New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:12 am

Ok finally going to commit to a goal this year which is being able to do working equitation one handed so I can move up the levels. I'm sure it's just a practice thing, and so if I make sure I practice everytime I ride, in 12 months time, hopefully I've figured it out.

Our covid numbers are now doing the massive increase and it feels like only a matter of time before I catch it. It does seem like this current variant plus having had 3 vaccinations so far, I shouldn't be sick for long?! Worry about it when it happens.

Horses are good, Norsey had to have some seedy toe cut out and is in front shoes. I normally just have mine trimmed. But it does mean I can still ride him and hopefully we can get the toe cracks to grow out and no more seedy toe issues.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby mari » Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:20 am

I just came back from a 3-week holiday, so I'm a bit late to this thread. My goals until the end of Feb:
- Build up Odin's fitness.
- Do as much basic work on sharp responses and lightness in the bridle to support our 3rd level work.
- Solidify the FCs even more.
- For myself, more and more sitting trot each session.
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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:46 pm

Flight wrote:Our covid numbers are now doing the massive increase and it feels like only a matter of time before I catch it. It does seem like this current variant plus having had 3 vaccinations so far, I shouldn't be sick for long?! Worry about it when it happens.

This is where I'm at with it as well. My son, daughter and stepson have the omicron variant. My stepson lives with us. I have four people at work out with it and I'm buckling up to have little to no staff this week. I don't think it's an 'if' anymore, it's just 'when'. Quite frankly I just want to get it over with and move on.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby khall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:53 pm

I’m afraid too that regardless of our vaccine status that we will not be able to avoid omicron. It just scares me because my mom is 85 with MAC a lung condition. And how will I if I get it care for her the horses dogs etc. sigh

Jingles for your family Exvet

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:28 pm

I was supposed to have 4 lessons this week (one on a school horse) and a vet appointment and farrier appointment. Well my husband is positive for COVID even vaccinated. Thankfully ok ( he has a heart condition.) But dang. Now my daughter is out of school a week and no barn time for me.

Stay healthy everyone.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Tanga » Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:47 pm

It seems Omicron is getting everyone. My barn owners, double vaxxed and boosted, got it and were down for a couple of weeks and now other people have it at the barn, despite not really being around others. Most people are wearing masks when around anyone. I think we will get it eventual, but I am trying to put it off as long as possible. The concern for me is not getting it as it is a flu, but long term Covid. I was listening to NPR about this yesterday and they found they everyone who has these bizarre symptoms has tiny little blood clots that don't disintegrate. Sigh.

Everyone stay as safe as you can! I am back to wearing an N 95 whenever I am inside with other people.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby khall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:11 pm

Tanga it is my understanding the vaccines and booster helps prevent long Covid. So those of us who are well protected are not likely to end up with long Covid. I hope that is still true with omicron

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:45 pm

it seems like in general omicron is less of a risk for long term aspects because it is not binding with the lungs--but rather focused on nose and throat. At least that's what doctors and scientists are saying but it is hard to really know long term anything for certainty at this stage.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:55 pm

blob wrote:it seems like in general omicron is less of a risk for long term aspects because it is not binding with the lungs--but rather focused on nose and throat. At least that's what doctors and scientists are saying but it is hard to really know long term anything for certainty at this stage.

This is pretty much my understanding, also. I heard the director of the CDC say yesterday that as the virus changes, the science changes….so yeah, nothing is certain right now.

The uncertainty is unsettling. Im not overly worried, but the mutations are happening fast and just when I think things are getting normal, it gets a little weirder. DH and I are retired so stay isolated as much as possible. We’re vaxed and boosted, wear N95’s when around people, even outdoors and sanitize often. It seems like everyone on the board is following a similar protocol. What I find especially weird is that its the whole world. I know, thats what pandemic means, but the reality of that word is sinking in…

I hope we all get through this relatively safely. Keep posting.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby khall » Mon Jan 10, 2022 11:44 pm

Ugh. Well where Chisamba is living in fear I’m being the mean family member and keeping mom away from great grandchild 1 st birthday party. My two nieces and nephew in law have not gotten boostered yet. The party is 1-23 they are getting boostered before the party but really not enough time for antibodies to develop. We did get together over Christmas knowing they were not boostered but our numbers were still low. Not now. I’m going to run this by mom’s doctors and see what they say. I asked niece how she would feel if grandma was exposed at the party. Btw her DH owns and runs a bar and had quit wearing a mask. Supposed to be 10 people at the party all boostered but the 3 young adults and 1 year old. Ugh hate this crap. It’s my sister that is the reason for me seeking emergency guardianship. This is her oldest and her toddler.

I hate the position I’m in. Sucks. All the way around.

Happy f ing new year

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Flight » Tue Jan 11, 2022 2:00 am

It's hard when you have people with different ideas about vacc/masks/social distancing. I have friends with different ideas to me, I choose not to discuss it too much with them. Fortunately my family have the same ideas as me.
Young people and healthy people are likely to be ok, but it's when people say 'oh well they died of covid because they had co-morbidities'. Well some of them were living ok with their co-morbidities and probably would have liked to do so for a bit longer....

Demi - it is weird that it's the whole world. It's been so interesting seeing how other countries have handled it though.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jan 11, 2022 2:13 am

Talking to my BIL about covid at the end of last year--he lived through WW2 in England, and he said that this feels more like that to him than anything else--the globality of it, how weary we all are of the whole thing and how little we can see an end in sight, and how much it has changed our lives.

My brother lives in Portugal. He's just been diagnosed with cancer and is going through all kinds of radiation and chemotherapy. Under normal circumstances, I'd hop on a plane and go at least help him out with the driving the hour back and forth to the clinic every day, but I can't and it sucks.

And then again, I think of what it must be like to be living in a refugee camp somewhere with this running through, and no vaccines or proper healthcare. It's an appalling global tragedy that we don't begin to understand from our relatively safe spaces here in the west.

LSP, I hope your husband has a reasonably easy go of it and that the rest of the family don't catch it.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby khall » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:47 am

I can definitely feel for those who are not as lucky to live in countries that have wide availability of effective vaccines. It’s why I’m mindful of who I vote for.

Omicron is nothing to play with. Especially concerning how it can break through in even vaccinated and boostered individuals. I’ve never quit wearing a mask. I’m about ready to go back to 2020 lock down mode.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:10 pm

Moat doctors do not know which strain of Covid they are treating. The tests they have say positive or negative. It is not strain specific.

Says my BFF a doctor who deals with it daily. So the discussion about strain tendencies are spurios.

For example the CDC told them not to treat covid patients with monoclonal antibodies, which are still very regulated as to who gets them and why, because the mBas were delta and the covid going around was omicron. Then 2 weeks later they came back and said cancel that the surge is still Delta driven.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jan 11, 2022 11:45 pm

Back to first world problems... I've just got back from a lesson spent learning that the far end of the arena is not inhabited by monsters.

This goes back to something we were discussing in the last goals thread. I tried the "ignore it, stay away from it, he will get over it" approach. Proved yesterday that hadn't worked.

So today I tried the "just go work up there at the walk, keep him busy, praise a lot" approach. Worked fine at the walk, so we went off and did something else, then tried to casually trot through that end, to find we had escalated to full flight mode in either direction.

So then we spent some time in WTW going all the way round the arena in either direction. In addition to that end, the mounting block at the other end of the arena was then apparently added to the scary monster list. But with some serious determination and forward thinking on my part we finally got through it.

We will see if the lesson sticks tomorrow. With him and with me. I have to think forward to the other side of the danger zone, and not get caught up in his troubles. And wear the sticky seat breeches...

Its cold and bright and icy out, no one is moving around very much in turnout, and a few people had rather spicy rides this morning. I probably need to lunge him before I get on just so he can move and expend some energy.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby StraightForward » Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:54 am

I am learning not to say that I have anything figured out with Tesla but: this morning once she got moving she was motoring around as forward as anything in the indoor arena and we even accomplished some sitting trot and baby shoulder in. I am amazed considering she would hardly even walk around the indoor last winter, and this is only about our 4th ride inside this winter. We've had to have some discussions about not getting glued to other horses, but overall it's very positive. I'm contemplating taking a lesson on her this weekend but can't decide if it might be better to just get her solid with the current level of cooperation. The last lesson I took with her was definitely critical to getting on the right path over the last month (and I think the GutX).

I'm having some solid rides on Annabelle as well. She is getting more adjustable in both the trot and the canter and more consistently working in a way that keeps the stretch over the topline. Her Fager double bridle bits came in yesterday, but annoyingly, the weymouth fits on the large side, and the bradoon fits on the small side. They are 5" and 5.5" respectively. Fager says to use a larger weymouth and smaller bradoon, but the next larger weymouth is 5.75 which seemed ridiculously big for her, and I'm afraid a 5" snaffle would pinch. I would just get a bigger bradoon but 5.5 is their largest (140mm). Yes, more first world problems. The bits are sooo nice and light though. I'm going to try to make them work
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Kyras_Mom » Wed Jan 12, 2022 7:19 am

Yes...winter :P . We are actually having winter this year which we need due to our drought conditions. Just snow and cold are not my favorite.

Kyra appears to be over her URI grunge. Nose is clear and she hasn't coughed for about 3 days.

Yesterday, I was hand walking her and felt like I was dragging her along. I can't blame her. Pretty boring. So, I went and got my lunge line and fixed it as a long rein and long reined her. That perked her up and she certainly had to be a bit more engaged mentally. We were able to do some LY work. SI didn't work too well without a rail. I did ask for and got some very nice half-steps. She was rhythmically springing from hind leg to hind leg. Much more even and cadenced that what she usually gives me.

Today, I did a no-no and let her roll in the snowy arena. The owners don't want horses rolling in the arenas...and I get it to not damage the arena and base.
But since it was still mostly frozen and still had 3-4 inches of snow on it, I let her go. She is itchy and the turnouts have been way too lumpy and frozen for a good roll. She highly enjoyed that. I did lunge her and she gave me a nice fairly impulsive but casual trot. She seems to be pretty sane and cognizant of the conditions. She happily trotted for about 5 minutes. Then I put her back in the long rein set up and we worked on SI (with a rail ;) ), some more half-steps and SW. Even with limited work area, I think it is good to get her back 'working'...such as it is.

Now if she would quit kicking the fence at her gelding neighbor. I have watched him and seen nothing egregious. Today, she couldn't decide whether to kiss him or kick him. Her back legs are looking kind of rough. She managed to cap her left hock. So far, not lame at all but that could change easily. If she is still at it tomorrow, I may have to see if swapping horses around is possible? She did a bit with her other neighbor when she moved in but it ceased fairly quickly. The gelding...well she hasn't be nose to nose with a gelding since she was like 3? And I think that one was only 2 and he wouldn't get anywhere near her. Since then, all her neighbors and turnout buddies at the other barn were mares.


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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby heddylamar » Fri Jan 14, 2022 4:43 am

Oy. I was hoping to ride this afternoon — it was warm and the ground was sort of dry, so our arena wasn't complete slush.

Instead, I had a lame mare. At the moment it's a whole-body "I'm sore, why are you making me walk?!" v. limb or foot-specific ailment. Maia doesn't normally get sore after a farrier appointment, but he was out yesterday morning when the ground was frozen, then she spent the rest of the day running. I'm hoping it's just that, but who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm sure Maia will reveal more in a day or two. She's pretty cagey about what hurts unless she's gushing blood or completely three-legged.

These are the days I wish for my mom's gelding who'd hold his injured leg in the air for hours until someone tended his booboo :roll: :lol:

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Fri Jan 14, 2022 12:10 pm

Ugh Heddy that is frustrating. i wonder if Maia took a spill in pasture?

RP went down once in pasture a few months--just slipped in some mud and skidded. He was whole body sore a couple of days and I would hve been mystified as to why if I hadn't seen it happen!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby heddylamar » Fri Jan 14, 2022 1:26 pm

Maia was splattered in mud from poll down, so she was definitely out playing! That girl can't deny herself a good romp. But I'm fairly certain she didn't go down — no big smears. Not even a ton of heavy mud on her lower legs, just splatters.

The last time she did this (lots of mud then too :roll: ) she'd clearly gone down and injured the left front and right hind. Her left front was smeared in mud from hoof to shoulder, puffy, hot knee, and once the whole body soreness worked out, she was lame on the right hind.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:36 pm

Heady, pulled Caliburn 's shoes and he was fine to the ground froze. Now he looks like every step hurts. Could it be foot soreness? I hope it's an easy solution.

Its been JANUARY, rudely cold, and limited riding time. I've spent time working in hand and riding where possible. I tend not to ride if its below 15F. I know people say the horses are fine but mine tend to cough and snort a lot so I don't do it

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:33 pm

Chisamba wrote:Heady, pulled Caliburn 's shoes and he was fine to the ground froze. Now he looks like every step hurts. Could it be foot soreness? I hope it's an easy solution.

Its been JANUARY, rudely cold, and limited riding time. I've spent time working in hand and riding where possible. I tend not to ride if its below 15F. I know people say the horses are fine but mine tend to cough and snort a lot so I don't do it

I've heard that when it's below 20, you should start being careful about how hard you work them. But I'm sure a lot of it also has to do with acclimatization. So, I think your not riding below 15 makes sense!

Here, any time it is unusually cold, even if it's not THAT cold objectively speaking, I am careful. Just because they are not used to it. We had a warmer than usual December and are now having a colder than usual January. We have forecast for several inches of snow on Sunday--which here means that everything will shut down.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Aleuronx » Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:42 pm

I feel you Chisamba and enact the same limit. Less than 20F we just walk, less than 15F I don't bother. A serious bout of pneumonia several years ago has left me cold sensitive at those temperatures. I feel no shame in it.

So we are about the same, severe weather temps and storms and barn closures although barn workers thankfully now recovered have meant from some random rides. Like I put in the goals, Jan/Feb is just about surviving.

I did have a good ride this morning where I had control of the left shoulder more times than not so that's a win. Not sure what I did to achieve it other than really focusing on each shoulder being in control from each of my front hip bones. Since Kora was willing I did a lot of transitions and positive reactions to the leg which is so tricky in the winter of cold. Sometimes I can 'cluck' too hard :lol:

Another negative temperature drop expected tonight means nothing but treats and more hay tomorrow. I hope to truck her out to large arena on Sunday but we'll see. I want to get a remote temperature monitor for the trailer, need to do some research on that.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby khall » Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:22 pm

Well I’ve decided my goals for at least this month. Probably into next month.

Just get my two worked on line and in hand and if I’m up to it ride. I have a friend coming over helping get the two done just to force me to get out there.

Both girls were pretty wild yesterday on line. It was breezy they aren’t used to working together and it’s been a couple of weeks since they did anything. They both eventually settled and did some nice work. I did just a bit of piaffe work with Joplin who finds it so easy. I’m keeping it short and not too demanding right now. All I had to do was point the whip and cluck:)

Gaila is showing my friend how to wih differently and the piaffe prep that Cedar uses. I ended up taking Gaila to show her and Gaila actually gave me a couple of actual piaffe steps not just diagnolized walk. Took a couple of stronger touches with the whip. Lol! No pointing the whip and clucking to get piaffe with Gaila!

If I can do this 3/4 times a week I will be happy.

Nasty weather moving in over the weekend so not sure when I’ll get back to them but it’s a start.

Henry is now mine to hopefully get into a rescue if I can or find a new home possibly. He’s scheduled for neuter and diagnostics 1-26. I really cannot afford to do surgery if he has a torn cl. Fishing line surgery which is not ideal is $1500 or so tplo or what the newer version of that surgery is even more expensive like over $3,000. I’m not sure what to do. Not much luck with the rescues I’ve reached out to so far so if anyone knows of breed specific or hound rescue please let me know. Zoey my pittie girl would just as soon that I kept him. She adores playing with him. Just right now is not a good time for me to take on a training challenge though I may end up doing so if no rescue or home is found! If so I will explore scent training which he should excel at. A good friend of mine does scent training so she will be a good resource to tap.

I’ve also decided to back off on my Pilates classes right now. I’m still going to do the semi private with just 3 of us in the studio but the full class of 5 plus instructor for me is just too risky right now. I’ll play at home instead.

Stay warm stay safe! Happy riding!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:12 pm

We have a barn full of fools at the moment. Riding has been "interesting" for the last couple of days for several of us. But so far we've all stayed on board as the idiots spook and prance their way around the arena, undoubtedly feeding of each other's neuroses. Its an exercise in persistence and position maintenance and probably good warmup ring practice.

I'm grateful for deep seated saddles and silicon seated breeches!

I realize that its exactly 6 months since Potters had his joints lubed, so that's probably a significant part of his problem, as its cold here, too. Vet appointment made for next weekend. After that, no more free passes!


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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Ponichiwa » Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:51 pm

Litany of excuses here.

Queso got a bit rub and I am absolutely embarrassed and/or appalled. Root cause appears to be aged loose-ring bit that has been worn to sharpish edges at the bit/ring interface. Embarrassed because I consider myself a decent horseperson and did not notice the reason he was fussy in the contact til I took his bridle off.

Solution has been to toodle around on a loose rein or in just a halter til the rub is healed and my new bit arrives (ETA pushed back, again, so. There's that). On the one hand it's nice to have a bit of a break from the pressure. On the other, well. Not making a lot of progress towards goals here.

My well-trained easy-to-ride equanimous bordering-on-middle-aged QH is, as it turns out, much less rideable on a halter vs. in a bridle and twice just casually tried to nope right on out of the arena. Calling somewhat into question my training and riding skills, some might say.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:57 pm

January is just a hard month for most of us. Hang in there everyone!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Sat Jan 15, 2022 3:16 pm

Horses seem to be recovering though Junior is taking a bit longer to get over it [completely, still has that beginning clear out the pipes cough]. Horses next door are still coughing. Have been riding but mostly on the trail which Junior is really enjoying. Rode Brandon in the arena on Thursday. His canter is finally becoming something that is closer to show worthy. I'm lucky I have both a Morgan and a Welsh Cob who love to canter, not all that common in these breeds except in those who specialize in concentrating on sport=producing lines. My coach commented (on the phone) the other day that it's been far too long since I had canters like these to ride (last really good one was Autumn's, being half TB not a huge surprise). I don't envy you who are dealing with the colder temps. Our weather hasn't been that bad since the rain stopped. January and February always bring surprises here; so, we're just waiting for the next wave of rain to hit........if it does.

I haven't been watching the rides the rest of you have but hopefully I'll be able to steal some time to watch a few of them. I definitely could use some inspiration [for dressage] from somewhere. My coach called because there is a recognized show in town this weekend and she wanted to know if I was going to come hang out.........had to be honest with her and said I'd rather watch paint dry. roll: Not really sure if I'm getting burned out on it (don't think so, I still look forward to my lessons) or if I'm just that unsocial with the equine world LOL.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby piedmontfields » Sat Jan 15, 2022 3:37 pm

I appreciate the updates! Fingers crossed for Maia for quick improvement---and I relate as my dear mare clearly threw some sort of outdoor fit when her "boyfriends" left for Florida 1.5 weeks ago that resulted in a puffy hind fetlock. After two vet visits and clear improvement, I'm continuing on easy work and management, as she is sound and the leg is cold. It's hard with the older ones sometimes to sort of "range of normal puffy" vs. "new puffy"! Unlike Maia, Emi is usually extremely dramatic and expressive about any tiny boo boo, which does "help"! :lol:

I have not watch much of the Horsemastership series yet, but I am enjoying Sabine's calm clarity to just be very good at very basic things. So true and so hard! So in our basic work I am totally taking that to heart.

Snap from yesterday evening's hack:
Jan 2022.jpg
Jan 2022.jpg (142.55 KiB) Viewed 8026 times

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Sat Jan 15, 2022 3:43 pm

Beautiful picture, the horse and the scenery!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 15, 2022 5:31 pm

Piedmont, lovely picture! Miss Em is looking good, and so white :)

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Sat Jan 15, 2022 6:29 pm

Love the picture, Piedmont!! You and Emi both look good!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Sat Jan 15, 2022 10:17 pm

It really is a lovely photo.

so I lied. I said that I don't ride below 15, but I ride all the of my beasts, walk only, wrapped in fleece. ( except Saiph who bucket and pronked a bit when I mounted) I think her saddle and pad were probably cold once Mt weight settled it onto her back.

It was really pleasant hacking with pals all wrapped up like yeti

Cali is footsore without his shoes and my biggest hoof boots, size 3, are too small.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Kyras_Mom » Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:27 am

Everybody seems to be doing the best they can considering...winter :P .

I actually can't complain (I think). We are into the dry doldrums of winter so even though the temps aren't high enough to totally melt things, the snow is melting little by little. Kyra got over her crud and being barefoot and not accumulating much snow in her feet, I have been still walking her and ground driving her. I feel like I have a little training value going on.

I actually got in a couple rides last week. 98% walking but like ponichiwa...I just clipped my reins to her halter. With the so-so footing, I didn't want to grab her in the mouth if she slipped. She was quite good and if I gathered the reins for an exercise, she went right "on the bit" . Friday, we even got a few sets of trot on the one rail where the snow was all gone. I also did some 'casual' stuff like seeing if I could get a 10m volte with just my body. I had to do a few little rein corrections but pretty much, she went where I wanted :D . I planned on riding today but I turned her out while I cleaned and she wallowed in the mud. Where she didn't have a blanket, she was gooey chocolate. So, I just did a lunge and long rein session. She was quite animated and a bit tense today so I am thinking, that was a good call.

We will be good to go when the temps stay above freezing but I would guess that is another month off. We will just do what we can do in the meantime. She has had access to her run for the last week so she isn't stuck in her stall which is good.


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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:43 pm

Ended up hauling Brandon over for a lesson since Junior still has a lingering cough and more nasal discharge than I'd like to see, not really 'snot' but still. Brandon did pretty well considering the neighbors bordering the East side of the property were roping cattle, the neighbors on the South side were chasing a pony in their round pen which got their horses in turn out all running, and the Santa Gertrudis bull was breeding heifers and cows right and left to the North. Brandon didn't spook at anything though distractions did get the better of him through a couple of my transitions. He is definitely one that has a 'busier' brain than my other two and requires ongoing 'demands for focus'. Giving him breaks on the long rein is doable but he fidgets far more than the others when his brain is allowed to wander. Not in a jiggy sort of way but mouthiness for sure. Still, he's a lot easier to get to stretch over his back and relax into the contact than Junior. He was dog tired by the end of the lesson though and I think it was more mental fatigue than physical despite really being quite good (no leaps, bolts, shying, etc).

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Sue B » Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:16 pm

I miscalculated and took Rudy out for a nice "long" ride out even though he was feeling VERY cheeky in the chilly weather. He kinda hates winter as it is and he really hates having his nice warm parka taken off, but he no longer likes his quarter sheet either. Oh, and my arena is full of snow drifts while the snow free spots were soft/wet (sun hitting black rubber.) Trusting that he would be a "good boy" I headed off down the roads, him screaming for his mare, stopping and spinning every now and then. Soon as we crossed the RR tracks, I sent him off into a nice forward trot for a mile or so, but on the way back all hell broke loose when I lost my left stirrup. It was then I came to the realization that I could not really feel or use my left leg. I tried just carrying on in a sitting trot, but Rudy started to back off and get upset--no doubt he could feel something was wrong with me. Anyway, I reached down to manually put my foot in the stirrup. and he uncorked. There we were in a couple inches of icy snow spinning both directions, running backwards, leaping forwards, you name it. I had zero control, so much so, that when I dropped the other stirrup and decided to hop off, he wouldn't let me do that either! This kind of ended when he went backwards off into an irrigation canal full of snow :o At that point I decided to stick with him, hoping he wouldn't fall on me, figuring I could either ride him out of it or get him to stop and let me off to help him. Rudy went with the former, did a 180 and hopped back up out of the canal very handily. (He would've been an awesome eventer if he hadn't been so afraid of water and dislikes jumping" So now we're on the other side of the canal in deeper snow, still carrying on, although with more care/less energy. Since he wouldn't quit, I finally maneuvered him into snow that was over his knees and he decided he was expending too much effort and quit. I hopped off, which is when I realized BOTH legs were weak and poorly responsive. Rudy felt me collapsing and slid over to prop me up and then helped me walk with him back to the canal road. We had a lovely amble home and by the time we got back, my legs were back to normal and so was the horse. :lol:

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:36 pm

Great picture, Piedmont!
Sue B, what an adventure! Glad it all turned out ok.

Yesterday we had snow fall from 10am-6pm. It wasn't quite cold enough to stick so ended up only being a dusting despite the fact that a good bit actually fell from the sky. But in GA even a dusting is a big deal. Because my barn is far away (45 minute drive), I ended up not going out to ride yesterday or this morning (when I had a chunk of free time) because I wasn't sure what road conditions were like. I felt a bit like a wuss for making that choice and I am itching to ride esp since work has made this month difficult to have too many options. But I guess better safe than sorry in a city that is entirely unequipped to deal with winter weather. This week will be free from anything falling from the sky, hurrah. But our lows will be in the 20s all week which is colder than we usually get. The ponies will be fine--both are fur balls and generally hardy when it comes to weather. But it does mean early morning riding (when I've had the most time lately), might be less desirable, so hopefully there will be some afternoon/early evenings where I can make it down.

This weekend I had some good sessions with MM, which was really nice after a bit of stickiness earlier this winter. On Friday i lunged her and on Saturday rode her. Her canter on Saturday felt better than it has in awhile, felt like her hind end was really come through and her back was coming up. Still some stickiness at the walk and in transitions--but it feels like something we are working through more productively. I have noticed that she has lost some weight recently. Her weight usually does not fluctuate a ton, so whenever she drops or gains it's worth paying attention to. I'm not going to do anything about it yet as she does seem to be in good energy and while both the vet and the nutritionist had given her a body score of '5' i think she was inching closer to a 6 than a 4, so she certainly has room to lose some before it becomes concerning. But definitely something to keep an eye on. I need to pull my weight tape out to keep a better track since it's harder to eyeball with winter woolies.

I've also decided to try RP on GutX. Did some searching and found that there is some proper research behind the ingredients. And he has such a sensitive stomach and is very ulcer prone. So far none of the other digestion support supplements i've tried have worked for him--either making no difference or in some cases even having an adverse reaction. But this is a different enough combo that it's worth trying. He started this weekend, so let's see. Unfortunately my barn is not set up for someone to pump in the liquid just before they eat each day. So, I have pre-mixed it with some of his alfalfa pellets. When I spoke to the manufacturers, they said they could not vouch for its efficacy with this method since all their own studies have been done with it being added as liquid just before the horse eats. But I figured worth trying -- maybe it makes it less effective but still has some benefit? who knows, we'll find out. If not, there are others in the area who use the stuff who would happily buy a discounted bottle off of me.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 17, 2022 8:57 pm

Crap Sue B! That would have been scary!! Glad you stayed on and made it through it. What was wrong with your legs?? Too cold? I can't imagine riding in snow, especially when it's middle of summer and I'm riding in the early mornings before it's too hot.
Lovely pic Piedmontfields :)

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:17 am

Flight wrote:Crap Sue B! That would have been scary!! Glad you stayed on and made it through it. What was wrong with your legs?? Too cold? I can't imagine riding in snow, especially when it's middle of summer and I'm riding in the early mornings before it's too hot.
Lovely pic Piedmontfields :)

once when i was riding in the snow i did not realize I had lost circulation to my feet until I jumped off back at home and felt like something stabbed me in the knees, and i could not feel anything from the knee down. I had to walk for about ten minutes before my feet started screaming in pain, and another ten before i could feel them normally. It was a huge lesson in "do not ride in riding boots in the winter" . I assume Sue B did something similar

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:20 am

Glad you survived unscathed, SueB!

Mr P was a rockstar for his first ride of the week, especially as it was insanely busy at the barn today, which amazes me on a cold, grey winter Monday!

I'm finding that the secret to building both of our confidences at the moment is to work quietly away at some small thing, rather than pushing through something he finds uncomfortable, (like the scary corner.) We'll go back to that when we are both ready, but we can have fun perfecting some other essential elements in the meantime.

We struggled so hard with shoulder in a while ago--I know not why particularly as it's not an exercise I've found hard to parse in the past, but he got difficult and passagey and explosive about it. We left it alone for a while but have gone back to it in the past few rides and found it just "there."

We added haunches in today, and that went pretty well, until he started feeling boxed in about the scary corner again, so we left it and went to our TWT and WCW transitions on a circle--something small and easy to be picky about getting correct without making him feel trapped, and that he can relax into and feel good about. I'm feeling pretty good about them too.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Sue B » Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:05 pm

SO, I had just gotten some Piper riding tights and I wanted to try them out. They are super comfy, but made for hot, not cold weather. I originally intended to ride with my wind breaker pants over them but I wanted to see how sticky the silicon was, and of course, I also did not have my usual wool socks on but cotton ones instead. I did at least wear my hooded vest with a sweater. So yeah, I think it was just a matter of not noticing how cold I had gotten. After days in the low teens, the low 20's felt really warm! :lol:

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby StraightForward » Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:35 pm

Jeeze Sue, glad you are OK, sounds like quite a rodeo. You stayed on, so I suppose you found out that the silicone is adequately sticky! :lol:

Tesla did not stop or balk even once during our ride this morning. We even played with some loops, voltes, and circling with a little feeling of haunches in. If she can stay on this path a little longer, I might even start looking forward to riding her. Fingers crossed!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Flight » Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:49 pm

I've had cold toes but not dead legs like that Chisamba and Sue B!

Moutaineer, do you ride with other horses that don't find the corner scary? I've got a scary corner too and the other week a friend came over and rode her horse, and her daughter rode my other horse. Scary corner horse was following them around the arena, including the scary corner.
The next day he just went into scary corner by himself and in fact I nearly steered him off it out of habit! He's still a bit looky, but he now goes all the way through that corner.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:26 pm

Flight, he's not been so easily swayed in his opinion, unfortunately. But it is something I thought I might ask to have a deliberate go at rather than sneaking up behind other people.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:50 pm

Sue, that was intense just to read! I'm glad you are okay!! Gosh.

Mountaineer, it sounds like you are going at things in a good way with Potters. Conquering the scary corners can be a real challenge, especially on a sensitive soul.

We are out of quarantine now. My farrier rescheduled for 10 days later...of course Lynx lost a hind shoe. Farrier can't get out sooner. I'm having another farrier check him out Thursday.

We did an all walk lesson on Sunday. But I was able to do my very first few steps of half pass (ish). Obviously just a few steps and rewarding all the try. But he definitely understands all the lateral work. Shoulder in, Haunches in, Half Pass, Turn on the haunches are well on their way. If anything, I'm the weak link. We aren't asking for any of these in any serious manner more just teaching him a little bits and pieces of things. Things to check back on later when he's stronger.

I've been in a funk lately. I'm hoping I get my mojo back mentally. No real reason to be in a slump so it's frustrating to feel this way.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:06 am

Sue, I'm glad that all's well ends well even if there was a bit of adrenaline in between ;)

LSP - I too have been in a bit of a funk; but sometimes the spark comes from where you least expect it. I knew that even though the State Championships didn't go as planned, I am done with second level as far as Junior is concerned and need to focus on patching up the holes and moving on. Well yesterday I got home to a notice that Junior is 2nd in the standings for HOY with our GMO at second level and I am as well in second place for amateur rider at second level. While I've won this category in the past, I never really dreamed (or cared for that matter) where I ended up with Junior because as y'all know my sights are simply set at training him up through GP if the powers that be will it. However, I must admit that it was a nice feather in the cap that lets me know the 'show year' wasn't really all that dismal. Heck the 14.2 hand pony delivered out of 11 qualified candidates. I can pretty much guarantee he's the 'cheapest' of the beast to compete ;) I guess my point is you just can't give up if the horse is willing and there's 3 pure gaits. Heck, Junior doesn't really have a walk of merit other than it at least is pure and here we are with a GMO award in the balance. I don't mind coming in second. I guess I'm simply proud/happy to be higher up in the standings for 'another' year. I thought once my breeding program was retired, I really wouldn't be in such company again; but I guess getting there for I think the 4th time being either first or second (horse and rider) that at least I can say I'm not a flash in the pan or my 'hony' experience ain't no fluke and finally don't count me dead yet, LOL. Chin up my dear, you have a nice horse. Just give him and you time to prove it if that's the goal.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:32 am

Exvet, that is so exciting! You should definitely be proud. I'm not surprised though. You have shown that you know how to train (correctly) and so obviously enjoy doing it. I think most of us here see what a pair you and Junior are. You guys are truly lovely to watch.

And thank you for the kind words. I think my funk is more outside of horses life than horse related. But sometimes it kind of starts seeping in especially when winter gets underway. I am very excited about Lynx and having such a blast with him. So it's odd to feel in a slump knowing all I have to look forward to right now. I think it's just winter, COVID and all that can be tough on the mood.

I have a jumping lesson on a school horse tomorrow which I actually think would be a fun change of pace for this week.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Anne » Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:45 am

Exvet - go you and Junior! Well done.
SueB, phew, that sounds pretty full-on, but yay for Rudy getting his brain back!
LSP, it sounds like Lynx is progressing so well, so try to think of all the positives and achievements you guys have made in a short time!
Mountaineer, commiserations on the 'scary corner'.... Connor can be a bit of a spookster but it is not in a single place, so I have no advice to offer. I also tend to go back to something 'simple' if he has a 'spooky moment' like big forward trot figure-8s.

Our riding here is very much one day on a couple off, so not much consistency... despite this, I think we are making some improvements, and I've been quite committed to starting our work with 5 or 10 mins in-hand (often by my partner, who is good at it). Also think I have found a saddle that is working for us, slightly surprisingly, an extra-wide gullet, and a quite straight-cut general-purpose. Best thing was, it was already in the tack-shed, not used for some time, but we never got around to selling it (thank goodness!). So I'm totally chuffed about that!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:21 pm

congrats, Exvet! that is a fantastic accomplishment.

Great pics, Anne!

This month has been garbage in terms of getting riding time. Work has been very busy and kept me from getting out most of the week. Yesterday we not only had good weather but I had time to slip out to the barn. I showed up only to find MM had pulled a shoe for the first time ever. Sigh, horses. Thankfully it's a very clean pull--no broken hooves. Honestly it looks like a farrier pulled it--i wonder if it got stuck somewhere and she just leveraged right on out of it. Thankfully farrier's assistant is coming Friday to give her a new one. But darn, there goes a couple more riding days with her.

Still waiting to see if the gutX is doing anything for RP. Good news is that it doesn't seem to be having any negative results, which with him is always a high likelyhood--many supplements have made him gassy and/or very hot/anxious. but jury still out on whether i'd buy another gallon.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Ponichiwa » Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:48 pm

Anne-- the view from your arena is gorgeous! And the view in the arena's not shabby, either. Looks like progress!

Speaking of progress... my new bit (NS turtle tactio) arrived yesterday. I got out to the barn, tacked up, and on the horse about 25 min before huge storms rolled in (isn't that just... fitting). But those 25 min were really nice as far as connection to through the bridle goes. Cautiously optimistic.

So naturally it is now 35F and very windy after several days in the high 70s. Super conducive to relaxed, high-quality work.

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