When the farrier makes a mistake?

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When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby Boudicea » Sun May 22, 2016 3:01 am

If a farrier accidentally cut your horse's frog in one foot and then put a high nail in the other foot on the same day, what would be your response? Say you have been using this guy for 2 years and he has been doing a good job in terms of angles and breakover (you have xrays done anualy).

I know these things happen but I feel like he was just rushing or being sloppy. He blamed the cut on my horse, saying my horse jerked his leg. Maybe he did but to me it looked like he jerked his leg in response to being cut, not before. He is generally a very easy horse to work on. And to be fair about the nail I have been told by other farriers that the way his walls are shaped it makes it easy to put a nail too high. I have had a farrier do it once before but he cauht it right away. This time I noticed something funny but the farrier said I was imagining it and dissmised my concern and stupidly I listened to him and not my gut. I ended up having to take him to the vet. I haven't been able to ride for a few weeks now. Although he seemed like he is starting to feel better finally.

So I'm kind of torn between feeling like hey these things happen and now I don't know if I can trust this person again. But then again he has been doing a good job with the angles etc. and that is very important. Everyone else at the barn uses someone who is more expensive but then again so was my vet bill for this...

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby Flight » Sun May 22, 2016 8:01 am

Where I live, there's a fair range of farriers I can use, so I would probably change to someone else.
It was the line where you said you noticed something funny, but he dismissed it, and you ended up taking your horse to the vet. That would make me change farriers. I'd want one to have a bit of notice about what I thought, even if I was wrong.

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby kande50 » Sun May 22, 2016 9:52 am

I've nailed a few shoes on, and will say that every once in awhile I've taken off a little too much hoof or had a nail go the wrong way. So the mistake itself doesn't concern me nearly as much as the farrier's attitude, both toward your input, and about trying to cover it up instead of treating/fixing it.

I'd probably wait and see how he reacted when I told him about what the vet said, and if his reaction was to be defensive and irresponsible about owning up to it then I'd get a new farrier.

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby Chisamba » Sun May 22, 2016 10:36 am

I would be more irritated that he ignored your concerns , and a bit irritated by the mistake. That's two strikes... lol.

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby capstone » Sun May 22, 2016 11:18 am

kande50 wrote:So the mistake itself doesn't concern me nearly as much as the farrier's attitude, both toward your input, and about trying to cover it up instead of treating/fixing it.

I'd probably wait and see how he reacted when I told him about what the vet said, and if his reaction was to be defensive and irresponsible about owning up to it then I'd get a new farrier.

I completely agree.

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby amygdala » Sun May 22, 2016 1:07 pm

Chisamba wrote:I would be more irritated that he ignored your concerns , and a bit irritated by the mistake. That's two strikes... lol.

what she said! and i would expect sincere groveling from your farrier when you tell him about the vet visit!

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby PaulaO » Sun May 22, 2016 2:13 pm

I'd give him a second chance. We all make mistakes. But listen to your gut. If it tells you try the other farrier, do it.

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby Code3 » Sun May 22, 2016 3:08 pm

I agree with the others. Everyone makes mistakes but I find his excuses and his deflecting your concern very, well, concerning. My former farrier (former only because he moved out of state) of over 20 years once hot-nailed my horse. One time in 20 years. Neither of us caught it at the time. He was apologetic and owned it. That is what I would expect of a professional.

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby TeresaA » Mon May 23, 2016 2:00 pm

I had a farrier make a mistake with the shoeing and caused me to have the vet out (trimmed too short and used a shoe with a toe clip). The vet was very clear that the horse couldn't have the toe clips as they caused the issue. He spoke to the farrier about it as did I. I was upset by my horse being sore but figured everyone makes a mistake and thought that we had it worked out. Fast forward a couple months later and he shod my horse the same way again - i believe it was because I wasn't there for this one (had been for the previous one). He told the BO that he was going to shoe my horse the way he wanted and didn't care what the vet said. My horse was very sore and I was pissed. I didn't pay him and I fired him. I have not looked back.

So I agree that I am more concerned with the attitude as it spells issues for the future.

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby Chancellor » Mon May 23, 2016 2:02 pm

Both farriers and vets can make mistakes. What makes me angry is when they don't own it as Code3 put it. I'd fire your farrier!

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby Boudicea » Tue May 24, 2016 11:10 pm

Thanks everyone. I will see how he responds next time he comes. When I texted him after the vet visit he only said he was surprised it didn't show up right away.

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby Quelah » Thu May 26, 2016 9:23 pm

Cut like to blood? Rookie mistake and not one that would instill me with confidence.

A high nail is not a bad thing, a deep nail is a bad thing. I'd seen as many (more actually) horses hot nailed by low nails as high. It's multifactoral the where the nail kicks out thing, did he (the farrier) start the nail in too deep (bone head mistake) or not send it out when he should have? A farrier can/should be able to tell where the nail is traveling by what it feels like when they're driving the nail.

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Re: When the farrier makes a mistake?

Postby Boudicea » Sat May 28, 2016 2:51 am

Yea. He cut his frog and it bled. Farrier said that Sol jerked his leg but it didn't look that way to me. But maybe I'm wrong. I think I will give him one chance to see how he will decide to handle these mistakes. If he is an ass about it then I guess it is time to move on. I realize shit happens but at least own up to it.

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