Warning: Mommy brags present

Sue B
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Warning: Mommy brags present

Postby Sue B » Thu Mar 18, 2021 5:22 pm

So my ds applied to both the Air Force and Naval Academies last year. This is a long, drawn out process with many critical steps and deadlines, multiple interviews and countless essays. My only assigned jobs were to book his DoD medical appointments, remind him of what needed to be submitted when and review submissions for completeness. Everything else was up to him. He did a great job, was nominated to both Academies by 1 senator and 1 congressman, kept his grades up and did well on college boards. Unfortunately, the DoD medical review board disqualified him for having occasional migraines that only required 1-2 ibuprofen to treat. Because ds has always been a healthy kid, he has only ever seen a doctor for his annual physical and has never had a prescription medication (even when he had all 4 wisdom teeth removed.) Apparently DoDMERB couldn't accept the total lack of records as "proof" that the migraines are ot debilitating and refused to give him a waiver. Air Force tried 3 times and yesterday told him "no go". He is a little sad, a little mad and a little happy. Plan B has always been to go to one of our very excellent state universities to study some form of engineering. I think I feel the same as he, however I am medium mad (exactly how DO you prove a negative???) but very happy that our boy will still be in our state (albeit 500+ miles away) and not locked up in the Air Force for 10+ years. ;) I am also very proud of him for seeing this through on his own and not relying on mommy to clear the path. He has learned a whole lot throughout this process, really cool to watch him grow.

Meanwhile, he also auditioned/competed for a spot in the State Solo Competition on his French horn again, same as last year, and same as last year, he won his District. He organized everything for this virtual competition without me, including practicing with his accompanist, so I have yet to hear a live performance. Fingers crossed I get to be there for the "real thing." Btw, he has been taking his horn lessons online since this pandemic thing began, never quit, never gave up, even when all the concerts, marching band competitions and pep band performances fell by the wayside. I don't know how dh and I managed to be so lucky :D

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Re: Warning: Mommy brags present

Postby StraightForward » Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:44 pm

You must be doing something right! Bummer about the medical exclusion, but maybe it will be for the best in the long run.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Warning: Mommy brags present

Postby khall » Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:49 pm

Because you did good raising him!! Letting them find their own footing is so important in their growth but so hard to do as parents!

My DS will be 21 this year and is a junior studying mechatronics which marries mechanical engineering electrical engineering and IT. He loves it. Heavy emphasis on electric autonomous cars which is how he got a co op with Ga Tech last summer that will delay his graduation by a year but giving him so much experience working and connecting with companies like being on a phone call with a Tesla engineer. He’s got a scholarship that he’s not having any issues keeping with grades like last semester of all A’s for classes like calculus 3. I definitely get being proud of their accomplishments. Good job mom!

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Re: Warning: Mommy brags present

Postby PaulaO » Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:23 pm

You have every right to brag. Few 18 year olds oils have gone through that without pushing and prodding from their parents. He’ll have a blast at “regular “ college. I did!

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Re: Warning: Mommy brags present

Postby exvet » Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:05 pm

Congratulations to your whole family. As they say, one door closes and another opens often to better things than originally expected. You have every right to be proud. I know I would be.

Sue B
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Re: Warning: Mommy brags present

Postby Sue B » Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:49 pm

Khall, that sounds like a really cool major, I'll have to tell ds about it! He vacillates between civil engineering, computer engineering (don't know what that entails) and electrical engineering, lol. All he knows is he really likes to design big things (like cities) but he is also wicked good at all things computer. He was supposed to be a veterinarian like me, dad, and his 3 brothers, hehe.

I know he'll have a blast at University because it's the same school I did my undergrad at. There are some amazing prof's up there who really work to see their students succeed, which is why their school of Engineering is so highly rated.

In the meantime, I had my friend's French horn repaired and cleaned so that I can learn to play it while ds is off starting his new life. We are hoping to get me proficient enough to play an easy Christmas carol by Christmas vacation.

I just never imagined what a fun guy he would turn out to be when he was born.

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Re: Warning: Mommy brags present

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:42 am

Sounds like a win-win. I know some disappointment with the military schools but he has an excellent back-up plan. Good parenting, I suspect ;) .

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Re: Warning: Mommy brags present

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:43 pm

What a great brag. Good to hear some good news!

Engineer here (ME but currently in energy)-- there's a lot of really fun and exciting problems in the engineering world. I've got friends from my graduating class working in aerospace, automotive (mostly racing), power/energy, biomed, economics/statistics, business/banking, and law. There's a lot you can do with an engineering background, and most of it is pretty cool stuff. Hope he finds it as exciting as I do.

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