Gassy pony

Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Gassy pony

Postby blob » Sun May 02, 2021 1:32 am

I think I've written about it in the past, but in the past I've had some issues with RP getting very gassy. When he gets like this he becomes nearly impossible to ride. Digestive supplements and probiotics didn't help.

I was able to figure out that if I reduced the amount of grain he was getting to nearly nothing, his gassiness went away. I'm not sure what in the grain made him gassy, but was easier to just eliminate nearly all of it from his diet. That system had been going well until recently when he's become gassy again the last week or so.

Is there anything I can give him that particularly targets gas?

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Re: Gassy pony

Postby StraightForward » Sun May 02, 2021 4:20 am

Is he on soy at all? I had a horse with sort of watery farts that cleared up when I took her off soy (and did a month of more intensive probiotics and Daily Gold). Sorry if I've mentioned this to you before!

Tesla has been on a good probiotic for a long time, and it seemed to help some intermittent diarrhea until it didn't, and she was having sporadic loose poo. I've had her on Daily Gold now for about two months and it seems to be helping and her poops are much more consistently solid. Kind of a different, but related issue, but if you haven't tried Daily Gold, it might be worth giving it a shot.

Has anything in his forage changed? I'm just wondering about what might be fermenting in his gut and causing the gas.

There is a Masterson method technique involving points under the tail that always rewards me with a big gas release. I wonder if something like that would at least make him more comfortable to ride if it's not all bottled up when you get on?
Keep calm and canter on.

Bringing Life to the DDBB
Posts: 1758
Joined: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:37 pm

Re: Gassy pony

Postby blob » Sun May 02, 2021 10:39 am

That's a good idea about the masterson points, I will try to see if I get a release!

He's basically on a forage only diet (hay, grass, alfalfa pellets). He does get a tiny amount of grain for taste, so possibly some soy in there. But he's also been on the for a at least 6 months without issue.

The only changes I can think of is possibly a different hay shipment (I have to check, I'm not sure if there was one or not,), though it would be the same provider.

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