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Chigger Season - making me crazy

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 11:26 am
by Josette
I assume all the rain has made these pests very active this season. We cannot seem to escape them. I swear they go through my socks to bite my ankles. I'm guessing the dogs carry them inside too onto the furniture - so then they get higher up on our clothing. The itchy bites are making me crazy.

Re: Chigger Season - making me crazy

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 12:39 pm
by musical comedy
They must move from location to location. A couple weeks ago, my body was covered with itchy bites. It was really bad. Under my bra straps, under my arms, and in other places I have no idea how they got there. But lately, not a bite. Weird.