EPM...please help me remember who it was....

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EPM...please help me remember who it was....

Postby fergusnc » Tue Jul 16, 2019 2:00 pm

Hey all-
I did a quick search, but no luck in jogging my memory.

Yes Fergus, who will be 22 in two weeks, is being treated for EPM for the FIFTH time in our 19.5 years together. This time was the scariest time as it was the biggest presentation of a choke (he is the horse you would NEVER think would be at risk for choke...mellow mellow eater, already eats soaked feed, etc) with 5 vet visits in the course of 6 days, that led us down the neuro rabbit hole and here we are. SO thankful to say he is doing MUCH MUCH better, and that tomorrow will be his last day of a longer stretch of Marquis. But, the vet and I have decided we are going down the path of a preventative use of am EPM treatment drug (Protazil, which is made from Diclazuril) that has a few years of some papers and science behind it as a way to prevent EPM in EPM-negative high risk horses...we both feel like my boy is high risk for sure.

So, question....does anyone remember, or are you, the DDBB'er who mentioned having a horse like mine, who had many bouts with EPM, and who back in the day was put on a daily dose of a drug (I think a drug typically used in conjunction with other drugs) that held off other bouts for years and years? She said as soon as she stopped that drug, her horse would develop EPM within a very short period of time. It was an educated gamble by her vet that worked great for her horse. I feel like she mentioned a drug that started with a a "T" and am wondering if it is the one that is closely related to Diclazuril. And that it wasn't expensive. Unfortunately, Protazil will be very expensive as the protocol is 1/2 dose per day forever.

For now, I am all set to start up with the Protazil on Thursday, but am going to continue to research in case there is something more generic we an switch to, that will make this "for life" monthly bill less challenging. My vet did caution me that it's not just the actual drug given, but the form it's in, and how it is absorbed by the species in question, but she said to research away...so not even sure if I was able to find a source of Diclazuril (no luck so far), what questions to even ask about comparable dosing and compounding and making sure it is absorbed by a horse. Interestingly, it was originally put forth as an anticoccidial drug for poultry!

Sorry for ramble! Bottomline question, does anyone remember who I am talking about. Thanks all!

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Re: EPM...please help me remember who it was....

Postby Rockabilly » Tue Jul 16, 2019 3:33 pm

It could be "Greenhorse". She is also on Facebook. I also lost my horse to EPM, but it was back in the very early days of treating it and there was not much to work with.

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Re: EPM...please help me remember who it was....

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Jul 16, 2019 6:32 pm

Hmmmm sorry I can't remember. I had a neuro horse that we thought was EPM but it was meningitis.... sending best wishes

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Re: EPM...please help me remember who it was....

Postby fergusnc » Tue Jul 16, 2019 8:25 pm

Thanks Rockabilly, maybe GH will stop by the thread?
I remember a lot of us have walked the EPM path at different times, some before a lot of the drugs were discovered, some with sad ends even with the currents drugs. When I say I hate possum poop, I couldn't mean it more! I am thankful to have gone through this 5x...means I was given more time with my boy 5x! Trying to keep a positive, day by day, outlook on this and be grateful for the 19.5 years thus far, and every day I keep getting. He is one hell of a special guy who keeps teaching me an incredible amount about life, related and unrelated to all aspects of horses.

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Re: EPM...please help me remember who it was....

Postby greenhorse » Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:10 am

Hi! Yes, that was probably me. I replied to your message. I hope you will have as good of luck as we did.

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Re: EPM...please help me remember who it was....

Postby Hayburner » Thu Jul 18, 2019 1:06 am

So sorry you are going thru this again!

When I see posts on Facebook about how cute these possums are I usually lash back with yeah and they can infect our beloved horses with a costly and life threatening disease.

I donate to a local rescue and sorry to say but I ask that my money not be spent on a possum. That sounds terrible and I know they can eat thousands of ticks a year but I can't help but detest the little rodents :twisted:

Hope you find a less expensive way to continually treat Fergus.

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Re: EPM...please help me remember who it was....

Postby fergusnc » Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:28 pm

greenhorse wrote:Hi! Yes, that was probably me. I replied to your message. I hope you will have as good of luck as we did.

Thanks! But nothing in my inbox....?

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Re: EPM...please help me remember who it was....

Postby fergusnc » Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:43 pm

Hayburner wrote:So sorry you are going thru this again!

When I see posts on Facebook about how cute these possums are I usually lash back with yeah and they can infect our beloved horses with a costly and life threatening disease.

I donate to a local rescue and sorry to say but I ask that my money not be spent on a possum. That sounds terrible and I know they can eat thousands of ticks a year but I can't help but detest the little rodents :twisted:

Hope you find a less expensive way to continually treat Fergus.

Thanks HB. Yes, my vet and I have talked about possums a few times, and as much as we hate what's in their poop and what it does, we both agree we could never hurt one on purpose. I guess it's not their fault that they are perfect hosts for those Protozoa &$@?!s but it sure is frustrating. I saw one waddle by back behind our barns one morning, and I threw up my hands in frustration, but what else can I do?

I ruled out Protazil yesterday as a preventative...actually the bank account and hard core math ruled it out for me. After an initial breakdown, I am sort of at peace. Still working on not expecting the sky to fall at any moment, and walking down to the barn with joy instead of dread of what I may find, but that will be a work in progress I think. I am focusing on being grateful for these 19.5 years together, for how much success we have had in the past with treatment, and in being thankful for every day...not rushing through the chores for appreciating the time together. Easy to say, lots of work to do. Bottom line, there is NEVER enough time with the ones we love. The ride is ALWAYS too short. And love opens us up for so much pain, but I can't imagine not knowing it. This time hit me hard...think about how not all horses, or people, or any animal, are guaranteed true old age, and it scared me because I had taken it all so for granted. Whether we have decades or minutes left, made me think of "Don’t cry because it’s ending, smile because it happened."

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