The beginning of a new equine adventure !

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:28 pm

Glad for the Echo update and your continued success! Keep sharing stories and photos :-)

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:38 am

I want to do that Teresa, my goal for summer is to do off property things, she's going to be a frightened handful I think. 12 years of staying at home having babies hasn't given her much worldly experience.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:46 am

Had my first ride, yesterday, since the first of February , he's been very up and playful in the pasture and eager and forward on the lunge so I thought I may get some attitude under saddle....She was a doll! A stray dog was lurking ,watching and at one point charged straight for us across the field ...She skittered sideways for a moment....I panicked a bit...But then we both settled and I had a quiet ride....Just w/t and a couple of baby leg yields. I felt more secure in the saddle than expected...Maybe there's still hope for this old bird! Lol !

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Sat Apr 29, 2017 12:52 pm

Well , I had my instructor come out to ride Echo a few weeks ago, she worked her at walk trot , "go" off her leg...and canter...and she got it..after some panicked moments...she seems to get scared going from trot to she's being chased..does not know that she can just relax and just lope along if she wants. But she started picking it up easily when asked, was unbalanced and often took the wrong lead but after some work she did okay. For the next week I rode her at walk and trot only and had some lovely rides, forward and fun, obedient.
Then Good Friday came..oh dear..I Had booked another training session....I would ride and warm up and then the instructor/trainer would take over when she arrived. I had told her to call if she was going to be early or late.
I tacked up and mounted, did lots of walk allowing her to stretch ...was going across the diagonal when my phone rang in my pocket!!...pony skittered a bit but I thought..."she has to get used to it" so I proceeded to dig in my pocket for the phone...pony bolted...and I mean fast! Quick left turn and the corner of the unseated and flailing about...perhaps(I'll never know for sure) swooshing her with my dressage whip as we went....I dropped the whip...another was flung somewhere by this time...pony totally panicked and me hanging on sort of....and then I ate dirt...owwwwwwyyyyy....came down on my right side momentarily and then smacked hard flat on my head hit hard and it was over....I was down.
My friend who was watching managed to catch Echo , who now had a leg through her reins, and check to see if I was okay. I was , I thought, but just laid there to get my bearings....
My 85 year old mother had seen the whole affair from the kitchen window and was terrified...when my husband drove in she sent him right to the ring to check on me.
I was on my feet at this point and determined to ride, so he held pony while I remounted and we walked a 20 m circle about 4 times, I asked for trot and she bolted on the third stride....I* had a heck of a time stopping her but managed to by keeping her on the circle.... so after hubby held her a moment off we walked again...then two strides of trot and bolt...geezz... I was honestly scared at this point so when I got her stopped I dismounted.
The trainer did some ground work and then rode but the mare was really shaken up and nervous and it took a long time to convince her that all was yesterday I went and purchased a new helmet...I'm going to try again.....hoping this was just a flukey situation and that because we'd worked on that "go" button she was super reactive...and it's spring....I don't know..grasping at straws here.
It's been exactly two weeks, I'm still painful at times, nothing broken, and Echos been doing nothing but eating and chilling. Trainer coming this week.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby StraightForward » Sat Apr 29, 2017 2:05 pm

Oh, I am sorry. Perhaps work with trainer on putting a one-rein stop on her if you haven't already? Just knowing you have that e-brake installed can help a lot. Hope you're feeling better about the situation (and less ouchy) soon.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Sue B » Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:34 pm

Ah geez, how frightening for you! Maybe it's time she spend a few weeks with trainer? At least have trainer teach you how to do the ground work so you can do it yourself daily. Then maybe have hubby lead line you for the first few rides until she can walk reliably without you feeling the need to grab the reins or grip with your legs.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Rosie B » Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:51 pm

Oh that's really unfortunate! Sometimes they can really surprise us with the things that we take for granted but that they find scary. Fingers crossed all goes well with your next sessions!

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:45 pm

I'm sad for the update, but like others think it might be time for an intensive period for Echo with your trainer (if you like/trust them) to work through some things. Ground work can also do a ton for developing trust in the aids when weird things happen.

Let us know how it is going! And I truly hope you are not too bruised (and if you had even a mild concussion, listen to your MD and stay off a horse for the recommended period of time!).

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Chisamba » Sun Apr 30, 2017 2:39 pm

i so hope it all turns out okay

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby orono » Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:14 pm

I'm new to the thread, love the early pics you posted. Sorry you had a recent scare, hopefully you both rebuild confidence quickly.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby fergusnc » Mon May 01, 2017 12:44 am

Would you say you were surprised by the big reactions? (I was in rereading the thread, but I know the thread is not dailynlife and idiosyncrasies and having a feel for that sweet pony). I only ask because I wonder if maybe you are uncovering some emotional baggage (you mentioned panic-like responses from her that you labeled "weird") as trading progresses, or if there could be some new physical issues being made known...EPSM/PSSM, HYPP (you thought there might be QH in there), etc that could be causing her pain and making her more active to things like a ringing phone?

Not sure if you have seen posts about Dallas the Rescue Pony that I adopted a year ago, but he came from a very unclear history prior to four years with a rescue group, and I have had lots of body work done on him, and the reactions we have gotten have been very eye opening....the rescue group considered him easy and calm and a more whoa than go horse...but as he has had one owner and sort of opened up about how he is feeling, his reactions have been surprising at times, and we have seen signs of what might have happened to him along the way. It's been very interesting, sometimes scary, but so very cool now to see who he really is as compared to who he was a year ago. I realize this isn't the same situation as your girl, but her life now is very different than her broodmare life before, so she may have some emotional adjusting to do as well as her physical training. Not just desensitization and group work, but figuring out how to be someone's horse who has a different job for her and a different idea as far as a relationship. (And she may have some physical things creeping up that were unnoticed when no one got on her back, maybe?).

Not to sound like a big hippie, but that since that popped in my head while reading, I thought I'd mention it. :lol: :lol: :lol: ;) ;) ;)

So glad you are OK. And glad you have a trainer to help you out in whatever way you think is warranted. She is an adorable pony. I'm pulling for both of you!! 8-)

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Mon May 01, 2017 12:56 am

fergusnc, I have certainly thought of all the lifestyle changes she's gone through...she's lived a very leisurely life except for raising babies. She has lots to be worried about. ...and yep I've also considered physical pain it seems to worry her to canter. I can't afford to send her to the trainer, but I can get her to come her a bit, I am not getting back on her till I see my mellow mare come back ..I've told the trainer I want to focus on quiet and gentle and calm...dressage will come...she's very green...we have time...and I've also made the decision that I'm not keeping her if this behavior is not just a "phase" , if we can't work through it I'll start looking to rehome her. It's just not worth it.
I am feeling a lot better, Dr says I have trauma to the ligaments on the right side of my spine, I'm doing exercises for takes time to will come. I purchased a new helmet so I guess I ride on! In the mean time Echo and I are starting to like each other again!

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Thu May 04, 2017 11:22 am

I had a lesson last evening, it went fairly well, but I can tell you that I was very cautious and ill at ease. My tailbone was a little sore so I found it hard to use my seat. I also wore a protective vest which was too long in the hits on my cantle and makes it hard to sit up . I ride in a Bates Isabell and the cantle is fairly high. I did walk /halt/with changes of bend, worked on half halts and being quiet in the saddle. I know I need to ride her often with a ground person...but my tailbone is really sore today so I doubt that it will happen. Sigh.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Chisamba » Thu May 04, 2017 10:44 pm

I sounds like you managed the lesson and the emotional stress associated with riding a horse you took a spill from, so that is all to the good. Jingling for healing on the old tailbone, and gradual positive rides and return to confidence

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Sat May 06, 2017 12:01 pm

I've had two short rides since the lesson, had to get my husband to stand at her head while I mounted...and leadline me a few circles...I hate being afraid..have to shake it off! Once I was off lead we walked quietly , I could tell she was getting bored but she'll have to be patient, I'm not ready for trot bum says "no". Determined to get it together again, get back to where we were and move on.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Sat May 06, 2017 12:20 pm

The lesson after the fall....
after the fall 8.jpg
after the fall 8.jpg (102.65 KiB) Viewed 21603 times
after the fall 6.jpg
after the fall 6.jpg (133.19 KiB) Viewed 21603 times
after the fall 5.jpg
after the fall 5.jpg (90.67 KiB) Viewed 21603 times

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Sat May 06, 2017 12:24 pm

a few was an extremely windy day and I was expecting spooks, but there were none.
after the fall f.jpg
after the fall f.jpg (124.1 KiB) Viewed 21603 times
after the fall d.jpg
after the fall d.jpg (148.37 KiB) Viewed 21603 times
after the fall 9.jpg
after the fall 9.jpg (141.4 KiB) Viewed 21603 times

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Sue B » Sat May 06, 2017 5:57 pm

Wow! Beautiful pictures Backyarder. Happy to see you got back in the saddle. Btw, i like where your vest puts your seat; now all you have to do is relax the death grip you have with your legs, lol.

I have totally btdt with my Scotty horse (he died a few years ago) who bucked me off (he was just goofing off) and broke my hip when he was young. Poor dh had to lead me around for quite awhile and it took another year or two to completely lose the grip thing, but it all ended well. Scotty grew to be a wonderful horse, and a friend and companion to my young son even, so it was all good. Even dh cried when we put him down at 24 yrs old.

So I know you and Echo will come to be good friends. At age 56, I also know how much harder it is to come back mentally and physically from a fall. Carry on, she is a lovely horse and you are a brave rider. You make a great pair. Wishing you all the best!

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Josette » Sat May 06, 2017 7:06 pm

Beautiful pics ! You both look lovely together and I really like your posture and position on her. IMO take it slow and steady to build trust, balance and communication. This mare is a true greenie under saddle but I think she really wants to please and be attentive to her rider. She needs time to mentally mature as a riding horse so go back to the baby steps like a youngster. Let her learn to canter and balance on the lunge line - take your time. I'm guessing canter under saddle is new for her or done so long ago she forgot. Enjoy her and have fun!

My guy came with mental and training baggage - more than I realized at the time. The journey was well worth it and I really am enjoying him now. After a long winter break or time off from weather I always take the time to mentally regroup and restart our under saddle work. No canter until I feel we are ready - some rides are lots of w/t transitions with serpentines and figures. Focus on being responsive, relaxed and obedient in our work. I want to leave the ring with him feeling good that he was a good pony. :)

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Sun May 14, 2017 2:14 pm

Well, I've decided to throw in the towel. I don't like the anxiety I feel when I ride, I don't ride because it's fun, I ride because I think we both need the miles, and the rides aren't fun anymore because I don't have full trust in her nor she in me. So before I ruin an potentially talented mare I am going to send her off to her next journey in life. I have contacted the previous owner and we agree that we need to take time and find a good home for her where she can get the training she needs and be well taken care of. I don't like being a quitter, but I don't want to get hurt, don't want to ruin this mare, and don't want another pasture puff. I can't afford full time training . I either need a packer or to just be happy with the pasture puff I have.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby StraightForward » Sun May 14, 2017 4:52 pm

Oh, I am sorry to hear that. :( But if you are not enjoying the ride, it is not worth it. I hope you find a great home for Echo; the right horse is out there for you.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Flight » Sun May 14, 2017 11:09 pm

Oh sorry to hear that, they are lovely photos!
However, its not fun if you are too anxious and waiting for the next bad thing to happen.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby musical comedy » Mon May 15, 2017 11:59 am

That's a shame. You look so good on her and competent. Did she do something else naughty? Unfortunately, I think you really never know a horse until you have it home for a while. The most quiet horse can spook and it doesn't have to be a really big spook in order to take a fall. Do you always ride alone? If so, perhaps riding with another person would help with your anxiety.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby khall » Mon May 15, 2017 2:35 pm

Don't feel bad about moving her on. As cute as she is, if you are having anxiety about riding her then it is not worth it. My friend who took a BAD fall (unconscious, cracked pelvis) is also moving her mare on. Mare, too, was green and not well started when she came, also does not help she is big as a house and friend is tiny.

I know there are packers out there. Found one for another friend, an OTTB g of all things.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby PaulaO » Mon May 15, 2017 2:49 pm

If it's not fun and you don't trust the horse and she doesn't trust you, it's time to move on. You will find her another good home. She's just not the right horse for you and there is nothing wrong with that. I wish you good luck on your journey.

P.S. I found my "doesn't cause me anxiety when I ride" red-headed mare at a local riding school. She was my lesson horse and the first time I swung my leg over her, I said "this is the horse for me." This from a woman who said she'd never own a mare. :roll:

P.P.S. Miss A. is 16 years old, 15.2, and a cribber. Don't overlook horses that don't meet your ideal....
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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Chisamba » Mon May 15, 2017 2:51 pm

Packers are vastly undervalued, worth their weight in carrots.

Anyone who rides alone a lot should make temperament and experience a priority. I hope you find her a good situation, and you self a better fit in Equine.

I believe that if you are the type of person who continues to drop a rein and feel for a phone when the horse has warned you that they are anxious, a packer is a better choice.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Tuddy » Mon May 15, 2017 7:48 pm

I am sorry to hear that you had a bad fall. I understand you wanting to find a new dancing partner. Good Luck and I hope Echo finds and new home soon! Hugs

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Moutaineer » Mon May 15, 2017 9:09 pm

This is supposed to be your hobby and fun time. None of us can afford, physically, financially or mentally, to get hurt. There is someone temperamentally different to you out there waiting for your cute horse who will be so thrilled to have her. You have done right by her and brought her along to the stage that she is at.

Good luck!

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby orono » Mon May 15, 2017 9:51 pm

I'm sorry to hear this, she looks great in all of the pictures you posted. Reading back to your previous posts it seems like the only days she acted up were her first ride at her new home, and the day of the cell phone incident? It also seems like your niece was the driving force behind this placement, and enjoys riding her...could she put some miles on her for the next while? It would help in selling her, but may also give you time to feel comfortable with her.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Chisamba » Tue May 16, 2017 2:58 am

Can you find the dime to put a month of really consistent work with the right kind of trainer, before deciding to sell, or trying to sell her. I think the cell phone incident was obviously scary to both of you, but it is not possible to not train a horse.

As unintentional as it was, your fall trained a certain fear into the horse. I feel like you should give her a chance to unlearn that before you pass her on to some one else.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Wed May 17, 2017 2:01 am

She's found the perfect home. Going back to the person who's had her from birth and his friend, who started Echo will continue her training. They both love her. She'll have a good life, maybe not as a dressage horse but that's okay.

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby fergusnc » Wed May 17, 2017 5:06 pm

Sounds like you found a great answer for both of you. It's not fun for riding to be "no fun". I swear, nowadays when I see ads for these packer type horses that also have at least average athleticism, I think "why are they selling that horse?!" The older I get, the more I covet those packers. :-)

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby orono » Wed May 17, 2017 7:08 pm

Glad she has found a great home, good luck with your search! Do you have any other riding horses at the moment?

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Backyarder3 » Thu May 18, 2017 12:55 am

orono, nothing to ride , my old mare is retired, arthritic and stiff and we are pretty sure she had a seizure a month ago, so probably best to stay off her .

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Re: The beginning of a new equine adventure !

Postby Tuddy » Thu May 18, 2017 5:23 pm

Backyarder3 wrote:She's found the perfect home. Going back to the person who's had her from birth and his friend, who started Echo will continue her training. They both love her. She'll have a good life, maybe not as a dressage horse but that's okay.

Oh this is good news! Hope you are healing well, and the right horse for you will come along for you. ;)

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