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Postby Tabby » Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:52 pm

WheresMyWhite wrote:I was also wondering today that I suspect for both candidates that there were some that really liked their candidate of choice while others simply held their nose and voted for the lesser of two evils as it were. I wonder of those that voted for the lesser of two evils if they'd actually voted outside the two main parties and voted some third party candidate what the election would have looked like.
It would look a lot more like our politics. We (including myself) vote *against* parties all the time, just to prevent the vote split from going the wrong way. When you have more than 2 parties, the extra parties take votes away from the main parties we end up with majority governments by parties that won less than 30% of the popular vote. That's how we ended up with Harper all those years. Even Trudeau got in through the ABC (Anything But Conservative) movement where crowdfunded websites tracked polls riding by riding and you could look up to see which candidate was most likely to beat the conservatives in your area. The 3 main parties were pretty even until the final days of the campaign where Trudeau began to edge out (helped by NDP and Conservative leaders shooting themselves in the foot with stupid racist statements). It also happened at our provincial level - we've been under a 14+ year rule by a very, very corrupt party but the alternative was someone even more racists and misogynist that Trump so here we are stuck again. Anyway, there's supposed to be a committee on electoral reform where they are looking at better ways to count vote (i.e. proportional representation or ranked ballot) so people have better opportunity to vote the party they support rather than the party that can beat the party they are opposed to.

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Postby KathyK » Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:31 pm

Literiding wrote:
kande50 wrote:But, these are people I actually know, so unless they're lying I know that they don't condone that kind of behavior. But, they do, for some unknown reason, think that Hillary's behavior is so much worse than Trump's that they were willing to vote for him.

IMHO that position will be vindicated if President Obama issues a pardon to HRC regarding the email server and/or the operation of the Clinton Foundation.

Otherwise, HRC will continue to be in the news regarding those two issues for a considerable period of time.

Time will tell.

A pardon for what? Are you so blinded by the alt-right manipulation that you don't understand that HRC has not been convicted - not even indicted - of any crime.

Again, a pardon for what?

What Obama should issue is a demand for Comey's resignation and a demand for an investigation into the meddling in a U.S. election by a nation-state, namely Russia.

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Postby Literiding » Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:23 pm

As Mr. Comey noted in his statement:

As a result, although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.

As far as I know, no prosecuting attorney, regular or special, has either accepted or rejected his recommendation. Until the circumstances surrounding the email server are adjudicated, it remains possible to charge HRC until the applicable statutes of limitations run out. I suspect there will be a new administration before that happens.

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