Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

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Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

Postby highoctane » Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:54 pm

Or probably more aptly named "Update on My Life". Read on only if you're bored like me. :-)

Some of you may know I lost my handsome boy Hi-Oc to sudden, severe colic on February 1st of this year. He'd never colicked before, never even been sick really. A month shy of his 25th birthday, I couldn't see putting him through surgery - even IF I thought it would save him. Most likely, it was a large lipoma/tumor, and he wouldn't have made it through anyway. I was/am crushed. :,(

Tuffytown was every so gracious, and let me ride her Max on some trail rides - but as you all know, even though it's riding, it's not the same as riding your own. I even tried leasing a Haflinger (I'm pretty intrigued by the breed), but it wasn't a good match. Hubby and I are looking at moving out of state in the next 3 years, so I didn't want to buy another not paying monthly ownership costs was helping with the vet bills (my 18yo kitty has racked them up this year with various, serious medical issues).

Fast forward to September/October/now: I've reconnected with my former trainer (BJ Higgins), who worked with me and Hi-Oc through his most trying times. I'm riding a 17.3 Oldenburg named William that she has, that's a 3rd/4th level schoolmaster - and NOT easy as he demands perfection from his rider. Which is perfect for me, as I've acquired some nasty bad habits from riding alone all these years. Case in point: it took me 4 lessons to get a quarter turn on the forehand lol. He's very humbling. :lol:

I've also been invited to my friend Susan's barn to ride some Friesians there - namely, Rembrandt, a retired GP stallion but now entering his 3rd profession as schoolmaster ( He is tons of fun, quite the stately gentleman, and also demands perfection - if he knows you have some sort of idea what you're supposed to be doing that is! My first ride on him (with Larry Brinker coaching me), we did flying changes and p/p. My position was AWFUL! But just this last Saturday I rode Rembrandt under Ralph Drietzler's tutelage, and saw lots of improvement, thank gawd lol. I'll be riding him again December 8-9 under Larry again, so hopefully I can improve even more.

I have lots to work on. I'm riding about once a week on trained horses with excellent coaches - no more putzing around for me lol! I'm having my shoulder repaired surgically the day after Christmas, and will be unable to ride for a good 2 months, so I'm cramming as much in as possible now :-). I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to at least go along with BJ on her weekly carriage rides, but the weather and my shoulder recovery may make that difficult. I've always wanted to learn how to drive, and since it seems second nature to Haffies, I better learn how now!

I'm thankful for everything Hi-Oc taught me. There's SO much.
I'm thankful for great friends.
I'm thankful for great coaches.
I'm thankful for great horses.

TL/DR: Be thankful for everything, even if it's painful to see. Everything can be a teaching moment so listen to what it's saying.

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Re: Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

Postby Chancellor » Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:57 pm

On Friday, I got the news that the bone scan I had because I was having back pain was clear from cancer. So, I am very very thankful about that.

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Re: Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:27 pm

We are thankful about that too, Chancellor.

HC, I'm glad you are riding and having fun, and I wish you the best for the shoulder surgery.

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Re: Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

Postby silk » Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:41 pm

We don't do thanksgiving but life is good at the moment.

Work is great. Loads of opportunities coming my way. I feel like I've cemented a reputation of being capable and getting things done (received high praise from one of my Project Managers the other day - "she hasn't let me down yet" - haha! The same one said "you're alright, I guess" for a performance review, he doesn't give praise lightly, but makes me laugh when he does).
New relationship - all going well, lovely guy, we're having fun and its positive. Very different to the last one, who only had time for work. Nearly 2 months, sounds like nothing but time has really flown and I'm enjoying it.
I don't spend as much time as I like with the horses, but they're happy to be paddock ornaments (nearly 24yo mostly TB, and rising 3yo WBx). Trimming work is trucking along. One of my clients (the best one! waaah!) is moving away so I won't see her after the next couple of months. No doubt others will fill the time I spent on her/her horses, although I'm also looking forward to a lower time commitment (she has 3, of my total 10 client horses, so that's one day a month I will have to myself!). I actually just got a call about taking on a new one...
The home 'farm' has been subdivided, mum has no cashflow worries any more, and should get the consent for the new house build in the next week or so. Most of the house decisions have been made and it is "getting real". My brother's house, on one of the sections, started last week.

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Re: Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

Postby Sue B » Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:52 pm

I am thankful that I live in Idaho, have been married to dh 20 years as of Thanksgiving Day, and that we have a totally awesome 16yr old boy.

I am thankful for my 2 lovely horses (even if one of them almost put me in the hospital) and that my fall, while somewhat painful and inconvenient did NOT leave me paralyzed or requiring some sort of surgery. :P

I am thankful for the little church my ds and I attend, for all the wonderful people there--my second family.

I am sad that my nephew is not around to celebrate Thanksgiving, but I am thankful that he did not suffer when he died 1 year ago today.

And I am thankful that Chancellor does not have bone cancer and that she so graciously started this BB after the UDBB shut down. Sometimes I just need a place to voice my thoughts; horse-related and otherwise.

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Re: Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Nov 20, 2018 12:49 pm

HO, am glad to hear your update and wish you well with surgery. Chancellor, that is an excellent finding!

There is a bit of theme of health here and I absolutely agree: When you're close to losing your health, you become quite grateful for continued abilities. Five years ago doctors were be-fuddled with how to treat me and I thought I would have to go on disability and look forward to an early death. My condition is now well managed, I still work way too much and I ride 5 x a week and do more activities besides. I am very grateful and so is my DH! I think my health ordeal was even harder on him than on me.

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Re: Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

Postby PaulaO » Tue Nov 20, 2018 1:15 pm

I’m grateful I have everything I need. I’m grateful for my health, my job, my family, my friends. I’m grateful I found a therapist who is helping me work through some long term issues. I’m grateful Chancellor does not have bone cancer. I’m grateful for my red headed mare and all the joy she brings me. I’m grateful for my black kitteh who keeps me company and sleeps on my lap.

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Re: Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:42 pm

Chancellor wrote:On Friday, I got the news that the bone scan I had because I was having back pain was clear from cancer. So, I am very very thankful about that.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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Re: Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

Postby texsuze » Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:54 pm

Relieved to hear about all the folks (and their horses) who have overcome the valleys and speed bumps of life. I stand humbled.

Thankful for competent veterinarians within driving distance of me.
Thankful for a DH who, despite not being 'horsey', totally understands and supports, in all ways, where I've been and what is taking place now with my equine endeavors.
Thankful for the opportunity to live close to nature.

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Re: Pre-Thanksgiving thanks giving post

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:31 am

texsuze wrote: Thankful for the opportunity to live close to nature.

This is so huge. Thanks for stating it.

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