April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Chisamba » Tue May 24, 2022 5:11 am

I was trying to decide if I wanted to enter Cali in a show next month at second level, so it was a genuine question. I probably will not enter because I need an injection in my hip first and I probably won't have time to schedule it before the show.

So the answer, for me, was can I stand the pain of sitting his trot for a whole test

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Sue B » Tue May 24, 2022 3:56 pm

Similar to Chisamba, I did not/could not enter Rudy in 2nd level until I could reliably sit his very bouncy trot! Otherwise, I like 2nd level test 1 and 3, 2 not so much. Just weird I guess. :lol:

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue May 24, 2022 5:22 pm

My lowest lifetime scores are in 2nd level, so I may not be the best source of advice here. But I wouldn't let a pesky thing like pragmatism interfere with my ability to opine on the internet, so let's go.

The trouble I have with 2nd level is that I really need 3rd level engagement to be successful, especially in the trot tour. And if I'm out there developing 3rd level engagement, I am also likely to be schooling changes. Which means either the trot tour is unfulfilling/insufficient, or the level canter tour is a dystopian hellscape of abortive flying change attempts (or abortive counter-canter attempts, depending on your viewpoint). By the time I've installed the right balance, strength, canter sanity, and elasticity to actually get good 2nd level scores, I'm actively schooling 4th level.

So either I take off a year of showing, more or less, or I show before I'm ready. And that's the recipe for how 2nd level is my lowest lifetime average score.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby StraightForward » Tue May 24, 2022 5:44 pm

Sue B wrote:Similar to Chisamba, I did not/could not enter Rudy in 2nd level until I could reliably sit his very bouncy trot! Otherwise, I like 2nd level test 1 and 3, 2 not so much. Just weird I guess. :lol:

I don't think you are. No one seemed to be riding 2-2 last weekend.

Ponichiwa - that seems like a good summary. I haven't trudged through this before but definitely see the conundrum. I could probably spend the rest of eternity trying to develop A's mediums, but I'd like to get on with the rest of it, and get some experience ahead of bringing Tesla up from training/1st.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby khall » Tue May 24, 2022 6:35 pm

Blob those are great clinic notes. Thanks for sharing.

Super ride on Joplin today. Her CC is going to be a game changer for her. Getting full short side now. Struggling a bit with clarity. She’s good at offering various movements. I do think the field work has made her stronger. The deeper grass causing her to flex the joints more. She’s feeling e en more powerful. Very happy with my buckskin girl!!

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby demi » Tue May 24, 2022 11:13 pm

Chisamba wrote:
I'm sure your WS will be sad about losing the rider on your New horse but you do what is best for you.

Thanks for this thought, Chisamba. I noticed that you bolded “your” horse. I needed to hear this. As things are progressing, I think I am going to have to keep this in mind. I can’t say more as this is a public forum and anyone can read it. At this point I don’t necessarily want her to continue in training toward GP. I want to learn to ride her at her current level of trainIng. I bought the mare because she is the perfect amateur horse as she is. I cant be intimidated into thinking that I am wasting her potential if I don’t have someone else train her to GP ASAP.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby blob » Wed May 25, 2022 12:46 am

Ponichiwa wrote:
So either I take off a year of showing, more or less, or I show before I'm ready. And that's the recipe for how 2nd level is my lowest lifetime average score.

I am thinking I will likely skip 2nd level showing with RP. I just don't have any desire to work on that CC serpentine. I understand the value of some CC before changes, but for me it's more that I want to make sure he will pick up whatever lead I ask for regardless of where in the arena we are. But I am scarred from doing so much CC work with MM and then ending up with a horse who would CC a ten meter circle and didn't understand what I meant by a change. And I agree, Ponichiwa, that I imagine by the time we can do the trot SI and medium trot in a show worthy way we will likely be ready for third level trot work. Though I guess if we can't get the changes then we'll end up showing 2nd level...

RP's simple changes have gotten pretty good and he will pick up whatever lead I ask wherever I ask. So, I am hoping to start playing with changes this year.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Kyras_Mom » Wed May 25, 2022 4:39 am

What an enjoyable day at the barn today. Temperature of 72 degrees, light breeze, and a seemingly happy horse…what more do you need?

One thing I have been striving for the last month is getting Kyra relaxed enough to be able to W/T/C on a loose rein. I don’t feel we need to be in dressage mode every minute of our ride. This goal has been quite vexing. She has been so go-go-go with the tension to match but finally, today, I was able to get her to lope around on a loose rein without jetting off. When I did pick up the reins, she went right to dressage work. We got some little trot half-passes that weren’t bad and I worked on renver instead of SI today. After our work session we went up the hill and one of the turnouts was open and it has a bit more hill than the road so we made a couple laps of that hill. Going back she had a dilemma. Which is more of an issue…the newborn foal running around in the turnout or the goats on the other side of the road? I was able to convince her that neither was after her and we completed our ride on a loose rein. I really like these rides as I am getting too old to deal with lots of drama. I am glad my calm horse is back…at least for now.


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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Ryeissa » Wed May 25, 2022 1:32 pm

Kyras_Mom wrote:What an enjoyable day at the barn today. Temperature of 72 degrees, light breeze, and a seemingly happy horse…what more do you need?

One thing I have been striving for the last month is getting Kyra relaxed enough to be able to W/T/C on a loose rein. I don’t feel we need to be in dressage mode every minute of our ride. This goal has been quite vexing. She has been so go-go-go with the tension to match but finally, today, I was able to get her to lope around on a loose rein without jetting off. When I did pick up the reins, she went right to dressage work. We got some little trot half-passes that weren’t bad and I worked on renver instead of SI today. After our work session we went up the hill and one of the turnouts was open and it has a bit more hill than the road so we made a couple laps of that hill. Going back she had a dilemma. Which is more of an issue…the newborn foal running around in the turnout or the goats on the other side of the road? I was able to convince her that neither was after her and we completed our ride on a loose rein. I really like these rides as I am getting too old to deal with lots of drama. I am glad my calm horse is back…at least for now.


how much do you ask for carriage on a loose rein? I don't remember where this horse is at so forgive my ignorance.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Kyras_Mom » Wed May 25, 2022 5:54 pm

Well...the horse is 20 and I am 66. She was alllmossst ready for 2nd level about 10-11 years ago and then my body failed me and up until last year, she probably got ridden 100 times in that time frame...except for the two times Straightforward rode her for a few months each time. I did do a lot of ground work (when I could walk and keep up with the horse) So in the last year, I have been trying to get both of us back to fitness. I changed barns last November and since there is no indoor, we did have some pause last winter. I cannot do much sitting trot anymore (coccyx removal--before that, I couldn't even sit on a chair let alone a horse).

I guess none of that really matters except to say we are attempting to return after a long...long...long weird layoff. Her biggest problem this Spring has been tension. It was funny in that despite marked tension she was very obedient but what kind of collection does that produce...FAKE. So I have been doing a lot of remedial NH/cowboy stuff to try and get through to her tight brain. I did add Magnesium to her supplements and I do think that has helped. So, I really don't think that 3 minutes of canter on a loose rein was going to hurt any "collection" we had...no. It was more a test of can you comfortably canter in a relaxed manner without me having a death grip on the reins? I just can’t ride that tense fast canter. Yesterday, finally, the answer was yes. Probably the most valuable part of the ride was riding downhill on our post-workout ride. I really insisted she get her booty under and balance back.

I doubt I will be doing anymore showing...I do hope to do a Century ride in 7 years...health of both of us willing. I enjoy using the dressage exercises to improve carriage and making the horse straighter. At her age, I am not going to push anything although she is pretty low mileage :lol: . I just enjoy training and being with my horse so that is what I do :mrgreen: . Yeah, it isn't always conventional.

Last edited by Kyras_Mom on Wed May 25, 2022 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby StraightForward » Wed May 25, 2022 6:25 pm

Well, I hauled Tesla out for a lesson and lived to tell about it! There was quite a bit going on with horses in pastures on three sides of the arena, and then a house with dogs in the yard and show dog grooming going on by the shed between the house and the arena. She was tense and lunging was definitely needed, but we did manage some stretching in the trot and did the "snowman" big circle one way, then smaller circle the other way working up to riding half of the smaller circle then leg yielding out. We did manage a little canter at the end, but with the tension she was swapping leads again and it wasn't worth forcing the issue. Next week I'm going to try taking both girls as they have a small pen where I can put one while riding the other. It will be interesting to see if they become herd-bound. At home they aren't at all, and I've only ever taken them both to the vet, bodywork and saddle fittings where one is out and one waits in the trailer.

Rode Annabelle last night and felt like she was back up to snuff. We did a little "yeehaw" to get her cranking as she felt a little stuck. I played a little with turning early and riding more of a SF towards the long side instead of LY. This seemed to really loosen her up in canter and we got some nice work. I was having fun and had to force myself to stop before we overdid it.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Moutaineer » Thu May 26, 2022 12:49 am

Rode through 3.1 for fun today. Discovered that my lack of breathing ability is a problem. Back to the doctor one more time, I guess. I'm getting my fitness back, but its taking a lot longer than I think it should. Yes, some of it is allergies, im sure, but this is pretty limiting.

Apart from that, not too bad. Need a lot more activity from the little orange one. If I wasn't having to work so hard to get him in front of my leg, I'd stand a much better chance of not expiring mid test...

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Chisamba » Thu May 26, 2022 4:15 am

A visit to my orthopedic surgeon revealed that all of my back care has worked and I do not need another epidural. So why the pain, one might ask, and the answer is apparently my hip is the winge. They say riding after hip replacement is possible so it is not the worst news. I am going for a hip joint injection first to see how well that might work.

Dr said " i assume you aren't riding". I gave him a hard look and said of course I'm riding, and showed him video of my most recent ride on Cali.

He gave me a script for physio in case they can make some suggestions for better function.

On the riding front I kind of feel like if I don't use it I will lose it so I'm still riding six horses a day but I might start training them to stand at the mounting block to dismount. I might even consider having a taller mounting block made. Any tips for sore hip.

I had the most lovely ride on Saiph today and a somewhat less satisfying ride on Cali.

I might have to decide on riding for fun, not competition, but I don't know if I'm ready to give up on that yet.

I might have to take up driving. Grin

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby khall » Thu May 26, 2022 4:24 am

Chisamba a good friend of mine had hip replacement surgery. She wished she had done it sooner. She’s back in the saddle full bore just does not run anymore. Used to run marathons

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby heddylamar » Thu May 26, 2022 4:30 am

There's no reason you'd need to curtail your riding post-op, Chisamba. My mom has been riding more since getting the new hip, even though she had to give up running marathons. To replace the running, she picked up weight training and started backpacking again.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Kyras_Mom » Thu May 26, 2022 5:25 am

Chisamba…I had my right hip replaced in 2015. I was back on my (one) horse in 4 1/2 weeks. I had a Superpath approach so none of the muscles were cut. My surgeon’s wife is an excellent dressage rider and that is why I picked him initially thinking he would understand riding and was thrilled when he described the procedure. I think the anterior approach minimizes muscle cutting too. Anyway, you can certainly ride afterward. What I did until my surgery is I mounted from the right because I couldn’t swing my right leg over without a lot of pain. Luckily, I trained Kyra from both sides very young and she could care less. I also got off at the mounting block during this time…and I still do having had surgery on both feet. They don’t appreciate reaching the ground after a 3 foot drop.

I hope you get some relief from injections and can continue riding.


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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby demi » Thu May 26, 2022 11:41 am

Chisamba, my trainer is 56 and recently started using a dismounting block. It is tall for so it works with tall or short horses. It has steps on either side to walk down after dismounting. It’s hard to describe so I’ll take a pic today and post it later. It can be used for mounting, too, but with really short horses, it works better to mount from one of the lower steps.

A childhood friend of mine just had one hip replaced and 4 weeks later he sent me a pic of himself on a horse. He’s not even a rider!

Good luck. I cant imagine you not riding!!

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby goldhorse » Thu May 26, 2022 2:50 pm

Chisamba, I clinic with Erica Poseley. She's had both hips replaced. She surfs, is an avid skier, a black belt in some martial art, and a 4th level rider. And she's over 70! I know a zillion riders that have had a hip replacement. Hell, I had my knee replaced and got back on as soon as i could. Everyone single one of us has said "Why did I wait so long?"

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Chisamba » Thu May 26, 2022 6:42 pm

Thank all of you for all the great words. You rock!

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby demi » Thu May 26, 2022 10:53 pm

2B38F6B5-803B-485A-99B1-26170F8C422F.jpeg (97.99 KiB) Viewed 15854 times

Mounting/dismounting block. It’s taller than it looks compared to my reflection in the mirror. Im guessing the top is 4 feet.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Kyras_Mom » Fri May 27, 2022 4:51 am

Boy demi, that is one sweet mounting/dismounting block. I have to fish around to find the step on a 3 step block. Fingers crossed I haven’t had any problems. Poor horse has to just stand still with me hanging off the side until I find the block. At the new barn, there are some nice big granite rocks that I use sometimes. They have a bit more surface area.

Had a fairly nice ride today. Some of her tension was back. She was reintroduced to her other neighbor (he has been stall bound until yesterday) and she has decided she is in love :roll: . She can’t decide whether she loves him or hates him….depends on the day I guess. I just had to be insistent on keeping a slower tempo but maintain stride length. It took more work on my part and I had to keep taking walk breaks to get my breath back. Man, it is hard to get fitness back when you get old. I did get a nice swinging free walk toward the end of the session so she seems to be willing to relax through the back. Getting it at walk is a start. I rode in the morning….I think this is the first time I have done that since she moved and I think she was a bit surprised…and worried that she might miss lunch :lol: . It was near 90 today and this barn is literally in a gully in the foothills and this summer, it will be hot so I have to get there early. I just don’t do 90’s very well anymore either.

I am also contemplating shoeing her. I have to ride her in boots to mitigate the abrasive-ness of the sand once summer hits and the footing dries out. They don’t take that long to put on but it is something else to do when I have a time limit. Half the time, I feel by the time I get us both kitted out, I have time for a 10 minute ride. The barn uses one farrier that is the first farrier in a long time whose work doesn’t make me puke. He is also very good at keeping them on a schedule/the BO. She hasn’t been shod since she was six and the reason I went to the boots was she was such a bi*#= about the nailing part. Now 20, I don’t know if she has forgotten that or not. Per the BO, he prefers no tranquilizer and has worked one of hers through something similar. So, I am kind of kicking that idea around.


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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby StraightForward » Fri May 27, 2022 1:46 pm

Susan, I'm trying out Hoof Armor on Annabelle. It doesn't do anything for protecting against rocks, but I think it might help with abrasion. I just put it on for the first time Wednesday night, so too early to tell anything. It's easy to apply though.

I bought a cheap therapy laser from 100X Equine and gave it a try last night. The girls loved it, I'm quite impressed. First I used it on Annabelle's sore hock, and her older "jewelry" and didn't see any reaction since she was eating, and I was skeptical that it was doing anything. Next I used it on Tesla's back, and she seemed to like it on her left side. When I switched to her right side she dropped her head almost to the ground, and then yawned and yawned. I put it on lower power and used it around her poll and jaw, which she seemed to enjoy as well

It was almost 90 yesterday, and now it looks like we have storms rolling in for the long weekend. Hoping to cut out of work early today so I can ride them both before the winds start kicking up.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Kyras_Mom » Fri May 27, 2022 5:04 pm

SF—I tried Hoof Armour last year and it didn’t help. In fact, I applied it as directed on a dry hoof and within days, her whole sole shed, taking the Hoof Armour with it. I tried it one other time as I had some left and didn’t notice any benefit. The other thing I thought about trying is Scoot Skins or something similar so I don’t have to put boots on each ride.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby exvet » Fri May 27, 2022 7:36 pm

Got back from my clinic with Ellie Stine-Masek. We talked about where I'm at with Junior and the need to develop his canter further so that I can insure clean flying changes. She of course was all on board with the idea. She did give me some additional exercises with him to help strengthen his left hind in particular and work on getting him more honest in the connection at the canter especially going right. We also worked on walk pirouettes which seem to be 'easy' for Junior. Basically the lesson after we talked about where our challenges seem to be started with riding him more long and low getting him to stretch over his back going back and forth between trot and canter and all the while trying to maintain a more renver feel during the warm up (not anything knew). Then she would have me canter the whole arena and leg yield him to the quarter line from the corner, do a ten meter circle again with more of that renver feel and then leg yield to the center line, another 10 meter circle. We did lots of counter canter work too. It is clear that Junior still isn't coming totally through both reins when I canter to the right or counter canter to the left especially when I try to get him to collect more. So these are the things I'm going to work on over the next few weeks and continue the exercises given to me by Molly Martin. I did a ton of canter work in the first 2/3rds of the lesson and then went to the trot work. Ellie had me going back and forth between medium and collected trot demanding that he push off his hind end and raise his withers during the medium and then collecting him under my seat while maintaining his air time and bounce. Despite being dog tired (supposed to get up to 105 today) he seemed to really like that exercise so we'll work a little bit each week on that too. I have a suspicion that I'll be skipping third in terms of campaigning and moving on to fourth once he's solid in the flying changes (I'll probably ride third 3 once or twice to ensure that outside eyes agree he's consistent and correct). Ellie said that despite the weak areas that need work she thought he was showing more engagement and self-carriage since one month ago.

This was the first time she's seen Brandon. It's clear that she likes him and was impressed with his brain. We did a lot of work on connection with very black and white rewards (free rein) after getting 5-7 strides of good, quiet, reach to the bit in every gait and in the halt. Brandon caught on quickly and Ellie was surprised to see that he already listens to my seat and responds willingly to it. She was also pleasantly surprised to see that he doesn't dive when I do give him the free rein in either trot or canter but keeps his chest/withers lifted...........he's a typical morgan so for someone who's judged at Morgan Nationals I was kind of shaking my head at the comment. I told her that at least in my experience just about every Morgan and Morgan cross that I've ridden was more go than not and higher up front carriage seemed to be their norm.........the challenge is simply making sure that their coming over the back and not bicycling around like an inverted giraffe if dressage is the focus. I thanked her for the complement on Brandon and then she added that his training from the beginning was solid and funny thing, on Junior too LOL. So I guess my intention and mental efforts to keep my horses connected from back to front and coming over the back is being translated effectively to a degree :) When you don't always have the ability to gauge the weight in your one hand, it's difficult to know if you're riding is as effective as your intent.

I have to admit that there's few things better than being able to haul two horses to another barn, have them behave and ride well, acting like perfect gentleman and though i can't take the credit for the breeding of the one, am proud to be able to say that at least I haven't screwed either one of them up yet ;)

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Ryeissa » Fri May 27, 2022 8:28 pm

oh chsiamba- a hip replacement isn't a death sentence. I know a couple of riders doing even better after they had one! Knees tend to be a harder recovery.
I would say plan on being out of the saddle at least 4 months but once "they were back" they were very quickly riding at the same level(s). These are dressage riders so active WTC.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat May 28, 2022 2:39 pm

Chisamba, thinking of you! I too have known people with hip replacements that have done really well.

SF, I'll have to look into that Lazer!

Exvet, thanks for sharing your clinic notes again! It's nice to hear that she was so impressed with Brandon.

Lynx is not doing well. He had gotten kicked on his lower glute on Monday and the dressage trainer pulled him out to ride and said he looked really funky. I went out later that night and there is definitely a lump. Not really a hematoma just like a knot. I've been putting liniment on it which I think helped. But then Tuesday the farrier came. He put different shoes on I guess just slightly heavier. Yesterday during my lesson, Lynx just felt blah. I had the trainer hop on and he was the same with her. The most concerning was that he was spooking again and tripping. The tripping is concerning since it manifested right after the farrier... I texted the farrier and he said the shoes would not make them trip and then basically didn't offer anything else.

The trainers want me to try some previcox this weekend But I'm concerned about what to do about that shoe. I had one friend bring up the navicular word... Which we did navicular views last year as well as have testers and never saw anything... This seems so sudden but I'm not an expert on navicular. He has never tripped before now. :/

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby StraightForward » Sat May 28, 2022 3:13 pm

LSP, hope Lynx is OK. Maybe just needs a few days to adjust to the new shoes. Did his toes happen to be left a little long or something?

Kyras_Mom wrote:SF—I tried Hoof Armour last year and it didn’t help. In fact, I applied it as directed on a dry hoof and within days, her whole sole shed, taking the Hoof Armour with it. I tried it one other time as I had some left and didn’t notice any benefit. The other thing I thought about trying is Scoot Skins or something similar so I don’t have to put boots on each ride.

Ah interesting. I am trying it more for the the anti-thrush benefits in A's frogs, but was hoping it might make her a little more comfy without boots too. Luckily Tesla is a rock crusher and needs no help so far. I do wonder if the Hoof Armor with some sand thrown on it (that's what I did because I didn't have talcum powder) might help hold Sole Guard in. I really wish that Sole Gaurd wasn't such a PITA to apply, but I'll probably use it when I show for a little insurance against harder footing. I bought all the tubes they had at Legacy last year because they were changing to a new tube/gun configuration so my old gun was going to become obsolete.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat May 28, 2022 3:16 pm

SF, He was on a 5-week cycle so I don't think his toes were long and they don't look long to me. Farrier said he was pleased with how much foot he was growing...

Interestingly enough the day before when I lunged him he did not trip. Hopefully it is just an adjustment. But we'll see how the weekend goes.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby khall » Sat May 28, 2022 3:23 pm

Lsp Geeze I’m sorry the troubles you are having with Lynx! I hope he comes around soon and you can get back to training with him.

Not much on my front other than farm chores today and hoped riding. Got good rain this week now the grass is growing. Which means our hay fields are too:) but also means some hours on the mowers

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby exvet » Sat May 28, 2022 4:01 pm

LSP, as you know not all tripping is due to navicular disease. Brandon will trip when he's too much on the forehand and fussing around with this mouth. He also trips when he spooks. I would be very frustrated in your situation; but I will also add that you are living somewhat in my world ;) Brandon goes from turn out injury to turn out injury. The boys still hate him, and he just won't let up, so it seems we come in with new scars, swellings, hair loss almost weekly. As long as he's sound he stays in work. If I think he's a little off, I give him a break but there's a difference between sore/lame and sore from hematoma/tightness. There's been more than once that he got in hand work or trail riding because he was relatively swollen somewhere but not lame.

What was really funny yesterday was that I had to put Brandon in a stall at my friend's place while I rode Junior in the clinic. The horse behind him is a gelding of some sort of racking breed - looks like he has a fair amount of TWH in him. Any how the two fell in love and it was the first time in two years Brandon had another horse willing to groom him and let him reciprocate.

Getting back to the tripping, is it mostly in front, in back, all the way around? What does he look like on the lunge when he trips? How's his proprioception? Hoping that this is a passing phase, the same I do with Brandon each and every time I go out and find something 'new'.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat May 28, 2022 9:15 pm

Exvet, yeah I know it sounds like I'm always having a heck of a time with him but it's just things here and there and also partly my paranoid nature. We actually do have a good time most of the time in between little things going on. I do think it's just having young horse.

The tripping is in front. To me it looks like left front. I posted in the veterinary forum. I looked closer at him today and he's got a heck of a lot of heel. Like the difference in amount of heel from a year ago is kind of amazing and I'm not sure in a good way. Borderline looks like he's getting clubby even though we have x-rays from last year that did not show any clubiness. I'm wondering if that plus a heavier shoe is not helping him.

I'm a little nervous because if we are starting off the cycle with so much heel I'm not sure what's going to happen in the next few weeks. I might have to switch farriers because I talked to him about this in the fall and he did a better job but now it looks like we are right back where we were heel wise. And this guy is expensive. And when I texted him that my horse was tripping and wanted to know he basically just told me that the shoes would not make him trip and that was it...

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby exvet » Sat May 28, 2022 10:30 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:Exvet, yeah I know it sounds like I'm always having a heck of a time with him but it's just things here and there and also partly my paranoid nature. We actually do have a good time most of the time in between little things going on. I do think it's just having young horse.

The tripping is in front. To me it looks like left front. I posted in the veterinary forum. I looked closer at him today and he's got a heck of a lot of heel. Like the difference in amount of heel from a year ago is kind of amazing and I'm not sure in a good way. Borderline looks like he's getting clubby even though we have x-rays from last year that did not show any clubiness. I'm wondering if that plus a heavier shoe is not helping him.

I'm a little nervous because if we are starting off the cycle with so much heel I'm not sure what's going to happen in the next few weeks. I might have to switch farriers because I talked to him about this in the fall and he did a better job but now it looks like we are right back where we were heel wise. And this guy is expensive. And when I texted him that my horse was tripping and wanted to know he basically just told me that the shoes would not make him trip and that was it...

Is there a difference in the angles of the two front feet? Does one front have more heel than the other? If you believe the shoeing job isn't right for your horse, trust your gut. Hopefully you have options in farriers. I consider myself extremely lucky to have the farrier I do. Hope it's all sorted out quickly and easily for you two.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat May 28, 2022 11:33 pm

exvet wrote:
Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:Exvet, yeah I know it sounds like I'm always having a heck of a time with him but it's just things here and there and also partly my paranoid nature. We actually do have a good time most of the time in between little things going on. I do think it's just having young horse.

The tripping is in front. To me it looks like left front. I posted in the veterinary forum. I looked closer at him today and he's got a heck of a lot of heel. Like the difference in amount of heel from a year ago is kind of amazing and I'm not sure in a good way. Borderline looks like he's getting clubby even though we have x-rays from last year that did not show any clubiness. I'm wondering if that plus a heavier shoe is not helping him.

I'm a little nervous because if we are starting off the cycle with so much heel I'm not sure what's going to happen in the next few weeks. I might have to switch farriers because I talked to him about this in the fall and he did a better job but now it looks like we are right back where we were heel wise. And this guy is expensive. And when I texted him that my horse was tripping and wanted to know he basically just told me that the shoes would not make him trip and that was it...

Is there a difference in the angles of the two front feet? Does one front have more heel than the other? If you believe the shoeing job isn't right for your horse, trust your gut. Hopefully you have options in farriers. I consider myself extremely lucky to have the farrier I do. Hope it's all sorted out quickly and easily for you two.

Yes there is. But last year there wasn't. It's an insane amount of heel. There is a few other farriers so I think I will have to try someone else. I'm not happy with how he looks right now and of course now he's not quite right.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Moutaineer » Sun May 29, 2022 12:29 am

I'd be inclined to try a different farrier, LSP. High, uneven heels and heavy shoes on a growing youngster doesn't sound like recipe for success.

Grounded today--I tweaked my poor battered SI fairly viciously on Thursday evening, working in the garden, and have been a sleepless cripple for a couple of days. It'll improve with rest, but I've got far too much to do for this nonsense.

I guess I'll go cook dinner to take my mind off it.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Josette » Sun May 29, 2022 12:44 am

LS - follow your gut if you feel this farrier is doing something not quite right. I think you mentioned he visits every 5 weeks. When you say excess heels - maybe check out this link? Do you feel maybe his feet are being done too small or that the shoes are too small? I'm NOT an expert on shoeing or trimming but when something doesn't look or feel right - then question it. This link is NOT to alarm you but provide some information with pictures for reference. Good Luck!


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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun May 29, 2022 2:47 am

Mountaineer, no kidding. Ugh! This farrier was recommended to me by another vet although not my regular vet. I am just not impressed. In the fall my vet had mentioned the heels since I told him and things were in a much better direction but apparently we've gone the other way again. I admit that I had not realized how out of control his heels had gotten again because he always wears bell boots. It took getting down on the ground and really looking to realize but man it's pretty bad.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun May 29, 2022 2:48 am

Josette, I don't think he's contracted more like he's got way too much heal and getting upright. Almost like the farrier is letting him get clubby. We have x-rays from last year and there was no inclination towards clubbiness at all so it's bizarre.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun May 29, 2022 2:49 am

The amount of change from the fall or even from when I bought him in heel height is literally insane.
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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun May 29, 2022 2:51 am

Same foot in November
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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun May 29, 2022 2:52 am

Not a good comparison photo but this was from when I bought him and also the same foot... That's just a huge difference that I'm not saying his feet were perfect by any means but I'm uncomfortable with that huge difference especially now that he's tripping...
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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun May 29, 2022 3:33 am

Thanks for the links Josette. I've read a lot but unfortunately it's hard when you're at the hands of a professional. I do think it's time to switch farriers. I've given this guy a chance but I don't want to babysit him. I'm terribly worried that this is how we're starting out a cycle and obviously it's not good!

Luckily there are many other farriers that go to this barn including one that I used to use years ago and liked. He's pretty full and she can be a little arrogant but I might see if I can get with him again. I never had any issues with him beforehand. That was years ago with another horse but he's busy for a reason.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Tanga » Sun May 29, 2022 7:47 pm

Wow, LSP. His Nov. foot the heel bulbs look swollen. The last photo, the heels were low, but the line at the coronet band is more straight. The more recent one is just insanely high. Here is one of the FB pages I follow and he's talking about how this horse's heels are way too long, and it's not nearly as bad as this. https://www.facebook.com/david.landrevi ... YMPLDgd9wl

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Kyras_Mom » Mon May 30, 2022 12:41 am

Sorry LSP, those are high heels. The bone alignment almost looks like a woman in stilettos. I was thinking about getting Kyra shod but seeing stuff like this, I think I will stick to BF and boots. I hope you find a competent farrier soon.

Well, I had a nice ride Saturday then the monsoons returned and the arenas are closed again. We had over 1 inch of rain since 9pm last night. Yes, we need it badly but must it come in buckets when it comes? Our YEARLY average is only 13 inches. Oh well, we will do lots of walking, a little long reining and be ready to get back to work when things dry out enough. It is only supposed to be in the high 40’s tomorrow :? . This has been a particularly roller coaster spring. I am taking this time to use a laser on her hind leg goose egg and see if that helps at all. It is softening up a bit. Will also pull out her SureFoot pads too.


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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby blob » Mon May 30, 2022 1:59 am

thanks for sharing that exercise with LY and circles with more of a renverse feeling, Exvet, I played around with it at the trot on RP and found it quite effective even at the trot for getting him straight between the aids.

RP and I have been trying to do our homework from the clinic--trying to stay forward and between the aids, esp during trainsitions, changes of bend/direction when it's easy to pause the body and come behind a bit.

as we're getting into higher heat days, i'm keeping an eye on MM. there are days when her breathing does really well and others where we are starting from a less than ideal place. but i have been consistently doing trot work with her, I need to build up to longer sets. I have also snuck in small bits of canter on very good days.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Moutaineer » Mon May 30, 2022 3:27 am

Yup, KM, 8m profoundly grateful that I decided I wasn't ready to show at Les Boise this weekend! Looking at the scores and scratches it would appear that yesterday was OK, but today... glad I'm not there, glad I'm not driving back from there!

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby StraightForward » Mon May 30, 2022 3:55 am

Yeah, my BO said lots of people scratched. I walked Annabelle the 40' from the barn to indoor in the rain and she threw a hissy fit. No showing in the rain for her!

We had a nice ride yesterday and popped over some cross rails. We cantered 3 cavaletti and she manages it better than she ever has, so she seems to be feeling good. Hopefully the arena won't be too swamped to ride the next two days!

LSP hope you get the trimming situation sorted out. IME keeping front heels lowered and hinds from crushing is a constant battle with most horses.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon May 30, 2022 2:04 pm

I agree with this farrier is not working. Thankfully I have such an array of choices at the barn. I only went with this one as my vet did not have any suggestions of who to use since the one she had suggested before retired. I asked a different vet and this is who they recommended. Sure hasn't been working out though. Ugh.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby demi » Mon May 30, 2022 2:09 pm

LSP, I dont remember for sure, but didnt you put shoes on him because he was foot sore from the mud? If so, maybe now you could let him go barefoot again. I have my non-working horses as well as my low level Rocky barefoot. They are all sound with good feet. Rocky gets worked 5 days a week and has no problem barefoot. I like that Tanga has her FEI mares barefoot and her horses work hard and compete as well.

My new mare is shod all the way around and trainer says at her level (PSG and schooling higher) she needs the support. I’m not convinced. Her feet look good, and she has an exceptionally good farrier, but still, I like barefoot if possible. I am leaning towards not half-leasing Besa. In which case, I would be riding 4 days a week and trainer 1 day. That would greatly decrease the wear and tear she’s getting now with the WS. I think that would also make transition to barefoot easier. I’ll play it by ear.

My goal for June is to ride both Besa and Rocky 4 times a week each. I had a lesson with my trainer’s assistant on Friday and I was really happy with it. I explained that I wanted to get really good at 1st level stuff, and then gradually move up the levels. She said Besa was a good candidate for doing that although my trainer seems reluctant to have me going back to low level with her (possible ulterior motive?? ie: she wants to keep her fit for the WS). Anyway, I’m going to explain it to her again, when I pay the board/training fee June 1st. I haven’t explicitly told her that I dont want to half lease but I will do that also on the 1st. I would like to show Besa starting at 1st and going up thru the levels. We are approaching summer heat, and while many still show in the heat, I prefer to wait till fall. That will give me a lot of time to get comfortable and bond with her before I try to show.

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Re: April showers bring May flowers and June bugs. Our goals and progress thread

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon May 30, 2022 2:16 pm

Demi, We put shoes on them because after such a incredibly wet spring and that muddy paddock, He went up to Fort Collins for training where it is just so dry rocky and hard. His feet were chipping off like crazy and he had like no foot.

I will talk to the vet about going barefoot again. The problem is is he does seem to do so much better with high end shoes on the back anyways. He gets just a bit of a flare on the right hand from an old scar, and the shoes seem to help control that. It also seems better for his stifle. This farrier seems to do a great job with his hind feet lol just not with the front. I think it's kind of the guys style from looking at pictures he's posted recently, lots of high heels to my eyes...

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