New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

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Sue B
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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Sue B » Thu Jan 20, 2022 5:01 pm

Beautiful pictures Anne! What a gorgeous horse

Ponichiwa, which horse are you using the Tactio on, Queso? Also, I can't remember why you bought it. (Asking for a friend, lol)

Congratulations exvet!

Btw, 99.9% of the time Rudy is a perfect gentlemen, but his occasional sh** storms are why he'll never be a beginner's horse, lol

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby StraightForward » Thu Jan 20, 2022 6:36 pm

For Sue and Chisamba:
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Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:15 am

Haha! It was a high of 27 with high winds in this part of Texas today and while not cold enough to freeze dry my legs, it still felt pretty nippy. Especially since yesterday was in the mid 70’s. I didn’t ride today but it is forecast to warm to 47 and sunny tomorrow so that will be good riding weather.

Im getting my 5 rides a week in. I had planned on doing 2 trail rides a week but that only lasted for 2 weeks. I do think the hills and terrain are good for both of us, but I also feel like we are finally making some progress and I need the arena time to keep progressing. I have been doing Sat and Sun off, trail Monday and then tue-Fri arena. The day after trail seems to be harder to put her back together, but by Wed she feels good. I am managing to keep the short rein in trot and now consistently getting it in canter. Ive been doing 3 loop canter serpentines (small arena) with change of lead at CL. She has learned the routine and yesterday she was changing leads with only one trot stride in between. I didnt ask for that so after a couple of times I went back to just trot. Still, I was excited that she did the simple changes so easily. I need to get vid for a reality check!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:57 am

Nice, Anne!

We trotted through the scary corner early in our ride with not the flick of an ear today...

...and then proceeded to spook at every other damned thing moving in a 10-mile radius once he thought he ought to be done.

We are going to have to lengthen our rides a bit, I think the timeclock is being mentally punched a bit too soon.

So, then we had one of those "You've got the energy to spook and get sassy when I ask for a right lead canter? You've got the energy to work!" rides. And by golly are you going to focus hard and move your little orange tush until you are back with me! And then we are going to hit that canter button again and see what happens. And if you are good, we will call it good with praise and sugar.

And tomorrow we will start with the right lead canter and see what happens.

Ooof. You know riding a schoolmaster is cheating because all you have to do is push buttons for "it" to happen... Fine. It's the stuff in between the "it" that presents the challenge in this case. I'm learning how to ride, at any rate.

It's going to start snowing here in a minute. With any luck it will be all done by the morning.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Ponichiwa » Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:48 pm

Sue B wrote:Ponichiwa, which horse are you using the Tactio on, Queso? Also, I can't remember why you bought it. (Asking for a friend, lol)

Yes, for the Beige Blimp himself, Queso. Bought because a) the french-link snaffle I had him in gave him a rub thanks to its advanced age, and b) I liked the design of the NS. N = 2 ride sample size, but I'm noticing a reduction in tension through his jaw -- that he's not bracing there like he was in his traditional french link.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Fri Jan 21, 2022 7:42 pm

Yesterday I rode Junior in the arena, schooling mostly third level movements with the emphasis of relaxation. Today I jumped him and worked him mostly with the idea, again, that everything was going to be eazy peazy......relaxed. So, I decided I would try flying changes every 6 or 7 strides around the arena, and you know what? They were there :) Tomorrow the plan is a nice long trail ride.

Brandon got to go on a 6-mile trail ride yesterday, lots of trotting to help build him up. Today was arena work. I used the pivo and hope to upload the video this weekend so y'all will get to see the good, the bad and the downright ugly........geesh green horses are always fun; but, at least this one has all my support group salivating LOL. I do think that I wore this pony out after schooling him. Here's a shot of him as he was waiting for me to turn off the pivo. ... 537360.jpg

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Aleuronx » Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:27 pm

Having tried the turtle tactio my comment would be to know whether the horse isn't a fan of a bit that can lock into place. That is definitely the case with the turtle tactio and if you horse is sensitive to that (mine was) then it can be an easily learnt no-go.

exvet he does look pooped!! What's that saying, wet saddle pads make for good horses?

I've had a mix of good and not so good rides with Kora. Good off property and in our own home indoor just garbo. A bit reactive and just difficult to manage. It's winter and I'm trying not to take it personally. Is it the end of March yet?!

Was feeling a bit defeated coming into a weekend of trainer coming up from Florida. It's cold, like real cold and I had signed up to a lesson at an outside farm today and then another at our home barn Sunday. It was way colder today than I would normally ever ride, ie not even halfway close to my 20F limit for my lesson but I felt like I needed the tools and insight so I tossed her in the trailer and off we went.

The tools and insight were great and we will try to solidify and enact on Sunday in the 'higher pressure' indoor of home. In discussing things I realized I really haven't ridden Kora through a winter so I agreed with trainer that I need to figure out how to ride her winter version self.

This is us post-lesson. I have never seen frozen hairs after work and well our faces say it all. My hair was frozen to my cowl neck from my breath.
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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:58 pm

Demi- nice that you are getting so many rides in and making progress! Wonderful!

Mountaineer- it sounds like lots of learning going on with Potters. Definitely not easy but wow, what an education.

Exvet, that sounds like really good work with Junior. I could see him being the type that needs relaxation to be a focus at times. He looks like a little powerhouse afterall. Congratulations on some great changes!!

Aleuronx- you are tough! In cold just looking at the photos. Good for you!!

Lynx had a vet a check yesterday. Pretty sure I'm the definition of paranoid horse mom. Good news was he is looking good overall. He has slight muscle atrophy in the quadricep, I think is what it is, above that right stifle. So we just need to keep continuing on strengthening him. This stifle stuff is definitely a long haul. I definitely think there is improvement though. And he's not catching or anything in this stifle it's just a bit weaker.

So I was told to keep concentrating on the pole and cavaletti work. And if course good Dressage work. And in hand too work, backing up, hills and all that.

The vet also thinks I should incorporate the use of an equiband and something like side reins on the lunge twice once or twice a week. Luckily some people at the barn have one so I can borrow it a few times before deciding to buy one.

He's also losing teeth so he's a bit mouthy, distracted and a little baby brained right now. But I know we just have to steadily stay the course even if we change our plans each day. I have seen that he does absolutely do better with regular work and some form at least. So I'm going to try and stick to a schedule even when life throws me things to deal with.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Sat Jan 22, 2022 12:03 pm

I feel like someone who discovered a key ans now no one wants to borrow it to open the door.

But like Cassandra I'm going to prophecy anyway. Lmao.

So, as you all know the training scale is rhythm, relaxation, (suppleness) connection , impulsive, straightness, collection ( or some version of this) Etc etc. . But like everything, the more I know the more it means.

So my new key is simple, you do not give up one for the other. Huh?

OK so let's say I establish rhythm, and we are going along and we ask for lateral bed to do a serpentine ( green horse) and said green horse tugs on the reins, or slows down, or fusses in some way,...I used to continue with the serpentine, and work to regain the rhythm and relaxation. And I do a few serpentine and work on rhythm and relaxation because we are doing serpentine. No. No. No. I aM training the horse. I need to identify the cause. OK. Left flexion ( or change of bend) or inside leg created the fuss, I gently continue with exactly that.i keep the bend, add a circle ask for rhythm and relaxation and the moment it's given, relax the aid and continue the serpentine.

Let's consider a more advanced move. I cross the diagonal to do change, horse anticipates, tenses, looses rhythm and relaxation. No no no do not continue with the change. Sure you will teach changes but you will lose the canter. Circles. Add a bit of lateral, zero tolerance for loss of rhythm or relaxation. Soften as soon as established and complete the planned exercise. The training of the horse to the correct base principles takes precedence over teaching the move.

It applies to everything. How many times I have allowed the horse to throw its head when learning the turn on forehand because it yielded to the leg. But I really want the yield to the leg to teach suppress into the outside rein, so I'm throwing away the base for the " trick". So if I refuse to forget that rhythm and relaxation are the priority, I take a much longer more relaxed approach to the turn on the forehand and show the horse that it yields into the rein , not that it swivels away from my leg while tugging on the bit.

Anyway. For now this seems very enlightening to me as to why I achieve many levels of training but do not always maintain relaxation/ suppleness.

I remember what should have been a light bulb moment in a clinic with Christian Bachinger. I was working on walk canter transitions and he repeatedly stopped me from asking for the transition and had me walk a volte instead. Sometimes he had us do a slight renver and or shoulder fore. Then ask for the transition. But I missed the point. The point was to fix the body evasion rhythm and suppleness before proceeding to the move.

So Kimba now does as many.laps of counter canter as it takes to maintain rhythm and relaxation before she may change. I am training the horse, not the trick.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Sue B » Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:37 pm

Aleuronx, yep nothing like frosty whiskers and frozen hair! :lol: Oh, don't forget the icicles hanging off the girth and belly hair.

Lsp88: Hard to relax when you've had so many disastrous outcomes in the past. Listen to your vet, good advice being given. :) Your beautiful pony will be fine and become a very handsome dude. :D

Exvet, congrats on Junior!!!!!

Chisamba, great is something we all need to remember when we ride/train.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 22, 2022 7:13 pm

Chisamba, you are very insightful and I usually find your posts relevant and applicable to something I am working on. Thank you!

Aleironx, that looks damned cold. I'm glad it was worth it :)

Lsp, yes, lots of learning being done!

Exvet you are an inspiration.

We were on high alert but cantered very politely on the right lead yesterday...

Today is joint lube day, so a few days downtime.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby khall » Sat Jan 22, 2022 9:43 pm

Congrats Exvet! That is very validating both for your breeding and training

Al just omg! I cannot imagine how you all deal with such nasty cold snowy icy temps for months!! Good on you for getting out there

SueB YIKES! Glad Rudy does not pull those shenanigans often!

Lsp I understand your over protection. Feel the same about Joplin.

Mountaineer sounds like you are figuring out Mr Potters! He is such a cool horse and yes those ones who know more can make one feel very inept! But like you say he is teaching you how to ride better. That’s exactly why you bought him:)

Chisamba good advice. Though I do think there are times to push through the resistance in certain circumstances. For example Joplin when first working SI she would get bracey. Cedar had me keep the aids on keep the plot until she softened and accepted the exercise. It worked for her. She did not get tense in the movement once she softened and accepted the new aids. Tension is not really an issue with Joplin even when she gets more animated or energetic she rarely has tension issues. I do think that is the Iberian way. Very different than riding my WBs or TBs that I historically rode. When she gets that energy rather than turning into tension she turns it into more flamboyance.

Having said that though I do agree completely about maintaining the quality of the gaits that the movements should not be done to the detriment of the gait.

Well I am getting my horses worked some in between Georgia winter. Which for us is cold and wet. We have even had a bit of the frozen precip but not cold enough to stick. So instead we are dealing with cold nasty wet every few days. Hard to keep the momentum going

Stay dry stay warm and stay healthy!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Jan 23, 2022 3:55 am

Chisamba, thanks for always posting things to think about! I will keep that in mind.

Khall- I think the wet cold is the worst. At least in Colorado, it's pretty dry.

I had the worst ride on Lynx tonight. Maybe our first real bad ride ever. He was just distracted, spooky and even a tiny bit of attitude about getting in front of the leg. Didn't want to go straight to safe his life. And fussy in the contact.

I really think it's his teeth. He had a lot going on in his mouth right now. Losing or just lost a few caps. We are going to try out a happy mouth tomorrow. Trainer tried hers once and said he was much better. I should have maybe used it tonight!

And to think, I bought him a bunch of expensive Haas brushes today and gave him an extra sweet grooming. Lol I thought I'd get a relaxing ride in return but nope.

I also bought a better whip. More flicky. I'll be using that in my lesson tomorrow!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jan 23, 2022 7:08 pm

Chisamba good advice. Though I do think there are times to push through the resistance in certain circumstances. For example Joplin when first working SI she would get bracey. Cedar had me keep the aids on keep the plot until she softened and accepted the exercise

That was part of my point. It focuses me on continuing with the aid until rhythm and relaxation is restored. I do not stop the aid, I continue with the aid, I just no longer focus on the goal. In shoulder in for example. I might stop before the corner if appropriate, or I might continue through the corner ad infinitum until rhythm and relaxation earn the reward.

I can only try and describe a situation. Let's say I shoulder in to M. But if the SI at M is not good, but I straighten etc, I have taught the horse that reaching M is the end goal, not rhythm and relaxation.

Did I explain well enough?

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby khall » Sun Jan 23, 2022 7:31 pm

Ah. Ok I misunderstood. I thought you would stop the exercise to reestablish the gait then go back to the exercise. Yes so same approach.

So is Kimba getting tense in the counter canter in anticipation of a change? Thinking a bit more on changes. I know the preparation and quality needs to be there before the changes but the changes themselves can take time to perfect. So as long as the rider does not lose the canter quality during changes the FCs themselves take time to work through except for the FCs savants:)

So I worked Joplin today in hand. She was unusually bothered for a bit. A cold windy day had her on edge. I kept at it until she settled more and gave me some nice wih. So then I moved to some piaffe work. I usually will do this work on the fence line but was not a good day with the wind in the trees to get much accomplished by the fence so I decided to play with it in the open field with the emphasis on straightness. Joplin is a wiggle worm in the piaffe which is why the fence but I just kept reminding her to stay straight and diagnolize. I do have good tools to address this and I kept my focus on straightness thinking back to chisamba’s post. It absolutely was the right track! I think Joplin and I had gotten too used to relying on the fence. Joplin can still want to push a bit into her left shoulder when I work her off the left side but the focus on straightness really helped. On the right side though wow! Perfect piaffe steps! So happy with my buckskin girl!!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Kyras_Mom » Mon Jan 24, 2022 4:43 am

Brrr, Alex. We are cold but not THAT cold. I have gotten in a couple rides but today...lots of ice so today was just a hand walk.

I have had to have the B.O. decrease Kyra's hay a bit. I hate to do that but she has gotten quite 'fluffy'. Just not enough exercise right now but that is the way it goes with no indoor. She has gotten more than most of the barn since she is barefoot and we can work in the softer snow. Apart from the occasional ride, I have been lunging her and experimenting with some with some in hand exercises like asking her to do 2 steps across with the inside hind then trot on and halt, back up and trot on. I don't use side reins but damn, she could put herself together quite nicely. We have done a bit of cantering on the lunge line but you can tell, she is a bit apprehensive about the snow over the footing. Still doing a bit of long reining and Spanish Walk.

Anyway, we are probably done with training work until it warms up and who knows when that will be. We get this weather phenomenon called an inversion. Warm air runs into the mountains surrounding us and holds the cold air close to the ground. Usually gray days and cold nights. We had one last week for the whole week with a little storm on Thursday which stirred the air up and now right back to worse inversion conditions. At least last week it was getting near 40 so in the afternoon, no ice to deal with. Today at 3pm it was only 35 so icy ground. Ah well, Mother Nature.

Happy riding all.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:41 pm

Khall, Joplin is the best! Way to take that energy and use it for good!

Susan- I understand the weather frustration.we had an ice storm last week. The outer arena just looked like it had about a 30 m circle that we could probably ride was 50 degrees yesterday but I was working. Now, I'm off today. And it snowed 3 inches and looks like it's still going. So back in the indoor.

Lynx was a bit better Sunday. Until my trainer put my black jacket on the scary box. Then Lynx really got worked up but shoulder fore and transitions/figure eights got us through. I think so much of it right now is he's filling out, his teeth And it's winter and being stuck in the indoor.

We have a working equation clinic this weekend. It will either be fun or terrifying ha ha.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Aleuronx » Wed Jan 26, 2022 2:17 pm

Guys it's been solid cold. I know, I'm whining. But that's the depths of Jan/Feb for ya in New England. We're staring down a Nor'easter this weekend as well so, fun.

Our lesson at 'home' with trainer was well bonkers. Kora was rare form in a not good way but seemingly standard in the home indoor, tense and reactive. 40 minutes to get maybe 5 mins rideable. Trainer was a bit taken aback, first time she's seen her like this and compared to how workable she was in single digits on Friday lesson. We had some strategies but mostly just survive. :lol: I think next month we'll just do the lesson off property and with any luck the weather will cooperate for that to happen.

It's a bit frustrating to think of all the cool stuff we were beginning to touch upon and now just try to go around. Is it March yet?!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:38 pm

Aleuronx- that's how Lynx has felt the last few rides. It was all going so well and doing so much but now to just survive basically lol. For Lynx, I think it's just a phase but the cold and being stuck inside for so many rides isn't helping.

I'm so ready for summer already. I would wish for spring, but in Colorado sometimes that's the most brutal season.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:38 pm

It's 8 degrees and I'm waiting on my farrier-ugh!!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:47 pm

Its warmed up to a toasty 9 degrees from a low of 1.5 at 6am.

Potters would like to move back to Arizona...

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby heddylamar » Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:13 pm

Maia's lameness is still visible, but far improved. She's gone from full body "ouch" to isolated to the the right hind. I expect she slipped in the mud/ice when she was out playing and strained everything. We've done some in-hand walk work, and I manually manipulated that hind leg. She walked (and trotted) nearly completely sound afterward, so I'm hopeful it's soft tissue.

If I were to grade her, it started at a 3 or 4 (very obvious, but nothing specific) on the 14th. Now it's a solid 2, but after the manipulation yesterday I'd put her closer to a 1.

I'm going to go out again this afternoon to see where she's at and determine if I need to call the vet for an appointment later tomorrow/Friday. There's always a very good chance that she irritated something that time won't heal. This girl doesn't slow down for anything, so unless we sedate and stick her in a padded room, rest is pretty hard to achieve.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Anne » Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:23 am

Commiserations to those dealing with freezy winter temperatures, and 'slightly off' horses. Our weather has been decent recently, and I've had some OK rides, focussing on transitions (leg on in the downward!), and bend in the ribcage. Also trying to do an attempt at haunches in *every* ride. It is not always pretty, but he's getting the idea. Have not cantered in the arena, so have not yet tested my committment to clear canter aids.... today, we did a short ride around our place alone (through bush tracks, hills, out of sight of the other horses). Connor was pretty tense, but we had no major spooks or incidents, so I am happy with that.

Fergal has had a few sessions on the lunge, but I have not ridden him. However, he is improving with loading on the trailer. It has taken a long long time for him to be willing to stand inside until I ask him to back off (like, months and months of loading every day, sometimes 2x per day). The next big step is to close him in, and I can already swing the bum-bar around behind him. It is progress, though slow!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:14 am

Anne I love your persistent patience with your difficult one. A lot of us have that one complicated horse, and I admire your work with him.

I have been having super rides on Kimba. I feel like it's taken me too long to get in her head, but we are really working with enjoyment ATM.

Cali is still footsore. I am attempting to transition him to barefoot and it may kust not be possible.

Saiph is kicking in her spring hormones where every little thing is a reason to startle. What seems to help most is work, so we work. Lol.

It's been so cold that today I thought it was lovely ( and it was 20f) oh well. It's January and to be expected. I just don't like song the horses go down on the ice and they get fresh and playful on boop there it is.

Keep well everyone.

I hope you can work out what's up with Maia.

Mountaineer, your descriptions of Potters reminds me a bit if Saiph.

Exvet. Brandon looks much steadier and Junior is going to get to 4th level before Saiph and me
Your progress is exciting .

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby mari » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:23 am

Every year that your winter rolls around I'm just like :shock:
I don't know how you guys do it. In the depths of winter, I have to deal with -4C in the morning and some frost, the day will warm up to 20C + :lol:

Currently dealing with the heat and humidity of Highveld summer. We're working on collected canter, really focussing on me wrapping my lower leg around him and keeping it ON. Head and neck is a bit all over the show, and he feels like he's holding his breath, but he's definitely giving it a genuine try. And as a play attempt, we did 4 FCs on the long side. The first two were beautiful, the second two were very ugly, but he held his line and his rhythm and reacted to the aid, which was a great try as well. Many pats and loves for that.
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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Ponichiwa » Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:27 pm

Preach, mari. Am very glad I'm not in the northern US every Jan - Mar (and then regret my location April - October, so who really wins?). I do think the winter is a time to just get through for most; hard to get progress when the weather is so against you.

I have been on a roll of progress-laden rides with Queso. Could be the weight loss; I do notice an improvement in my balance and effectiveness with "even" a 5lb swing in weight. Could be the tack; between the new bit and judicious spur swap, Queso is much more on-the-aids than he had been in the fall. Could be that the training is starting to take hold. Whatever the reason, I'm here for it.

Saddle fitting session is this coming week and I'm excited to see how his shape has changed. And have no doubt that tweaks to the saddle fit will make a huge difference in his willingness to pick up and lift through the brisket.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Aleuronx » Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:34 pm

Guys, it's -11F/-23C out this morning. Temperature was tanking last night so I just popped in to give treats, check blankets and make sure her tail braid was okay so she wouldn't have frozen poo balls stuck to it.

I almost feel like I should rejoin the fray in March :lol: (please excuse my whining...)

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:11 pm

Good to see everyone's updates and impressed by everyone's cold weather perseverance!

I've had a terrible January in terms of riding. Work has been very tough and when you add weather and less daylight, it's been harder to make it out to the barn. As a result--I'm out of sync with the horses and all of us are a bit out of shape. So the riding we have had has been meh.

I'm frustrated with myself because it feels like i can't quite get my body to do all the things I need it to do and as a result, I can't support the horses with accurate aiding.

RP and I are suddenly struggling with canter transitions going right and I knwo this is largely because I cannot coordinate my left leg and my half halt.

MM and I are struggling to get a true bend through the ribcage going left (again that stupid left leg of mine). We can turn and she can bend her neck, but an honest left bend through body? No can do right now. The right side of her body does not want to travel through to make a true bend. Yesterday I did trot poles on a bending line and it was very telling to me---going right no problem. Going left, she could only do the trot poles by straightening out over them. If we tried to do them with bend/keeping the circle line she wanted to fall in or out would try to break into canter and jump them in one big leap. Next time I make it out, I will try the same exercise on the lunge to evaluate how much is me doing everything wrong.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:45 pm

Reading y'all's posts make me very happy to be living in Arizona. Of course, we suffer in the summer, but I simply cannot deal with the freezing temperatures. Hell, who am I kidding? I can't even deal with the cold (below 60), period. I'd rather suffer through 3 months of blazing heat; but then those are the choices we make I suppose.

I get to have a lesson with my coach tomorrow. She's coming up from Tucson for a small clinic. I was hoping to get to ride both horses with her, but her time is short so we're going to have her assess where I am at with Junior. I've been so busy with work and taking care of my daughter's dogs while she's been in Florida that I haven't ridden since Sunday. I had a lesson then with my friend/riding instructor and we worked on relaxation and suppleness. We had two people come watch my lesson who are considering riding with my friend and boarding at her place. I guess they liked what they saw because now she has a full barn again. Junior's lesson went well from my perspective and my riding instructor commented on how much better his collected canter has become. I'll really get to find out tomorrow if we've broken past our barrier.

Well wishes to those dealing with the bitter cold and health issues (horse and human). We just go through with more Covid (human and horse) and I think (knock on wood) everyone is healthy for the moment.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Sue B » Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:59 pm

Half my staff and dh (all vaccinated btw,) in various stages of Covid so I'm busier than a one-armed paper hanger, lol. Finally got a peek at the sun yesterday! This fog gets old after awhile, even if the frost on everything is quite lovely. The horses are very hungry with this cold weather--I hope they aren't getting too fat, I have not checked under their blankets in 2 weeks. Anyway, jingles we're about done with Covid (and that I don't get sick too!) and looking forward to morning temps in the double digits so I can be out more and work a little less!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby goldhorse » Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:17 am

Cold weather, ugh. I am fortunate to live in one of the nicest parts of the US, climate wise, the Bay Area. Maybe San Diego has us beat. But we're still dealing with the perpetual drought.
Anyway, I bit the bullet and entered my first rated show for Sunday. I'm doing just one test, TL1, as I dip my toes into the water. This is remarkable since a year ago, I was terrified of the canter transition. And now I use canter to wake the boy up. My right lead is better than the left. I'm doing something in my pelvis which allows him to break to the trot going left. I'm doing monthly seat lessons with Erica Poseley and I mentally get the picture of what to do but my body has other ideas :roll:
I looked at the other entrants in my class. Me, the sole Adult Amateur, 2 Juniors, and one ex-Olympian, Gina Miles :shock: What are the odds? Just my luck for my first show :lol: My goal is to relax and breathe and what will happen will happen.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:33 am

Ugh, SueB. I hope you avoid the contagion!

GH, well, at least you'll get a pretty blue ribbon for the AA division :)

Potters went what can only be described as freaking bananas on the lunge yesterday--obviously feeling really, really good and needed to let off some steam! So, yes, I did lunge him before I got on today :)

When I did get on, he was a bit sparky, but felt fabulous, so much softer and more free at the trot and the canter and has his big slinky extended walk back.

Back to a proper lesson tomorrow. Looking forward to trying some lateral work.

I don't know whether to be happy or sad that he feels so much better for some joint lubrication.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby goldhorse » Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:48 am

Oh, forgot to add. If anyone is looking for at home covid tests, I found them at Ordered them 2 days ago and they arrived today! They even have a coupon offer for 15% off if you can make the $75 minimum.
8 tests a month are supposed to be covered by your insurance.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby heddylamar » Fri Jan 28, 2022 2:45 am

Welp. No improvement, so the vet will be out Tuesday. Sigh.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Jan 28, 2022 4:55 am

Oh, darn, Heddy. Fingers crossed it's something not too problematic.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:04 pm

Fingers crossed for Maia.

So many great updates! I like Chisamba's pithy reminder: do not give up one for the other. I think the whole rehabbing year has taught me quite a bit about this, as it is so related to quality PT. Exvet, your update on Jr is pretty awesome! It sounds you are are well moved in to a new degree of work. Sue's adventure in the cold last week was to say the least thrilling!

It has been a bit cold here in E TN, but really nothing that prevents riding. Just a bit more walking on the extra soggy or almost icy days (barefoot horse helps). During a hack yesterday the mare became terrified by an out of place hunk of tree (it had probably floated down the creek into the field. It made me think again about how useful dressage is: When your horse is busy doing exercises (renvers-travers is our go-to medicine), it is hard for them to leave the planet and you in the dust!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Fri Jan 28, 2022 3:34 pm

Lame horses, difficult horses, really bad weather, tough work schedules, old age, covid!! All things considered, I think we are all doing quite well just getting through it.

Goldhorse, your canter journey reminds me of my own. I lost my confidence after a bad accident with a difficult horse in 2014. It took a long time to get it back. I mostly trotted for a couple of years, being afraid my horse would sense my apprehension about canter. Then I found a good dressage trainer and she really helped me start feeling confident. That took a few years. I was cantering again, but it still felt like I was just hanging on and not really riding. The key for me, though, has been getting fit again. I had tried off and on to get back into a regular exercise program but in the back of my mind I was telling myself that with riding and all the farm work that I do, at my age (68), I was getting enough exercise. Wrong!!! Finally, 3 1/2 months ago, I got back onto 5 days a week of workout with weights and aerobics. That has made a big difference in how I am riding.

We’ve had nice weather in this part of TX so far this winter. I’m getting my 5 rides a week. The canter is improving. I finally videoed yesterday, and of course, she didnt feel as good as she felt the few days before. Still, I can see improvement and that’s encouraging. I am still working on trot walk transitions but I recently started doing more canter, specifically before the trot work, because I’m really enjoying the canter now. The thing is, the canter gets her too energetic and she wants to take control when we go back to trot. Then I have to do small circles and/or shoulder-in to get control, but even that doesn’t help enough. Today I think I’ll go back to trot work before canter, or maybe even not canter at all. I have to keep in mind that I think her canter work improved because of all the walk and trot work we were doing.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:40 pm

Video is a good reality check. In preparation for my ride today, I reviewed my vid from yesterday and I could see that I let my reins get too long. Not just during the ride, but for the whole ride. I could see as I watched myself, that I was missing opportunities to shorten them, but worse, I started out with them too long. I think I can fix it but need to get the Pivo out again today to be sure.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Sue B » Fri Jan 28, 2022 7:01 pm

Such a beautiful morning! So grateful to see the sun, even if it was a bit chilly :D You can see from the trees how much fog we've had, i'm surprized branches haven't broken off yet.

Frosty Morning 10 below.jpg
Frosty Morning 10 below.jpg (62.77 KiB) Viewed 6290 times

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:41 am

Lovely picture, Sue B! It was very cold here this morning, too.

Potters was great today. We worked on shoulder in to renvers, which gets him a little snorty as its obviously harder work for him. Made some decent progress with it, left it alone and worked on canter walk canter transitions, which are apparently quite fun for little orange horses when their riders focus and ask correctly :)

And, I know we all know this, but im going to say it again because apparently I am a slow learner: Position matters. Posture matters. As I tweak little things about my position each ride, and adjust the way I carry myself, I can feel the difference it makes to Potters attitude and his trust and confidence in me.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Sue B » Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:56 pm

Moutaineer, that's why schoolmasters are so wonderful. They "force" us to be better riders :D

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Jan 30, 2022 4:35 pm

Goldhorse, I hope the show went well!!

Lynx and I did an intro to Working Equitation clinic at the barn. We just did it in hand this time, since he has been a little bit of a baby goober and there is quite a lot of people in the clinic. But he didn't bat an eye at any obstacles!

He did get really mouthy towards the end. This is a new phase and like I said before he's losing a lot of teeth right now. At one point I went to move him out of my space and he had a small tantrum. Shook his head at me and kind of reared up. Naughty!! So a small discussion was had. Otherwise, I was proud of how he did for most of the clinic. It was an hour and a half long and even though it was really low key physically, I think mentally he got bored at the end.

It was definitely fun and although I'm not sure if we will take up the sport, I would like to dabble in more obstacle type things with him. It also shows me that he's not nearly as spooky as he wants to act some days, although I guess I knew that. Lol. It's just a focus thing!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby StraightForward » Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:09 pm

Moutaineer, I am so with you there. I keep tweaking things and amazingly, the horses continue to go better. I'm sure it would be even more eye-opening on a horse that had more training than me!

LSP, sounds like a good experience for both of you. I'm guessing it got to be a little much for Lynx's baby brain to absorb after awhile. I don't think they get bored so much as just needing a time out to process. My BO, who has also trained up to FEI, always says she thinks their brains get tired much quicker than their bodies. She rarely schools horses more than 30 minutes.

We are just continuing to plug away here. It is nowhere near as cold as SueB or Aleuronx's locations, but this is the first year I've started feeling jealous of the people who've headed to FL or AZ for the winter, and friends who've gone off to Hawaii and Belize for vacations. Oh well, things are bound to thaw out over the next few weeks.

I had a lovely ride on Annabelle in the double yesterday. She was fussy and not wanting to stretch over the back without falling on her face at first, but eventually I got her swinging over her back and got some really nice SI and T/C transitions. I made up a new exercise of a bit of trot SI on the long site a few steps of lengthening, and then bringing the trot back in the corner to a 10m volte with kind of a passade feeling, emphasizing bringing the shoulders around to arrive back on the same long side in the other direction, pick up canter, 15m circle at the short side if needed to improve the canter, then trot and repeat in the other direction.

Tesla is continuing to do pretty well, though our indoor is too small to try cantering with her. Ride before last, she kicked out at my leg for the first time in quite awhile, and yesterday she *almost* did it again, but I was just able to sit quietly and ask her forward and she let it go. I am trying a Sprenger NovoContact single jointed bit with her, and after one ride, it seems promising. Towards the end of the ride I got probably the most honest stretch down to the bit that she's ever offered. Fingers crossed she continues to like it. I've had her in a NS Turtle Tactio, and out of curiosity, put her back in her NS TeamUp for a few rides, and didn't noticed much difference between the two. She had started doing little head pops to bump me off the contact, but seemed happier to just "hold my hand" with the NovoContact.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jan 30, 2022 6:22 pm

When I was about 16 my father used to transport horses. He had a contract to bring lipizzaner stallions from the quarantine station to Kyalami where South Africa had their white stallion performances. Trainers from the Spanish riding school came to give clinics and assist with the performances and airs. Long story short, Dad persuaded them to let me come ride with the senior Bachinger. It was my first experience on a school master trained in all the airs and movements of dressage. It was unbelievably difficult to do. Schoolmaster demand such precision. You flatten your back, they do something. You lower your heels, they do something, you move a leg. A finger, a seat bone, and they do something. I honestly think one of the biggest failures in American dressage is few schools with real schoolmaster to develop young talent. Anyway, I agree, riding a well trained horse requires such lovely precision

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:40 pm

What an opportunity Chisamba!

StraightForward it sounds like that you're still getting quite a bit done/accomplished despite the weather.

LSP - Brandon has definitely increased the mouthiness a bit recently but I do see just the hint if canines erupting through the surface. This too, as for Lynx, will pass.

So of course, I took Junior to ride with my coach and my instructor was bragging about our changes and voila they disappeared! LOL, not really but he was all of a sudden ground bound and changing from my hand and not my we went back to introducing more jump in the canter, maintaining that canter quality and giving him a wee bit of incentive to change from my seat (ie, dressage whip). He finally realized what the only acceptable option was; so, at least the lesson ended well. We rode 10 miles yesterday out on the trail with a lot of trot and canter work - really opened up his stride for the mediums. Then today it was jumping, cavalettis, and then canter quality. I was able to get a few clean changes with plenty of jump using mostly just my seat/leg aids. I'm realizing that I really must focus on keeping his shoulders straight using my thighs/upper leg and using my lower leg to keep him jumping through - almost hurts my brain LOL. Junior has definitely earned his break for the next few days while I work at my 'real' job.

Brandon has turned into a capitol B - Butthead which I knew was coming. We've started working in hand a bit more (he's highly incensed that when he pulls and roots on the side reins, he's only pulling against himself). We've also upped the ante on the trail riding. We did just over 10 miles today which did tire him out a bit - more mentally I think than anything else. More wet saddle blankets are in the plan while I give his body and brain a bit more time to mature.

Hope the weather improves for those of you enduring inhospitable conditions!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Jan 30, 2022 10:06 pm

Straightforward and Exvet, I know you guys understand the tough baby stage right now. I do think that the length of the clinic was a bit long for him although it's not really feel long with how quickly everything moved. But I'm sure it was a lot for him to process as it was very different!

I do think he's going better in the happy mouth bit. He was pretty good today for the most part. We got some of the best leg yields we've ever done and some pretty decent shoulder fore. Although at one point we were doing a little bit of lengthened trot down the long side and those darn blocks that he is terrified of were moved down there on the end. He is trying out the old plant yourself and then think about spinning to spook tactic. I was able to keep him from doing it and then we were able to ride by off the track and shoulder fore. But my goodness after not batting an eye at all those obstacles the day before and then these blocks that he sees constantly are just so terrifying.

Me and him are also struggling a bit in our canter transitions. But the trainer says that he's just kind of in that stage where they regress a little bit. Just so much going on with their bodies and their minds right now.

I'm so jealous of everybody that can ride outside right now especially on the trails. I think that would be so good for Lynx. But it's way too icy right now and it's going to get down into the negative temps later this week. Bugger.

In another note, It's nice to read from others that have horses that are much more advanced. It's a good reminder that things aren't always linear with horses. It helps me keep a positive attitude.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby goldhorse » Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:45 pm

Show recap. For those that don't want to read the saga, I got a 62.5 and am very happy.
What a weekend and not in a good way. On Friday, one of my best friends came off her horse and suffered 10 breaks in 8 ribs and a collapsed lung. She is having surgery today to plate the ribs. So that was constantly in the back of my mind disrupting my focus.
Saturday, I spent grooming and cleaning tack. I live 1.5 hours from the barn so I had decided to book an airbnb near there so I didn't have to get up at 3 am. I thought I had confirmed the reservation but I hadn't so at 4 pm I realized I had no where to stay. In non-Covid times, I would have crashed with a barn friend but instead I got a motel room. I was tired and grumpy and not thinking clearly and I ended up right next to Interstate 5. SO NOISY and didn't sleep a wink.
Sunday, I said F' it and got out of bed at 4:30 and went looking for an open Starbucks. Finally found one, got my elixir of life, and headed to the barn. Threw the horses some hay so they'd have something in their bellies when we loaded up at 7 am. Started grooming my palomino, Piggy, and said another F. I had forgotten to put his sheet on and he was covered with a light layer of mud. So curry, curry, curry, hurry, hurry, hurry. Then my braids sucked. At that point, I'm running on fumes.
Got to the show grounds. This was at Murietta which is huge. Had some time to redo the braids. Got on and headed to the warmup. Piggy was on extended walk to the warm up. He's an interesting mix of curious and not brave. Curious took over. In the warm up, he was tense and a lookie loo. Also he was crying out for his trailer mate. All those push my fear buttons. But we got through it and managed canter each direction in the warm up. I can't say how huge this is for me since I wasn't even cantering a year ago. Maybe I was too tired to care.
Off to the ring. My trainer wisely said to start trotting so you'll get 2 laps before he bell. So I started my patented sitting western jog while Piggy had to look at everything. But we got in our 2 laps and then started the test. My 2 flubs were breaking out of the left lead canter early and my canter trot downwards are disorganized. Many whinnies during the test including one high pitched squeal that my friend thought was me screaming. Overall, though I am ecstatic and never expected to break 60 on my first rated test in 46 years! Judge called Piggy adorable and I got a "Precious" on the test. 3 people asked if he was a Curly Bashkir. No, just a hairy Morgan. If my friend got any pictures, I will post.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Mon Jan 31, 2022 4:23 pm

congrats, GoldHorse--an especially big accomplishment considering the eventful ordeal around the show.

Also I hope your friend's surgery goes well. I've also suffered multiple broken ribs and a collapsed lung coming off a horse (not one of mine), and oof it's a painful injury.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:18 pm

Congrats Goldhorse! You got through it very well under those trying circumstances. Just think how good it will be after you’ve gotten several shows under your belt, and the conditions are good! I hope we get some pics.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:39 pm

Well done Goldhorse! First show in so long, cantering, travel, braiding. So much to work out and a big milestone accomplishment with a good score as the cherry on top. :)
Keep calm and canter on.

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