Roe V Wade RIP:(
Moderator: blob
Roe V Wade RIP:(
It certainly looks like Roe v Wade is history. WTAH furious with Republicans. Certainly not following settled law if 50 years. Also will be opening up a huge can of worms when it comes to privacy rights
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
This has been tough news to read about.
- Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
It is certainly very threatened. The leaked draft decision is not the final and change in arguments would not be unusual.
It would be a terrible blow to human rights, privacy, public health, and the overall well-being of women, children and families.
It would be a terrible blow to human rights, privacy, public health, and the overall well-being of women, children and families.
- Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
The future is very scary. Why does government get to decide what we can and cannot do with our bodies? I had an abortion in the 1970s. Thank God for the legality of it.
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
I am SO stressed by this evil I don't know what to do (and I am fine personally) I just want to hide. I also angry at these evil POS's.
Hopefully what this is ends up being good, marshaling most of the country, which is mostly moral and good, to vote out these POS R's and take over the country. The problem with most of us is that we don't want to control others and want to take care of everyone instead of being single minded for no gun control and all control of women. Who could have thought this is a bad thing?
Hopefully what this is ends up being good, marshaling most of the country, which is mostly moral and good, to vote out these POS R's and take over the country. The problem with most of us is that we don't want to control others and want to take care of everyone instead of being single minded for no gun control and all control of women. Who could have thought this is a bad thing?
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Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
I'd like to quote part of a Letter to the Editor, published back in February, in a nearby city's newspaper. The words are from a Richard C., the thoughts echo my own:
" No woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term. There is nothing worse than forcing an unloved, unwanted child into the world, especially when conservative policy seems hell bent on stripping support structures away from women and families in need. This is solely a decision between the woman and her doctor and should not be dictated by someone else's religious beliefs. If you don't like abortions, don't get one. If you don't like the idea of abortions you should be advocating for stronger public health options like prenatal and neonatal health care, childcare, and preschool for working mothers."
"Every woman should have the opportunity to experience the joy of bringing their child into a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment if that is what they choose, not forced to by a society that turns its back once the child is born."
" No woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term. There is nothing worse than forcing an unloved, unwanted child into the world, especially when conservative policy seems hell bent on stripping support structures away from women and families in need. This is solely a decision between the woman and her doctor and should not be dictated by someone else's religious beliefs. If you don't like abortions, don't get one. If you don't like the idea of abortions you should be advocating for stronger public health options like prenatal and neonatal health care, childcare, and preschool for working mothers."
"Every woman should have the opportunity to experience the joy of bringing their child into a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment if that is what they choose, not forced to by a society that turns its back once the child is born."
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
Your Local Epidemiologist has an excellent blog post today with stats and data re Texas. It is good information to understand.
You can find her on FB. Recommend clicking thru to her blog to have full access to her graphs and charts
You can find her on FB. Recommend clicking thru to her blog to have full access to her graphs and charts
- Chisamba
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Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
I am too unfamiliar with understanding of how the Supreme Court works to know how likely it is that the leaked draft reflects a done deal. I also mistrust in all ways, media and social media hype and spin, but maybe in this case it, the media and social media, can weild its power for good.
I just don't understand why the hell organization that act like abortions are murder care little about supporting life once it is born. I honestly don't believe they actually think a fetus is life. I was actively involved in two major religions. Both only give mother support ( ie act as if the child were a child) if it survived long enough to draw breath. So I had along term miscarriage and as a devastated not mother I wanted my child's name listed as a member of our family. They refused because it hadnt drawn breath. This same Old man ruled organization that refuses health care support for preventing unwanted pregnancy and abortion. It is unmitigated hypocrisy. unmitigated hypocrisy. They don't consider a child a child if it died by accident, but suddenly it has rights if you want to stop it from being born.
Of course everything tends to reflect personal experience with me and one of the saddest things I ever saw was a late term pregnancy spay. The dog was pregnant and the owner didn't want the puppies born so they scheduled a spay. Those puppies in the eomb, when wet removed it, were writhing and struggling and fighting for life. It was very upsetting and the vet quickly injected into the womb once it was removed to sedate the fetuses. I can understand in rare cases the emotional aversion to late term. Pregnancy. But surely every child brought into the earth deserves to be a wanted child. Is that not the most important child's right?
I kind if feel that some of these things should just be respected as choice. If you do not believe in abortion, don't have one, if you do not believe in same gender seed, sleep with the pertain you want to. I know a lot of you hate my logic and thought processes and that is your right. But this is how I made my journey from a church going anti abortion raised to a person with a strong belief that no child should be forced into the world unwanted. Even if you are all hyped on child rights and not a protector of women's rights, why would you think baby should be forced into an unwanted birth. I just don't get it.
Anyway. My hope is that there remains in place a federal protection of a woman if by herself, or a woman and her her doctor, or a woman and her support teams right to make what has to be very difficult choice. And for goodness sake if it happens to be a woman who makes that choice for all the 'worst reasons'"wtf makes you think that person should raise a child.
Its very sad. It's depressing. I dislike extremes from both sides and I feel. More than ever the balance provided by a moderate quiet majority is being pulled so much at the edges the the fabric of societal balance is being torn.
So my hope is that it is not bye bye. That balance is restored. That goodness and empathy prevail. I really wish I was optimistic enough about the progress of the world but I am not.
People who you would think should know better so not. I had to. Kick some one out of my barn for being nasty to one of the kids who I have been teaching for ten years for coming out trans and choosing to be he/him. I just did not u derstand why. If a person is making a hard choice, let's be supportive surely it's just difficult enough without being hated?
Sorry, as always I ramble on. It probably wierd to say I pray Roe v Wade is upheld, but if it isn't, I hope those with smarts and understanding can find a way to a new improved more scientifically updated version.
Is it an opportunity? Maybe it can be an opportunity
Edited to remove offensive language
I just don't understand why the hell organization that act like abortions are murder care little about supporting life once it is born. I honestly don't believe they actually think a fetus is life. I was actively involved in two major religions. Both only give mother support ( ie act as if the child were a child) if it survived long enough to draw breath. So I had along term miscarriage and as a devastated not mother I wanted my child's name listed as a member of our family. They refused because it hadnt drawn breath. This same Old man ruled organization that refuses health care support for preventing unwanted pregnancy and abortion. It is unmitigated hypocrisy. unmitigated hypocrisy. They don't consider a child a child if it died by accident, but suddenly it has rights if you want to stop it from being born.
Of course everything tends to reflect personal experience with me and one of the saddest things I ever saw was a late term pregnancy spay. The dog was pregnant and the owner didn't want the puppies born so they scheduled a spay. Those puppies in the eomb, when wet removed it, were writhing and struggling and fighting for life. It was very upsetting and the vet quickly injected into the womb once it was removed to sedate the fetuses. I can understand in rare cases the emotional aversion to late term. Pregnancy. But surely every child brought into the earth deserves to be a wanted child. Is that not the most important child's right?
I kind if feel that some of these things should just be respected as choice. If you do not believe in abortion, don't have one, if you do not believe in same gender seed, sleep with the pertain you want to. I know a lot of you hate my logic and thought processes and that is your right. But this is how I made my journey from a church going anti abortion raised to a person with a strong belief that no child should be forced into the world unwanted. Even if you are all hyped on child rights and not a protector of women's rights, why would you think baby should be forced into an unwanted birth. I just don't get it.
Anyway. My hope is that there remains in place a federal protection of a woman if by herself, or a woman and her her doctor, or a woman and her support teams right to make what has to be very difficult choice. And for goodness sake if it happens to be a woman who makes that choice for all the 'worst reasons'"wtf makes you think that person should raise a child.
Its very sad. It's depressing. I dislike extremes from both sides and I feel. More than ever the balance provided by a moderate quiet majority is being pulled so much at the edges the the fabric of societal balance is being torn.
So my hope is that it is not bye bye. That balance is restored. That goodness and empathy prevail. I really wish I was optimistic enough about the progress of the world but I am not.
People who you would think should know better so not. I had to. Kick some one out of my barn for being nasty to one of the kids who I have been teaching for ten years for coming out trans and choosing to be he/him. I just did not u derstand why. If a person is making a hard choice, let's be supportive surely it's just difficult enough without being hated?
Sorry, as always I ramble on. It probably wierd to say I pray Roe v Wade is upheld, but if it isn't, I hope those with smarts and understanding can find a way to a new improved more scientifically updated version.
Is it an opportunity? Maybe it can be an opportunity
Edited to remove offensive language
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
Chisamba the best outcome we can have is that Congress acts to codify abortion law. They pass it as law of the land taking it out of the courts at this time.
I’m unapologetically hard left political leaning’s.
If Roberts had not confirmed the validity of the leak then yeah maybe we should not get all up in arms. But he did. It may be the case though it was leaked to get certain Justices back in line. But at this point according to the document and votes it is 5/4 to abolish Roe v Wade.
Let’s do hope something will change between now and end of June but I am not holding my breath.
I’m unapologetically hard left political leaning’s.
If Roberts had not confirmed the validity of the leak then yeah maybe we should not get all up in arms. But he did. It may be the case though it was leaked to get certain Justices back in line. But at this point according to the document and votes it is 5/4 to abolish Roe v Wade.
Let’s do hope something will change between now and end of June but I am not holding my breath.
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
It’s done. Roe and Casey overturned. Holy shit our country is just one huge CF right now
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
This is a very sad day for me. Guns have more rights than women. I am grateful to live in Colorado, where the legislature passed the Reproductive Health Equity Act this year and codified the right to abortion.
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
If this doesn't cause EVERY decent person to vote and get out all of these son of a bitches NOW, I don't know what will. No knock warrants for anyone within 100 miles of the coast, tax dollars for religious schools, no licence for concealed carry guns, no rights for women.
If this doesn't cause EVERY decent person to vote and get out all of these son of a bitches NOW, I don't know what will. No knock warrants for anyone within 100 miles of the coast, tax dollars for religious schools, no licence for concealed carry guns, no rights for women.
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
Canyon wrote:This is a very sad day for me. Guns have more rights than women. I am grateful to live in Colorado, where the legislature passed the Reproductive Health Equity Act this year and codified the right to abortion.
If the Supreme Court has the opportunity to rule on "fetal personhood", abortion will be outlawed in the US.
And then there's Clarence Thomas's statement: " future cases, we should reconsider all of this court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell...overruling these demonstrative erroneous decisions..." (contraception/homosexual sex/gay marriage)

But yes, be active, and try to bring a couple (at least) votes in along with your own!
- Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
We have a supreme court that would like to remove rights which have been in place for many decades. Try that on, people, and vote for your real freedoms!
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
I’m concerned if the gop regains the senate Moscow Mitch will pass a federal abortion ban. We’ve got to vote blue in a huge wave both for 2022 and 2024. I do hope though Biden does not run again though in a poll Biden vs Trump Biden still wins.
We need younger people in office now
We need younger people in office now
- Chisamba
- Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
I think the Republicans might have shot themselves in the foot with this anti choice decision. It was looking fairly good for them with the economy etc. But I know nothing really
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
I suspect Trump is done (famous last words....), Ron DeSantis is the ascending star for the Republican throne. Ugh.
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Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
Trump's ego is too big for him to back away, even if not vying for POTUS. He's getting his jollies by fueling the fires. Perhaps a more scary prospect than RDS would be Ted "Fled" Cruz. He's a real creepster.
Re: Roe V Wade RIP:(
I hope the Republicans have done themselves in. But with this SC rulings who knows. The upcoming decision next session on state legislatures making the call on their state’s electors is very concerning. I also hope the economy stabilizes even more. We will see.
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