Selling my trailer--SOLD

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Selling my trailer--SOLD

Postby texsuze » Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:30 pm

I'm preparing my 2008 Exiss Sport 2H, BP straight load w/ramp horse trailer for sale. I have a clear title in hand. The current Bluebook valuation is less than $7K; not sure how closely sellers look to the BB when deciding pricing, and not sure how much it comes into play with buyer price negotiations on horse trailers. This will be a cash sale, no trade-ins, no seller financing.

When looking at some of the horse trailer sales websites I'm finding a range of asking prices. Starting with my model year (or within 1 or 2 years either direction), plus the trailer configuration and amenities (mine has aluminum floor but some listed trailers have wood), none of the comparable trailers have asking prices as low as my Bluebook valuation. For example, a 2005 Featherlite exactly like my Exiss (with step up instead of ramp) with new tires and complete "check-up" listed yesterday for $15K. A 2003 Sooner with ramp, like my Exiss, sold in another state and had a list price just over $11K. Actual sales price unknown.

The model years 2020-23 for trailers similar to mine, both new and used, have list prices running between $13K and $21K.

Asking price--throw a dart at the dartboard? Pick an average based on current sales listings? I'd prefer to get more than $7K for this trailer, all things considered.
Tires--mine were last replaced in 2016 and bearings repacked in 2020. Should I replace tires before selling? (Working now on calculating approx. mileage)
Extras--Do they add anything to the asking price or just get folded in to the overall sale? I have a new-in-the-box cover that would go with the trailer. Also spare tire, wheel chocks, wheel covers, tire changing tools, vinyl feed bags. Stall fans, insulated ceiling and LED brake lights were installed in 2020.

This has been the perfect trailer for me, but without a horse now and no plans for future equines, it would be a waste to let it sit. Thanks for any input or viewpoints.
Last edited by texsuze on Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby blob » Thu Jan 05, 2023 8:15 pm

If you are listing yourself, I would start by listing towards the high end (but maybe not the highest) of the comps. So, I would maybe do $15kish, but without the new tires and see how much activity you get. You can always lower the price later.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby Srhorselady » Thu Jan 05, 2023 11:45 pm

I sold my horse trailer a year ago December. It was VERY similar to yours in age and amenities but a slightly less regarded brand.(CM all aluminum 2 horse straight load with ramp and grooming, walk through, warmblood size) Even tires were about same age. I did not put on new tires. I asked for $9000 and accepted $8600 in cash. It sold very quickly so I could probably have gotten more. However this was during Covid when trailers were hard to find. It was in excellent condition and sparkling clean. Good luck! I suspect the area of the country may make a difference. I’m in Az.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby StraightForward » Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:30 am

I'd try putting it up for $12K as-is without the extras and new tires, or $15K with new tires and accessories and see what happens. I sold my 2001 Featherlight in 2019 for $8500. It was the hard to find warmblood size with 11' stalls and full escape doors and I imagine it would be worth more now. At first I was going to say Blob's suggestion was too high, but then I went and looked, and trailers really have gone sky-high since I bought my Hawk in 2019. Ouch. You will probably want to make some adjustments though if your trailer is not WB size. The western people with stock horses tend to like slant loads, and the people with big dressage horses like straight loads and want 7'6" interior and minimum of 10' stall length (preferably 11').
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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby texsuze » Fri Jan 06, 2023 7:06 pm

Thanks for all input so far. Really helps get some perspective on this. My trailer is considered 'sport horse' size, with 7 1/2' height in horse box and tack room. I'll have to measure width again but thinking 3' for each horse. Will measure floor length while I'm at it. I know I had those numbers somewhere......;)

It has the padded butt bars/chest bars and has a 'stud wall' divider. Had to patch a small area low down on the rubber walls plus one patch on the rubber ramp mat, but otherwise the usual small cosmetic scratches and dings. If weather will ever cooperate it will get a good wash/wax and final interior cleaning before sales photos. I cringe when I see filthy consignment trailers with hay and old dried poop visible in the pics!

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby Quelah » Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:30 am

Does it have a dressing room? If it does I'll buy it for 7K, but I'm going to resell it and make money on it LOL

I jest but seriously, trailer prices are INSANE these days. Where are you seeing a bluebook valuation for trailers? I didn't know there was such a thing.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby Koolkat » Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:38 am

I can't speak to your trailer specifically, but there is a difference (in general) between a sale between 2 private entities and a dealer/private exchange. It sounds like you're getting your price range from the later (higher than BB)?? Have you looked on Craigs List, Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, etc. for price ranges for private sales? I sold a warmblood Logan (and a standard Circle J before that) and priced to that market. They both sold quickly.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby exvet » Sat Jan 07, 2023 2:06 pm

I've been casually looking for a three-horse bumper pull and have seen downright crazy prices. Those priced truer to value (based on age and condition) usually sell within 1-2 days around here. I recently had my two-horse bumper pull repaired (minor stuff typical of weekly wear and tear) which is a 2016 model and just based on the repair costs I would say sell without putting another penny into it. You are much more likely to come out way ahead. The prices of the trailers on their lot, both used and new, were totally stupid...............Of course, we're heading into the sun country circuit, the huge Arab show, the Carousel show, etc so everything equine related is garnering higher prices right now.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby texsuze » Sat Jan 07, 2023 9:18 pm

Quelah, mine has a front tack room only (carpeted floor/swing out saddle racks/brush tray/swinging blanket bar/12 bridle hooks).
I found a 'Bluebook value' on horsetrailerworld or horsetrailertrader; these were also the sites I searched for comps. Not sure how BB is determined but I plugged in my trailer info anyway just to see a number. List price is one thing, actually sales price might be very different......or could be very close to list.
The CL ads (private seller) for major cities in my state are all over the place. Some don't give a model year. Stock trailers, tiny old boxes, goosenecks--there seem to be no 'comps' on CL for my trailer at the moment. There are many, many horse trailer dealerships (we are a very horsey state!) so maybe folks are consigning or doing trade-ins, hence the number of pre-owned trailers on the market and the resultant list prices. The guy who recently bought a few of my horse blankets was out here to get them and saw my trailer. He looked it over and expressed keen interest in it, asking me to contact him first before it goes on the market ;) Of course that was 2 weeks ago, but I will phone him for sure!

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby Quelah » Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:24 pm

There is a FB "horse trailers for sale" group, if you do FB. Good place to check for comps.

Is yours like this one?

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby texsuze » Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:14 am

Yes, Quelah, that's my trailer; I did see that ad, looks like from AL. I don't do FB but will look at getting some comps there. Got 3/4 of the trailer exterior washed today so plan to complete the cleanup this week and move forward with putting it on the market, hopefully by the upcoming weekend.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby Chancellor » Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:59 pm

Man, I must have really undersold my trailer when I finally did! I don't have advice for you because I was in the same boat. I had no idea how to price it.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby khall » Thu Jan 12, 2023 2:57 am

Horse trailer prices have skyrocketed like car and truck prices have. Amazing how much they’ve increased during the pandemic. Don’t undersell it.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby texsuze » Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:16 pm

Another question, for those who've sold horse trailers: What form of payment did you accept/request from buyers? I don't do PayPal or other 'device driven' platforms, but if any of those would be safest or more reliable, I would probably go that route. DH sold a BMW sedan on craigslist once and that buyer actually paid in real live folding money :) which would be my preference.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby heddylamar » Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:21 pm

In the past I only accepted a money order. Now that zelle (a bank-created and based money transfer app) is available, that’s my forst choice.

Cash is useless for me — we don’t use it, and without a brick and mortar bank, it’s impossible to deposit without paying fees.

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby Srhorselady » Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:44 pm

I was paid in cash. I have also taken cashiers checks. Good Luck!

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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby StraightForward » Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:52 pm

When I sold a trailer for $4K, the buyers paid folding money. Last trailer, the buyer brought a cashier's check and I had her meet me at my bank to cash the check and get the bill of sale notarized.
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Re: Selling my trailer--input requested

Postby Quelah » Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:24 am

For horse trailers and used cars I do folding money. I sold a year old F250 diesel about 15 years ago. Sales price was ~30k something. That one we did a wire transfer from her bank to mine, but I knew the lady so it wasn't a problem.

In this current era, I'd be ok with Venmo or Zelle but the vehicle isn't leaving my property until I verify that the money is in my bank account and not in transfer limbo.

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Re: Selling my trailer--SOLD

Postby texsuze » Sun Feb 19, 2023 6:12 pm

I sold my Exiss trailer yesterday to a very nice couple who live few hours away from me. The wife is a first-time horse owner. Husband seemed quite knowledgeable about other types of trailers in general. I did not get my full asking price, but I am very satisfied with my final sales price and how smoothly things went. Buyers noted dealing with some weirdos selling trailers ;) and that I was not one of them!

I desperately fought back the tears as they were getting ready to drive away with my trailer and the wife gave me a hug before heading out. Thankfully they were on their way before the floodgates opened. What a strange sight to see in the distance--my trailer being pulled down the road by another truck.

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Re: Selling my trailer--SOLD

Postby Quelah » Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:29 am

Awww bittersweet but what a nice couple, sounds like your trailer got a great home and will be well loved!

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Re: Selling my trailer--SOLD

Postby Chancellor » Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:05 pm

texsuze wrote:I sold my Exiss trailer yesterday to a very nice couple who live few hours away from me. The wife is a first-time horse owner. Husband seemed quite knowledgeable about other types of trailers in general. I did not get my full asking price, but I am very satisfied with my final sales price and how smoothly things went. Buyers noted dealing with some weirdos selling trailers ;) and that I was not one of them!

I desperately fought back the tears as they were getting ready to drive away with my trailer and the wife gave me a hug before heading out. Thankfully they were on their way before the floodgates opened. What a strange sight to see in the distance--my trailer being pulled down the road by another truck.

I felt the same way. VERY sad to see it go.

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Re: Selling my trailer--SOLD

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Mar 02, 2023 6:00 am

The end of an era, really. I felt like that when I drove away from my farm for the last time.

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