on videos and I really have nothing to be proud of. It's a lot easier to have an opinion than to be good at something.

Thanks for sharing these, Chisamba. I believe I have seen the first link from the show before. It looks like Siaph has a nice change. Esp in the second video she seems to get a bit bouncy for a few strides before the change, i'm not sure if that is a deliberate ask on your end to get the canter where it needs to be for the change or something she does.

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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:44 am

blob wrote:
Chisamba wrote:At my lunch hour I spent a bit of time looking at many of my flying changes on videos and I really have nothing to be proud of. It's a lot easier to have an opinion than to be good at something.

Thanks for sharing these, Chisamba. I believe I have seen the first link from the show before. It looks like Siaph has a nice change. Esp in the second video she seems to get a bit bouncy for a few strides before the change, i'm not sure if that is a deliberate ask on your end to get the canter where it needs to be for the change or something she does.

The idea was to bring her to an almost pirouette canter before asking her to change to keep her balanced. It's to get ready for several changes in a straight line. She will prefer to rock down onto her forehand and I am developing balance so we can do straight line changes. The idea is to either do a quarter pirouette or change or piro then change. Sometimes I do 15m squares with a quarter piro on each corner then change and then a square the other way. We are using the piroutte exercise to develop uphill changes preliminary to tempi.

I included it to try and show the development of sit and balance

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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Sat Mar 05, 2022 5:02 am

So, I believe this shows some progression.

First video, rocking horse canter that needs to develop strength and balance.

Second video, better canter, to change. There is about three months of development between the two

So I think this sort of demonstrates the way developing balance in the canter helps the horse with fluency in the change.


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Re: The video thread

Postby khall » Sat Mar 05, 2022 5:25 am

I agree chisamba. The first canter is almost what I consider to be a school canter. The second Saif is more engaged and up and jumps through nicely in the change.

In the first video to get that school canter are you just thinking as slow as you can go? Cedar uses canter in hand to help the horses find that next gear of collection. Never really got there with Rip because he was so unpredictable asking for anything new in hand. I should try it with Gaila and Joplin though.

Nice videos chisamba and flight. Appreciate you both sharing.

I will get some video at the clinic end of the month to share. Joplin has a very natural uphill canter but on the right cannot maintain it for long yet. Some of it is me getting myself better some is just that is her weaker lead.

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Re: The video thread

Postby Flight » Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:04 pm

just briefly (I need to go to bed!) big difference in those canters. I like how in the second vid, Saiph has less nodding, more open gullet, the feeling of a confident definite canter.

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Re: The video thread

Postby piedmontfields » Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:43 pm

Agree with Flight. Nice development! In the second video, Saiph looks like she is cantering through her whole topline.

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Re: The video thread

Postby exvet » Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:04 pm

I third what everyone else is saying Chisamba. The second video clip definitely shows a horse that should be able to give a clean distinct flying change just from the balance being shifted to the hind and the greater strength that is obvious.

Boy khall Joplin has definitely blossomed. She is so pretty especially in these clips....and as we both know the strength with come.

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Re: The video thread

Postby khall » Sat Mar 05, 2022 4:10 pm

Exvet the buckskin is not Joplin but a stallion that Cedar works with in KY. He’s FEI ready just about. I have not cantered Joplin in hand yet just trot in hand with lateral work piaffe and passage that she offered. It may be time to explore it though!

I just posted the canter in hand videos that Cedar shares on her FB page often. She canters quite a few of the horses she works with in hand even does FCs up to one times. I need to get the feel of canter in hand. Anyone else done it?

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Re: The video thread

Postby exvet » Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:21 pm

Sorry for the mistake khall; but HE (still) is gorgeous. I have cantered a horse in hand but it was already trained by someone else. I think this is actually something I will eventually be able to do with Brandon. He already does it somewhat on his own, ie, he's offered numerous times when I was wanting something else.

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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Sat Mar 05, 2022 9:39 pm

If you ever saw me hobbling around with my lame legs you wouldn't even ask that question. I did in long lines., canter HP, pirouette and FC. Back when I was sound and my horse was crazy

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Re: The video thread

Postby blob » Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:33 pm

Chisamba--makes sense needing that very on the spot canter to balance her. And agree with others that her canter has certainly improved. Do you feel like you need the very pirouette canter for both changes or do you need it more on one than the other?

Well, I still haven't figured out my PIVO, but i did ask a friend to get a quick snippet of the trot lengthenings on RP so I could check and track progress. It's not a perfect video for viewing, but hopefully clear enough for people to see. Open to suggestions on how to continue to improve these.
What I see right now is that he does have some strides that are a true lengthening but in both diagonals we lose rhythm for a couple strides in the middle. He still needs more uphill push from behind (the main thing I've been struggling with)--it's a flatter lengthening than I'd like. He's not as quick as he used to be, but could still be slower. In addition to working on all of that, I need to make sure my hands don't get too high.

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Re: The video thread

Postby exvet » Sun Mar 06, 2022 12:25 am

Blob, I think you're on the right track. One suggestion is when you feel him start to lose the rhythm or better if you do it before since he seems to do it consistently in the middle is to circle him and refresh. To me he just lacks strength but is oh so close.

Here is a clip from my lesson a couple of weeks ago. I was working on Junior's lateral work. It gives you an idea of the challenges I have with a fireplug for a horse. I prefer short-backed horses but Junior can get so locked up in front and getting him to bend in the rib cage is challenging due to the minimal real estate. I obviously need to work more on our suppling (longitudinally and laterally) as well as better response from my leg which I have been doing at home since this lesson. I'm a bit back to the mantra, 'once we start working, I expect transitions to be crisp and prompt....if not my reaction is clear, concise, and to the point but demanding. It seems to be working, or at least for now Junior is taking me more seriously." The last lesson I had went much better; but, unfortunately I did not have my daughter there to video. What I did like of this video compared to the video I posted from last May where I rode the third level test in the one schooling show we went to, is that Junior is much stronger (in back as well as in front) and is better able to remain up in front through his withers/shoulders.

Here is a bit of my flying change mari....there's a lot more to like about your flying changes ;)

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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:50 am

Kimba canter :

So, you probably all know that Kimba does not have a natural canter. Her canter was lateral. I found it most easy to develop not in the arena. Footing in my part of NJ is almost always muddy so not easy to find time to do so. First video, Kimba outside. This is my favorite Kimba, kind of free and easy but forward flowing.

Then came the time to just sit her down and say collect. I mean if I'm ever going to show her higher than second level, which I may never do, collection is essential. In canter especially. So second video. Trying to have faith that just saying wait would eventually pay off.

Third video. Evidence of collection, and the need developing strength to not " collapse" in l lateral work.

Will we ever achieve it? Time will tell

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Re: The video thread

Postby mari » Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:06 am

Chisamba wrote:
blob wrote:
Chisamba wrote:At my lunch hour I spent a bit of time looking at many of my flying changes on videos and I really have nothing to be proud of. It's a lot easier to have an opinion than to be good at something.

Thanks for sharing these, Chisamba. I believe I have seen the first link from the show before. It looks like Siaph has a nice change. Esp in the second video she seems to get a bit bouncy for a few strides before the change, i'm not sure if that is a deliberate ask on your end to get the canter where it needs to be for the change or something she does.

The idea was to bring her to an almost pirouette canter before asking her to change to keep her balanced. It's to get ready for several changes in a straight line. She will prefer to rock down onto her forehand and I am developing balance so we can do straight line changes. The idea is to either do a quarter pirouette or change or piro then change. Sometimes I do 15m squares with a quarter piro on each corner then change and then a square the other way. We are using the piroutte exercise to develop uphill changes preliminary to tempi.

I included it to try and show the development of sit and balance

I quite like the second video where she bounces a bit before the change. I understand that you ask for it quite deliberately for a reason, but I've found on Odin that if he pauses and bounces he's sitting and thinking more. Right in the beginning it was flinging and tipping forward and rushing through it, but now on good days he goes PAUSE, change, and waits for the forward.
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Re: The video thread

Postby mari » Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:08 am

Chisamba wrote:So, I believe this shows some progression.

First video, rocking horse canter that needs to develop strength and balance.

Second video, better canter, to change. There is about three months of development between the two

So I think this sort of demonstrates the way developing balance in the canter helps the horse with fluency in the change.


Shows the progression that you've been explaining really well, thanks for posting.
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Re: The video thread

Postby mari » Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:17 am

exvet wrote:The last lesson I had went much better; but, unfortunately I did not have my daughter there to video. What I did like of this video compared to the video I posted from last May where I rode the third level test in the one schooling show we went to, is that Junior is much stronger (in back as well as in front) and is better able to remain up in front through his withers/shoulders.

Here is a bit of my flying change mari....there's a lot more to like about your flying changes ;)

I loved the trot video, he is so steady and clear in the lateral work. And the FC attempts are stinking adorable, he looks like he is just trying to figure out where all the legs need to go!
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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:18 pm

"Everyone" "always" says ride the flying change more forward. Jump jump jump in the canter. As I get better and better I have discovered it is slowing the shoulder a considerably and getting a little quickness behind that really helps the horse with the flying changes

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Re: The video thread

Postby khall » Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:45 pm

Just a share. Cedar who most of you know I work with doing 2 time changes on a small circle bridleless. She is such an inspiration to me.

Exvet I had shared this video of Joplin on the last training progression thread but they often get covered up with all of the posts. I was doing just in hand for several days because she had some bumps injected on her back. We have progressed from piaffe work on the fence to out in the middle of the arena. Having to be mindful more of straightness has helped the piaffe. And yes that buckskin stallion is such a lovely horse! Cedar has done all the work for the most part on him. He’s there for training and has been for awhile. He’s also got a few foals on the ground. From JP’s stock but I don’t think he was bred by JP. One of Cedar’s favorites for sure. ... 434118895/?

I did try a bit of piaffe under saddle the other day. She will be easy to do this with.

Chisamba I had to lol on your remark about being crippled and cantering in hand! My knees are bad so I relate but not from cantering in hand or on long lines.

Appreciate the video shares of FCs. Not there yet with my 2. Chisamba Kimba is definitely a challenge in the canter. Her trot work in your video in the grass was just lovely.
Exvet Junior is looking so good but yeah I can see your challenge of flexibility with him being so short coupled and stout!

I will get some video during the Cedar clinic later this month to share. Our weather this week is turning not conducive to riding with T storms daily. Hate that because I have to haul Rip and possibly a friends horse Thursday to my vet over 2 hours away for his scope.
Last edited by khall on Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The video thread

Postby blob » Mon Mar 07, 2022 2:25 pm

Chisamba wrote:"Everyone" "always" says ride the flying change more forward. Jump jump jump in the canter. As I get better and better I have discovered it is slowing the shoulder a considerably and getting a little quickness behind that really helps the horse with the flying changes

It's slowing the shoulder that is the unlock I have not mastered with MM"s changes. She is late behind because she acts like she is jumping an invisible fence. So while her hind legs are still on the ground, her front end is totally up and has already changed, and then she happily follows through within that leaping stride with her hind end, but that's not a correct or clean change. Part of this is that I do not think she understands. She seems to truly think what we want is for her to jump invisible fences. And part of the reason I cannot teach her/tell her otherwise is that I do not really have control over that shoulder the way I would like to. When she starts leaping up with her front end, that front end is leaping and I cannot stop it or slow it down. In general, with her collected work, the more collected her canter gets the more expressive she gets with her shoulder, which in some ways is great, but for the changes it's actually hurting me.

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Re: The video thread

Postby blob » Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:20 pm

Exvet--the suggestion to do a mid-way circle is very helpful. I think a lot of the loss of rhythm also comes from when I feel him getting a bit slow on gas and so I add more leg. And well, he's so sensitive that my adding more leg can disrupt his flow. So I think the circle will help me fresh it without having to throw him off.

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Re: The video thread

Postby Tanga » Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:24 pm

OMG. Someone I know only on FB posted my story and someone else posted about pas de deux of mine they had seen. I never got a video of it! It was 25 years ago when video cameras were expensive and I really had no money! I asked my friend Dennis Callin to do it with my at the champs and taught it to him the day before and was telling him what to do during the test. I had forgotten this was my freestyle music. And, yes, Bimbo's head is very cringy (remember, we didn't have video back then, and I have very little help ever,) but, damn, I am proud of the pirouettes and changes. Check out out one tempis in the honor round--we match Denny on them.

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Re: The video thread

Postby Tanga » Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:30 pm

khall--I LOVE that video of the piaffe on the ground. Everyone should do that.

blob--I am still working on Quilla's ones, which can be on or off and I can't tell. Chelsey gave me some ideas that might be useful for you. I think I have been seating too deep, driving her back down a bit, so she leaves her right hind behind. So I have been working on sitting a little lighter (like you do in piaffe and passage) and I practice the prep a lot so she doesn't get worried from that--I ask for quicker and and up, up, up in front so that is normal, not always going into ones. Then I do 4 or 5 ones and then REALLY forward and back to 4 or 5. So the idea is for her to think we're always going to change it up and do something different all of the time and to be ready and forward, so by the time we got back to "just" ones, that is much easier.

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Re: The video thread

Postby khall » Tue Mar 08, 2022 7:50 pm

Tanga that was fun to watch! Thanks for sharing.

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Re: The video thread

Postby Flight » Tue Mar 08, 2022 9:56 pm

Blob, i had that problem with Norsey. I couldn't stop him from jumping up in the front end and changing first. I had to do renvers on a circle and think about bumping his quarters to get them to change first. It wasn't pretty, but it worked. I had late changes for ages until I could hold the shoulders back.

Tanga, that was great to watch!
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Re: The video thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:27 pm

Tanga- very fun! Thanks for sharing!

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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:17 am

Tanga how exciting for you to see a video you never knew existed!!! It was really fun to watch too.


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Re: The video thread

Postby blob » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:57 am

Flight wrote:Blob, i had that problem with Norsey. I couldn't stop him from jumping up in the front end and changing first. I had to do renvers on a circle and think about bumping his quarters to get them to change first. It wasn't pretty, but it worked. I hate late changes for ages until I could hold the shoulders back.

Wow, what a journey, Flight! Those early changes look a lot like MM's changes with the leapy shoulder. Maybe I should just send her to you! Can you tell me more about what you mean about bumping his quarters? And in the renver to change, were you doing true lead on a circle to CC on circle? Trying to wrap my mind around the exercise. i've done CC renvers on long side to true lead but it didn't quite fix it. But maybe if I tried on the circle it would help.

Agree with the others, Tanga--so cool to see!

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Re: The video thread

Postby demi » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:54 am

Nice Pas de deux Tanga!!

This is a very educational thread! I can only really relate to the lower level stuff but I am still getting a lot out of it. Watching RP’s trot lengthening and also Jr.’s traverse and SI was especially interesting because Ive been working on the same with Rocky. My riding time has been low priority for the last 2 weeks and I’ll be in Michigan for the next 8 days so ….When I get home it will take me a few days to get back into the swing of things.

Traverse and SI seem to be going good but I need to check it with the Pivo. The trot lengthenings start good, but I can’t keep it up across the full diagonal. I need to see that on Pivo, too. I was doing a short diagonal and even then, bringing her back while she was still able to carry herself, so nit a full short diagona. Im not sure if it’s a simpy a strenght issue. I got the feeling that she just didn’t understand exactly what I wanted. With limited riding time I didnt get a chance to work on it much. Cant wait to get back at it. The weather should be really good by then, too!

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Re: The video thread

Postby Tanga » Wed Mar 09, 2022 3:18 am

Flight, OMG. That is the best video EVER! We've all been there. I have to say, I was laughing out loud the first half.

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Re: The video thread

Postby demi » Wed Mar 09, 2022 3:26 am

Flight, that was a great video! You must be so happy with him now, after all of that.

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Re: The video thread

Postby Chisamba » Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:34 am

I remember some of your dramatic changes from previous video. Nice to see how well you have achieved them now

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Re: The video thread

Postby mari » Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:53 am

Flight that video was awesome. I couldn't stop laughing at the middle bit where he keeps doing the dramatic hop and still lands on the same leg. You can nearly hear him go "Did I get it? Did I get it?" :lol:
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Re: The video thread

Postby Flight » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:12 am

Blob, I'll have to find the videos I based it on. I had them in my favs but deleted them! I did share them here before, and it did cause some thoughts in the group that it would cause crooked changes. But when you have to fix things, I feel you have to go there. As long as it isn't harmful or mean to the horse, you have to try things to help them understand what you want. I now play with 1x tempis with this horse!

The video was meant to be funny :) At the time it was hectic LOL! I nearly fell off a lot. And wrecked that fence around the arena! But I really wanted to share the reality for us amateur riders, who are working a lot of this stuff out by ourselves. Social media tends to show the finished product and makes it look easy.

I'll have to do piaffe journey video with this horse too. He was very dramatic at the start!

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Re: The video thread

Postby Flight » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:32 am

Cool, found the link via search on here! It's like a diary the history here.. :)

The renvers is a true canter to CC change. Holding those shoulders in towards the middle of the circle and asking the hind legs to hop across. Practice first in walk and trot. Get smooth renvers positioning first. They do start anticipating and getting anxious. When you ask for the change dont press and lean forward etc. Just bump with your leg and dont get stressed if it doesn't happen immediately (easier said than done!!!) Just stay calm and repeat the aid and maintain the position.
I didn't keep any of my goes on video (probably too ugly!!) but if i find any, I will share. You can fix this!

Amelia Newcombe's video was helpful in the idea of bumping the quarters to change behind first:

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Re: The video thread

Postby exvet » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:03 pm

Tanga - cool video!
Flight - that was definitely one of the best chronicles of flying change hell - to there and back - I've seen! It's funny because just this past weekend I watched Newcombe's series of videos on flying changes including the one you copied (with Covid, what else was I going to do?). Junior being somewhat typical is more prone to be late changing left to right because he wants to leave his left hind "out" since it's his weaker leg. I often in the trot when I'm going to the left and going through corners have to maintain a 'renver' feel to keep him straight, get him to engage the hind and come through so this whole things makes so much sense to me! Can't wait to ride tomorrow and try it out.

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Re: The video thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:25 pm

Flight, that's so entertaining to watch. Thanks for sharing. Obviously I'm years out from doing any flying changes. But it is nice to learn about And think about what will be needed to be done for later.

There is a thread on coth about Flying Changes Hell. It's pretty entertaining and informative!

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