standing close behind

Bringing Life to the DDBB
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standing close behind

Postby blob » Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:42 pm

I've noticed that sometimes MM stands with her hind legs quite close together (hooves basically touching). She never halts close behind under saddle, she doesn't travel close behind when moving, and I don't think it's actually conformational because it's something she only started doing about a year ago.

Curious about others experiences as to why/when a horse that didn't previously do this might start. I always worry a bit about her because she is so stoic that she is not going to necessarily tell me if she has pain somewhere the way the average horse might.

She is not on any injectable joint support/prevention and she is barefoot all around. I have had the farrier test to make sure she is not hoof sore and she's not. But I'm honestly not sure this symptom would even be related to hooves v. somewhere higher up. Or maybe it is nothing at all--but wanted to ask since it's something I have been keeping an eye on.

Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: standing close behind

Postby exvet » Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:53 pm

If not conformation, nor hoof balance then I would consider that she might being developing some tightness in her medial thigh muscles such as the gracilis or perhaps in her semi-membranosus/tendinosus. Body work or massage therapy may help to determine if this is the problem.

Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: standing close behind

Postby blob » Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:05 pm

Thanks, Exvet. It's possible that it's hoof balance, but it does not seem like hoof soreness based on testers. I use a farrier that is well respected in the area, but it's an area that I don't have a ton of knowledge myself, so might need to do some reading/ask others about the balance. But it also would not surprise me if there is tightness in her thighs or elsewhere in her lower back/hind end. I will have the bodyworker out soon and I'll also pull out the back on track sheet. She seems to really like/do well with the BoT products, but i put the sheet away for the summer given how hot it was. but we've had some nice fall weather recently.

Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: standing close behind

Postby Hayburner » Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:07 am

Blob, my mare does this too. She does get bodywork every other month and she does get tight in her rump and her hamstrings. I work on massaging those areas.

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