Anyone try Yoga?

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Anyone try Yoga?

Postby Flight » Tue Jun 07, 2016 4:06 am

I went to a Yoga class today, never been before. It was 'gentle yoga' and it was ok.
Trouble is I'm not really into the whole breathing/meditation/soul thing, I just like the exercises to fix my stupid back and get stronger/flexible.
Consequently I got the giggles BIG TIME with my friend at the start of the class today. We looked at each other and I pulled a bit of a face and that was it! I was SWEATING in an effort to stop laughing! It was bad, you know how the harder you try and stop, the worse it is?! So rude I know and I apologised to the teacher afterwards. She said not to worry and it does happen sometimes.

So, I probably should do this stuff at home, there are 1000s of vids on youtube I could follow but I am wondering if anyone has a favourite person, or groups of videos to follow?

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby PaulaO » Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:25 pm

I'm a yogi. Have been doing 2 classes a week for the last 3 years. I love it and my teachers, but yoga alone is not enough for me. I also do strength training 3 days a week. It's a perfect combo for me.

I downloaded the Yoga Studio app by Gaim. I think it's about $5 (US) but worth every penny. You can customize routines by duration, level, and focus.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby Fatcat » Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:57 pm

I like Yoga for Equestrians by Linda Benedik. I have their DVD I use, but there's also a book if you'd prefer that.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby bailey » Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:32 am

I too combine spin or other work outs with one or two yoga classes a week, I've been more consistent with yoga this summer and it's beginning to pay off. My back pain is a lot better or maybe best to say, much less than before! Also trainer noted I'm much more balanced in the saddle, I lost my stirrup while cantering and was able to continue w only one stirrup no big deal. I'm with you ie not big into the breathing, and also just realized yoga is a 'practice', I need to learn more about this I guess! I think I'll stick w it since it's beginning to help me!

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby Flight » Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:48 am

Thanks for the replies! I've slacked off a bit lately, doing the same youtube routine so I will check out those suggestions.
I need to do more than just yoga too, but I'm hideously lazy.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby khall » Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:50 pm

I love yoga and need to get back into it. I prefer the gentle yoga or the slow deep stretch class. Tried the Vinesay (sp) flow and just about died! Hard stuff. I have very good flexibility especially for my age (will be 50 this year) but also need something in addition to yoga and all the walking I do daily. HATE running though and not right for my knee. I just bought an exercise book for riders, 9 week program with strength and flexibility focused on. Just need to get the bands for the program.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Feb 14, 2017 7:24 pm

I am a long-time yoga practitioner and actually taught classes and privates for about 15 years until my health declined (not yoga or horse related!).

Giggling in yoga is not that unusual :-)--especially in a good class, with a good teacher. In fact, I think finding a skillful, well-trained teacher is one of the bigger challenges of learning yoga.

If you prefer stretching and strength with less philosophy, consider exploring pilates mat classes. All of the exercises make a huge difference in the saddle, and a good teacher can help you develop strength for back support.

If you need more "action" and less talk in a yoga class setting, you might enjoy a "flow", "vinyasa", or ashtanga (beginning) type class. In general, I recommend that you try a few *teachers* and work with the one that you understand/like the best and that motivates you to continue. In general, look for teachers who have been practicing *at least* 10 years and teaching for at least 5 years, and who appear to have substantial training (like years of training). More experience is better, as they will have more perspective on human body diversity and their own and students' challenges over the years.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby lorilu » Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:00 am

I have been practicing yoga at least twice a week for about 6 years. I am MUCH more flexible and much stronger than when I started - although I would not call myself accomplished at yoga at all. We often sweat in class - and the opening and closing sequences are a lot like work - but the flow in the middle works on balance, strength, all that. The breathing has helped me breath while riding and not hold my breath.

I also do a mat pilates class 1x/week and an equipment lesson 1x/week. Pilates and yoga work well together.

But I agree, you need to find the right instructors.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby Flight » Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:54 am

Piedmontfields, thanks for that, I should try and look around for some different instructors and find out a bit more about their experience. I just thought that they would all be the same!

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:48 pm

I've been taking yoga classes approximately 2-3 times a week for the last 2 months. So surprising how weak I actually am in specific areas-- very humbling. My teacher mixes it up between vinyasa flow and... something else that focuses mostly on being stretchy and holding poses longer. Both generally kick my butt 6 ways to Tuesday and I'll generally feel muscle-sore in my core the day after.

I'm noticing a big difference in my posture both in the saddle and at work/in the car/etc. I had some on-and-off knee pain from a trick patella, but thanks to lots and lots of strengthening and stretching I haven't had an issue in weeks.

Plus it's pretty fun! Highly recommend it.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby Tsavo » Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:59 pm

I recently took two classes of combined flow and yin(?). The flow was stretching and planking and the yin was stretch positions held for several minutes each. I liked both but they did not seem to move any needle compared to what I am doing with my personal trainer. For example, I am almost always pretty sore (in a good way) after my gym workouts but not after the yoga. Some days I can't hardly walk after doing sets of staggered sumo squats with weights. We have to ratchet those back because I wasn't able to do the treadmill sprints if i did too many sumo squats. But I like doing the squats because I have some bone loss which is jaw dropping given the gym work I do and there being no osteoporosis in my family and it is heredity. Unfortunately it is probably related to being a vegan though I am not going to stop doing that. I asked my personal trainer if we can do more weight bearing exercise to counter it and he said we are already doing so much of that. I am stuck.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby Flight » Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:28 am

I think Yoga could be a bit tame after a while if you are looking for that intense workout. I've never been interested in gym/personal trainers etc, but I've been once to the physio (have more sessions booked) for this stupid ACL reconstruction and now started to realise the value of working with someone specific. I may actually join the local gym once I'm off stall rest.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby Tsavo » Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:05 pm

Flight wrote:I think Yoga could be a bit tame after a while if you are looking for that intense workout. I've never been interested in gym/personal trainers etc, but I've been once to the physio (have more sessions booked) for this stupid ACL reconstruction and now started to realise the value of working with someone specific. I may actually join the local gym once I'm off stall rest.

It is very hard to commit to the gym. I avoided it for years by citing the elderly elite rider dilemma.

I went a few times with my husband who works out religiously to hopefully avoid the health problems that are in his family. He encouraged me to work with a personal trainer. That is what made the difference. I have two standing appointments to work out each week. The best part is I literally told him exactly what I wanted for riding and he tailors the exercises and I get specific results.

I would not say I like the gym. I would say I don't mind it now that I have great results for riding and feel great. If either the results were not there or I didn't feel much better, I would not have stuck with it.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby demi » Thu Aug 03, 2017 1:18 pm

moved to spin off thread
Last edited by demi on Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby Silverado » Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:17 pm

I also tried yoga and I am going to start doing it again but like you it simply wasn't "my cup of tea". However, what I found that I liked much better and worked (at least for me) much better was Pilates. Getting a strong core will really help!!!

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Re: Anyone try Yoga?

Postby demi » Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:38 pm

Moved to new thread

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