Donkey Owners…Question For You

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Donkey Owners…Question For You

Postby fergusnc » Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:54 pm

Would a single, maybe older or more mellow by nature, donkey be happy living with 2 other horses? Or do they always need one of their own for their very serious play time?

I have a friend who adopted 2 at the same time, and that is my only experience other than 1 single donkey at the barn we just left. The single donkey (who is only about 3 years old and was not gelded for the first year I knew him) played soooo hard with the younger horses, and the younger guys were willing to join in the wrestling and hock biting and neck hanging. When those younger horses grew up and/or left, the donkey seemed sad that no one wanted to rough house. He spent all his time gazing longingly at the mares' field. My friend with 2 donkeys said they play A LOT and always in that rough housing way.

I'd love to adopt a donkey, and there is a place about 3.5 hours away that have A LOT. I can tell them what I am looking for and thinking, but I didn't know if it exists in the donkey world. If I could avoid adding 2 donkeys to the number of horses I would have, I'd prefer that…but not if it would make the donkey unhappy. I was wondering if they all have such a high play drive, or if some are happy just hanging out. Would they get lonely as an only-donkey, even with horses? Does age make a difference?

After being awakened by DH at 3AM two nights ago, due to the howling of many coyotes, really close by, it made start thinking about donkeys again…I know they can be great protectors from coyotes. DH was very sweet at 3AM…"I know you told me that they wouldn't go after a single horse Fergus' size if there were other options, or if there wasn't a large pack, but it sounds like an awful lot of them…are you sure Fergus is OK out there?" :D And I did get up and check, as did our next door neighbor (hobby cow farmer) who was out in the "buggy" with his spot light checking our fields (and fergus) from the fence line as well as his own. I am so blessed with the neighbors that came along with this property!!

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Re: Donkey Owners…Question For You

Postby Suzon » Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:07 pm

Butt, Bite, and Body Slam...The three B's of being a D. Donkeys do fine with horses. An older donkey, especially a female, will have less of a tendency to want to fool around.

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Re: Donkey Owners…Question For You

Postby fergusnc » Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:45 pm

I have heard that females are better guardians as well. Problem being, my boy loves the ladies way too much, so was going to stick with a fella. Good to know an older one might be less interested in the antics. I guess worst case, if donkey #1 seems unhappy, I'd be forced to get him a buddy. :lol: 8-)

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Re: Donkey Owners…Question For You

Postby Saddlebum » Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:29 am

I have a 17hh gelding and a 12.5 hh donkey (gelded) who is about a year younger than my horse, 16 yo. I got the d. from a rescue that had at least a 100 of them on the premises and it was a satelite farm. She had been doing rescues for many years.

My guy loves to play and she said the male d. like to play more than the females. My d. is very happy here or so it seems. I find him running around by himself when my horse refuses to play. He is easily bored and will entertain himself just fine. By picking up the orange cone, rubber grain pan, etc. and shaking it around etc. I put out a jolly ball and found him chasing my horse with it in his mouth and when he caught up to my guy, he started punching him in his butt with the j. ball.

Just be aware, donkeys are more independent than horses. Not so herd bound. We have a lot of coyotes here and I have lost 3 cats to them but that was before getting my d. I got him for a companion and not for coyote protector. That said, if anyone comes here with their dog, I have to have them keep the dog on a leash or in their car. My d. would kill the dog if he got a hold of it.

Donkeys give off oddles of love energy. He loves to be hugged and any kids that come here, I make sure they give him a hug.

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Re: Donkey Owners…Question For You

Postby fergusnc » Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:42 am

I think that sounds familiar too...that the fellas are more into the playing. I just don't know if Ferg would be OK with anything horse-like and female...he'd love them too much and guard them from other horses I think.

I'd love the protection aspect, and since I will have at least two horses, company isn't too primary as far as pal-ing around. Mainly I just think they are awesome and I'd love to give one a home and open a slot at a rescue so another can have a soft landing.

That jolly ball story made me laugh, as II can totally picture those few donkeys I know doing it! :D
I wonder if donkeys are like pit bulls and potato chips (to me)...they are so great i can't stop at one. :lol:

Any suggestions on toys or ways to set up play opportunities to keep them engaged? Anything special to know about latches and gates?

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Re: Donkey Owners…Question For You

Postby kande50 » Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:21 pm

fergusnc wrote:I think that sounds familiar too...that the fellas are more into the playing. I just don't know if Ferg would be OK with anything horse-like and female...he'd love them too much and guard them from other horses I think.

He might not with a donkey, because donkey behavior is so different from horse behavior that horses don't usually get that bonded to them unless the donkey is their only choice. Can you foster one to see if she's going to work out before you commit?

Any suggestions on toys or ways to set up play opportunities to keep them engaged? Anything special to know about latches and gates?

It all depends on the donkey you get, as only some like to play, or are pushy, while some just prefer to stand around and conserve energy.

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Re: Donkey Owners…Question For You

Postby Saddlebum » Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:45 pm

My 84 yo friend asked me to board her gelding for the winter and I said sure!, bring him over. We spent a month trying to integrate him in but my Roo would NOT let him near HIS donkey.

She took her horse to another friends further away. I have boarded horses before with noooo problems but that was when I had a goat to keep Roo company. Also, I had had the donk for maybe two years before introducing another horse in. Don't know if a mare would work or not.

Donkeys are lovely critters to have around. Wish I had done it from the get go.

Donkeys are long lived, something to keep in mind.

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Re: Donkey Owners…Question For You

Postby DJR » Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:22 pm

My 17.3h Percheron LOVES my standard gelding donkey, and vice versa. They play and spend time together all day long.
formerly known as "Deanna" on UDBB -- and prior to that, as "DJD".

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Re: Donkey Owners…Question For You

Postby fergusnc » Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:05 am

Thanks guys, you are definitely enabling...and I love it! :-)

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