Cough/hay dust allergy

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Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:27 pm

Lynx developed a cough over the weekend. No discharge or snot. No fever or lethargy. Eating fine. Acting great actually.

But definitely is coughing. I texted my vet and she thinks it sounds like an allergy from dust in the hay. She advised that I wet the hay And try a cough syrup during work.

This is a bit distressing and if he is really developing some kind of horrible allergy I might even have to move Barns just because of the logistics.

If anybody have any other ideas or tips?

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby blob » Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:10 pm

Gosh this is so timely, last week MM started coughing out of nowhere. First day was just at the beginning of the ride (unusual for her, but not an alarm bell yet). Second day it was worse. Third day, vet was out anyway for vaccines so I had her take a look and she said lungs sounded good and it was likely allergies to something. So I started her on allergy pills. Since then it's been much better, but per vet's suggestion this week I will try taking her off to see if I just needed to break the cycle or if this is a long term thing.

So...all that to say, that would be my advice to you as well--try 5 days of allergy meds and see if you can break the cycle after something flared it up or if it's something long term. Vet had me give zyrtec (well, I bought the generic brand)-- 10 of the 24 hour pills a day and they are small enough to just toss in her food.

Also valuable input because if the allergy pills do nothing at all, it might not be allergies.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:13 pm

I'm sorry to hear that you are dealing with something similar blob. Lynx has coughed at rest too as well as on the lunge...

I'm glad to hear that maybe the Zyrtec is working for MM. I think I have some leftover from some hives with a different horse... My vett is in a big believer in how effective it is. But it is certainly easy enough to try and not really harmful.

I do think I will try that.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Tanga » Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:23 pm

We go through this with the horses regularly. If I'm having allergy symptoms, the horses and the cats usually are, too. The allergies are BAD here now since we've mostly been warm and everything has been blooming for awhile.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:50 pm

Tanga, do you do anything that helps them get through it? I've dealt with times but never a cough.

We had freezing temps about a week ago but it's been in the 50s the last few days... And I was sneezing quite a bit the other day.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby blob » Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:32 pm

MM was coughing at rest too, which is what made me go to allergy pills. I know views on effectiveness vary, but as you said, it's pretty harmless

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Chisamba » Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:47 pm

I tried Zyrtec at ten per day as per my vet, but after a bad breathing episode and a visit from a vet who specializes in asthma, heaves and allergies we increased the dose to 15 twice a day. Dr Fugaro, the specialist, said they have discovered that the dose has to be much higher to be truly effective.

The interesting thing about that is that when I have severe allergies and start needing my inhaler my allergist puts me on double dose Zyrtec too.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:37 am

Blob, exactly. Doesn't hurt to try.

Chisamba, That's very interesting and I'll definitely keep that in mind! Maybe that's why they don't see results as much with it, just not enough of a dose.

I'm attaching a little video clip that I got the other day. I was actually taking video of him rolling in the mud but he did do a few coughs after. You can see that he does expel some stuff out of his mouth. Nothing out of his nostrils that I've seen.

I'm not a vet but part of me wonders if he has something stuck or irritating in his throat other than just allergies. I read about someone finding like a little stick once they went in with a scope.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:38 am here is a video after he was coughing... With him opening and moving his mouth around... So those of you who think you've had horses done with allergies, does this seem similar? I'm kind of always one to be okay with having the vet out too soon then too late. But I haven't sent her these videos yet.

I'm going to take his temperature again tonight and train it everyday to keep an eye. I'm not sure he's going to love that part though!

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Chisamba » Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:20 am

Without seeing him just standing and coughing I can understand why you would be concerned about something in his tongue or throat. It is possible he is trying to clear something.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:40 am

Chisamba I do wonder. I am sending my vet videos tomorrow to see if that changes her opinion and perhaps she can come out for an exam. I'm always going to have a weird things happen so you just never know!

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby blob » Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:50 am

Definitely a weird little thing he's doing after the cough. But a dry cough for a human, at least, can also involve a very itchy/scratchy throat, which might make him feel like he wants to/needs to clear something.

Let us know what your vet says about the video and hopefully whether it is viral or allergies that it clears up soon!

Chisamba, good to know about the zyrtec dosing. MM has improved with the 10 pills (so it seems)--she is no longer coughing at rest, but today I rode her and she still coughed at the beginning of the ride. So i wonder if she needs a higher dose. Either way, I really hope it's a strange flare up of something that will go away and not the onset of a new long term allergy.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Tanga » Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:14 am

LPS I have actually given the cats 5 mg of citrizine (human pill broke in half) for allergies and never really seen much difference. During allergy season, all three tend to do some coughs once they start trotting. I just let them until they are done, and they seem fine.

Your video looks a LOT like the videos my poor leasor sent me of my older mare on Thanksgiving when she had choke--something stuck in her throat. Apparently she did that for about two hours before I final saw her 50 texts and phone calls. By then she finally stopped and would eat something or drink. I would say there's something annoying stuck in there.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:31 am

Well the barn said soaking hay is probably not realistic... So hopefully some Zyrtec helps. If not, I'm having the vet out. Might need to have her out sooner just to ease my mind.

Tanga, it's so intermittent and he's been feeling pretty happy I don't think it's super stressful but I do really wonder if there's just something small that stuck. Not life threatening but irritating... He's been doing it intermittently since Friday... Otherwise acting great. Actually got a massage on him on Friday afternoon even. So weird.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby exvet » Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:16 am

I have had two bouts of respiratory infection run through my barn this fall/winter. I keep my horses vaccinated but the training barn next door just keep constant movement of showing and breeding horses. None of mine have had a fever, none have gone off their feed but I have had coughing and snots, enough to have me cancel lessons, clinics and give horses time off. A cough does not always mean an allergy even if there is no fever.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby heddylamar » Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:20 am

For my choker, the vets recommend slow-feeder hay nets and soaked grain, not soaked hay.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:28 pm

Exvet, I thought about you and others who dealt with the cough. Lynx has had no snot or anything. Did yours act like they felt a little down? Lynx has acted normal...maybe even extra energetic (spring!) I almost hope that it is just a mild virus. Sure would be less worrying than like Blob said, a long term allergy!

Heddy Lamar, that's a good point. I'm going to send vet videos today and see if that changes her mind about what's going on/coming out.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby blob » Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:39 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:I almost hope that it is just a mild virus. Sure would be less worrying than like Blob said, a long term allergy!

Agree--hoping for a cold!

noticed yesterday that after riding there was some discharge from MM's nose--it was white/clear. But that could also be from allergies.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby exvet » Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:58 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:Exvet, I thought about you and others who dealt with the cough. Lynx has had no snot or anything. Did yours act like they felt a little down? Lynx has acted normal...maybe even extra energetic (spring!) I almost hope that it is just a mild virus. Sure would be less worrying than like Blob said, a long term allergy!

Heddy Lamar, that's a good point. I'm going to send vet videos today and see if that changes her mind about what's going on/coming out.

No, none of mine acted as if they were lethargic or under the weather. They didn't miss a beat at any of their meals either and would run and chase each other around. I think we were lucky and clearly none developed a fever which is usually why you see lethargy/inappetence with URI (upper respiratory infection) or if the snot is so bad, they lose their sense of taste (presumably). I just vaccinated all of my guys again (last week) because I've been hearing one horse next door with chronic coughing. The HUGE reining championship in these parts takes place in two weeks so I know there will be lost of creeping crud going around and the weather is heating up just in time for the flies to help with that.

A couple of things to keep in mind. Depending on the virus, damage is done to the cilia of the trachea in horses to varying degrees with URI infection. It takes at least 3 months for the cilia/lining of the trachea to fully heal after such an insult. This is a horse's natural barrier to things like dust, irritants, etc. I have had horses maintain an occasional cough for months after recovering from a viral infection for this reason. The cough most often occurs at the beginning of some event - rolling, riding, playing when they're inhaling deeply and then after a couple of coughs to clear the throat usually doesn't persist through the exercise. Also, some of these infections - usually bacterial and/or fungal either as a primary or secondary infection can cause chronic problems in the gutteral pouches of horses also producing a nagging intermittent cough, eventually nasal discharge and in the worst cases, epistaxis (bloody nose). I used to work on the track and had a pediatric endoscope that I purchased from a MD for the soul purpose of scoping for a variety of upper airway disorders common in racing thoroughbreds. I kept that scope for a long time after I left equine practice and almost had a funeral for it when it became inoperable and more or less obsolete. My point is that scoping can provide answers to haunting questions that often is worth the price.

I had a horse with COPD/heaves as a kid. He was a saint but developed it after a particularly musty load of hay was obtained. I had him in a lesson program for little kids and he was about 14 in terms of the when/where it happened. His cough and lung sounds were classic. Unfortunately he lost not just stamina but a good bit of body condition as a result. This was long before ventipulmin ever found its way back into the US. I was illegally obtaining clenbuterol (the active ingredient in ventipulmin) from Canada to use on him. I eventually had to put him down because I simply couldn't keep him comfortable with steroids or clenbuterol. He was a 'worse' case scenario. I've diagnosed others that once their location was changed so that they were no longer getting such frequent exposure to the offending allergens and irritants and with the help of ventipulmin (along with some steroids still) were able to be kept in work except for the rare flare ups. If you are concerned that this may be going on, just for sanity sake I would have an exam and be prepared for a possible scoping. Yes, it's money spent but you may be able to sleep better at night.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:32 pm

Exvet thank you for such detailed information! I really appreciate that. Lynx has had no nasal discharge but gosh I kind of hope it is a mild virus. He doesn't seem to have trouble breathing.

I am all for having my vet out. But for some reason, vets around here are always so conservative or even non chalant about things. I might have to insist that I just want him checked over even for my own sanity if nothing else!!

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:33 pm

There is a vet that boards there so she took a quick look at him. Definitely not a full exam but listened to his lunges and looked him over for a second. Lungs sound good. She did say his teeth feel really sharp and need to be done.

He's been acting really odd. He's been very tense. He always has been a little bit looker but not tense. He's been that way on lunge too. Like bolting into the canter on the lunge which is highly unusual! And today he just could not get focused or relaxed.

His behavior certainly could just be a young horse spring fever! Maybe he just needs to really be worked but as he has a cough I don't feel like he can do that. He's getting a day or two off. Everybody has been insistent that he can stay in work but maybe he just doesn't feel good and that's making him act tense?

I did pick up some omeprazole too. He has been a tad girthy so treating him for that at some point seems like a fair idea.

Horses!!! I hope with some time off that he gets better.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:36 am

On top of the cough, its a puzzle going through the first four seasons with a horse and working out how they react to life, and change, and how they tell us they aren't feeling great or need more exercise, or any one of a million other things.

I hope he feels better soon!

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby blob » Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:34 am

MM's breathing has gotten worse. I called the vet and they can't come out for 3 weeks and were pretty unconcerned. But she's huffing at rest and making noises, so I'm really very stressed out and worried. I'm going to call again and see if I can at least pick up something. At this stage I might need to give her a steroid to get her breathing comfortable while I figure out what's triggering it all

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:36 pm

Mountaineer, exactly. I really don't know yet what is what. Plus being young, his own body is changing all the time which makes it more interesting.

Blob, I'm so sorry to hear that MM has taken a turn for the worst. Have you tried wetting her hay? I haven't tried yet as the logistics are hard for Lynx at this barn. If it was short term, I can do it. But long term, I think we would need to move Barns. So I hear you about the stress. I broke down yesterday in worry.

Jingles that they both get better.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby blob » Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:56 pm

She looked better this afternoon after bumping up to 2x a day Zyrtec starting this am. I also have some oral dex on hand in case things flare back up.

Even though vet is guessing dust/hay I think it's something that is growing/blooming outside. I thinki am due to do another round of allergy testing on her, so I'll work to set that up.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:39 pm

Good to hear that she looks to be improving. I just started Lynx on it once a day, fingers crossed

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby goldhorse » Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:20 am

I'm about 80 miles east of Tanga in N. California. Piggy started coughing 2 days ago similar to what LSP's video looks like. No fever. I think it's allergies. Everything is in bloom. My sinuses are clogged up too. My vet will be out on Monday so I'll have her check him just in case.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Mar 04, 2022 5:57 am

goldhorse wrote:I'm about 80 miles east of Tanga in N. California. Piggy started coughing 2 days ago similar to what LSP's video looks like. No fever. I think it's allergies. Everything is in bloom. My sinuses are clogged up too. My vet will be out on Monday so I'll have her check him just in case.

Oh my gosh! I hope Piggy feels okay, especially after everything else. Please keep us updated on that.

I'm in Colorado. Not green yet here but it was 70 degrees here. And we do have wind that carries stuff around. And I've heard that in some areas nearby honey bees have been really active (thinking pollen.)

My husband went out to check on him because I could not. But he did say that the stable hand told him that he didn't hear him cough at all today. Of course lately it's been more exercise induced but it started at rest last week- so maybe progress?

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:54 pm

Much better today! I think he only coughed 3 times early on in the ride, at the trot only. None at canter.

Fingers crossed.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Mar 06, 2022 3:57 pm

Yesterday, Lynx only coughed once at the beginning of work. So I'm hoping that the Zyrtec is in fact working ( or that it was a little virus that is working it's way through.)

I hope MM and Piggy are doing better as well.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:16 pm

Lynx has not coughed in a few days! I'm going to keep him on the Zyrtec for just a few more days and then take him off and see what happens. Because if it was a virus I certainly don't want to just keep them on Zyrtec for the heck of it.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby blob » Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:22 pm

so glad his cough is getting better!

You might want to try tapering him off the zyrtec that way if it is allergy you will also be able to establish the lowest possible dose. That's what vets have recommended in the past--get the allergy under control and then taper until you find the lowest dose to keep symptoms at bay. ANd of course if it was a virus, the lowest dose will be 0!

MM's cough and breathing unfortunately have not really resolved. The breathing difficulty seems better now that she is on 10 pills 2x a day, but she is still coughing. We've had a lot of rain this week so I was hoping that might literally dampen down her symptoms, but that does not seem to be the case. So, I'm not convinced the allergy is actually dust, if it is an allergy at all. I still have the dex if need be, but have not used it yet. i'm hoping today when I head out she will be better.

I'm also cautiously optimistic that with my barn move coming up that if there is an environmental allergen it might not be at the new place.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby blob » Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:26 am

Well, I gave in and gave her some dex this afternoon as there was just too much grunting while breathing going on. I think regardless of what triggered this, things are likely inflammed and agitated enough that they need something serious to tamper things down.

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Re: Cough/hay dust allergy

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Mar 10, 2022 2:24 pm

blob wrote:so glad his cough is getting better!

You might want to try tapering him off the zyrtec that way if it is allergy you will also be able to establish the lowest possible dose. That's what vets have recommended in the past--get the allergy under control and then taper until you find the lowest dose to keep symptoms at bay. ANd of course if it was a virus, the lowest dose will be 0!

MM's cough and breathing unfortunately have not really resolved. The breathing difficulty seems better now that she is on 10 pills 2x a day, but she is still coughing. We've had a lot of rain this week so I was hoping that might literally dampen down her symptoms, but that does not seem to be the case. So, I'm not convinced the allergy is actually dust, if it is an allergy at all. I still have the dex if need be, but have not used it yet. i'm hoping today when I head out she will be better.

I'm also cautiously optimistic that with my barn move coming up that if there is an environmental allergen it might not be at the new place.

Oh good tip on tapering. I will try that.

I'm sorry MM is still having some issues. I think Dex was the right call at this point, hopefully it will "break the cycle." And hopefully the move helps. When do you move again? Fingers crossed for her.

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