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Horse show photography - how does it work in the US/UK?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:19 pm
by mari
Hi! I'm in South Africa. A friend of mine is a photographer at horse shows, and she's interested in restructuring her packages to something more appealing to buyers. Currently what happens at most shows here is that the photographer takes pictures of the class, and a few minutes later the images are available for browsing on PCs set up somewhere at the venue. The clients then pick the images they like, and buy either prints or digital copies. The main issue is that the prices charged for each photo is rather expensive, so sales are usually restricted to one or two pics per customer, even though there might be lots of nice ones.

Also, most people have cell phones or cameras of their own, and ask friends to video/photograph for them. It costs nothing, and while the pics might not be super professional quality, you will probably find a handful of nice ones among the dozens your friend can take.

My one suggestion (and something I would be willing to pay for) is to pay a certain (reasonable) price that will include ALL the pics taken of my class, or the top 20 images, for example. Is this something that is available in the USA or the UK? Can you guys give me some examples of packages that exist where you are that encourage photo sales? Or is there something you don't have that you would love?

Thanks! Any ideas would be MUCH appreciated :)

Re: Horse show photography - how does it work in the US/UK?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:01 pm
by mari
C'mon everyone, surely you've all purchased photos before? :D

Re: Horse show photography - how does it work in the US/UK?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:01 pm
by capstone
image.jpeg (92.5 KiB) Viewed 3447 times

This is a recent example.

Re: Horse show photography - how does it work in the US/UK?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 4:26 am
by mari
Woo hoo! Thanks :)