March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:26 pm

Mountaineer, good plan in place!! I'm watching for your progress since my new guy is also a little spooky (although it sounds like less spooky.) Different situations since my guy is just so young but I always think we can learn things from other people.

We need photos of Potters!!

Sue B, I heard the same advice from Gary Rockwell in a clinic. He actually said it about a horse that was rushing around but basically said the same thing. The horse you have on the ground is what you're going to have under saddle to start with...

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:32 pm

It has been a gorgeous day in terms of the weather. I was very happy to be able to work both Brandon and Junior in the arena under saddle. Brandon did well though he's at that stage where he tends to run himself off his feet in the beginning taking a while to realize he doesn't really need to and can just relax into a better tempo. We did quite a bit more canter today too. I think the canter is his preferred gait ;) Junior did reasonably well too. We did more cavalletti work which seems to be getting through to him a little bit. I also worked on canter half-passes. Lateral work is something that he is very one-sided with and definitely needs more work convincing him that he can step under with this left hind. It's coming though and I decided to see if he remembers half-steps and piaffe from last summer - HE DOES! Junior may not be the best moving horse around but he is definitely the most willing and easiest guy I've owned.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Apr 10, 2021 12:31 am

Sue B, very true. And yes, he does tend to lollygag along behind walking into the barn. Hmmm.

I think there's some learned behavior ("let's see if I can scare this one!") I am his fourth owner in as many years, so he could have developed a certain cynicism about the whole human/work thing. Which is tough for an Arab, particularly as his first owner was of of many years' standing, and then he got passed on quickly twice more.

It's certainly possible that he just has very little tolerance for fools and expects a skilled ride he's not (yet) getting from me, and that I am boring and frustrating him. Laddie is such a sweet tolerant worker bee that he'll try to get it right however you ask, which is wonderful in it's way, but lets you get "fuzzy." He's also so much bigger that the amateur flailing has less effect on his balance and way of going.

I'll try and get some pictures in the next couple of days. He's looking less like a yak and more like a dressage horse as the days go by, and he now appears to be recovered from the trimming disaster--but of course he may just be stoic and that could still be playing into the spookiness also. Though an unsound horse couldn't put in an extended trot like we had yesterday---wheeee!!!!

I also think I may have tracked down a saddle for us. My barn manager had found a Custom Advantage she thought might work for us--it fitted him perfectly but was just murder for me, even after she reflocked and rebalanced it. But she did a set of back tracings for me, so I sent them off to Olsons in WA this morning and they are sending me what I actually want (another Trilogy Amadeo--it's just the right shape for my butt!) in the tree size and panel shape that they think will work for him, that they just happened to have in their used stock. Keep your fingers crossed this works out, as having a properly fitting saddle with me balanced and comfortable will probably make a difference too.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:25 am

Fingers crossed for the saddle Mountaineer! It's great to find just the thing in a used/immediately available version!

Except, thanks for the airplane analogy; I heard it before but forgot about it. Worked great on Annabelle's transitions tonight.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Sat Apr 10, 2021 12:25 pm

Potters lollygags Hahaha. I haven't heard that expression in ages. My dad used to use it when we were kids.

Thanks all for the C/W/C discussion and hints! Very helpful.

When I was commuting in CA I would frequently be stuck on Hwy 101 in the morning traffic as I passed by the Moffet Air Force base. I reallly enjoyed watching the P-3 Orions doing touch down landings one right after another. I am guessing doing C/W/C on warm bloods would be like that. With little Rocky its more like doing it with one of those little radio controlled airplanes. Very hard to get smooth!

I havent gone back to trying C/W/C . I am just trying to collect the canter more before I try again. Yesterday felt quite good. She gets canter lengthening naturally and it’s hard to bring her back after I let her lengthen so I’m not going there until she understands collected canter. She is getting the idea and I was able to do the shallow loop from First-3 on the left lead. I have a short arena and I think it would be easier in a full size. So that’s progress.

I still plan on doing T-3 for virtual coaching before the end of April. Maybe next week....

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:39 pm

demi wrote:Potters lollygags Hahaha. I haven't heard that expression in ages. My dad used to use it when we were kids.

Thanks all for the C/W/C discussion and hints! Very helpful.

When I was commuting in CA I would frequently be stuck on Hwy 101 in the morning traffic as I passed by the Moffet Air Force base. I reallly enjoyed watching the P-3 Orions doing touch down landings one right after another. I am guessing doing C/W/C on warm bloods would be like that. With little Rocky its more like doing it with one of those little radio controlled airplanes. Very hard to get smooth!

I havent gone back to trying C/W/C . I am just trying to collect the canter more before I try again. Yesterday felt quite good. She gets canter lengthening naturally and it’s hard to bring her back after I let her lengthen so I’m not going there until she understands collected canter. She is getting the idea and I was able to do the shallow loop from First-3 on the left lead. I have a short arena and I think it would be easier in a full size. So that’s progress.

I still plan on doing T-3 for virtual coaching before the end of April. Maybe next week....

I see no reason why Rocky can't competently do a T-3; so, I would certainly go for it. I found that Junior became more understanding of what I wanted in terms of collected canter (not slow canter) when I would work in 10 meter circles around the arena and especially when I would ask him to take more weight on the hind as I would come towards the fence/wall of my arena. It would help too, if I would do this in the corners and use that to then develop my medium canter coming out of the corner/circle down what is my 'long side'. The one comment I consistently get on my tests is that the start of Junior's medium gaits, be it trot or canter, is always 'very good' and then the issue for us is petering out for reasons of stamina, etc. At least this has helped solidify the concept in his brain and he understands better what I want when I collect with my seat. I also find riding squares in canter helps too. Using pivo yesterday I was pleased to see that he's starting to be able to carry the mediums farther/longer; so, for us that is progress. My nemesis (I confirmed with pivo) is still his left hind. Our canter half passes to the right are and will be a struggle; but, I hope that too will improve with more lateral work at the trot AND canter especially if we ever hope to develop canter pirouettes to the least I can see that the turn on the haunches has improved immensely (same issue in the beginning) so there's hope. Baby's all about baby steps, chunks of skills/tasks he can accomplish to build confidence and not letting anything turn into a battle. Wish I could apply that to the rest of life LOL......for some reason I have far more patience with horses than other species I encounter (save dogs of course) ;)

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:12 pm

A few days rest, some Equioxx and Kora is right as rain from her jump fail. We're back to our boring long-lining life and bareback wanders about. Last news was that saddle will be 'ready' this coming week, I'm a bit frothing about it at this point. Will message fitter/rep either Monday or Tuesday about update for shipping etc.

This saddle waiting has me exercising every last bit of patience I can muster. It's getting warm and sunny here in the northeast and that is not helping me one bit!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:47 am

I do so understand Aleuronx... I'm just praying the one I have on the way will fit so I don't have to go the custom ordering route.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:25 pm

I have everything crossed for you Moutaineer! I really don't know what's worse the saddle search roulette or having to wait for a saddle to be made to spec when you have nothing to ride said horsie in.

I caved and ordered calfskin stirrup leathers as I went through my tack to clean this weekend and couldn't see myself putting my $30 Ovation specials on this brandie new kit.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:24 pm

I think horse shopping, horse selling and saddle shopping are the three most agonizing processes to deal with as a horse owner/rider assuming that your horses are otherwise healthy. I'd rather eat dirt than go through any of those [again]. Of course once you find the 'perfect' situation everything is butterflies, roses, puppy dog tails (well least until the honeymoon is over although I've been lucky enough to have had a few endless honeymoons ;) in so far as horses go) which is why I assume we continue to subject ourselves to the same repeatedly.

Oh well, I hope I have a while to wait before dealing with more saddle woes with either Brandon or Junior again. I was back to riding Brandon out on the trails again and he continues to do well - flushed out mule deer without batting an eye, passed strange horses going the opposite direction without a care, and even had a few mare-side foals take an interest in him, running up to the fence line while we passed keeping his head in the game, the right game LOL......but boy were those foals cute.

I had another lesson with Junior yesterday which went very well. It appears that the cavelletti work is definitely helping his collection and ability to engage as well as quickening his hind leg(s). We worked on an exercise for setting up flying changes which seemed to go well. The key for me will be not to over do it. Many of you probably know it. I've used it in the distant past. Basically canter up the long side on the correct lead, leg yield to the quarter line, walk, pick up the counter canter and then leg yield back to the track/long side and just before the corner, walk and ask for the correct canter lead. Rinse and repeat in the other direction. This is continued until the simple changes are so automatic and easy that you can start to introduce the flying change instead of a simple change as you approach the corner. At first Junior wasn't sure but then he caught on and changed in the air. Half-passes went well too; so, maybe the goal of third level this year isn't too far out of reach.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:53 pm

three bits of good news. My friends horses ( and mine) are finally out of quarantine and fecal tests confirm the absence of ECV. I did worm tests too and have a few horses earmarked for treatment.

so being out of quarantine, my horses had their slightly belated pedicures, so Kimba is back in hey shoes, as at Cali and Saiph wore hers all winter because of managing laminitis.

I have a planned backed off flying changes with Kimba in favor of a more collected canter. I found quarter canter pirouette to encourage her and saiph to "wait" in the canter.

as a result Kimba will change cleanly when all the stars align. but getting all the stars to align whenever needed remains the challenge.

Caliburn's conformation is against him, but the introduction of lateral work little by little is helping him strengthen and develop muscle in helpful places . He is super pumped up about spring.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:17 pm

I had lovely day today. it was rainy and cold, so it wasn't the weather, my horses were all kinds and sweet today. I rode 5 and lunged 2, I real wasn't too give two of my riders lunge lessons but their horses have not been given the correct lunge training so from time to time I work on it to hopefully turn them into happy to do an occasional lesson horses.

with Saiph and Kimba I did canter half pass and counter canter. I also worked on really elastic trot half pass and shoulders in.

Cali was very fresh, prancing and dancing in giraffe pose. I just settled for relaxed stretch to the bit.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Tue Apr 13, 2021 11:34 am

So glad to hear the quarantine is over for you and your friend, Chisamba and that the horses are all well!

Saddle searching/waiting is a unique torture, so I really feel for everyone in saddle limbo.

I've been working on trying to get RP ready for first level stuff. Our LYs are getting better, one challenge when I practice my tests with him is that if I get distinct crossing, i finish early. If, I ride letter to letter, I don't get crossing. Little legs/pony problems. But I'm not sure what is the better test riding tactic. I know what is the better training--ride the correct LY.
Trot lengthenings still need work. He tends to get quick and downhill and i need to get better at getting long, slow stride. Admittedly I don't think i'm very good at riding extended trot and i just get into a 'go go go go go' mindset.

At a friend's (who is a trainer) recommendation I am going to introduce multiple changes to MM. Yes, her single change is not reliably clean. But after seeing some video and talking through the problems with me, my friend thinks a series of changes might actually help clean up the changes. So, it's worth trying esp as MM really likes to learn new things. So, I'm excited to start playing with that. Similarly, I've decided I'm going to start doing some light 'trick training' with MM. She is much more engaged with work and happier overall when she's learning new things but it can be hard to keep that up under saddle sometimes. But I think keeping her mind very engaged in other ways, will help keep her attitude alert and attentive in all our work.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:52 pm

Blob I don't know if it will help but I used to get decent scores on leg yields and half-passes on the stinker pony who really was handicapped in the stride length department. What I did was I would start the leg yield at the letter with clear cross over.I would go 2-3 strides depending on what letter I was supposed to end up at and then ask for a straight forward (very forward) stride- just one and then leg yield again 2-3 strides and so-on. I of course would have to practice each test to know my exact cadence of such a sequence; but, it worked. My scores were actually better because I was able to keep the forward thrust so-to-speak that so often people lose when they start to go side ways.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:10 pm

great tip, exvet! I will practice!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Tue Apr 13, 2021 4:24 pm

You guys, I had a Monday.

Saddle update is disappointing, delayed approximately 2 weeks due to them losing a saddler to retirement and the subsequent slow down in production. I'm bummed but had already started getting myself used to the idea of not seeing said saddle until May after the first push back.

Then I trundle off to the barn to find a fat legged Kora, well cruds. Check leg all over for cuts/lumps/bumps and nothing until I pick up foot and puss running out of blown out heel bulb. Positive I guess, I just laughed honestly. Horses...

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:07 pm

Sounds like several Mondays rolled into one!

I put Potters on the longe in looseish sidereins and let him just trot and canter around steadily for a while on Saturday--I think being able to move freely and forward was just what he needed. He tends to just stand around in turnout rather than expending energy. I couldn't ride Sunday, but yesterday I had a lesson and he felt like a different horse--much more forward and over his back, and less explosive. So I think I will incorporate a day of that a week into his training program and see how that works out.

Laddie went off to his retirement barn on Sunday. Reports so far are positive. I will run down and see him later in the week, once he's had a chance to settle in a bit. I think I'm going to find a blown-out heel bulb as well--that foot really smelled abscess-y when we pulled his shoes and pads before he left, so there's still something brewing even if we can't find it. Hoping barefoot movement will get something going.

Blob, I think trot lengthenings/extensions are really hard to teach--you've got to have quite a bit of collection and sit for them to come through, and then you've got to not shut it down by being bounced around in the saddle. One of the many things I really struggled with on Laddie, who doesn't really believe in "sit." Unlike Potters, who is the epitome of an uphill mover and has lovely extensions.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:27 pm

Chisamba, Exvet and Blob, sounds like things are going in the right direction! I always like hearing about what you guys are working on with your horses at the moment.

Aleuronx, I'm so sorry. It's sure been rough for you lately. I hope the abscess goes away quickly and that the saddle arrives!

Mountaineer, glad you are finding more things to help Potters! Sounds like things are coming together and you guys are doing well. Best of Luck to Laddie on his new journey.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:40 am

Well another successful clinic with Cedar in the books! I rode all 3 of mine to mixed results (Rip almost got me off) with great success with all our other rides. Joplin absolutely stepped up to the plate and delivered. Just stoked with her happy with Juliet and Gaila. Trying to decide what to do about Rip.

First steps of piaffe with one of our riders and just every ride for the most part showing improvement in all

Talking of lengthenings. Joplin it comes to her naturally. I have not felt that much power since my OTTB g I would get 8/9 s on extension with. Classic move of SI to medium and SITTING!! Missed getting it on video:( I was just stoked. I was giggling during my Saturday ride on her. Got some video of all 4 I rode. Even the beginnings of the almost parting of ways with Rip

Juliet US ... ort_Valley

Joplin first attempt at lengthening on the circle. This was her fussy day. She never pooped US and she while still was fun just not as good as Saturday and Monday ... ZKKOA#Home

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:12 am

Rip showing his bad side ... TEcgg#Home

I got off and lunged him. While his movement and abilities have definitely improved since last clinic his attitude with the more difficult work is depressing. Not sure I will keep riding him. We did get to work changes on Sunday and he was giving them a go but this reluctance to go forward and the bucking ugh. Not fun.

My mares though came to play. Gaila showing a bit of medium trot ... 590&type=3

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:39 am

And one of our riders and her mare’s first piaffe attempt ... 972&type=3.

Why I adore Joplin ... 89589/?d=n

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:22 am

Khall, I can't see the videos but the photos are all awesome. Really lovely riding. I'm glad you had such a productive clinic.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:23 am

Joplin is very attractive, Khall. Looks like you had a (mostly) productive time.

Sorry Rip is being so tough. I wonder if he gets panicky because of his respiratory issues?

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:40 am

Mountaineer this is not out of the norm for Rip though he usually saves it for lunging. He’s done this resistance since he was first lunged and this is how he got me off the first time US at 3 asking for him to go more forward. Explosive has been his answer instead of just stop like Tesla. He’s always been tough but I’m sure the airway does not help. Yet he is absolutely stunning when I get him going. Watched him on line gosh it was fun to watch. It’s just getting old and when you have one in the barn to ride like Joplin it’s really hard to see myself taking that risk again. I’ll work him from the ground where I’m more comfortable but I may just take a break from riding him for a bit. I’ve always preferred mares anyway and I have 3 that I ride.

Glad Potters is doing well. He sounds like a really nice horse.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:54 am

Mountaineer...Potters sounds like an a real blast to work with. I am happy for you.

Kyra has been on a reduced work schedule due to Mom's go round with the same GI scourge that I had. She is finally feeling I have to get her strengthened up a bit. Same for Kyra. She just looks like she has been standing around a lot. She has been working well though. 2 rides ago, I tried canter again. We did canter on a 20m circle then down to a 10m circle then walk and canter again. Despite, her lack of work, she was doing quite well. The downwards were not quite the feather landing feeling but she definitely wasn't dumping on the forehand. back (or SI) hated it. So last ride, I just did walk and trot. Back still hated it :evil: . I don't know what is effed up. The pain is on the left side (side I had worked on for my bulging disc was) but much lower...down in my sacrum. None of the stretching or exercises seem to be getting to it. I hate going to the doctor for it. Like I haven't dealt with it forever but if it doesn't calm down soon, I will. I do not like being in pain when I ride. Even with the bulging disc and before surgery, doing walk work at least loosened things up. GRRRR.

I think I will back off on the riding for a couple days and try long reining. That should get her some honest work into connection and hopefully start her on the road to fitness. I would like to get her over to the track and would be happy walking laps...for my dear arena flower, this is like a trail ride in the wilds :lol: but they are still doing road work and detouring tons of traffic down the road and I haven't felt like playing chicken to get across the road. I thought they were supposed to be done by the first week of April but obviously not.

Joplin looks great Khall. The Iberian breeds seem to have so much try in them and makes them such a joy to work with.

Aleuronx...prompt saddle delivery vibes coming your way.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:59 am

No point in taking the risk, really, Khall. It takes all the joy out of it and you have other responsibilities in your life that would be problematic if you got hurt.

It's not like you've GOT to ride him or he'll come to a bad end. Not all of them want to do what we want them to do. He can hang out and eat grass and be picturesque.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:38 am

Sounds like a productive clinic, Khall, despite a difficult Rip. I'd love to come audit a Cedar clinic one day at your place!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:28 pm

Khall, finally watched the videos. Rip's stunt looks no fun. But Joplin looks so fun and sweet! Such a trier!!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:42 pm

Sorry about Rip the pill! I wouldn’t want to risk getting hurt and then not be able to ride Joplin. She is SO lovely I imagine you’d be unhappy if you missed riding time on her because you got hurt.I go back and forth about riding my own Emma. She can be good but I have to be careful because if I make a mistake I could get bucked off. She’s only gotten me off once and I was lucky not to have gotten hurt. The whole time she was bucking I was thinking about how to land and not get hurt. It’s one thing to be young and hit the ground but a totally different thing after the age of 50 or so...

Thanks for the videos!! It really adds interest to the thread. I’d love to see some of your ground work, too.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:36 pm

Agree, great videos khall and glad you had a successful clinic. I think it's the challenging ones that make me appreciate being able to have more than one to ride ;)

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Apr 14, 2021 7:52 pm

Great schooling show update: my little rockstar did a steallar 2:1 for 65% with a silly mistake on my part . This was a similar score to 2020 (same test) but I saw a lot of improvement in collection, harmony and overall vibe. Nothing was really a surprise and I have already been working on the weaker areas. The SI in particular was really nice.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:30 pm

Thanks all for the positive and affirmation of my thoughts re Rip.
Demi here is a short clip of Cedar working with Joplin on diagnolizing on a rotation. Cedar worked many in this diagnolizing both on a small circle and on the straight for piaffe work. This is the beginning of it. Joplin is a bit of an overachiever with flexing her hind leg which actually slows her down a bit behind. What Cedar is doing is to time the whip to the outside front leg asking the inside rear to step at the same time which diagnolizes the walk. She would also target the outside fore leg to get more reach from it. On the straight she would work the outside hind to the inside fore. Sometimes would work both diagnols. Rip she was then adding energy for steps of piaffe. But this is the beginning of the work.

A couple of other helpful hints l: Joplin struggled a bit SI right so she would have me open the inside rein and hold just a bit to get her to release to the inside rein but just as important was to open the outside rein so the left shoulder had a place to go to using a bit of outside leg to encourage the reach of the outside shoulder.

For HP have the horse do HI through the corner and turn down CL HP to sideline. Or keep the horse straighter and ask more of the haunches to go sideways. This was for Juliet who finds sideways pretty difficult.

Working in hand she had us do SI in a draw to HI or renvere away on a circle. Moving quickly between the two. ... ort_Valley
The diagnolizing WIH

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Apr 15, 2021 1:54 am

Sometimes, Khall, a clinic like that is a blessing in disguise at it helps clarify one's mind.

So, I feel like Cinderella this evening. The saddle arrived in record time, and it fits pretty darned well. A little flocking to lift the front to my preferred balance, and I think it will be perfect.

Mr P was Mr Perfect, even though he's been stuck in all day due to a short-lived but rather hair-raising blizzard that dumped about 2" an hour of snow on us for about 3 or 4 hours.

Good job, Rye!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:46 pm

Congrats Ryeissa!! That is a cracking score for 2nd Level.

Love your clinic insight khall. Joplin looks like a joy, so nice that you have good horseflesh to bounce back to whatever decision you make for Rip. Horses are tricky beasts and it can be hard to know what path is best.

I think you sent me some good saddle juju Moutaineer as I got confirmation that my saddle will ship from the UK next week. How do I know for sure? They want final payment, lol. Still being patient as it will ship with others to the rep/have to get through customs and then rep will ship to me so I don't imagine I will see it next week depending on the actual day it gets out, more like the week after but at least we have a date!!

Kora's leg is tight as of last evening and abscess looks well drained and onto healing so lots of positives. We are due the same storm I think as tomorrow forecast is potential 6+ inches. Unamusing

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Apr 15, 2021 6:41 pm

sending new saddle vibes Aleuronx! I waited a LONG time for a bridle part from the UK over the winter, so I feel your pain.

I'm glad Kora is better- bummer about snow--- this year is weird for us as we usually get dumped on.

Side note: so proud of my horse- I've not been myself for a few months due to the loss of my beloved dog and work crap, but starting to feel a bit better. Just taking as many lessons as possible from my 2 trainers and staying as fit as possible.

Whatever fitness i THINK I need for 2/3rd levels-- just keep adding HAHAHAHAH Its like....really? :)

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:27 am

Good job, Rye and Riot! I know you don’t like to post pictures but at least a casual shot of the two of you wouldn’t hurt!!!

Thanks for the in hand vid, Khall. I would like to see Rocky doing exactly that same exercise bending to the right. I’m kind of afraid to try it though because I just dont have the experience and I might make things worse....

Good vibes for the new saddles, Al and mountaineer

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:00 am

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No action shots yet!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby heddylamar » Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:13 am

He's a handsome boy, Moutaineer!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Fri Apr 16, 2021 3:10 am

What a lovely boy Potters is mountaineer!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:46 pm

Ryeissa, glad you and your horse are in such a great place together work wise!! That's exciting.

Mountaineer, Potters is stunning!!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:09 pm

Congrats, Rye! Sounds like a super successful show and after the tough few months you've had, it must be an extra wonderful feeling!

Mountaineer, Potters is lovely. So glad to hear you guys are starting to build a good relationship and the Laddie seems to be enjoying retirement.

We are plugging along over here. RP was moved to a new pasture and has been a bit gassy since. I want to give it a few days before I bring anything about to the barn. I really don't want to be the difficult boarder. But my goodness he has such a delicate digestive system.

MM is supposed to get chiro work next week. She's been feeling a bit stuck in upward transitions. They are obedient but it's like she needs to pause and then pop up into then instead of flowing into them. Too much shoulder, not enough hind end and I'm wondering if she might need some adjustments in her body to get a bit more united.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:27 pm

Moutaineer, welcome to being owned by a chestnut. :D Potters is quite a handsome fellow; glad you were able to find a good saddle option for him as well.

Khall, with other horses to ride, the decision to set Rip aside makes a lot of sense. I'm sure he will be happy enough bopping around and looking handsome. Glad you have a good clinic otherwise!

Aleuronx, glad that your saddle is on the way, and Kora's leg is looking good again. Hopefully you'll have good riding weather by the time the saddle is in your hands! FWIW, I was over to my saddler who is a Lovatt & Rickett's dealer yesterday. She fit my Vinici to Tesla (actually didn't have to do anything) and my new Patrick to Annabelle, and was saying I should try to find another BC, she likes them that much. I hope you are very happy with yours!

Rye, glad you had a good show!

Yesterday Annabelle turned 8. I bought her right at her 4th birthday, so this marks half her lifetime with me. I snapped a pic when she spied the saddler's horse moving behind a line of trees, and thought it would be fun to put it side by side with one of the only pics I have from before I brought her home. She was meant to be a project horse, but that has turned out differently than my original plan. Interestingly, her tracings showed her now being a little bigger on the left than on the right, whereas the left has always been her smaller, punier side. Maybe I overdid things with building up the left side, but from here getting closer to symmetry seems possible. The tracings might also be a little off since she was a bit explosive and I prefer the saddler not get maimed. I was relieved that my judgement was correct that the Patrick will work on her; she took a bit out of the back and added a touch in front, so I'm looking forward to riding today and seeing if I feel a little more supported and balanced.

Tesla turned out to be significantly smaller on the left, which is her weak/contracted side, so that made sense. I am going to start using a shim on that side which I think might make it easier for me to keep my lateral balance in the saddle as well. Quite relieved also that she decided to grow into a saddle I already had. Hopefully we are good to go for at least a year. She has a layer of baby fat that should come off with work this summer, so there will be room for some muscle growth. She has turned into quite the solid girl; night and day from the gawky 2.5 year old I traded for a couple years ago!

April 14th(?) 2017
July 4, 2017:
April 15, 2021
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:34 pm

does anyone have one of these. my friends got it for me for my birthday.

I have to look up the application and put it together but I'm so excited
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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:25 am

Slipped on a patch of ice, ended up in the ER with a badly dislocated pinkie finger and a bit of a bang on the head.

Hand specialist next week.

Feeling very sorry for myself. I'd had a very productive lesson just before this happened.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:47 am

Damn Mountaineer. What rotten luck.

That’s a nice gift chisamba but so not tech savvy. Hope you get it working soon

SF A definitely has beefed out.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Flight » Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:41 am

Chisamba, I have a pixio which is the same but uses a camcorder, not phone for recording. Just set up following the rules and you'll be right. You may have to learn the best place for your beacons in your setup, but once you have it sorted, they are pretty good.

Potters is lovely! Enjoying reading your story with him.

It is interesting to see how they fill out SF!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Apr 18, 2021 11:19 am

Moutaineer wrote:Slipped on a patch of ice, ended up in the ER with a badly dislocated pinkie finger and a bit of a bang on the head.

Hand specialist next week.

Feeling very sorry for myself. I'd had a very productive lesson just before this happened.

damn! I hope you heal well

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:13 pm

Well dang it Moutaineer, I hope you heal and are able ride again soon!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:07 pm

I slightly changed my schedule this week with my horses. if in ride outdoors, before I quit, I go to the indoor and practice ride a test.

if I ride in the indoor, even if it's raining, before I finish I go ride a test on the outdoor. any test in my.mind, if it's a 4th level test I do simple changes in the diagonal, or simply adjust to suit the horses training level. ( leg yield instead is half pass) but I am trying to practice test riding and at the same time getting the horses accustomed to going directly to work in an arena they didn't warm up in.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:11 pm

COVID vaccines have kicked both mine and my husband's butts, so my horse got the weekend off. I'm itching to get out there later this afternoon though. The weather has been awful and I'm sure he's going to be a muddy mess though.

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