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Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 11:15 pm
by khall
Dang it, this is why you have to be so careful riding these days. She took a fall off her mare today after a spook and bolt breaking her left wrist/arm. More than likely will require surgery, definitely required an ambulance ride. My DH thinks she may have a cracked rib or two and was complaining about her right shin though nothing was obvious just looking. Sigh Not what any of us need right now, we all need to be healthy and in full form.

I am facing knee scope since the steroid injection coupled with the slip and fall did not work. Walking is painful. Thank goodness for a wonderful DH though. and a DS that is willing to step in when needed as well.

So why do we do horses?

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 2:30 am
by StraightForward
Jingles for minimal injuries and quick healing!

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 4:01 am
by Flight
Hope she's ok!
My friend got bucked off her young horse and now has a broken pelvis. She is sore. We don't bounce anymore as we get older, we go crunch!
When Norsey got a bit upset the other day running through my head was "my friend's pelvis, my friend's pelvis..."

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 4:52 am
by Anne
Ouch! Sending jingles for your friend Khall. I've stepped down from my 'project' youngster who is prone to buck, I sprained my ankle coming off him nearly a year ago and it is still not quite right... yes Flight, crunch is right!

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 2:51 pm
by Chancellor
It is amazing how much I worry about ending up in the hospital right now! My husband and I were going for a walk in the woods with the dogs. I made him turn around because there were so many branches down. I was worried that I would turn an ankle and need medical attention. Not something I usually worry about!
Jingles to your friend. We certainly do go crunch as we get older.

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 3:16 pm
by heddylamar
Ouch!! How is she doing today?

That's my worst fear right now. I'm trying to keep it in check — when I ride fearful, I don't ride relaxed, which is what both of my mares need. Otherwise they start imagining great big horse-eating trolls, and, well, it all goes downhill.

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 5:55 pm
by khall
My friend ended up in surgery yesterday it was a pretty significant break and she has external fixator for the wrist. Yeah she does not bounce well at all. This is the second serious injury coming off this mare, last in 2017 she ended up with cracked pelvis and TBI. My suggestions is to move this horse down the road, she is not a bad horse just too much for my tiny friend to handle when she has a bad spook. The mare's MO is to spook and leave town, my friend cannot stop her, I can though I am not a huge fan of the mare.

I hear you on the fear. Having this happen really puts me back on my heels a bit.

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 7:29 pm
by PaulaO
Yes, this sounds like the wrong horse for your friend. Jingles for uncomplicated healing to her.

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 2:03 am
by khall
Ugh and now she shows pneumonia on her rads they have tested her for coronavirus. They don't think she is positive but are being cautious as they should be. Of course my 83 yr old mother my DH and DS were all exposed to her the day she had the accident. My mom found her and my DH and DS went down to see about her after my mom called me to alert me to the severity of the issue. DH has lots of field basic medic training through the Boy Scouts.

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 10:04 am
by Hayburner
Healing vibes coming for your friend! Riding right now we all have to be more careful as none of us want to end up having to go to the hospital.
Prayers that she does not have the virus. My sister had pneumonia a month ago, they did not test her for the virus as she did not have other symptoms. Ned's cleared her up in a few weeks.

your friend s accident is the reason I don't like riding alone, so I mainly just walk. I've had a long struggle with my horse getting her to relax and getting me to relax so I under ride her. I am a bit braver when someone else is around.

A friend recently had to bail off her horse due to bolting, the darn horse would not stop, just kept going round and round in the ring. Luckily, she did not get injured. I tried to get her to stop but I couldn't, the horse is too much and too strong for her, so she has made the decision to re home her. The horse needs a strong and quiet rider which my friend is not. It's hard to move them on, but reality says we aren't getting any younger and we don't bounce anymore.

Hopefully, your friend will do some soul searching while she recovers.

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 1:28 pm
by piedmontfields
Jingles for all!

And yes to using your spidey sense to stay safer on whatever horse you ride. I've always been one to pick my goals/battles, based on the circumstances of the moment and how well my horse and I work together in challenging circumstances.

Even though my current horse is quite obedient, she is routinely spooky. I was thinking about this yesterday as I rode her past tractors and bobcats putting in new paddock fencing. I thought to myself, well, they might drop that load of boards, so I'll just keep my leg on a bit more and shoulder-out as we go by! The mare was tense, but felt supported and was obedient.

I tried once to get a friend to help me with exercising this horse, but the friend--while a competent rider with a good seat---was just so spacey and used to having a horse take care of her instead of vice versa. My mare can really spin and leap in a hurry if one doesn't have a good seat + enough presence of mind to pick up the reins and ride the leap---or see the pile of dropped boards coming!! :shock:

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:26 pm
by heddylamar
I rode my older mare, Anzia, for the first time in a looong while yesterday. And remembered again, exactly why she's adorable, but absolutely NOT suited for a horseless friend to trail ride whilst I'm on Maia. Every single moment, Anzia needs a calm, totally relaxed rider who reassures her and urges her forward. It took 30 minutes of walking to get her to finally relax enough that she was walking mostly forward and in 2 tracks :roll: Friend's horse was a relaxed, confident, caretaker.

A barn-mate, who was watching, commented that all of Anzia's energy goes up and sideways. Yup. My old trainer used to call her a ticking time bomb, and tell me not to let anyone else sit on her :shock:

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:55 pm
by khall
My horse Rip is a big spook as well. His MO is to spin and then sometimes will leave. That spin can be difficult to stay on:/ At least this mare goes forward when she spooks usually. She likes to leave town, I can ride and stop that. Her owner cannot. The 2017 accident I saw the entire thing though never did figure out what spooked her. She took off, threw a couple of tiny bucks in but had unseated my friend who lawn darted knocking herself out. She is just too much horse for this rider.

As a 5 yr old I seriously considered selling Rip he was such a challenging ride aka scary. I soul searched and decided to keep him and I certainly have learned a bunch from my difficult one! One thing he makes all the other horses I work with seem easy peasy, LOL!

My friend was discharged yesterday, at least 6 weeks with the fixator, no idea when the test will come back for her pneumonia. No driving. Now to have a serious talk to her about this mare. I can't make her sell the mare but I can say that she cannot ride her here on my farm, if she is determined to continue to ride her she needs to move her. We've been here on the farm for over 15 yrs, we've had 5 ambulances here, 3 were for my friend (the others were not horse related). She had another injury with a previous horse, got kicked in the arm, was compound fracture. She sold that horse and rightly so. Has a history of buying inappropriate horses and she knows this horse is not a good match for her.

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 6:29 pm
by StraightForward
Yikes, well I'm glad she is out of the hospital, and hope she is negative for CV. I think you're totally right to tell her she can't keep that mare at your place anymore if she does keep her. Two ambulance rides ought to be quite a wakeup call!

This morning I heard that a coworker in another town is in the hospital having somehow gotten her leg broken by her mule. No idea on the circumstances, but it sounded like a pretty bad injury.

It's stormy today, so I think I'll be sticking with ground work!

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 6:53 pm
by Ryeissa
Yikes! Glad the surgery is behind her....sending jingles

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 11:12 pm
by piedmontfields
Continued jingles...and cajones! That is a lot of hospital calls, khall. I'm at an eventing barn and I just cannot imagine! Not to jinx anyone but I think it's been many years since anyone needed a sudden ER visit.

Re: Please jingle for my boarder and long time friend

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 3:26 am
by Srhorselady
Jingles for your friend! TWO serious horse related accidents would make me think about things VERY seriously. One is an accident but two....