Are you going to vote for Hillary? Why or why not?

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Re: Are you going to vote for Hillary? Why or why not?

Postby Tuffytown » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:05 pm

If we can apply that to all the conversations here where people feel insult and not limit it to the board owner then that might be legitimate. I'm sure lots of misreading and misinterpreting goes on but fingers are always pointed at other posters as being the meanies while those that do much of the pointing don't seem to acknowledge that some of what they post can be taken as insult too.

What I DO take exception to is people saying that my intentions were different than what they were

Rampant on all sides.

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Re: Are you going to vote for Hillary? Why or why not?

Postby Chancellor » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:27 pm

boots-aregard wrote:
Chancellor wrote:What I DO take exception to is people saying that my intentions were different than what they were. I understand that you have taken some of what I said incorrectly. I don't have an issue with that. But if I say "NO that is not what I intended" , Please don't argue with me or anyone else.

For the sake of discussion, Kathy K didn't argue your motives were different than you say. She merely helped illustrate (clearly) a reason why other persons could read some slant in your original post. It's word choice. Communication is a two-part effort. As others don't get to tell you what you meant to say, you don't get to tell others they were "incorrect" in what they read.

All a tempest in a thimble, but I bring it up since people are getting miffy.

Actually, you are right. I apologize to KathyK.

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Re: Are you going to vote for Hillary? Why or why not?

Postby KathyK » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:42 pm

Aw, thanks, Chance. More Kumbaya, everyone!

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Re: Are you going to vote for Hillary? Why or why not?

Postby FlyingLily » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:39 pm

I must be one of a tiny few who enjoyed the political forum on UDBB and am enjoying this one too. I learned a lot 'over there', and I just avoided the threads that got too hot and insulting for my taste.

I think the OP asks an interesting question. I'm for Bernie, but if forced I will vote for HRC with a sad sense of "establishment". Among the Republicans, so many seem to be making impractical and even un-American proposals: walls, mass deportations, world war, citizen religious registries...Then there are some scary personalities: Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump. Kasich is a good guy with his head on straight and seems not to have a chance.

Editing to add: When I wrote this post, I was entirely forgetting about Jeb! Bush. Which I think is kind of an indication. It's too bad because he seems like a decent guy but just comes across as so...ineffectual and vague.

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