Where did the wild things go?

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Where did the wild things go?

Postby StraightForward » Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:51 pm

New Kip Mistral article https://www.kipmistral.com/where-did-th ... things-go/

These days I'm being sort of forced into just hanging out with my horses, and it's kinda nice ( when it's not too cold and Annabelle isn't exploding). I miss those wild days as a kid though.
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Re: Where did the wild things go?

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Dec 13, 2018 4:55 pm

Interesting piece. I did not have the wild time with horses as a child but did with my dogs and rabbits :-)

I never used to think I would enjoy horses without riding, but my mare has completely turned me around on that notion. I love spending time with her doing anything---even when we are just grooming or going on a hike, or I'm watching her graze, or doing bodywork on her. She is really good company and I do feel my shift in perspective has made me a better horse person.

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Re: Where did the wild things go?

Postby PaulaO » Thu Dec 13, 2018 6:01 pm

Bob was not sound the last year and a half of his life. We hung around a lot. That's the time we bonded the most. There are nights I don't physically or mentally feel like riding, so I will just hang out at the barn. I'll spend time with Miss A. grooming or doing in-hand work, or just snuffling against her neck and stuffing her with carrots. Sometimes horses do not equal riding for me.

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Re: Where did the wild things go?

Postby Tuddy » Thu Dec 13, 2018 6:26 pm

Wow, I felt all the feels reading this. My horses are my therapy, not my entertainment. That year and a half I didn't ride Tuddy, I snuffled his mane and stuffed him with treats and just hung out. That is were the bonding happened.

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Re: Where did the wild things go?

Postby Chisamba » Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:02 pm

So if I say I found it excessively negative and focused on the negative will those that loved it think I'm being critical of them personally..

Perhaps Kip should give up animal ownership and join the other haters in Peta since she is so certain horse ownership sucks the joy out of the horse and thinks she is the only one who "knows" her horse.

Yeah I even read it twice and slept on my response and I still find it nasty.
Last edited by Chisamba on Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Where did the wild things go?

Postby musical comedy » Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:47 pm

I didn't find it nasty. The author seems to have personally observed the things she's written about. I have seen these things, too. I'm talking about the shoddy care and way owners treat their horses.

It's much more easy to 'know' your horse when you keep them at home and you're the one doing all the work. I have always been sensitive to my horse's needs and happiness, but when I was a boarder I didn't know my horses like I know them here at my own barn.

Some of us have horses because we love them and also because we love riding. Some have horses to ride, and they have little to no emotional attachment to the horse.

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Re: Where did the wild things go?

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:46 pm

I'll admit that this article did have a certain trippy fantasy POV to it. :-) But I, too, have seen people simply not pay attention when they are with their horses (similar to that paragraph describing someone rushing to the barn while on the phone).

The piece also suggested an interesting question: In a time when horses no longer are needed to work for us, what do they offer us? The author suggestions "transformation." I wouldn't be that bold about my own experience with horses, but I am grateful that spending time with a horse brings me into a different sense of time and contentment than is typical during my human-centric hours of the day. I get to enter horse-time and horse-awareness---which feels to me a lot like meditation.

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Re: Where did the wild things go?

Postby Chisamba » Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:06 pm

Me, myself, I,

Love listening to contented horses graze. Be they grazing hay in the barn tucked in at night, or out in pasture grazing. It brings me a sense of contentment. I should record the sound and play it as my white noise to sleep. This is not quite so pleasant when its below freezing.

There is something remarkable about seeing the rubbery feet of a foal being born, watching the mother foal bond. And seeing the foal discover its legs as it wobbles to stand and learns to nurse. Now foaling can go horribly wrong, foals can die, mares can attack their foals, mares can die. Does this mean that every foaling should be treated as a scourge ? I think not. Because one may have observed careless horse owners does not mean every horse owner is such. Right?

the God of the old testament calling everyone to repentance only appealed to those already converted. Those who believed that way found themselves constantly rejected. Then along came christ, the religion of love, and it spread rapidly. What's that got to do with horses? In mt opinion I'd ar wasnt people to treat their horses better, it needs to be enticing to do so.

I feel we can talk about the non riding things we love about your horse and that entices others to find it. My opinion, not humble, just my opinion.

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Re: Where did the wild things go?

Postby heddylamar » Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:38 pm

I don't think Kip's saying every horse person is careless or insensitive to their animals, but has shoved every example (plus a glaring one) into a collective "we." Take what fits you, or what doesn't ... the point is that we should slow down and enjoy our time with our horses.

I know that I need to spend more time just hanging out with my two. It used to be a normal thing for me, but has become less frequent in past years. I need to regain that time. Anzia adores her scritches and hand grazing, Maia's totally impatient and a disaster, but they both need the time with me, and vice versa.

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Re: Where did the wild things go?

Postby Chisamba » Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:53 pm

I've though about this, accepted other view points, and decided my initial poor opinion in the first two chapters prevented me from appreciating the intent of the authors final chapters (paragraphs)

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Re: Where did the wild things go?

Postby StraightForward » Sat Dec 15, 2018 2:56 pm

Chi, I get where you're coming from. The middle of the article is kind of dark/negative, and might turn some people off. However, I can identify with some of the examples, even if I'm not as extreme with it. I know we've all ran out, pressed for time, and squeezed in a ride while preoccupied. I used to be much more preoccupied during my barn time, and I had to make an effort to be more present, but I know I still rush and can do better. It seems like a condition of modern life, so that when I'm not pressed for time, I still find myself rushing and have to stop and ask myself what the hurry is, and why don't I relax and take my time?
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