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Never had a horse at home.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 2:00 pm
by Amado
This is new to me. Haven't figure out a routine yet. First couple of days, I think I spent the entire day in the barn. (Why is so so easy to set my tack up in my designated area at a boarding stable, and so freaking difficult to figure out where to put stuff when I have my own tackroom?) I got to the end of the day and didn't feel like I accomplished anything, but it was very fun to putter.
I have even been organizing the manure pile. Trying to make it the right shape, so it gets all hot and composty (hoping to actively compost, so that it's useable as mulch/soil amendment sooner). Thinking about getting some sort of long thermometer so can check the internal temperature.
I think the poor husband feels like he and the cats have dropped down a couple pegs now that the horses are home. Probably wouldn't be too keen on my using one of the meat thermometers to check the compost temperature... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Never had a horse at home.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 4:22 pm
by texsuze
And this is just the beginning ;) I moved my gelding to my place about 9 years ago. First time to have a horse under my exclusive care. First barn to have built. Everything in place: tack room, feed room, wash rack. Most of the great ideas I got from the "old BB". Compost bins are now defunct (too much shavings, too difficult to turn, etc). One of my two stalls (both 12 x 24') has since been modified to 12 x 18', and the other is empty. Chickens take up more space in my barn than anything! The bagged shavings space now houses a chicken coop. The hay storage moved across the barn aisle. The old Landcruiser garage now houses a riding mower and the neighbor's Mule. I'm on my second manure spreader, and that setup has changed more than once. You'll be amazed to look back years from now to see how all the planning, labeling, tweaking, somehow gets shuffled about several times over! One thing that remains constant: the work, and the time spent at the barn ;)

Re: Never had a horse at home.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:17 pm
by StraightForward
A beer brewing thermometer should work well for your compost.

Have fun - if I had that beautiful barn I'd be out there all the time too. :)

Re: Never had a horse at home.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:24 pm
by Canyon
I love having my horses at home, taking care of them just the way I want. And, think of all the time you save by not commuting to the boarding barn! :)

Re: Never had a horse at home.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 1:12 am
by Josette
I feel the same as what Canyon said. I don't mind cleaning and running my barn my way. I enjoy looking out a window and seeing them. :)

Re: Never had a horse at home.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 4:09 pm
by Tarlo Farm
And don't feel locked into wherever you decide to place items until you've lived with the arrangement a year or so. Once you DO start developing a routine, you may find a different arrangement works better. Enjoy!

Re: Never had a horse at home.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 5:14 pm
by fergusnc
Isn't it the best?! :D

Bought The Fixer Upper Farm two years ago last month...holy cow how has it been that long.....and have had horses here for just over a year. So much to figure out, even when you've done tons of research and been what feels like "living at" farms and barns for most of your life. And I wouldn't trade it for the world! 8-)

Re: Never had a horse at home.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 3:41 am
by redsoxluvr
We have had Flat Tire Farm for seven years at this location and four at the previous one. The work is never ending but I don't regret it.
The only thing I do regret is not getting all the work done before we moved horses in. We had to rush to get the horses settled and as such did not have time to do some of the things we needed to do. As such, the things are still not done because they're not the sort of thing you can do with horses on the premises.