May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:14 pm

I will say this I think in horses and life in general you can outgrow instructors. Sometimes what someone has to offer is right for you in that moment with that horse etc. and sometimes that is no longer the case. Sounds like you are getting some help Exvet that will more suit both you and Junior.

Past week was a fact finding mission. Kora as of late has felt like garbo, in a perpetual vicious cycle of feeling unbalanced, rushing off her feet, getting more unbalanced ad Infinium. Canter only possible on a 20 meter circle for a couple goes around at best and a feeling like being pitched off a wheelbarrow into the muck pile. Step one was having super eyed Vet/Chiro look at her on Thursday to see if there was anything crazy going on to cause this. He took one look at her and we walked her into the barn on the concrete and low and behold she is a solid 1 inch higher in her butt. He then immediately string tested her and assured me that she would come up in front to match. I darn hope he is right and she does it soon! He did a small amount of fixing in the base of her neck but overall she's pretty good. We chatted about what to do riding wise and he basically said take her to trainer (he works with her as well) and see.

So off we went on Saturday to beg for help. I explained what was going on and she watched me do a warmup; her response was 'ugh'. Right lead canter is an especially disaster time to keep going. We have some minor tweaks; changing by standing posting at the trot constantly to give the half halt on the out of the saddle portion and posting at the canter, just all about getting her to own 5% of her balance at best. I have never posted at the canter before and had a real 'I know nothing about riding moment' when everyone I talked to was like yeah I've done that. The advice is basically time and quiet easy go around work.

I will be sacrificing to height gods that she grows in the front and doesn't spend the entire winter like this.

Sunday we felt very European going for an arena hire. It warmed up to be a beautiful fall day and the arena overlooked a lake. We worked on gaining confidence and just bopping around best she can right now with her hind legs too long for her britches.
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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:14 am

Apparently, we overdid it last week, and we are now off. Better Sunday than Saturday, but still, off. I suspect that either in our lesson on Thursday or in turnout he's tweaked his fragile neck a bit and it's giving him zingers down his right front leg. Ugh. So, anti-inflammatories and rest for a couple of days, and we'll see how he is on Wednesday before I call the vet.

Supersized senior horses are a bit of a management nightmare however well-loved and bubble-wrapped.

So, as his leaser was away, Walker had the pleasure of my company for two days in a row. My arms are about two feet longer than they were on Friday and I can barely move my neck--carrying a hundred or more pounds of horse head and neck will do that to you. I guess I've solved the conundrum of why he isn't developing a topline with all the work he is getting.

I'm really not complaining. He's getting ridden, the two of them are besotted with each other and he's as fit and sound as he's been in years and bright eyed and happy as a clam, as long as you don't expect any kind of over the back or hind end underneath carrying action. It's not like it's spoiling anyone's chances at an Olympic medal and he is 24... We got some nice work at the end of it after a bit of a reset of expectations about who was carrying who, and a lot of lateral work at the walk, but a light and elegant ride he is not at the moment. I see some coaching sessions in our future.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby mari » Tue Oct 20, 2020 7:57 am

We are back in full work, it is a blast. Flying change purgatory continues. Today my jumping instructor had us attempting the change out of something closer to a medium canter, and we got one clean one both ways! (Although I have to say, this was after about 10 bad ones, late in front.)

I don't have video of the changes, but here we are going through the gymnastic grid.
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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby demi » Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:05 pm

Enjoying the updates. I feel lucky to be able watch the progress of the horses on this board because I can actually see the results of the work. Annabelle is such a nice example of improvement due to work. And Junior, and Kimba, and Miro, and Ding & Norsey, and MM & RP, and Odin, and Rip & Joplin (don’t see enough pics of those two, though!!) and Tanga’s mares, and forgive me if I am missing some while I write this. The ones who post pics and vids are the ones that come to mind, but even the others are good examples and interesting to follow...

I am riding 5-6 days a week and have been since the weather cooled down the first of September. My lessons are going well. I must have either strained my right hip/thigh or injured it trying so hard to improve my right side, but it is slowly healing. I’ve been doing weekly lessons since September 1st but am going to slow my lessons down to every other week for a while. I’m riding very carefully right now because of my hip and trainer works well with me on that, but I think Rocky is happier hauling every other week vs every week. She is so good about hauling now, but still after 6 weeks in a row, on the 7th, she wouldn’t come to me in the pasture when she saw the trailer, and she planted her feet when I asked her to load. She only resisted for a few minutes, but I think she was saying “oh not again” and I’m going to listen to her and try every other week for a while.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:15 pm

I was supposed to have a lesson today, first one in 7 months since my horse went lame and was then euthanized due to Wobblers.

I did ride in a clinic a month ago, but was excited to get back to some regular lessons with my newer instructor on a friend's horse. But I've been fighting a sore throat. I was blaming the smoke from the fires that basically surround us, but I'm now thinking I'm sick. Coughing and so congested. I think it's a cold but with a pandemic going on, thought I should be safe and reschedule. Plus I don't know if I can ride super well without coughing. I'm bummed.

Even sadder, is my 5 month old puppy is sick. He's has a random cough for a few days but last night was awful. My poor husband had to listen to both me and the puppy cough all night. So to the vet we go today. Poor guy.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby demi » Tue Oct 20, 2020 5:54 pm

Today I got a nice right lead from trot. First time I’ve tried it in a couple of weeks. It was on a little longer rein then I would like, but her hind end was under, she was light in front. This is hard for her because of her downhill build, but she was very cooperative, and I was fairly confident I’d get it when I asked. My own right hip/leg is still not 100% but we’re coming together in spite of our problems.

I’m still not sure I’ll reach my goal for this time.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby khall » Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:09 pm

Lipsmacker have you been tested? We can pass covid on to our pets

Feel better soon

My sister was exposed last week to her boss who tested positive. She so far has been feeling fine but has been tested anyway. This pandemic is scary stuff

Thanks demi it’s hard to get pictures regularly at my house. I took one from above riding Gaila bareback and one handed SI yesterday I like your mare. She’s come a long way.

For me I’ve found that the lateral work and half steps/ piaffe work have been the two biggest help in getting my horses going better. I’ve learned to push the lateral work more with the steep rotations and moving quickly from one movement to another is very helpful and the piaffe work is just amazing at how much it strengthens them.

I’ve got dates for Cedar to come down next month. We unfortunately ended up canceling Jillian for December having to host a lecture inside with minimum 14 people in a space that was not big enough to follow cdc guidelines just could not feel safe doing so.
Happy riding all and stay safe

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:28 pm

@khall, no I haven't been tested. I really think it's a cold. No fever, no loss of smell or any other symptoms.

We did take my dog to the vet and he has kennel cough. He does go to a dog daycare once a week and even though he's vaccinated, they said he must have been exposed to a large viral load. He's now on antibiotics. Poor guy. He seemed fine and then suddenly that cough was awful. He's taking it easy today. So am I, still in my PJ's. Lol

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby khall » Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:04 pm

Ugh kennel cough. Can be nasty stuff. Hope you both feel better soon.

At this point I’m suspect of any nqr I’m paranoid because I care for my 83 yr old mother that has a pre existing lung condition. I looked down one day and thought I had covid toes. Was sending pictures to my sister and DH nope it was where my black paddock boots had gotten wet and the dye had rubbed off on my toes. Lol

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:53 pm

Khall- yeah I have never dealt with Kennel cough, but it sure sounds awful when he coughs. Poor guy. I hope he feels better soon. We have an elderly dog too, really hoping she doesn't get it but I can't imagine that she won't. But now we know to take her in at the first sign of any coughs!

I'm am very paranoid too, my family is sick of it ha ha. The paddock boots rubbing dye on your toes, oh my! Lol I can see that happening to me!!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby StraightForward » Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:39 am

khall wrote:Ugh kennel cough. Can be nasty stuff. Hope you both feel better soon.

At this point I’m suspect of any nqr I’m paranoid because I care for my 83 yr old mother that has a pre existing lung condition. I looked down one day and thought I had covid toes. Was sending pictures to my sister and DH nope it was where my black paddock boots had gotten wet and the dye had rubbed off on my toes. Lol

Oh god, I did the exact same thing. New brown boots turned my toes orange from sweat, plus feeling crappy from the wildfire smoke = covid symptoms!

Our barn has been cycling through cleaners, and one who came last Friday tested positive today. BO is going to get tested, but they didn't have any close interaction, so fingers crossed that we don't have any transmission going at the barn. Ugh, winter hasn't even started.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby goldhorse » Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:18 am

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote: But I've been fighting a sore throat. I was blaming the smoke from the fires that basically surround us, but I'm now thinking I'm sick. Coughing and so congested. I think it's a cold but with a pandemic going on, thought I should be safe and reschedule. Plus I don't know if I can ride super well without coughing. I'm bummed.

This month, the wildfire smoke here ended (N. Cali) and then after a few days of clean air my asthma finally decided to act up. I got myself a Covid test just to rule that out (negative) and nowI have to adjust my asthma meds and start on an inhaled steroid. A similar thing happened to me around the start of July. So what I'm trying to say it that all of us on the west coast have endured some incredible lung irritating conditions and probably lung injuries or hypersensitization. Try some antihistamines. Hot tea. Breathing exercises. You're not alone. I'm only managing about 10 minutes total trot work in a session right now.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:52 am

This is my first time dealing with such intense smoke- so maybe it truly is that. But if it doesn't clear but soon I definitely will get tested just in case.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Chisamba » Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:50 am

we are lucky right now in our weather. clean air, fall temperatures, and pretty leaves. I am pretty much getting the barn ready for winter.

I set up a new cavaletti grid each week and use it in my riding. this week was the old fashioned W.

I am trying to ride a test in each horse each week. this is just to stay in test riding shape both fur me and the horses.

goals for next show season are to. show whichever horse in whichever level they seem happy with. I would like to get Saiph out.

I try to think of this season as one of change. the trees lose their leaves and build their roots. so I follow their pattern. nothing to show, build on basics.
Last edited by Chisamba on Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby exvet » Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:29 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:@khall, no I haven't been tested. I really think it's a cold. No fever, no loss of smell or any other symptoms.

We did take my dog to the vet and he has kennel cough. He does go to a dog daycare once a week and even though he's vaccinated, they said he must have been exposed to a large viral load. He's now on antibiotics. Poor guy. He seemed fine and then suddenly that cough was awful. He's taking it easy today. So am I, still in my PJ's. Lol

There are approximately 11 organisms that alone or in any combination can cause kennel cough or . Currently we can only vaccinate against 3 of those organisms (kennel cough vaccine) and 2 strains of flu.........and the vaccines available are only about 75-80% effective against preventing the infection, though most can attenuate (lessen) the severity of infection. Right now I'm dealing with a kennel cough outbreak in our area and many of the cases where I've been allowed to test (the dog) have come back positive for Mycoplasma. There is not a vaccine against it. And guess what? Some of those organisms like Bordetella (which we do have vaccines for) and Mycoplasma can be transmitted to humans too (actually they can go back and forth).

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Chisamba » Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:05 pm

I swear! every time my phone upgraded autocorrect goes into overdrive. my apologies

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Sue B » Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:28 pm

Chisamba, I love reading your autocorrected posts! They make me giggle and smile.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:36 pm

Vet tomorrow--fingers crossed for us please!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby khall » Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:38 pm

Mycoplasma yikes! Difficult to treat? Did not know boredetella and mycoplasma was zoonotic.

Even though I fostered a bunch if dogs and puppies over the years I never had to deal with kennel cough. Parvo and other puppy issues like worms and poor doing runts but I know it can go through dogs easily.

Hope he’s better lipsmacker!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Tanga » Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:31 pm

Ah. Had a really rough personal week.

Horses are doing very well and I have discovered no whip is best for both of them, and milder spurs for the big, massive Quinn and bigger pokey ones for super sensitive Quilla and I can almost get the ones. My knee is bad, but I'm hoping I can get through four FEI tests at the show tomorrow. Super lucky as it was over 100 last weekend and it's back down to 70 by tomorrow. I had bad dreams again last night that something happened to the trailer and both horses got hurt. All of my helper/videoer options can't do it, so I'm on my own. I'm hoping this will mean I finally deserve some good "luck" that I have been working hard for. I think I am solid in not forgetting the GP test this time.
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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:57 pm

@exvet well I keep joking that I have kennel cough- maybe I really do!! Lol

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby blob » Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:11 am

Tanga wrote:Ah. Had a really rough personal week.

Horses are doing very well and I have discovered no whip is best for both of them, and milder spurs for the big, massive Quinn and bigger pokey ones for super sensitive Quilla and I can almost get the ones. My knee is bad, but I'm hoping I can get through four FEI tests at the show tomorrow. Super lucky as it was over 100 last weekend and it's back down to 70 by tomorrow. I had bad dreams again last night that something happened to the trailer and both horses got hurt. All of my helper/videoer options can't do it, so I'm on my own. I'm hoping this will mean I finally deserve some good "luck" that I have been working hard for. I think I am solid in not forgetting the GP test this time.

Good luck, Tanga! I hope you have a great show tomorrow and that it helps make up some for the difficult week. Let us know how it goes!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby goldhorse » Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:11 am

Good luck Tanga! Living vicariously through you :D

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby exvet » Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:12 am

Good luck Tanga. Hope you have a great show.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:43 pm

Late to the party, but I hope you are having an excellent day, Tanga.

Mr Laddie has a hoof abscess. We could see goo around a nail hole once the vet pulled his shoe and pad off. He had been shod a few days before this cropped up, so could be related, or not... who knows, and I'm just glad its not the suspensory, which was the first potential culprit.

Anyway his foot is blocked, and he is feeling no pain, so was very excited to get out for a romp on this very cold morning. Which should help get the whole thing draining.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Aleuronx » Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:36 pm

Good luck Tanga!! Can't wait to hear how it went.

Glad to hear it's a abscess Moutaineer, although poor Laddie those can be so painful. Fingers crossed it resolves itself easily. Kora is ~5 weeks post burst on her recent one and the foot is healing but man it's a process. Farrier was out this week and cut out more sole than I would have liked from where it originated in the heal buttress. I wasn't there so I'm not faulting her and Kora seems fine on it not sore, but I hate cutting into the sole if not needed.

Riding wise I'm gritting my teeth and getting it done. Kora feels a mix of awful and unbalanced with no front end growth seen yet to help us out. It's simple boring work but necessary to keep her moving and in some type of 'work' albeit limited 20 m circles and short stints of trot and canter. It's pretty amusing to go from LOVING her canter, like you can't stop me from doing the majority of the ride in canter to gosh I have to push myself to do the 2-3 circles of it right now.

In non-horse related news I have a 3rd interview for a job I'd really, really like to get. This time with the director and operations manager over zoom. Manager this past week seemingly loved me and we had a lovely time chatting over the phone. Hoping for more of the same on Tuesday so I could use those Jingles then!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:31 pm

Well I got my first covid test today. Fingers crossed that I'm negative. Horse shopping during this is really tough. And it's tough enough already.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Tanga » Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:16 am

OMG!!!!! I went off course on the GP AGAIN and got myself eliminated AGAIN. This time I did the GP first, and I still spaced. Sigh. I don't know how to get out of this!! Maybe next show I'll just show her and see? It's not like I don't know the GP test every which way, but now it's psychological. The first possible show is Jan. Good thing is truck ran great.

Very low judge, but did OK. Quinn broke in the ext. trot in PSG (she always does if there's the slightest dip at X) and did a weirdo thing in the 4's, which she's usually great at. 61%. I-2 was better, 61%. She warmed up really, really well, but was tense and trying to drop in the ring, which is behind hedges, except where the cars go by. Quilla did the best warmup ever and was so relaxed and super easy in the P/P and I could see warmed up mostly doing the ones correctly. The I-2 she was good, but had a couple of weird bobbles, like losing one leg in the pirouettes and we got 59.855!!! Ahh!!! Last show we got a 63% for a much worse test.

But, good thing, barn owner took a gazillion pictures for me on her super great camera, so I got a bunch of great pictures to look at (I HAVE to do something about my facial expressions!)

Chelsey is coming out Weds. Quilla is doing super great in p/p, but I think I'll have her help me see if we can work on more knee and hock action because judge commented too trot like, even though in the mirrors it looked great and felt great. And help with Quinny to figure out some way to get the judges to SEE her extended trot. SO sick of seeing "not through behind" when every video and picture shows different.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Anne » Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:51 am

Tanga, well, damn! Competing is tough huh, good for you to be getting out there and doing it even though you had some hiccups.

No riding for me because I tweaked my back a couple of weeks ago and it is still sore. Going to physio next week so hoping that will help get it right. However I had a dressage weekend, writing (think you guys in the US call it scribing?) at our local regional champs for 2 days. Thoroughly enjoyable!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby blob » Sun Oct 25, 2020 12:31 pm

Tanga, showing is so hard! And so many different factors involved too!

MM and I have been in such a slump lately that yesterday i decided to just play with her some at liberty. I'm glad I did because it was nice to have interaction the was fun and easy.
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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby exvet » Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:41 pm

Hey Blob! I too have an antelope or two LOL


Sorry to read about the show Tanga; but, you're right in terms of the psychological part which means it's not only fixable but you'll get past it. I think for those who are true show warriors it's stuff like this that sneaks up on us. Sounds like you still had some pretty good moments as well.

I rode with the clinician on Friday (who helped me get stinker to prix st george) and boy what an amazing lesson. She really tuned into my pareses issue and what I needed to do with my body to effectively compensate for it. She also gave me exercises to do in order to work on where I could better keep Junior straight and true to the right rein. I'm so glad I decided to go and ride. We both felt like we got a lot accomplished.

Now it's just the stinking saddle search. The Roosli I have is definitely working and I got some suggestions from someone OTOB as to how to restore it; but, the expense I'll have to go to in order to replaced the billets likely won't make sense in the long run due to the condition of the leather along the panels, etc. At least it buys me time to find something that works. I have a teleconference scheduled with someone on the East coast later today, a saddle fitter, who thinks he might have some solutions. We'll see. We've also hit that time of year where despite mid and high 90s during the days we're dipping into the high 50s at night so I have wooly beasts. That means the dreaded body clipping chore - UGH! I think we'll just start with trace clips since I don't plan to show until Dec/Jan.

At least I have my western saddle that fits all of my guys. So later this morning it's just going to be a long trail ride. We've also have a decent chance for getting some rain in the next 36 hours - woo hoo! Things just might be looking up?!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby demi » Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:58 pm

I love those horses with springs!!!

Aleuronx, I feel for you and having to deal with a higher behind horse! At least it’s only temporary with Kora. You described that feeling of being pitched forward perfectly in a previous post.

Glad Laddie just had an abscess and nothing more serious.

Interested to see how MM does with hind shoes....

Anne, sorry about your back. I can relate in a way because I’m having hip/thigh problem. On a positive note, it’s getting better.

Love reading about Tanga’s GP adventures. In my dreams!!!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby blob » Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:50 pm

Love that picture, Exvet!!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:02 am

How time flies. This 2 months is about done!

That said, Kyra isn't doing much. I moved my 90 yo Mother in with me back on the 12th. She just needed to not be alone anymore and with the COVID situation, would dearly love to keep her out of a facility. She is still got some independence and she seems to have adjusted well. We just had an estate sale yesterday (hired a company to do that ;) ) and then we have to get her house up for sale. Always something to do....

I got my new saddle (Prestige X-breath dressage) a few weeks ago and I am not sure it is THE one. I won't say it is difficult to ride in because it isn't but very different from my other saddle. I have only managed 5 or 6 rides in it so far. Sometimes it bothers my butt and sometimes it doesn't. I did end up putting the Acavallo seat saver on it to assist the tender hiney while I decide if it is a keeper or not. Kyra seems to be fine with it thus far. My saddle has a 'forward' flap which means the flap is just set forward a couple cm. The demo I rode was standard but my knees were over the blocks at the length of stirrup I ride. I wish the manufacturers would get that they have to angle the flap forward, not just move the whole thing forward. I think it will work OK, I just have to get used to it. I have never had a real open hip and straight leg and pretty sure I never will :lol: . I prefer a short thigh block to the gargantuan knee blocks but I knew it had the gargantuan ones. The balance (for me) seems fine so I will give it the old college try for a bit longer. I was trying to appease the butt :lol: .

So Kyra is mostly in entertain Susan mode when she shows up. I have been making it out a few times a week but nothing really consistent. We will be content to work on basics. You can never go wrong there. Sometimes, we do some liberty work in the RP. That is always enjoyable and her Spanish walk work is coming along in hand. Last time, I actually got 4 or 5 steps with alternating legs. She is still trying to get the concept of moving and lifting her leg. She has gotten a bit eager and sometimes offers a leg without me asking so I have to really watch my position.

Today Nika (Straightforward) brought her Sure Foot pads over. Those are very interesting and Kyra was pretty comfortable on them. It was quite interesting that when she was done...she didn't just step off of them, she took her foot and deliberately scooted them away from her. They are very intriguing and I can see a lot of utility in them so I ordered a set of firm pads...regular and angled. I don't get a lot of riding work done in the winter. Our indoor just isn't up to snuff (deeper than I like, and usually super dusty :P ) and she struggles under saddle in there so I try not to do a whole lot of riding. She seems fine in there when she doesn't have to haul my carcass around so I will probably do lots of ground work, some lunging, some pole work and use the pads a lot and pray for an open winter (but that isn't the forecast :P ).

Everyone looks like things are going well. Glad Laddie's was an abscess and nothing more nefarious.

Happy riding all.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Dresseur » Mon Oct 26, 2020 3:18 pm

]I'm so happy to say that Miro exceeded every expectation that I had of him. We debuted at I1 this Sunday, and not only was he professional, rideable and focused, but he went in and placed 3rd with a 63.2%, just behind 2 very established GP teams (it was FEI TOC class) and with a judge that was scoring VERY low all day. Funny enough, the movements that I thought there was no chance of, the lines of tempis - particularly the 2s... he nailed. And I was so surprised that I lost count and did 9 2s, not 7... His piris received 8s, and he racked up a slew of 7s - enough to cover the mistakes we had and the green moments (not going to qtr line in the zigzag and some unsteadiness to start the test). With everything going on in my life right now, I ugly cried at the end of my test, with my head buried in his neck as we walked out of the arena. Embarrassing, but I'm so happy with how he came through when I feel like the world is letting me down.

To that end, I'll be moving onto the farm as my marriage comes to an end, so that I can save money to get a place of my own. I'm not sure what I'll do with 24/7 access to horses lol! But, I think it will be a balm as a chapter closes on what my world was the last 20 years of my life.
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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Oct 26, 2020 3:53 pm

Dresseur- what an amazing post and photos. Congratulations. Sometimes our horses just know when we need them.

Best wishes as you step into a new journey in life.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Josette » Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:19 pm

Dresseur - Gorgeous photos and congratulations on your hard work and success. Enjoy your move as this will be your healing place. Embrace the future.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Sue B » Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:05 pm

So FREAKIN' WONDERFUL, Dresseur :D :D :D I've done the ugly cry before, not embarrassing at all! Hugs as your divorce continues to roll forward.

So, it was 6F this morning with a bit of a breeze, and all weekend the wind blew and temps hovered around freezing. I guess winter is here! So much for Fall. :P I haven't ridden in awhile...bad me. The horses got lots of exercise this weekend though because they were afraid of my deceased friend's geese (I went up Friday and gathered up 3 chickens, 2 geese and 1 horse since they were now homeless). Every time they honked, off went the ponies; Tio spent all weekend afraid to go through the gate to the other part of the pasture. He trotted up and down the hill hundreds of times calling to Rudy, who didn't want to miss out on the better grazing. Every hour or so, Rudy would gallop over, they'd both take off to the north end, prance around a bit and then back to the south Rudy would run leaving Tio to start all over. :lol:

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:24 pm

My only cry setting is "ugly cry", so I feel you there, Dresseur. Congratulations on your big success! Such an achievement getting your own horse from baby to strong FEI results. Congratulations!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby StraightForward » Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:55 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:Dresseur- what an amazing post and photos. Congratulations. Sometimes our horses just know when we need them.

Best wishes as you step into a new journey in life.

Yes, this. That is so awesome, Dresseur. You and Miro make an amazing team!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:46 pm

Congratulations on the show results, Dresseur--a testament to your hard work and dedication.

I wish you the very best for this new chapter in your life.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:11 pm

awesome! that is super!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did you get any video? I am so thrilled for you.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Dresseur » Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:16 pm

Rye, it's on my FB... I think you're friends with me and should be able to see it.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby chantal » Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:31 pm

Dresseur-congratulations!! I am so happy for you and Miro. And I am sending you jingles and peace and lots of hope for your new chapter. 24 hour access to horses, whee! I know it's not all roses, but upward and onward.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Flight » Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:09 am

So happy for you dresseur!!! Congrats thats a great score. The pics look fabulous. Great start for your next chapter in life too :)

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby demi » Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:49 am

Yay!! Dresseur and Miro! Love the pictures. Especially the very elegant pirouette! I think we’re all pretty glad Miro was there for you. You’ve certainly done your work and it shows!

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby StraightForward » Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:54 am

I had lessons on Annabelle yesterday and today, and then a short impromptu lesson on Tesla to see if we're on the right track. She was probably the best she's ever been, but did get stuck to the ground a few times. My instructor gave me some good tips and it was good to hear that we're on the right track. We've had five pretty decent rides in row now, so I'm starting to feel better that I'll have a riding horse at some point.

Lessons on Annabelle weren't any major breakthroughs, just working on the suppleness and getting her to use her left hind, bending better through corners and shifting through the T/C/T transitions, SI and HI.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby exvet » Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:40 am

Congratulations Dresseur. That is awesome. It's through some of the greatest adversity that we also find our greatest strengths. While it still may not seem like it, doors are opening up for you. Stay strong. Stay tough; but, be and remain open to new possibilities.

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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby mari » Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:40 am

Congrats Dresseur!
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Re: May only the leaves fall this Fall. September October training Bimester

Postby Flight » Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:21 am

Cool photos Blob and Exvet!

Tanga, bummer about going off course in the GP! Did you get any vid of your other tests?

Mountaineer, my horse has been having trouble with abscesses too. I took him to the vet for the last one to confirm what was going on and it was a little one in his toe. Our weather has been so weird this year. After so much drought we have rain and mud and grass .

Pics in January:
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Took the non-abscessy horse to a clinic on the weekend. It was soo good! Lots of corrections with my seat to help with piris and asking for a bit more for piaffe. I also got to try a very different saddle. Not sure if you can see it in the screenshot, its a 'buckeburger'. It was really comfy, and I could actually sit to Norsey's trot in it. Which is a bit annoying really, since he has an expensive saddle fitted for him.. and I didn't need to find out that a different saddle may be helpful for me!

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