Virtual Lessons

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Virtual Lessons

Postby svvdressage » Sun Jan 10, 2021 4:44 am

I live in an area with zero dressage. We have several instructors that come in the summer but it’s hard to get them to commit to come when it could be -30. So I am looking for options for instructors who teach virtual. I have a three year old, so would prefer someone with knowledge of competing young horses successfully!

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Re: Virtual Lessons

Postby exvet » Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:17 pm

Hopefully kelo can weigh in on this because I'm pretty sure she has taken virtual lessons in her journey to grand prix.

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Re: Virtual Lessons

Postby Kelo1 » Mon Jan 11, 2021 6:35 pm

Ooof, I feel this. I'm about 4-6 hours from the nearest above-Training-Level instruction, so I've been doing live virtual lessons for *cough* about 10 years now. I'm never going to pretend it's as good as a live lesson, because it's not. But when your options are virtual lesson or nothing, well -- it's pretty dang good.

My instructor sees video of me live, and we talk on the phone at the same time. I have a camera person operate the video camera, and I wear a bluetooth so I can talk hands-free. It is essentially instantaneous. Once in awhile there's fractions of a second lag, which can be tough for, like, one tempis, but everything below that it's as good as live.

The best I can explain it is like having your instructor in a chair on the side of the arena giving you verbal instructions. They can't move around the arena, they can't get on your horse, they can't come out and physically move or show a demonstration with their bodies. It's only verbal, which can be tough sometimes.

My personal setup was cutting edge when I started doing lessons, but is now woefully out-of-date, technology wise, so I can't recommend it anymore.

You can do research on modern setups, but basically you need (1) EXCELLENT internet on both ends -- high speed and reliable -- so the video can push to the instructor and they can get it without gaps or interruptions, this is key, no way around it (2) a camera holder -- either a living person or better yet a Pivo or robot camera (3) a video transfer service (like Skype or Zoom or Facetime, etc) (4) Audio transfer - I'm pretty sure a phone with a bluetooth is still easiest. If you can figure out those elements, you're golden.

I am happy to visit via private message as far as instructor recommendations. I've used a small handful over the years. You have to have someone that can handle the technology (ie able to log in and use the equipment, also not freaking out if there's a technology burp) in addition to being a good dressage instructor, and I've tried several that haven't been able to meet both of those necessities at the same time. But I've also had several that have been OUTSTANDING instructors -- after all, they have gotten an amateur on a QH to GP using their voice alone, which I think says a lot about their abilities as instructors, and I'm happy to make some recommendations. I also think there's a lot more people today that are willing to do it than there have been in the past.

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Re: Virtual Lessons

Postby ElaPe » Wed Jan 13, 2021 3:13 am

I take lessons via FaceTime with my trainer back in Poland and it works nice connection stays on no problem

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