Interior decor / art

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Interior decor / art

Postby silk » Sat May 12, 2018 10:10 pm

Totally NH, other than I have them :lol:

I bought an apartment at the start of this year. 3 bedrooms plus an open plan living/kitchen. It had a really bad paint job (presumably the brief was "make it look clean and bright for sale") in a sort of chalky white colour. Bearable... I can't afford to change it yet, and I need to dress the place in the meantime. Carpet is a pale and nondescript grey ish beige colour.
The entire apartment is ~915 square feet.

I changed the lounge curtains from a drab, generic grey to a gorgeous set of florals - beige-y background with pink peony-type roses. Some green and some yellow/brown in the design. I LOVE them <3

I don't currently have any desks/tables/furniture that I can put things ON. Work in progress! My sister in law is painting 4 wooden items for me (2 sets of drawers, one cabinet and one 'manrobe'). They will all be a dark and glossy navy. Maybe with polished wood "tops" (unpainted) to increase the depth and contrast.
I have 3 lounge chairs and am on the lookout for a couch - the problem is very small access corridor, so I need something slimline and modular.

What I can do is art! I ordered 6 canvases of various-coloured flowers (I took the photos), 12 x 24 inches. 3 are landscape and 3 portrait. I hung 2 on one side of the lounge/dining and 3 on the other, with the last one in my room.
This leaves two walls in my room and the other two bedrooms to decorate. Of course, I can move the canvases around.

What other art could I get? I don't like clutter or fussiness but feel like I need to find some non-canvas/prints. Fibre art? Sculptures? Tiles or pottery wall hangings?

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby KathyK » Sat May 12, 2018 10:19 pm

I think your best bet is to go to some art and/or crafts shows and galleries, and look around until you find pieces that you love. Another source is furniture stores. They have "room settings" that are accessorized out the yin yang. I recently was on the hunt for a hallway bench and spotted a lovely bird sculpture on a side table in a furniture store. It was $20 and looks great on a side table in my living room.

Keep your eyes open, and don't try to do it all at once.

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby goneriding » Sat May 12, 2018 11:35 pm

This post is useless without pictures :)

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby Wicky » Sun May 13, 2018 12:21 pm

My wall decorations are mostly things that have stories behind them. Some are pieces I bought years ago when I thought I should buy some art. THose will probably be weeded out.

But this was something that made me feel good - reminds me that we are so, so tiny and the universe is so, so large, and my problems are so, so insignificant. The colors are gorgeous and I got a version on metal, which shows depth. It is comforting.

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby WheresMyWhite » Sun May 13, 2018 1:27 pm

I'm with Wicky... most of my wall "art" have stories behind them.

Some/many are photo's I've taken, some are paintings that I love the style and have a connection with the artist, the rest have some "meaning" to me; I look at them and remember why I have them on my walls.

I can't at the moment thing of any art/knick knacks I have that I just bought without have a connection to why I bought them other than just pretty/cute :)

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby StraightForward » Sun May 13, 2018 3:48 pm

I don't know if your crafty/artistic at all, but a friend of mine has been doing paint pouring and making some neat pieces. As much as she is producing, I imagine that it's not very time-consuming. Something like that could be easily customizable and not too expensive. I think it's sort of a trendy hobby right now, so you might be able to find someone doing it who will sell their stuff for little more than the price of supplies.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby silk » Sun May 13, 2018 11:00 pm

Wicky and Where's My White - that's what I am like. I just don't know what I want/will feel a connection to. I need to browse and gather my ideas together. When I see it, whatever "it" is, I'll know. Today I saw some wonderful driftwood sculptures. $900. Gulp. And some gorgeous brass birds. Three of them would set me back 5000. GULP.

Apparently I have expensive taste?!

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby Koolkat » Mon May 14, 2018 12:51 am

Can you do some sort of shelf arrangement with brackets/floating, whatever works in your space? You'll still have to put something on them (could use a plant or two), but it might change things up a little. A mirror, cool clock? How about a comfy chair with a small table and a swagged light (or floor lamp) over it for a corner or in some other appropriate space? Do you guys have Craigs List?

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby silk » Mon May 14, 2018 1:16 am

I can do anything I want - it's my apartment! :D
I just need a handyman to achieve much more than hanging a picture hook haha.

My SIL confirmed today that she's nearly ready to start with painting my furniture so I will have more than the dining table and 3 armchairs in the main space. I'll also be able to put away my clothes without standing on a chair to get to the top of the wardrobe - how novel!

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby piedmontfields » Mon May 14, 2018 1:39 pm

Brass birds (ex. quail) are pretty easy to find in antique/used shops online or in person in the US, and they are usually fairly modest in cost. Perhaps look at I also see them on a lot. Not sure about shipping to you in NZ, though.

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby Tuffytown » Mon May 14, 2018 3:38 pm

If you have local art community shows or gatherings then I would go take a look. all my pieces are direct from artist (many who are friends) as I like to get the money into starving artists hands directly.

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby Moutaineer » Tue May 15, 2018 6:56 pm

As a potential starving artist, I thank you, Tuffy!!!

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Re: Interior decor / art

Postby goneriding » Thu May 17, 2018 12:51 am

Sometimes I find "amateur art" at Goodwill that appeals to me, and I love the thrill of the hunt. You could check out flea markets/antique markets for vintage art that has history. Go to local art sales, student art sales etc. Sometimes community colleges have student art sales. Our local college has a sale in the ceramics department twice a year, and I love the pottery I have purchased there. I have a good friend who I have always gone with, so I have the extra pleasure of the memory of time spent with her. I love to buy things on vacation that can be displayed, I can savor the trip again and again. Buy what you like, don't worry whether it's significant or "worth" anything.

My decorating philosophy is, if I like it, it goes together.

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