#@$%! Biting Stable Flies!

Tarlo Farm
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#@$%! Biting Stable Flies!

Postby Tarlo Farm » Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:07 pm

Just a vent. I'm now using good fly traps and have the critters on a feed-through fly control, but damn...! When I lived 14 miles from the lake they weren't ever as bad as they get now that I'm closer to the lake. (These are the flies that bite you on the beach or out boating on a calm day)

Bloody Buggars!

Anybody have a link to that homemade fly trap made with a frame, tarp, water and detergent that was making the rounds on FB?

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Re: #@$%! Biting Stable Flies!

Postby angela9823 » Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:08 pm

I've never complained about flies on my farm until this year. They are horrible vicious things this year! First time ever, I'm putting out fly traps (very very stinky ones!!) and still they are terrible. Don't get me wrong, I've had flies in the past but these are swarms of them this year. Poor ponies can't go out without fly masks etc. We've had two years of really heavy rains so that may be contributing.

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Re: #@$%! Biting Stable Flies!

Postby Srhorselady » Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:46 pm

Flies have been worse than usual here too. I really like those yellow sticky traps. I hang them with hay twine above the stalls and in barn aisles. They do get dusty and need to be changed every 3 to 4 weeks, but they work. Birds eat the flies right off the traps and occasionally lose some feathers, but they don't stink! Buy them on line and not too expensive (about $8 for two).

Tarlo Farm
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Re: #@$%! Biting Stable Flies!

Postby Tarlo Farm » Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:53 pm

The Stable Flies have very particular behaviors and needs: Warm and low. The heat indicates blood. I've got some traps from Farnam that are amazing if they're placed properly; in the sun, almost on the ground. The Stable Flies hatch about every two weeks and are active for about five days, usually when temps are above 80 degrees.

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