Always check that your gates are LOCKED

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Always check that your gates are LOCKED

Postby Josette » Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:52 pm

I'm really a very boring person and like my quiet routines - no drama or excitement for me. I recently posted that my pony was exhibiting some lameness issue the previous week. It had me very concerned as I had gone through a long layup and rehab to get him sound again. My vet came out last week and detected some soreness in his neck - an old issue he has worked on by my chiro. She communicated her findings to my chiro vet who was here Friday to apply her adjustments and cold lazer therapy to neck and legs. Mr pony looked wonderful and I was so relieved. No riding yesterday due to heavy rains all day.

Today, I'm dumping the wheel barrow out back and I see my pony BLASTING in full out gallop in his front paddock (next to the road). I start running thinking WTH is he doing and WHY?? Then the neighbors 3 horses going racing down the street! :shock: :shock: :shock: My heart is pounding because we live in a very densely populated area surrounded by major highways - only a VERY short distance away. Go straight and major traffic light intersection and turn left to go over highway overpass.

DH can move quicker than me and as neighbors start running down the street - he points them to turn left as horses appeared to cut through someone's backyard. About 2 blocks further they stayed within this area of homes and stopped in someone's front yard. Thank God! So the hooligans were all caught just as two police cars arrived.

When I got back to our barn I applied liniment and leg wraps to my guy and locked him inside. I hope I am not jinxed and he stays sound after all this excitement. So - remember always check that gates are locked. Multiple loose horses makes for a road trip. Those horses were VERY lucky today.

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Re: Always check that your gates are LOCKED

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:27 am

Whoa!!! That is a lot of excitement. Glad all were captured/returned and yours are safe.

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Re: Always check that your gates are LOCKED

Postby StraightForward » Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:33 pm

How scary! Glad everyone was caught up and no one got hurt.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Always check that your gates are LOCKED

Postby PaulaO » Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:54 pm

That’s a lot of adrenaline. Good thing your pony didn’t escape, and jingles he didn’t do any further damage.

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Re: Always check that your gates are LOCKED

Postby KathyK » Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:21 am

I'm glad everyone is safe and the quiet routine is in place once again. Nothing gets the blood pumping better than seeing your horse galloping down the road. I know about this. One time was one too many.

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Re: Always check that your gates are LOCKED

Postby Hayburner » Fri Oct 23, 2020 12:12 am

Glad you were able to get to the, before they went to the main roads.
Hopefully, your boy is fine and isn't sore from his adventure.

I am OCD about stall doors and gates. I check, check again and recheck! Usually, I will even say the word locked when doing up my horses stall door at nite.

I know it takes me longer to get things done and head home but if I don't go thru my checklist, I'll get home and have to go back and check! My mind won't stop racing and fretting about a gate or a stall door. I also do it with the barn lights and arena lights.

A friend that usually leaves when I do, gets so impatient with me she never double checks anything! :roll:

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Re: Always check that your gates are LOCKED

Postby Josette » Fri Oct 23, 2020 12:32 am

Yes - sometimes we are so on auto - pilot that it is always good to recheck ourselves.

I just want to clarify in my earlier post that my guy did not get loose. He was spooked when the neighbor's horses ran past his paddock down the street. I'm guessing when they exited their driveway - my guy spooked and ran - which in turn may have triggered them to run = Bedlam :roll:

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Re: Always check that your gates are LOCKED

Postby Kelo » Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:02 pm

Oh my goodness, I am glad everything was ok. That is a nightmare.

When I built my place, I put it together so there is a walk-through gate, and the perimeter fence just because that situation terrifies me. The perimeter gates are locked except for rare specific events (like yearly hay delivery), so even if the horses get loose they can’t get free.

I honestly love that walk through gate, you have to kinda step in and step sideways and step out - but no worrying about gates.

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