Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Wed May 04, 2016 4:26 pm

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Mareless » Wed May 04, 2016 5:11 pm

Chisamba, I remember Dressage and CT. I subscribed many moons ago, after I discovered the magazine and before marriage and having two babies in fifteen months :o :shock: ate up all my time and money. I did keep all the issues of my subscription, though (because it was such an awesome educational magazine), and will have to dig them out and see if perhaps they have the column you referred to.

Interesting about the kayaking, as I just got turned on to it about three years ago. My hubby loves canoeing, but I hate canoes with a passion (old childhood fear or something like that). He finally talked me into trying a kayak and I instantly fell in love when I realized it responded to my 'weight aids' in much the same way as a horse. That first season I did eight different rivers, starting with so slow and easy you didn't have to paddle and progressing quickly to narrow, fast and tricky (which turned out to be my favorite kind). The only time the river 'got me' was when another kayaker in front of me clogged up a very narrow bend in the river with his own wreck, and I couldn't spin around fast enough and get up river before the eddy washed me into a downed tree. Other than that, I've never gotten wet/flipped my boat no matter how challenging the river.

For my April goals update, well, things have been both frustrating and amazing. First, the frustrating part--my gelding has had this nagging mystery lameness at trot only for quite a few weeks. Sometimes barely there, sometimes very noticeable even without a rider. I had the vet out to do a lameness exam and the diagnosis is navicular. :( Not bad yet, but it's there. I'm going to have my farrier put shoes on him and see if that helps (vet seems to think at this point pads are not necessary but that shoes alone will 'fix' the lameness issue). But now I'm not sure he's going to hold up to the work I had planned for him; am supposed to be moving him to the barn of my new trainer later this month.

Now, the amazing part. Had my first lesson with the new trainer. I had requested a lesson on the longe because I've been riding on my own for about eight years now and I'm sure I've gotten lazy in a few postural issues (like not slumping, even slightly). She stuck me on her big 17hh gelding, and WOW! He sure moves different than the 15.3hh QH I've been riding for the past year plus. Made me miss my Holsteiner mare (that I put down last fall) even more. I'm thinking another warmblood is definitely in my future. . . just need to find the $$$

The lesson went really well. I hadn't lost as much of my posture as I'd thought, plus we worked some on sitting trot--again, at my request--because I've always felt I didn't get a good foundation in that. The trainer gave me a few things to concentrate on and suddenly I was following this big bouncy strided horse with my butt absolutely melded to the saddle at the trot. :D

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby capstone » Wed May 04, 2016 7:39 pm

Ryeissa wrote:The worst thing trainers can do is chase the horse on but not give the student any tools, of course that is scary and non-helpful. If you don't have an effective and trustworthy seat then it's all going to fall apart.

I think I'm still not being clear. She is not chasing the horse. In this scenario I'm trying to describe, she is coaching me stride-by-stride, at times, telling me that he is still not truly forward. "Still not tracking up". "Still behind the leg". "Still need more". If she did not tell me these things in the moment, I might just cruise around the ring not realizing it on my own. Because it feels comfortable. But my horse's true working gaits don't yet feel comfortable to me, so this is a "tell" that I'm doing it wrong. The more I ride the real gaits, the more "comfortable" they become.

Yesterday, she said she would not nag me on this point. She was making me accountable to generate and keep the energy myself. I don't think this is a bad thing.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby piedmontfields » Wed May 04, 2016 7:43 pm

Capstone, your description makes sense to me. I sense that your trainer is also saying that she believes that YOU CAN DO IT, but it is also up to you to do it in the ring! I know it another thing believing it yourself *and* doing it. Riding up to a different level of comfortable is challenging.

I like the "I'm going forward and I love it!" mantra from Ponichiwa. I'm someone who tends to be pretty comfortable with forward even if I don't have a great half halt or available down transition (as long as I have steering :D ). With my mare, I have to work hard to remove any forward blocks caused by crooked-ness or my own holding, so I am always super happy when she feels wonderfully forward and flowing. My mantra is "let her flow!". Maybe you can come up with a saying that works for you and Cartier.

I am looking forward to another clinic with JJ Tate's assistant trainer Kaitlin Blythe in a few weeks. This coming weekend I am auditing a Jeremy Steinberg clinic.

I have been doing homework on what I'll call a more "positive" connection (which is very related to straightness for us) and also big trot development. I had a bit of a light bulb moment during a field session with my local trainer when she emphasized doing very intense, shorter hill sets, so that I truly make it clear to Emi just how much I want her to open up her trot. Sometimes very simple lessons are big ones!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby piedmontfields » Wed May 04, 2016 8:09 pm

I meant to also add:

Mareless, your lesson experience sounds great. I'm sorry for your gelding's diagnosis and hope you will find a working management strategy for him.

And Mountaineer, I'm so excited for your show goal and happiness in your new barn home. I'm rooting for you. And we want more gorgeous photos of you all in front of those mountains.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Wed May 04, 2016 8:16 pm

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Thu May 05, 2016 12:46 am

A little input would be appreciated:

I am going to try and post two images of Kimba, one in what i think is a training level carriage, and the other in what i think is perhaps First Level carriage. its been a few years since i showed, use your judges eye and tell me if you think i have it more or less correct.

First level?


training level:


anyway, she can be ridden pretty consistently in all three gaits in either carriage and i am wondering which you all is better for showing training level. thanks

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby orono » Thu May 05, 2016 2:29 am

I think the bottom way of going would be better for a training level test. :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Thu May 05, 2016 3:52 am

Laddie thinks cantering in the huge outdoor arena with the wind blowing and all those big wide open views is about the most exciting thing he's ever done in his life, it would appear... For the last two days my normally biddable boy has been a snorting monster of a freight train, the half halt has pretty much vanished without a trace and downward transitions have been less than pretty.

Oh well... he's moving uphill and he sure as hell is forward :) I feel like I'm hunting first flight.

This too shall pass. My back and neck and shoulders certainly hope so. I just need to contain the energy and get that half halt re-installed in his brain. That's all...

(And the trot work has been pretty spectacular once he's listening to me again.)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Thu May 05, 2016 9:09 am

Capstone, I've been through this too. At lessons, my instructor was always at me to ride more forward and would say that I have to get out of my comfort zone and not cruise around at home, and that forward feeling you get in a lesson, you must do all the time!! I did struggle with this, my horses would barely raise a sweat when I was on my own lol.
To be honest, the only thing that has made it sink in, is being able to ride a truly forward, in front of your leg, horse.
I ride my instructor's horses, and come home and ride mine and it's like my bum is expecting my horse to feel as lively, and that's how I get it.
Yes, you do have to commit yourself to get that feeling on your own, otherwise you just stay at mediocre and it's hard to move onto the harder tests, because you need that forward to get more engagement later on. Good luck!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Thu May 05, 2016 11:23 am

Capstone - I think we've all been there. I am going through the same thing. It's so easy to get comfortable and then accept less than the horse is capable of. This is actually a very timely reminder to me as well. Something that has helped me with this in the past with a previous horse is to think "CAN I get MORE? More trot? More canter?" So I will keep this in mind, and when I ask those questions if it doesn't feel like we're right on the edge of him powering off like an (in control) jet engine, I will ask for more. So I will try to remind myself to do that again. :) I totally get where you're coming from though - when they are TRULY forward and coming through, you do feel like you're on the edge of control. When Bliss is going as he should be, I am hard pressed to stay with him, even posting. lol.

It's hard though, you can't get them going like that by chasing them (at least this doesn't work with Bliss). He has to be truly connected, truly loose, and truly honestly on the aids before we get that degree of swing and power. And we're not at the point yet where we can get it every ride. Some days (the good ones) we have it 10 minutes in. Other days, we don't get it at all. And then nights like last night, we only get about 90% of it by the end of the ride.

Last night I was having a hard time getting him evenly connected and honestly through so I abandoned any hope of doing lateral work and went to work on a 3 loop serpentine in trot and canter (which in my arena means the loops are about 14m each) with cavaletti, focusing on bend and smoothly changing directions. By the end of the ride he felt quite good, but by then my camera was full so I don't have any video of that. :) Here's the clip from when he was starting to feel good in the trot. The tempo was still a little quick for him though I think.

Mountaineer - I always ride outside (in all weather) and my ring is right next to a divided highway and an off ramp. When they are losing their little minds over whatever (weather, wind, traffic, the phase of the moon), transitions are your friend. There have been (many) days when all I do is walk/trot transitions on a 20m circle. I have learned (over the years of riding him there), that I don't need to accept anything less than full focus from him. In fact, it's dangerous to let him choose where he wants to focus. So if he's not with me, I keep his little mind busy with transitions until he is. Also, I am super vigilant about staying relaxed. If I start to get tense anticipating something he's going to do, it can actually trigger him to do something. But if I breathe deeply and stay loose, it helps him stay loose too. I am sure you know all this, but sometimes it's helpful to have a reminder. :)

Chisamba - I, too, like the 2nd pic for a training level frame. I even think it would be acceptable at first level.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Thu May 05, 2016 4:30 pm

It seems like we are all working on similar concepts that are all tied in together. Forward, balance, keeping the horse focused, frame...

Capstone, as others have said already, I too, relate to your current issues. I work with a personal trainer and he is always prodding me to do more. I just don't drive myself as hard as he does. Human nature? So I appreciate that he pushes me, in fact, I pay him for it!! With my riding, I push a little harder on my own, but still need outside help.

The forward issue for me, with Emma, has two components. One, is that she had past issues that I am working around and when i first started riding her I allowed her to go at her own pace. I am just now getting a little understanding of what forward means with Emma. The other component of forward with Em, is my own problem...The more forward, the better I have to ride. Meaning better balance and coordination, just like the balance stuff that Chisamba mentioned with the balance ball and juggling. To have better balance and coordination, for me, requires more core strength and better flexibility.

And Rosie, I am inspired by your riding location! I didn't know your arena was next to a divided hyway off ramp! I have mentioned my situation and am still working on getting spooky Emma out to my full size arena. Baby steps. You and Mountaineer both have big, big moving horses and I appreciate what you have to go through. Continual focus, connection, forward. As you mentioned, chasing them forward doesn't work. Along that thought, the rider's seat and position (balance, core strength, coordination) must be capable of driving or else things deteriorate to chasing.

Ponichiwa, good luck on the move. I hope things settle quickly for you. I get a lot out of your posts. Also, you and Piedmontfields have a good back and forth posting thing that I learn from.

Chisamba, I am only an amateur, and certainly not a judge, but I like both frames that you have Kimba going in. She looks good. I wonder what would happen if you showed her TL in the more advanced frame. As long as you get a really good strecthy circle it seems like the more advanced frame would be an advantage.

Ryeissa, glad you are doing well with Riot. As an owner of two half Arabians, I am always happy to see Arabians doing dressage.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Thu May 05, 2016 4:36 pm

Well shoot. Head flipping is back. Not exactly sure why, but I have an idea. I was unable to stick to my plan to work her every other day in the mode of more forward on a short rein with lots of change of direction and gait. After the last good ride on Friday, I wasn’t able to ride again until Tuesday. And then, when I did ride, I think I subconsciously worried that after three whole days off, if I continued in the forward, it mode would be too hard on her hocks because of her former issues…so I let up a bit and got the flip. Because I am an emotional rider that can’t think straight when things go awry, the recurrence of the flipping threw my concentration off and I just kept riding in the less forward mode and ignored the flip.
Then, still in somewhat of an emotional fog, instead of going back to the program, I worked her again the very next day (yesterday). This time though, I could think clearly enough to longe her to see if she flipped on the longe. She did. I knee jerked for a moment and thought I should change bits or change rein length or change from sliding sidereins to regular or hook the reins to the cavesson instead of the bit…so I took a deep breath and tried to think slowly. I then realized that I had the sidereins longer than the rein length I need for the forward mode. I then shortened them and longed again. Head flip much better, although not completely gone.
I was tempted to ride her again today but I think I need to stay with the program which I need to keep repeating in my head….more forward, short rein, lots of change in direction and gait, every other day It’s so simple, right!?

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Thu May 05, 2016 5:20 pm ... =3&theater

This is my big guy from last Aug, I have had to stop with the double because of the respiratory issue (allergic reaction to pythium causing ulcerative lesions in his upper respiratory, he can work but he was snorting so bad until he settles that I stopped with the double, was better with snorting but still had ulcers so put on throat spray per vet and now he is snorting some again, sigh)

Rip is going very well, all of his lateral work is getting stronger and so much easier, WCW is really there, CC, just getting so much stronger all the way around. Need to work on canter HP, and forward and back in the canter. Was working on forward and back in the trot and I got some passage when I asked for the come back! Will get some in hand video next week to share.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Thu May 05, 2016 9:00 pm

khall wrote:

This is my big guy from last Aug, I have had to stop with the double because of the respiratory issue (allergic reaction to pythium causing ulcerative lesions in his upper respiratory, he can work but he was snorting so bad until he settles that I stopped with the double, was better with snorting but still had ulcers so put on throat spray per vet and now he is snorting some again, sigh)

Rip is going very well, all of his lateral work is getting stronger and so much easier, WCW is really there, CC, just getting so much stronger all the way around. Need to work on canter HP, and forward and back in the canter. Was working on forward and back in the trot and I got some passage when I asked for the come back! Will get some in hand video next week to share.

Lovely to see a photo of you and your boy. I sure hope he heals fully from his ulcerative lesions .

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Thu May 05, 2016 10:24 pm

khall wrote:

This is my big guy from last Aug, I have had to stop with the double because of the respiratory issue (allergic reaction to pythium causing ulcerative lesions in his upper respiratory, he can work but he was snorting so bad until he settles that I stopped with the double, was better with snorting but still had ulcers so put on throat spray per vet and now he is snorting some again, sigh).......

I really like your leg! Looks like it's painted on! Your whole seat and lower body looks like it's part of the horse. Thanks for posting the picture.

So sorry you're having health issues with him. I know how disheartening it must be for you. I sure hope you get the condition resolved. Poor big guy :(

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Thu May 05, 2016 11:12 pm

what does the icon with the blue circle and three blue solid triangles inside mean? I think I accidentally posted it. It looks sorta like the radioactive symbol :shock:

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Fri May 06, 2016 1:04 am

demi wrote:what does the icon with the blue circle and three blue solid triangles inside mean? I think I accidentally posted it. It looks sorta like the radioactive symbol :shock:

weird, and i have no idea

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Kathy Johnson » Fri May 06, 2016 1:51 pm

First show of the season is under my belt, a catch ride in an English pleasure class. Clothes and tack were dicey--one boot didn't fit fell post surgery, weight gain from medication, finding a browband big enough, although I was lucky to have an oversized bridle and bit. Poke was great, very smooth and gentle, but with a tendency to get behind my leg. We got our leads, didn't break gait, backed perfectly in front of the judge.




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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Sat May 07, 2016 2:53 am

Thanks demi and chisamba, I don't usually have many pictures to share because I tend to ride by myself so much. Rip's canter is pretty easy to sit, his trot not so much! I have to really work on my seat to ride the big guy and he is WIDE. It has helped to get him lighter to my aids finally, that way I don't disturb my seat like I used to. I have a clinic to prepare for end of June in SC with my trainer, looking forward to it and I need to work on my homework. Basically WC transitions whenever and wherever I ask to prepare for FCs. He is getting close! Been awhile since I have played with changes.

KJ you have so many interesting equines to ride!! Good job with your mule that I don't remember having seen before. My favorites of yours is the morgan gelding and the mustang mare (love her!), the ASB mare is pretty nice too. What fun to ride such diverse animals!

In going with my friend horse shopping we both got to ride a couple of new ones, the palomino ASB g and a QH mare this week. Both are nice safe horse prospects for her with a bit of edge to the ASB. Loved his conformation and his pocket pony personality. She is going back tomorrow to try him again and spend a bit more time with him. I hope it goes well. She is having to give back the leasee older guy and it is breaking her heart. He taught her so much these past 3 years but he is just not holding up anymore.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Kathy Johnson » Sat May 07, 2016 1:19 pm

Thanks, Khall! Not my mule :) A friend invited me to ride her at the Colorado Classic Donkey and Mule show. So, it was not only my first ride on Poke, it was my first ride on a mule! I did have to invoke every gene in her that was horse to get her to track up in trot.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby kande50 » Sat May 07, 2016 3:37 pm

Kathy Johnson wrote:Thanks, Khall! Not my mule :) A friend invited me to ride her at the Colorado Classic Donkey and Mule show. So, it was not only my first ride on Poke, it was my first ride on a mule! I did have to invoke every gene in her that was horse to get her to track up in trot.

Maybe she was out of a short strided QH and you were trying to invoke the donkey genes, because donkeys and mules usually track up easily? Course if her name is Poke maybe that explains it? :-)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Josette » Sat May 07, 2016 4:50 pm

Kathy - my goodness you are a diverse rider! Previously saw you on a huge long horn steer if I recall! Great job for a first ride on a mule! :)
As always - love the pics!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Sat May 07, 2016 7:21 pm

Poke looks more like Hinny to me, has that donkey look. Glad you enjoyed her, even though you gatecrashed teh training goals thread. :lol:

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby capstone » Sat May 07, 2016 8:33 pm

We are at a show in Tulsa this weekend where he has settled in well. Our test earlier today was apparently lackluster AND I made mistakes. "Should be bolder", "needs more power", "slightly behind the leg". Nothing we didn't know there! Goals for tomorrow: eliminate the mistakes and be brave enough to try for more power.

Even with all that, Cartier makes friends and draws a fan club wherever he goes. I feel a little like his entourage! Ha! To that end, apparently someone said to my trainer: "OMG he looks so amazing when you ride him!! And it's so cute the way he packs her around!" :P

I love my horse.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Sun May 08, 2016 4:20 am

How rood, Capstone!

(It's quite funny having a horse with a fan club. My big leopard appy is like that. A friend of mine and her very cute mare came out on the trails with me one day and after the third car stopped to talk to me about him she looked at me and said "What are we, chopped liver?")

Now go out there and ride him like you stole him. What's the worse that could happen? He's a good boy who isn't going to buck you off!

I had a lovely ride in the indoor today with hail pounding on the roof, thunder and lightning crashing all around. He was a perfect gentleman, remembered his half halts, listened to me and was just a star.

Now we have to replicate it outside in the ring of distractions--because that's what all our local show venues are going to be like this year. However, after today's weather we would need a canoe for the next few days.

Lesson time tomorrow. Yipee!!!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Sun May 08, 2016 7:50 am

Kathy, I love your photos and the range of animals you ride!!! I don't think I've ever seen anyone ride a mule in Australia, so it's fascinating to see.

Capstone, that is so rude! But Cartier does sound like such a dude. Kick on tomorrow though!!! Go for it :D

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Sun May 08, 2016 10:12 am

Mareless wrote:Chisamba, I remember Dressage and CT. I subscribed many moons ago, after I discovered the magazine and before marriage and having two babies in fifteen months :o :shock: ate up all my time and money. I did keep all the issues of my subscription, though (because it was such an awesome educational magazine), and will have to dig them out and see if perhaps they have the column you referred to.

Interesting about the kayaking, as I just got turned on to it about three years ago. My hubby loves canoeing, but I hate canoes with a passion (old childhood fear or something like that). He finally talked me into trying a kayak and I instantly fell in love when I realized it responded to my 'weight aids' in much the same way as a horse. That first season I did eight different rivers, starting with so slow and easy you didn't have to paddle and progressing quickly to narrow, fast and tricky (which turned out to be my favorite kind). The only time the river 'got me' was when another kayaker in front of me clogged up a very narrow bend in the river with his own wreck, and I couldn't spin around fast enough and get up river before the eddy washed me into a downed tree. Other than that, I've never gotten wet/flipped my boat no matter how challenging the river.

For my April goals update, well, things have been both frustrating and amazing. First, the frustrating part--my gelding has had this nagging mystery lameness at trot only for quite a few weeks. Sometimes barely there, sometimes very noticeable even without a rider. I had the vet out to do a lameness exam and the diagnosis is navicular. :( Not bad yet, but it's there. I'm going to have my farrier put shoes on him and see if that helps (vet seems to think at this point pads are not necessary but that shoes alone will 'fix' the lameness issue). But now I'm not sure he's going to hold up to the work I had planned for him; am supposed to be moving him to the barn of my new trainer later this month.

Now, the amazing part. Had my first lesson with the new trainer. I had requested a lesson on the longe because I've been riding on my own for about eight years now and I'm sure I've gotten lazy in a few postural issues (like not slumping, even slightly). She stuck me on her big 17hh gelding, and WOW! He sure moves different than the 15.3hh QH I've been riding for the past year plus. Made me miss my Holsteiner mare (that I put down last fall) even more. I'm thinking another warmblood is definitely in my future. . . just need to find the $$$

The lesson went really well. I hadn't lost as much of my posture as I'd thought, plus we worked some on sitting trot--again, at my request--because I've always felt I didn't get a good foundation in that. The trainer gave me a few things to concentrate on and suddenly I was following this big bouncy strided horse with my butt absolutely melded to the saddle at the trot. :D

See, all that kayaking kept you balanced ;)

Sorry to hear about the navicular issues :(

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Sun May 08, 2016 10:18 am

Capstone, why are you reluctant to push for power? Are you afraid of making a mistake? Perhaps trying to be error free is causing your caution.

Cartier sounds delightful, but I honestly do not understand why you have trouble with forward, by the time a horse is doing FEI levels, forward is usually a given.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby capstone » Sun May 08, 2016 10:36 am

Chisamba wrote:Capstone, why are you reluctant to push for power? Are you afraid of making a mistake? Perhaps trying to be error free is causing your caution.

Cartier sounds delightful, but I honestly do not understand why you have trouble with forward, by the time a horse is doing FEI levels, forward is usually a given.

I do often worry about making a mistake but that is not the whole answer.

He is quite green to FEI and no, forward is not a given for him yet. Even with my trainer aboard, she has to really insist on it. And his natural inclination in new situations such as shows is to suck back.

I have a lot of baggage which makes it hard for me to "let go" with my mind and body. He is very tuned in to that and doesn't give what I don't clearly ask for. I have gotten even more timid since I am away so much (for work) and am able to ride so little.

I really don't want anyone to blame my trainer for my issues. She is working very hard with me to overcome them.

ETA: I am clearly not the only one with issues with forward, although likely for various reasons, as I saw several of the other AAs in my class yesterday with a similar lack of energy.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby kande50 » Sun May 08, 2016 4:21 pm

capstone wrote:
ETA: I am clearly not the only one with issues with forward, although likely for various reasons, as I saw several of the other AAs in my class yesterday with a similar lack of energy.

I think everyone has their own reasons for managing their horses the way they do.

I'm not in any way afraid to push for more energy, but it does seem counterproductive to me to try to get more energy when I can't yet get what I'm looking for with less.

So if one or both of us is distracted, which we often are at shows, I'm much more interested in working on fluency than energy, simply because that makes more sense to me.

Now if my horse starts giving me more energy when I don't ask for it that will certainly wake me up because I know what's likely to happen next, but I have no problem with the idea of pushing for more when I think we're ready for more.
Last edited by kande50 on Sun May 08, 2016 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Sun May 08, 2016 4:22 pm

capstone wrote:ETA: I am clearly not the only one with issues with forward, although likely for various reasons, as I saw several of the other AAs in my class yesterday with a similar lack of energy.

True that. Who amongst us AAs can say that we do not? Strange place, pressure of being judged, excited horse, so much easier and safer to just pootle around and get through it. I know, what I should be doing and what I am doing are two different things!

And yes, only riding infrequently makes it so much harder. But this too shall pass, and your lovely horse is looking after you as he should.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Sun May 08, 2016 6:39 pm

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Sue B » Mon May 09, 2016 3:12 pm

Managed to sneak in a ride on Mom's Day having not ridden for a few days. Both horses are a little sore in their backs from too many stallion games last week but they still went just fine. Every time it gets rainy out the boys start wrastling with each other in addition to tearing around the pasture. :lol:
Tio was sore enough that i could only lunge him last week or so, while Rudy was able to be ridden gently with lots of rising trot. Funny, all back soreness disappeared when we headed down the road for an adventure.

So yesterday, I was able to ride both horses as a normal training session--no more tenderness. Once I got Rudy straight AND forward, he at last released the tension in the base of his neck and turned back into my happy 2nd level pony despite the rapidly approaching thunder storm and high winds. I don't know what you guys feel, but I know Rudy's really "through" at the trot when I feel the area right behind his withers get wider. When that happens, his hind end lowers and my seat gets sucked into the saddle and I feel a ton of power under my seat. Very cool. Love, love, love that feeling. Wish I could get it in the show ring and not just in the warm-up. :lol: No matter, I probably won't show this year anyways.

Tio was his usual goofy self. He tried to do a bolt-buck-snort on the lunge and wound up almost tipping himself over instead! Since I had just told him NOT to do that, he is now pretty sure I have magical powers and that he had better mind his p's and q's. He only tried arguing once when I was up on him but quickly gave up and gave me some very nice walk-trot-walk transitions and round circles. I was very pleased with how much forward and straight he was able to give. The session before (Thursday maybe?) I rode him only at the walk because he kept trying to bull his way through my right rein, ignoring leg and rein aides. It took quite a bit to get him to settle down and respond appropriately that day, but it was worth the effort because he learned "resistance is futile."

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Mon May 09, 2016 10:15 pm

Mountaineer - how did your lesson go?

Mareless and Chisamba - I tried kayaking this past summer. I *loved* it, but when I tried to paddle with any force the kayak inevitably veered to the left. lol. Apparently I have symmetry issues!

capstone - you'll get there. :) I have no doubt.

Sue B - sounds like you had a *lovely* ride with Rudy!! I'm not there yet with Bliss but it'll come I'm sure. And Tio sounds like such a laid back guy. My old coach used to ride with a star trek pin on her saddle pad that said "resistance is futile" with her one particularly difficult mare.

Kathy - nice to see you back in the show ring! Congrats on the blue!! :)

And another vid from the weekend for those of you that like super regular updates! I was just focusing on keeping the forward energy and on feeling like we are on the edge. I think this video shows some good energy. Now to keep it consistently every ride.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Tue May 10, 2016 2:03 am

Rosie B, lovely relaxed swinging strides! Yes, it has good energy but it still looks relaxed and not forced (mine tends to!). It's really nice :)
Do you get to compete much? You both look so good together.

I thought I'd share some schooling vid. I've just hacked out a few bits to show what we now work on and tried to keep the vid brief. It's warts and all!
I'm still working it out as I've said before I've had to change a whole way of riding.

So, for me this is what I have to do and concentrate on:
Poll and neck UP, don't worry if it feels hollow. Stretching down and round to come later, once we have learned to be able to stay up and light and FORWARD.
Don't let horse press into hand.. have a contact and have him feel like he is looking to it, but no heavy or pressing feeling. Correct with upwards half halts.
Work on laterals on a circle/longside everywhere. Thinking of engaging that inside hind leg to develop his hind end more. Don't worry if he fusses with his head, keep him up and light with my hands.
Develop better 3 beat canter, so keep him forwards.

I'm very interested to see how we are going in 6 months time.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Tue May 10, 2016 11:50 am

Thanks Flight! It's a work in progress. Ordinarily I would do at least 3-4 shows every season (last year I did 5 plus a few clinics), but this year we're not showing at all because I'm now 4+ months pregnant and I'm just happy to be still riding reasonably effectively and comfortably. I was going to do first level this summer, but now I'm aiming for 2nd level in 2017! The first show of the season is this coming weekend though, and I am going for the whole thing to cheer on my 69 yo mom with her Fjord pony at training level, and to scribe for the day on Saturday. It will be a fun weekend and I am super excited. :)

Thanks for posting video!! I like to see other people's *real* training videos, warts and all! I find they're super educational. That said - I didn't see many warts. ;) I loved how responsive he was off your leg in the lateral work on the circle. And when you rode him forward again he looked SUPER engaged - I paused it a few times to see how far up under his hind legs were coming and they're coming right up under your leg! He looked powerful and forward there without being rushy, and while still looking light. He's nicely forward in the canter too, with lots of jump. In the canter it could be my imagination, but he looks like he could be a bit straighter and more connected on the right rein while going left - looks like he's perhaps dropping his right shoulder just a touch? Your transitions into and out of canter are super. And no critique from me on the half steps - that's way beyond me! But fun to see such a good start at them. :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Tue May 10, 2016 1:34 pm

Rosie and Flight, thanks a lot for your vids and regular updates!

Flight, you commented on Piedmont's notes from the JS clinic and I can see by watching your latest vid, how you are thinking along the same lines. really interesting and fun to watch. I will try to have some more specific comments later...

When I get soloshot 3 I will post some video updates myself (yikes)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Tue May 10, 2016 3:55 pm

Rosie B, my lesson was excellent. We worked specifically on precision and sharpness to the aids. Laddie and I both can be a bit wooly in our responsiveness, and this isn't going to cut it any more.

The weather has been total crap. Torrential rain, ice on the puddles this morning, and snow expected this evening. I am so glad I moved. I'm having so much fun. Grateful for a nice indoor to ride in and committed people to ride with.

Laddie really looks super. 6 weeks of correct and consistent work and he is muscling up like an Olympian. (So am I!) New trainer is beside herself with happiness at how we are going, which is validating :) (She's new to the area and wants us to make a good impression for her this show season as we are her marketing material...)

I've just read through Piedmonts notes as well. Exactly what we are working on as an overall approach--poll up, hind end under, collection not compression. Forward in the gaits, canter in particular, and develop engagement and collection AND STRAIGHTNESS from the forward, listening to half halts the first time.

Hard work, this dressage stuff :) I will try to get video soon.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Tue May 10, 2016 5:58 pm

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Tue May 10, 2016 7:05 pm

Rye - that's because he IS handsome!!! Just look at him!!!

Still holding out for some riding pics though! :D

Mountaineer - can't wait for the video!! What level are you guys showing this year? 2nd?

demi - looking forward to your video as well!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Wed May 11, 2016 12:00 am

Nice looking paint horse, Ryeissa! I especially like his chest and forearm. And I agree with Rosie, we need riding pics!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Wed May 11, 2016 2:37 am

Rye, your pinto ( I think ) looks both charming and fabulous

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Wed May 11, 2016 9:32 am

Rosie B - I forgot you were pregnant! Yes, I remember you mentioning that before. I bet the judges love you guys!
Goodluck to your mum, hopefully you can share a happy snap here of them from the weekend :)

I'm open to any comments/criticism etc as I'm up for learning as much as I can. I also paused the vid to check how his hindlegs are going, because that's been the main aim - more activity and engagement. I think it's working!
In the past because I was riding more down and round, he was over the back but geez I had to drive him and push and push to keep that back end moving.
I think you are right about being more connected on the right rein going left! I had to think about it though, and these are the things I really need to learn to feel and recognise. I know his right hind leg is weaker, so our right canter is not as strong as left. Maybe that's what causes it?

Demi - Yes share vid when you get your soloshot! I can't wait for the 3 to come out, it better be awesome.
Mountaineer - more pics of your beautiful view if it snows! Actually we've had our first bit of snow up in the mountains today. And yes vid! Love seeing people's vids.

Ryeissa yep Riot is very handsome :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Wed May 11, 2016 10:57 am

Flight - that's why I love video. You get so used to things feeling a certain way and then when you watch the video you see things you couldn't feel - like subtle losses of straightness. I see things like this in my videos with Bliss ALL_THE_TIME. :) And it's totally due to the horse not being even side to side. Every horse likes to fall out a bit on one side and fall in a bit on the other.

An excellent description I read once of why a horse falls out on the side the hind leg is weaker is as follows. Imagine your horse is a rowboat with a flat back and there are two motors - one on either side of the back of the boat. One motor is running harder than the other, so the boat drifts in the opposite direction from that motor. If you think of the horse's hind legs as the two motors, the horse can only go straight when both motors (hind legs) are pushing evenly. If he's falling out on the right, it's because the left hind is pushing harder than the right.

...And... I know most of you guys know this but it's worth stating again - I'm totally an amateur and am not very far along in my dressage journey. I have read a lot and been riding a long time and so I have opinions and thoughts about things and I voice them, but they are just my opinions, and it often happens that I'm completely wrong. lol. :) I make LOTS of mistakes. :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Wed May 11, 2016 11:28 am

Flight, not a criticism but a question do you incorporate renvere or counter SI on the circle as well? I work very much like what you are showing with the lateral work on the circle, great at strengthening and suppling the horse. I also add in renvere and I do a good bit of counter SI, where I do SI on one circle and then change out of the circle in counter SI, very good at opening up their shoulders and setting them up and back. I also use smaller circles in my work with lateral exercises. I also like renvere to HI though I tend to do this more on the straight way, really good at mobilizing those shoulders. My trainer has also had me on 10 m circles HI, straighten, change out of circle and HI other direction, very hard!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Wed May 11, 2016 7:38 pm

Okies, I need help understanding something.

My horse does not like to take the right rein. Going left he prefers to swing haunches right, look left, and not take right outside rein. Going right he likes to throw his shoulder into my right thigh and throw haunches left, needs babysitting with right flexion.

So... last night I was working him in hand, with a bit and reins, but from the ground. Going L he was very good, fairly even in both reins and took the nice inside flexion (when asked).

Going to the right, he wanted to walk AWAY from me like he was doing a LY LEFT (outside), not look right (inside). When I asked for left rein in order to stop, he stalled out, looked left (outside). I had to really open the right rein (inside) while still keeping the left (outside) rein a bit at the shoulder to guard. He needed reminders to stay into the right rein, which isn't a shock or a concern.

How come under saddle he throws his body into my right thigh going right but on the ground he wants to drift left?

(I have a trainer and all that, and in a regular lesson program)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Wed May 11, 2016 8:28 pm

Rye I would make sure you are not sitting such that Riot thinks you are asking for him to move rt, check seat and check your left leg, make sure it is not on to the point he moves rt. As for your in hand work sounds like he just needs more of it to get straight and stronger in the work. What I do with the horses who want to drift out when working in hand I will go straight a bit and then counter SI to move the shoulders back in front of the hind quarters, and/or I will change to renvere and then back to SI. I also teach my horses a draw so that I can get them to step towards me. Hoping to get some in hand work on video today to explain better.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Wed May 11, 2016 9:49 pm

Rosie B - yes that makes a lot of sense (the motors), thankyou!

Khall - not yet, but I think it's coming!! We do renvers and counter SI on the long side at the moment only. Watching my instructor ride his horses, he does what you describe so I suspect we will get to it.

Ryeissa - I don't know! But it sounds interesting.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Wed May 11, 2016 10:02 pm

Ryeissa, could It simply be that he respects you on the ground more, and moves out of your space ?

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